Raw File
Tip revision: 683e381531c37e8e7224edd899422f119d926418 authored by Martin Schlather on 21 January 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.0.10
Tip revision: 683e381
 Martin Schlather,

 Definition of auxiliary correlation functions 

 * Never use the below functions directly, but only by the functions indicated 
   in RFsimu.h, since there is gno error check (e.g. initialization of RANDOM)
 * VARIANCE, SCALE are not used here 
 * definitions for the random coin method can be found in
 * definitions for genuinely anisotropic or nonsta     tionary models are in; hyper models also in

 Copyright (C) 2001 -- 2003 Martin Schlather
 Copyright (C) 2004 -- 2004 Yindeng Jiang & Martin Schlather
 Copyright (C) 2005 -- 2014 Martin Schlather

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.  

#include <math.h>
#include "RF.h"
#include "Covariance.h"
//#include <R_ext/Lapack.h>
//#include <R_ext/Applic.h>
//#include <R_ext/Utils.h>     
//#include <R_ext/BLAS.h> 

void kdefault(cov_model *cov, int i, double v) {

  // PMI(cov);

  cov_fct *C = CovList + cov->nr; // nicht gatternr
  if (PisNULL(i)) {
    if (C->kappatype[i]==REALSXP) {
      PALLOC(i, 1, 1);
      P(i)[0] = v;
    } else if (C->kappatype[i]==INTSXP) {
      PALLOC(i, 1, 1); 
      PINT(i)[0] = (int) v;
    } else if (C->kappatype[i] == LISTOF + REALSXP) {
      //char msg[100];      
      PRINTF("%s:%s (%d) unexpected list\n", C->nick, C->kappanames[i], i);
    } else {
      //char msg[100];
      PRINTF("%s:%s (%d) is not defined\n", C->nick, C->kappanames[i], i);
    cov->nrow[i] = cov->ncol[i] = 1;
  } else if (!GLOBAL.general.skipchecks) {    
    if (cov->nrow[i] != 1 || cov->ncol[i] != 1) { 
      LPRINT("%d %s %d nrow=%d, ncol=%d\n", 
	     cov->nr, NICK(cov), i, cov->nrow[i], cov->ncol[i]);
      int j; for (j=0; j<cov->ncol[i] * cov->nrow[i]; j++) {
	LPRINT("%f\n", P(i)[j]);
      char param_name[100]; 
      strcpy(param_name, CovList[cov->nr].kappanames[i]); 
      PERR("parameter not scalar -- contact author.");

void updatepref(cov_model *cov, cov_model *sub) {
  int i;
  for (i=0; i< Forbidden; i++) {
    if (i==Specific) continue;
    if (sub->pref[i] < cov->pref[i]) {
      cov->pref[i] = sub->pref[i];

signed char is_monotone(cov_model *cov) {
  cov_fct *C = CovList + cov->nr;// nicht gatternr
  signed char monotone;

  assert(NOT_COMPLETELYMON == false);

  monotone = cov->nr != NUGGET;

  // print("monotone A %d\n", monotone);

  if (monotone>NOT_COMPLETELYMON) {
    if (C->domain == PREVMODELD) monotone=SUBMODEL_DEP;
    else if (isPosDef(cov->typus)) monotone=NORMAL_ MIXTURE;
    else if (isNegDef(cov->typus)) monotone=BERN STEIN; 
    else monotone = NOT_COMPLETELYMON;

  //  print("monotone B %d\n", monotone);

  if (monotone>NOT_COMPLETELYMON) {
    if (C->isotropy == PREVMODELI) monotone=SUBMODEL_DEP;
    else if (C->isotropy > ISOTROPIC) monotone=NOT_COMPLETELYMON;

  //print("monotone C %d\n", monotone);

  if (monotone>NOT_COMPLETELYMON) {
    if (C->maxdim == SUBMODEL_DEP) monotone=SUBMODEL_DEP;
    else if (C->maxdim < INFDIM) monotone=NOT_COMPLETELYMON;

  //  PMI(cov);
  if (monotone>NOT_COMPLETELYMON && C->finit erange) BUG; //finite range contradicts monotone scale mixture
  return monotone;

void setdefault(cov_model *cov) {
  // Achilles-Ferse: setdefault wird aufgerufen bevor die Varianten
  // der Modelle und Operatoren feststehen -- die Parameter unten muessen, falls
  // notwendig von Hand in den checks gesetzt werden.

