Raw File
Tip revision: 41ad97869fc1f041281409d158f533b16b5f7a5d authored by R. Kyle Bocinsky on 20 January 2016, 09:12:15 UTC
version 2.0.3
Tip revision: 41ad978
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/ITRDB_FUNCTIONS.R
\title{Download the latest version of the ITRDB, and extract given parameters.}
get_itrdb(template = NULL, label = NULL, recon.years = NULL,
  calib.years = NULL, species = NULL, measurement.type = NULL,
  chronology.type = NULL, makeSpatial = F, raw.dir = "./RAW/ITRDB/",
  extraction.dir = "./EXTRACTIONS/ITRDB/", force.redo = FALSE)
\item{template}{A Raster* or Spatial* object to serve 
as a template for selecting chronologies. If missing, 
all available global chronologies are returned.}

\item{label}{A character string naming the study area.}

\item{recon.years}{A numeric vector of years over which reconstructions are needed; 
if missing, the union of all years in the available chronologies are given.}

\item{calib.years}{A numeric vector of all required years---chronologies without these years will be discarded; 
if missing, all available chronologies are given.}

\item{species}{A character vector of 4-letter tree species identifiers; 
if missing, all available chronologies are given.}

\item{measurement.type}{A character vector of measurement type identifiers. Options include:
\item "Total Ring Density"
\item "Earlywood Width"
\item "Earlywood Density"
\item "Latewood Width"
\item "Minimum Density"
\item "Ring Width"
\item "Latewood Density"
\item "Maximum Density"
\item "Latewood Percent"
if missing, all available chronologies are given.}

\item{chronology.type}{A character vector of chronology type identifiers. Options include:
\item "Low Pass Filter"
\item "Residual"
\item "Standard"
\item "Re-Whitened Residual"
\item "Measurements Only"
if missing, all available chronologies are given.}

\item{makeSpatial}{Should the metadata be presented as a SpatialPointsDataFrame? Defaults to FALSE.}

\item{raw.dir}{A character string indicating where raw downloaded files should be put.
The directory will be created if missing. Defaults to "./RAW/ITRDB/".}

\item{extraction.dir}{A character string indicating where the extracted and cropped ITRDB dataset should be put.
The directory will be created if missing. Defaults to "./EXTRACTIONS/ITRDB/".}

\item{force.redo}{If an extraction already exists, should a new one be created? Defaults to FALSE.}
A named list containing the "metadata", "widths", and "depths" data.
\code{get_itrdb} returns a named list of length 3: 
\item "metadata": A data.table or \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} (if \code{makeSpatial==TRUE}) of the locations 
and names of extracted ITRDB chrononlogies,
\item "widths": A matrix of tree-ring widths/densities given user selection, and
\item "depths": A matrix of tree-ring sample depths.

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