Raw File
Tip revision: e7952465c2a8026d38c6dd7b03df7c458a87a808 authored by R. Kyle Bocinsky on 12 March 2018, 19:21:35 UTC
version 2.5.2
Tip revision: e795246
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/NLCD_FUNCTIONS.R
\title{Download and crop the National Land Cover Database.}
get_nlcd(template, label, year = 2011, dataset = "landcover",
  raw.dir = "./RAW/NLCD", extraction.dir = paste0("./EXTRACTIONS/", label,
  "/NLCD"), raster.options = c("COMPRESS=DEFLATE", "ZLEVEL=9",
  "INTERLEAVE=BAND"), force.redo = F)
\item{template}{A Raster* or Spatial* object to serve 
as a template for cropping.}

\item{label}{A character string naming the study area.}

\item{year}{An integer representing the year of desired NLCD product.
Acceptable values are 2011 (default), 2006, and 2001.}

\item{dataset}{A character string representing type of the NLCD product.
Acceptable values are 'landcover' (default), 'impervious', and 'canopy'.
As of February 7, 2018, the canopy data for 2006 are not available through the National Map Staged datasets,
and so aren't available in FedData.}

\item{raw.dir}{A character string indicating where raw downloaded files should be put.
The directory will be created if missing. Defaults to './RAW/NLCD/'.}

\item{extraction.dir}{A character string indicating where the extracted and cropped DEM should be put.
The directory will be created if missing. Defaults to './EXTRACTIONS/NLCD/'.}

\item{raster.options}{a vector of options for raster::writeRaster.}

\item{force.redo}{If an extraction for this template and label already exists, should a new one be created?}
A \code{RasterLayer} DEM cropped to the extent of the template.
\code{get_nlcd} returns a \code{RasterLayer} of NLCD data cropped to a given
template study area.
# Extract data for the Village Ecodynamics Project 'VEPIIN' study area:
vepPolygon <- polygon_from_extent(raster::extent(672800,740000,4102000,4170000), 
     proj4string='+proj=utm +datum=NAD83 +zone=12')

# Get the NLCD (USA ONLY)
# Returns a raster
NLCD <- get_nlcd(template=vepPolygon, label='VEPIIN')

# Plot with raster::plot
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