//  cov_model *prev=cov->calling;
  int i;
  cov_fct *C = CovList + cov->nr;// nicht gatternr
  cov->logspeed = RF_NAN;

  cov->maxdim = C->maxdim;
  cov->vdim2[0] = cov->vdim2[1] = cov->vdim = C->vdim; 
  assert(C->vdim != MISMATCH);
  cov->vdim2[0] = cov->vdim2[1] = MISMATCH;
  if (C->vdim == PREVMODEL_DEP || C->vdim == SUBMODEL_DEP) {
    cov->vdim = cov->calling != NULL ? cov->calling->vdim : 

  //printf("$$$$ %s: vdim %d C=%d maxdim=%d \n", C->nick, cov->vdim, C->vdim, cov->maxdim);

  cov->xdimown = cov->xdimprev;
  if (C->isotropy == ISOTROPIC && isPosDef(cov->typus) &&
    cov->logspeed = 0.0;
  cov->finiterange = C->finiterange;  

  cov->diag = 
    cov->semiseparatelast = 
    cov->separatelast = true;

  MEMCOPY(cov->pref, C->pref, sizeof(pref_shorttype)); 

  for (i=Nothing+1; i<Forbidden; i++) cov->pref[i] = PREF_NONE;

  cov->deterministic = !isRandom(cov);
  cov->method = Forbidden;

  cov->taylorN = C->TaylorN;
  cov->tailN = C->TailN;
  for (i=0; i<=cov->taylorN; i++) {
    cov->taylor[i][TaylorConst] = C->Taylor[i][TaylorConst];
    cov->taylor[i][TaylorPow] = C->Taylor[i][TaylorPow];
  for (i=0; i<=cov->tailN; i++) {
    cov->tail[i][TaylorConst] = C->Tail[i][TaylorConst];
    cov->tail[i][TaylorPow] = C->Tail[i][TaylorPow];
    cov->tail[i][TaylorExpConst] = C->Tail[i][TaylorExpConst];
    cov->tail[i][TaylorExpPow] = C->Tail[i][TaylorExpPow];


void set_integer(int *val, int sub){
  if (*val == SUBMODEL_DEP) *val = sub;
  else {    
    //    if (*val == PARAM_DEP) {cov_model *cov; crash(cov);}
    assert(*val != PARAM_DEP);
    if (sub < *val) *val = sub;

void set_extbool(ext_bool *val, ext_bool sub){
  if (*val == SUBMODEL_DEP) *val = sub;
  else {
    if (sub < *val) *val = sub;

// no setbackard
void setbackward(cov_model *cov, cov_model *sub) {
   cov_fct *C = CovList + cov->nr;// nicht gatternr
 // see also check_co when changing
 //  PMI(cov);
 //   PMI(sub);
 //   if (sub == NULL) crash();

  assert(cov != NULL);
  assert(sub != NULL);
  //  printf("prae maxdim %s %s %s sub=%d %d\n", C->nick, NICK(sub),
  //	 NICK(sub),	 sub->maxdim, cov->maxdim);
  set_integer(&(cov->maxdim), sub->maxdim);

  //  printf("maxdim %s sub=%d %d\n", C->nick, sub->maxdim, cov->maxdim);
  // printf("%d %d\n", (cov->monotone), sub->monotone);
  //printf("%d %d\n", (cov->finiterange), sub->finiterange);

  //printf("%s mono %d %d\n", NICK(cov), (cov->monotone), sub->monotone);
  set_extbool(&(cov->monotone), sub->monotone);
  //printf("range %d %d\n", (cov->finiterange), sub->finiterange);
  set_extbool(&(cov->finiterange), sub->finiterange);
  cov->diag &= sub->diag;
//  cov->quasidiag &= sub->quasidiag;
  cov->separatelast &= sub->separatelast;
  cov->semiseparatelast &= sub->semiseparatelast;  
  if (sub->full_derivs < cov->full_derivs)
      cov->full_derivs = sub->full_derivs;
  //  PMI(cov);
  assert (cov->full_derivs >= -1 || 
	  (cov->full_derivs == MISMATCH && isRandom(cov) && isRandom(sub)));
  if (sub->rese_derivs < cov->rese_derivs)
      cov->rese_derivs = sub->rese_derivs;
  cov->loggiven &= sub->loggiven;
  updatepref(cov, sub);
  cov->tbm2num |= sub->tbm2num;

  if (C->vdim == SUBMODEL_DEP && (sub==cov->sub[0] || sub==cov->key)) {
    cov->vdim = sub->vdim;
    cov->vdim2[0] = sub->vdim2[0];
    cov->vdim2[1] = sub->vdim2[1];

