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Tip revision: 267abaa96cae63dd7872bb21b2613bd067b0a9f4 authored by Hans W. Borchers on 30 January 2018, 13:20:01 UTC
version 2.1.4
Tip revision: 267abaa
\title{Shooting Method}
  The shooting method solves the boundary value problem for 
  second-order differential equations.
shooting(f, t0, tfinal, y0, h, a, b,
         itermax = 20, tol = 1e-6, hmax = 0)
  \item{f}{function in the differential equation \eqn{y'' = f(x, y, y')}.}
  \item{t0, tfinal}{start and end points of the interval.}
  \item{y0}{starting value of the solution.}
  \item{h}{function defining the boundary condition as a function at the
           end point of the interval.}
  \item{a, b}{two guesses of the derivative at the start point.}
  \item{itermax}{maximum number of iterations for the secant method.}
  \item{tol}{tolerance to be used for stopping and in the \code{ode45}
  \item{hmax}{maximal step size, to be passed to the solver.}
  A second-order differential equation is solved with boundary conditions
  \code{y(t0) = y0} at the start point of the interval, and
  \code{h(y(tfinal), dy/dt(tfinal)) = 0} at the end. The zero of
  \code{h} is found by a simple secant approach.
  Returns a list with two components, \code{t} for grid (or `time')
  points between \code{t0} and \code{tfinal}, and \code{y} the solution
  of the differential equation evaluated at these points.
  L. V. Fausett (2008). Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB.
  Second Edition, Pearson Education Inc.
  Replacing secant with Newton's method would be an easy exercise.
  The same for replacing \code{ode45} with some other solver.
#-- Example 1
f <- function(t, y1, y2) -2*y1*y2
h <- function(u, v) u + v - 0.25

t0 <- 0; tfinal <- 1
y0 <- 1
sol <- shooting(f, t0, tfinal, y0, h, 0, 1)
plot(sol$t, sol$y[, 1], type='l', ylim=c(-1, 1))
xs <- linspace(0, 1); ys <- 1/(xs+1)
lines(xs, ys, col="red")
lines(sol$t, sol$y[, 2], col="gray")

#-- Example 2
f <- function(t, y1, y2) -y2^2 / y1
h <- function(u, v) u - 2
t0 <- 0; tfinal <- 1
y0 <- 1
sol <- shooting(f, t0, tfinal, y0, h, 0, 1)
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