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Tip revision: f0ba8a5d88ce30d08c8312fd9b882f2ff051d91b authored by Hans W. Borchers on 25 August 2018, 21:00:11 UTC
version 2.1.5
Tip revision: f0ba8a5
Savitzky-Golay Smoothing
  Polynomial filtering method of Savitzky and Golay.
savgol(T, fl, forder = 4, dorder = 0)
  \item{T}{Vector of signals to be filtered.}
  \item{fl}{Filter length (for instance fl = 51..151), has to be odd.}
  \item{forder}{Filter order (2 = quadratic filter, 4 = quartic).}
  \item{dorder}{Derivative order (0 = smoothing, 1 = first derivative, etc.).}
  Savitzky-Golay smoothing performs a local polynomial regression on a
  series of values which are treated as being equally spaced to determine
  the smoothed value for each point.
  Methods are also provided for calculating derivatives.
  Vector representing the smoothed time series.
  See Numerical Recipes, 1992, Chapter 14.8, for details.
  Peter Riegler implemented a Matlab version in 2001. Based on this,
  Hans W. Borchers published an R version in 2003.
  For derivatives T2 has to be divided by the step size to the order\cr
  (and to be multiplied by k! --- the sign appears to be wrong).
\code{RTisean::sav_gol}, \code{signal::sgolayfilt}, \code{\link{whittaker}}.
# *** Sinosoid test function ***
ts <- sin(2*pi*(1:1000)/200)
t1 <- ts + rnorm(1000)/10
t2 <- savgol(t1, 51)
plot( 1:1000, t1, col = "grey")
lines(1:1000, ts, col = "blue")
lines(1:1000, t2, col = "red")}
\keyword{ timeseries }
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