  cov->hess = (CovList[cov->nr].hess != NULL && sub->hess);
  cov->deterministic &= sub->deterministic;

int checkkappas(cov_model *cov, bool errornull){
  cov_fct *C = CovList + cov->nr; // nicht gatternr

  int i,nr, nc,
    kappas= C->kappas,
    *ncol = cov->ncol,
    *nrow = cov->nrow;
  char param_name[PARAMMAXCHAR]; // used in QERR

  for (i=0; i<kappas; i++) {
    strcpy(param_name, C->kappanames[i]);
    if (PisNULL(i)) {
      cov_model *ks = cov->kappasub[i];     
      if (ks != NULL && (isRandom(C->kappaParamType[i]) || isRandom(ks))) {
	cov->deterministic = false;
	int err, len;
	nr = nrow[i];
	nc = ncol[i];
	  C->kappasize(i, cov, &nr, &nc); 
	  QERR("size of random parameter could not be determined -- please give the size explicitely");	
	len = nr * nc;	
	if ((err = CHECK_R(ks, len)) != NOERROR) {
	  QERR("random parameter not well defined");	
	if (cov->stor == NULL) cov->stor = (storage *) MALLOC(sizeof(storage));
	if ((err = INIT_RANDOM(ks, 0, cov->stor)) != NOERROR) { // wird spaeter
	  // gegebememfalls nochmals initialisiert mit richtigen moments
	  QERR("random parameter cannot be initialized");
	if (nr <= 0 || nc <= 0) 
	  QERR("size of random parameter cannot be determined");
	if (ks->vdim == MISMATCH) {
	  if (ks->vdim2[0] != nr || ks->vdim2[1] != nc) 
	    QERR("required size of random parameter does not match the model");
	} else {
	  if (ks->vdim != len || nr != nc) 
	    QERR("required size of random parameter does not match the model");

	switch (CovList[cov->nr].kappatype[i]) {
	case REALSXP :
	  PALLOC(i, nr, nc);
	  DORANDOM(ks, P(i));
	case INTSXP :
	  int j;
	  double *dummy;
	  PALLOC(i, nr, nc);
	  dummy = (double*) MALLOC(sizeof(double) * len);
	  DORANDOM(ks, dummy);
	  for (j=0; j<len; j++) PINT(i)[j] = (int) dummy[j];
	default : QERR("random parameter only allowed for numerical values");
      } else {
	if (errornull) {
	} else continue;

    C->kappasize(i, cov, &nr, &nc);   
    if (nc < 0 || nr < 0) {
    if (nc == 1 && ncol[i] != nc) {
      if (nr == 1 && nrow[i] != 1) QERR("must be a scalar");
      QERR("must be a vector, not a matrix");
    if (nc > 1 && ncol[i] == 1) QERR("parameter must be a (larger) matrix");
    if ((nc > 0 && ncol[i] != nc) || (nr > 0 && nrow[i] != nr)) {
      // PMI(cov);
      // nc==0, nr==0 is coded as SIZE_NOT_DETERMINED
      char msg[255];
      sprintf(msg, "not of the given size: (%d, %d) instead of (%d, %d)", 
	      nrow[i], ncol[i], nr, nc);
    // if nc==0 (nr==0) then this is undetermined.
  return NOERROR;

int checkkappas(cov_model *cov){
  return checkkappas(cov, true);

int alloc_mpp_M(cov_model *cov, int moments) {
  int maxmoments = CovList[cov->nr].maxmoments;
  // insbesondere fuer cov_models die selbst vom Random-Type sind
  assert(moments >= 0);
  assert(maxmoments != MISMATCH && maxmoments != PARAM_DEP);

  //  printf("alloc mpp %d %s %d \n", moments, NICK(cov), maxmoments);
  //if (!(maxmoments != MISMATCH && maxmoments != PARAM_DEP)) BUG;

  if (moments > maxmoments && maxmoments != SUBMODEL_DEP) 
    SERR2("required moments (%d) exceeds the coded moments (%d)",
	  moments, maxmoments);
  if (moments <= cov->mpp.moments) return NOERROR;
  if (cov->mpp.M != NULL) free_mpp_M(cov);
  cov->mpp.moments = moments;

  int i,
    nm = cov->mpp.moments + 1,
    byte = sizeof(double) * nm;

  cov->mpp.M = (double*) MALLOC(byte);
  cov->mpp.Mplus = (double*) MALLOC(byte);
  cov->mpp.Mplus[0] = cov->mpp.M[0] = RF_INF;

