Raw File
Tip revision: cfb0abfe3d1ecc26d4bdfa13c45c68fa877bdd51 authored by Guido Schwarzer on 29 November 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.1-4
Tip revision: cfb0abf
funnel.meta <- function(x,
                        xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL,
                        comb.fixed=x$comb.fixed, comb.random=x$comb.random,
                        pch=if (!inherits(x, "trimfill")) 21 else ifelse(x$trimfill, 1, 21),
                        text=NULL, cex=1,
                        lty.fixed=2, lty.random=9,
                        lwd=1, lwd.fixed=lwd, lwd.random=lwd,
                        col="black", bg="darkgray",
                        col.fixed="black", col.random="black",
                        log="", yaxis="se",
                        contour.levels=NULL, col.contour,
                        ref=ifelse(x$sm %in% c("RR", "OR", "HR"), 1, 0),
                        studlab=FALSE, cex.studlab=0.8,
  if (!inherits(x, "meta"))
    stop("Argument 'x' must be an object of class \"meta\"")
  if (inherits(x, "metacum"))
    stop("Funnel plot not meaningful for object of class \"metacum\"")
  if (inherits(x, "metainf"))
    stop("Funnel plot not meaningful for object of class \"metainf\"")
  TE <- x$TE
  seTE <- x$seTE
  TE.fixed <- x$TE.fixed
  TE.random <- x$TE.random
  sm <- x$sm
  if (is.logical(studlab) && studlab)
    studlab <- x$studlab
  if (length(comb.fixed)==0){
    comb.fixed <- FALSE
  if (length(comb.random)==0){
    comb.random <- FALSE
  if (length(level)==0){
    level <- NULL
  if(length(TE) != length(seTE))
    stop("length of argument TE and seTE must be equal")
  if (!is.null(level) && (level<=0|level>=1))
    stop("no valid level for confidence interval")
  if (!is.null(contour.levels) &&
    stop("contour.levels must be between 0 and 1")
  iyaxis <- charmatch(yaxis,
                     c("se", "size", "invvar", "invse"),
                     nomatch = NA)
  if( | iyaxis==0)
    stop("yaxis should be \"se\", \"size\", \"invvar\", or \"invse\"")
  yaxis <- c("se", "size", "invvar", "invse")[iyaxis]
  seTE[is.infinite(seTE)] <- NA
  if ( yaxis == "se" )
    seTE.min <- 0
    seTE.min <- min(seTE, na.rm=TRUE)
  seTE.max <- max(seTE, na.rm=TRUE)
  if (!is.null(level)){
    seTE.seq <- seq(seTE.min, seTE.max, length.out=500)
    ciTE <- ci(TE.fixed, seTE.seq, level)
    TE.xlim <- 1.025*c(min(c(TE, ciTE$lower), na.rm=TRUE),
                       max(c(TE, ciTE$upper), na.rm=TRUE))
  if (match(sm, c("OR", "RR", "HR"), nomatch=0)>0){
    TE <- exp(TE)
    TE.fixed <- exp(TE.fixed)
    TE.random <- exp(TE.random)
    if (!is.null(level)){
      ciTE$lower <- exp(ciTE$lower)
      ciTE$upper <- exp(ciTE$upper)
      TE.xlim <- exp(TE.xlim)
    if (log=="") log <- "x"
  ## y-value: weight
  if (yaxis=="invvar") weight <- 1/seTE^2
  if (yaxis=="invse")  weight <- 1/seTE
  if (yaxis=="se") weight <- seTE
  if (yaxis=="size")
    if (inherits(x, "metabin") || inherits(x, "metacont"))
      weight <- floor(x$n.e)+floor(x$n.c)
    else if (length(x$n.e)>0 & length(x$n.c)>0)
      weight <- floor(x$n.e)+floor(x$n.c)
    else if (inherits(x, "metaprop"))
      weight <- floor(x$n)
    else if (length(x$n)>0)
      weight <- floor(x$n)
      stop("no information on sample size available in object '",
           deparse(substitute(x)), "'")
  ## x-axis: labels / xlim
  if (is.null(xlab)){
    if      (sm=="OR" ) xlab <- "Odds Ratio"
    else if (sm=="RD" ) xlab <- "Risk Difference"
    else if (sm=="RR" ) xlab <- "Relative Risk"
    else if (sm=="SMD") xlab <- "Standardised mean difference"
    else if (sm=="WMD"|sm=="MD") xlab <- "Mean difference"
    else if (sm=="HR" ) xlab <- "Hazard Ratio"
    else if (sm=="AS" ) xlab <- "Arcus Sinus Transformation"
    else if (sm=="proportion" ){
      if (inherits(x, "metaprop"))
        if (!x$freeman.tukey)
          xlab <- "Proportion (arcsine transformation)"
          xlab <- "Proportion (Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation)"
    else xlab <- sm
  if (is.null(xlim) & !is.null(level) &
      (yaxis == "se" |
       yaxis == "invse" |
       yaxis == "invvar"))
    xlim <- TE.xlim
  else if (is.null(xlim))
    xlim <- range(TE, na.rm=TRUE)
  ## y-axis: labels / ylim
  if (yaxis=="se"   & is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Standard error"
  if (yaxis=="size" & is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Study size"
  if (yaxis=="invvar" & is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Inverse of variance"
  if (yaxis=="invse" & is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Inverse of standard error"
  if (is.null(ylim) & yaxis=="se") ylim <- c(max(weight, na.rm=TRUE), 0)
  if (is.null(ylim)              ) ylim <- range(weight, na.rm=TRUE)
  ## plot
  plot(TE, weight, type="n",
       xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
       axes=axes, log=log, ...)
