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Tip revision: f0ba8a5d88ce30d08c8312fd9b882f2ff051d91b authored by Hans W. Borchers on 25 August 2018, 21:00:11 UTC
version 2.1.5
Tip revision: f0ba8a5
\title{Fitting a Circle}
  Fitting a circle from points in the plane
circlefit(xp, yp, fast = FALSE)
  \item{xp, yp}{Vectors representing the x and y coordinates of plane points}
  \item{fast}{logical; shall a fast, non-optimized solution be returned?}
  This routine first finds an `algebraic' solution based on a linear fit
  and then calls \code{optim} with this solution as starting point.
  If \code{fast} is \code{TRUE} the algebraic solution will not be

  The value to be minimized is the distance of the given points to the
  nearest point on the circle.
  Returns x- and y-coordinates of the center and the radius as a vector
  of length 3.

  Writes the RMS error of the distance of the original points to the circle
  directly onto the console.
  Gander, W., G. H. Golub, and R. Strebel (1994). Fitting of Circles and
  Ellipses --- Least Squares Solutions. ETH Zürich, Technical Report 217,
  Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen.
  May be worth to apply \code{nls} instead of \code{optim}.
# set.seed(8421)
n  <- 20
w  <- 2*pi*runif(n)
xp <- cos(w) + 1 + 0.25 * (runif(n) - 0.5)
yp <- sin(w) + 1 + 0.25 * (runif(n) - 0.5)

circlefit(xp, yp, fast = TRUE)  #=> 0.9899628 1.0044920 1.0256633
                                # RMS error: 0.07631986 
rslt <- circlefit(xp, yp)       #=> 0.9965782 1.0009066 1.0240452
                                # RMS error: 0.07611598
x0 <- rslt[1]; y0 <- rslt[2]; r0 <- rslt[3]
plot(c(-0.2, 2.2), c(-0.2, 2.2), type="n", asp=1)
abline(h=0, col="gray"); abline(v=0, col="gray")
points(xp, yp, col="darkred")

w  <- seq(0, 2*pi, len=100)
xx <- r0 * cos(w) + x0
yy <- r0 * sin(w) + y0
lines(xx, yy, col="blue")}
\keyword{ fitting }
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