  for (i=1; i<nm; i++) cov->mpp.Mplus[i] = cov->mpp.M[i] = RF_NAN; 
  // cov->mpp.Mplus[0] = cov->mpp.M[0] = 1.0;
  return NOERROR;

void free_mpp_M(cov_model *cov) {
  cov->mpp.M = cov->mpp.Mplus = NULL;

int UpdateMPPprev(cov_model * cov, int moments) {
  cov_model *prev = cov->calling;
  int i, nm, err;
  nm = cov->mpp.moments < prev->mpp.moments ? cov->mpp.moments
      : prev->mpp.moments;
  //   print("nm=%d %d %d %s\n", nm, cov->mpp.moments, prev->mpp.moments, NICK(prev)); crash(); APMI(prev);
  if (moments >= 0 && prev != NULL) {
    if (prev->mpp.moments == SUBMODEL_DEP &&
	(err = alloc_mpp_M(prev, moments)) != NOERROR) return err;
    // PMI(prev);
    for (i=0; i<=nm; i++) {
      //print("nm=%d %d %d %s %d\n", nm, cov->mpp.moments, prev->mpp.moments, NICK(prev), i);
      prev->mpp.Mplus[i] = cov->mpp.Mplus[i];
      prev->mpp.M[i]     = cov->mpp.M[i];
  return NOERROR;

int INIT_intern(cov_model *cov, int moments, storage *s) {
  assert(cov != NULL);
  assert(cov->gatternr >= ISO2ISO && cov->gatternr <= SId);
  //  printf("INIT '%s' moments = %d\n", NICK(cov), moments);

  cov_fct *C = CovList + cov->nr;
  int err = NOERROR;
  sprintf(ERROR_LOC, "in %s: ", C->nick);
  // printf("errorloc %s\n", ERROR_LOC);
  if (cov->mpp.moments != SUBMODEL_DEP && cov->mpp.moments != PARAM_DEP) {
    if ((err = alloc_mpp_M(cov, moments)) != NOERROR) return err;
  } else {
    BUG; //assert(false); // passt das hier??
    if (cov->mpp.moments == PARAM_DEP) cov->mpp.moments = moments;
  //  printf("\n >>>> moment %s %d %d\n\n", NICK(cov), moments, C->maxmoments); //PMI(cov);

  if (C->maxmoments >= 0 && moments > C->maxmoments) {
      //printf("moment %s %d %d\n", NICK(cov), moments, C->maxmoments);PMI(cov);
      SERR3("moments known up to order %d for '%s', but order %d required",
	    C->maxmoments, C->nick, moments);
  sprintf(ERROR_LOC, "%s: ", cov->calling == NULL ? "initiating the model"
	  : NICK(cov->calling));
  if ((err = CovList[cov->gatternr].Init(cov, s)) != NOERROR) {
    return err;   

  if ((err = UpdateMPPprev(cov, moments)) != NOERROR) {
    return err;

  return NOERROR;

int INIT_RANDOM_intern(cov_model *cov, int moments, storage *s) {
  int err = NOERROR;
  sprintf(ERROR_LOC, "in %s: ", CovList[cov->nr].nick);
  //  printf("INIT_RANDOM '%s' moments = %d\n", NICK(cov), moments);
  assert(cov != NULL);
  if (moments < 0) SERR("moments expected to be positive");
  if (moments > CovList[cov->nr].maxmoments) SERR("Moments do not match");
  if (cov->mpp.moments != SUBMODEL_DEP && cov->mpp.moments != PARAM_DEP) {
    if ((err = alloc_mpp_M(cov, moments)) != NOERROR) return err;
  } else {
    assert(false); // passt das hier??
    if (cov->mpp.moments == PARAM_DEP) cov->mpp.moments = moments;

  sprintf(ERROR_LOC, "%s: ", cov->calling == NULL ? "initiating the model"
	  : NICK(cov->calling));
  if ((err = CovList[cov->gatternr].Init(cov, s)) != NOERROR) return err;   
  if (ISNA(cov->mpp.M[moments])) {
    // printf("moments = %d %s\n", moments, NICK(cov));
    SERR1("%s is not a random function", NICK(cov));

  if ((err = UpdateMPPprev(cov, moments)) != NOERROR) return err;
  return NOERROR;

/* simplifying functions
   turn vector of x into length ||x|| and similar
   reduces C(x,y) to C(x - y)

   needs preceeding analysis of submodels!
   (same for preferred methods; bottom-up-analysis needed)