  if (!is.null(contour.levels) & yaxis!="size"){
    if (missing(col.contour))
      if (length(contour.levels)<2)
        col.contour <- "gray50"
        col.contour <- gray(seq(0.5, 0.9, len=length(contour.levels)))
    if (length(contour.levels)!=length(col.contour))
      stop("arguments 'contour.levels' and 'col.contour' must be of the same length")
    seTE.cont <- seq(seTE.max, seTE.min, length.out=500)
    if (match(sm, c("OR", "RR", "HR"), nomatch=0)>0)
      ref <- log(ref)
    j <- 0
    for (i in contour.levels){
      j <- j+1
      ciContour <- ci(ref, seTE.cont, i)
      if (match(sm, c("OR", "RR", "HR"), nomatch=0)>0){
        ciContour$TE    <- exp(ciContour$TE)
        ciContour$lower <- exp(ciContour$lower)
        ciContour$upper <- exp(ciContour$upper)
      sel.l <- ciContour$lower>min(xlim) & ciContour$lower<max(xlim)
      sel.u <- ciContour$upper>min(xlim) & ciContour$upper<max(xlim)
      min.l <- min(ciContour$lower)
      max.l <- max(ciContour$lower)
      min.u <- min(ciContour$upper)
      max.u <- max(ciContour$upper)
      if (yaxis=="se"){
        if (max.u<min(xlim) | min.l > max(xlim)){
          contour.u.x <- c(min(xlim), min(xlim), max(xlim), max(xlim))
          contour.u.y <- c(min(ylim), max(ylim), max(ylim), min(ylim))
          contour.l.x <- NA
          contour.l.y <- NA
        else {
          contour.l.x <- c(min(xlim), min(xlim),
                           if (any(sel.l)) max(ciContour$lower[sel.l]) else NA)
          contour.l.y <- c(min(ylim), max(ylim), seTE.cont[sel.l],
          contour.u.x <- c(max(xlim), max(xlim),
                           if (any(sel.u)) min(ciContour$upper[sel.u]) else NA)
          contour.u.y <- c(min(ylim), max(ylim), seTE.cont[sel.u],
      if (yaxis=="invvar"){
        if (max.u<min(xlim) | min.l > max(xlim)){
          contour.u.x <- c(min(xlim), min(xlim), max(xlim), max(xlim))
          contour.u.y <- c(max(ylim), min(ylim), min(ylim), max(ylim))
          contour.l.x <- NA
          contour.l.y <- NA
        else {
          contour.l.x <- c(min(xlim), min(xlim),
                           if (any(sel.l)) max(ciContour$lower[sel.l]) else NA)
          contour.l.y <- c(max(ylim), min(ylim), 1/seTE.cont[sel.l]^2,
          contour.u.x <- c(max(xlim), max(xlim),
                           if (any(sel.u)) min(ciContour$upper[sel.u]) else NA)
          contour.u.y <- c(max(ylim), min(ylim), 1/seTE.cont[sel.u]^2,
      if (yaxis=="invse"){
        if (max.u<min(xlim) | min.l > max(xlim)){
          contour.u.x <- c(min(xlim), min(xlim), max(xlim), max(xlim))
          contour.u.y <- c(max(ylim), min(ylim), min(ylim), max(ylim))
          contour.l.x <- NA
          contour.l.y <- NA
        else {
          contour.l.x <- c(min(xlim), min(xlim),
                           if (any(sel.l)) max(ciContour$lower[sel.l]) else NA)
          contour.l.y <- c(max(ylim), min(ylim), 1/seTE.cont[sel.l],
          contour.u.x <- c(max(xlim), max(xlim),
                           if (any(sel.u)) min(ciContour$upper[sel.u]) else NA)
          contour.u.y <- c(max(ylim), min(ylim), 1/seTE.cont[sel.u],
      polygon(contour.l.x, contour.l.y,
              col=col.contour[j], border=FALSE)
      polygon(contour.u.x, contour.u.y,
              col=col.contour[j], border=FALSE)
  if (is.null(text))
    points(TE, weight, pch=pch, cex=cex, col=col, bg=bg)
    text(TE, weight, labels=text, cex=cex, col=col)
  if (comb.fixed)
    lines(c(TE.fixed, TE.fixed), range(ylim), lty=lty.fixed, lwd=lwd.fixed, col=col.fixed)
  if (comb.random)
    lines(c(TE.random, TE.random), range(ylim), lty=lty.random, lwd=lwd.random, col=col.random)
  if (!is.null(level) & yaxis=="se"){
    points(ciTE$lower, seTE.seq, type="l", lty=lty.fixed, lwd=lwd.fixed)
    points(ciTE$upper, seTE.seq, type="l", lty=lty.fixed, lwd=lwd.fixed)
  if (!is.null(level) & yaxis=="invvar"){
    points(ciTE$lower, 1/seTE.seq^2, type="l", lty=lty.fixed, lwd=lwd.fixed)
    points(ciTE$upper, 1/seTE.seq^2, type="l", lty=lty.fixed, lwd=lwd.fixed)
  if (!is.null(level) & yaxis=="invse"){
    points(ciTE$lower, 1/seTE.seq, type="l", lty=lty.fixed, lwd=lwd.fixed)
    points(ciTE$upper, 1/seTE.seq, type="l", lty=lty.fixed, lwd=lwd.fixed)

  if (!is.null(contour.levels) & yaxis!="size")
    res <- list(col.contour=col.contour)
    res <- NULL

  if (!is.logical(studlab) && length(studlab)>0)
    text(TE, weight, labels=studlab, pos=2, cex=cex.studlab)  
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