// #
// keep always the orderung
void iso2iso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  double y=fabs(*x);
  CovList[cov->nr].cov(&y, cov, v); // nicht gatternr
void logiso2iso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *sign) {
  double y=fabs(*x);
  CovList[cov->nr].log(&y, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr
void spiso2spiso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  double y[2];
  y[0] = fabs(x[0]);
  y[1] = fabs(x[1]);
  CovList[cov->nr].cov(y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
void logspiso2spiso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *sign) {
  double y[2];
  y[0] = fabs(x[0]);
  y[1] = fabs(x[1]);
  CovList[cov->nr].log(y, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr
void spacetime2iso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  double y=sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]);
  CovList[cov->nr].cov(&y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
void logspacetime2iso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *sign) {
  double y=sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]);
  CovList[cov->nr].log(&y, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr

void Stat2iso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  double b = 0.0;
  int i,
  //   print("%d\n", dim); assert(false);
  //  print("dim=%d, %f %f, %d %ld\n", dim, x[0], x[1], cov->nr, cov->calling);
  //   print("%s\n", NICK(cov));

  //     PMI(cov->calling);
  //  print("end PMI %d\n", dim);

  for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
    //printf("d=%d b=%f %f\n", i, b, x[i]);
    b += x[i] *x[i];
  b = sqrt(b);
  //  APMI(cov->calling->calling);  crash(cov);
  // printf("xxx\n");
  CovList[cov->nr].cov(&b, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
  // print("%f\n", *v);
void logStat2iso(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *sign) {
  double b = 0.0;
  int i,
  for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
    b += x[i] *x[i];
  b = sqrt(b);
  CovList[cov->nr].log(&b, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr
  // print("%f\n", *v);
void Nonstat2iso(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  double a, b;
  int d,
  for (b=0.0, d=0; d<dim; d++) {
    a = x[d] - y[d];
    b += a * a;
  b = sqrt(b);
  //if (dim != 2) APMI(cov);
  //assert(dim == 2);
  CovList[cov->nr].cov(&b, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
  //printf("b=%f %f %s\n", b, *v, NICK(cov));
void logNonstat2iso(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v,
		    double *sign) {
  double a, b;
  int d, 
  for (b=0.0, d=0; d<dim; d++) {
    a = x[d] - y[d];
    b += a * a;
  b = sqrt(b);
  CovList[cov->nr].log(&b, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr
void Stat2spacetime(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  double b, z[2];
  int i,
    dim=cov->xdimgatter - 1;  
  for (b=0.0, i=0; i<dim; i++)  b += x[i] * x[i];
  z[0] = sqrt(b);
  z[1] = fabs(x[dim]);
  CovList[cov->nr].cov(z, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
void logStat2spacetime(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *sign) {
  double b, z[2];
  int i,
    dim=cov->xdimgatter - 1;  
  for (b=0.0, i=0; i<dim; i++)  b += x[i] * x[i];
  z[0] = sqrt(b);
  z[1] = fabs(x[dim]);
  CovList[cov->nr].log(z, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr
void Nonstat2spacetime(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  double a, b, z[2];
  int d,
    dim=cov->xdimgatter - 1;  
  for (b=0.0, d=0; d<dim; d++) {
    a = x[d] - y[d];
    b += a * a;
  z[0] = sqrt(b);
  z[1] = fabs(x[dim] - y[dim]);
  CovList[cov->nr].cov(z, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
void logNonstat2spacetime(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v,
			  double *sign) {
  double a, b, z[2];
  int d,
    dim=cov->xdimgatter - 1;  
  for (b=0.0, d=0; d<dim; d++) {
    a = x[d] - y[d];
    b += a * a;
  z[0] = sqrt(b);
  z[1] = fabs(x[dim] - y[dim]);
  CovList[cov->nr].log(z, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr
void Stat2Stat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  CovList[cov->nr].cov(x, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
void logStat2Stat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *sign) {
  CovList[cov->nr].log(x, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr

#define nonstat2statInner						\
  int d,								\
    dim=cov->xdimgatter;							\
  double *z = cov->S2->z;						\
  if (z == NULL) z = cov->S2->z = (double*) MALLOC(dim * sizeof(double)); \
  for (d=0; d<dim; d++) z[d] = x[d] - y[d]
void Nonstat2Stat(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  CovList[cov->nr].cov(z, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
void logNonstat2Stat(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, 
		     double *sign) {
  CovList[cov->nr].log(z, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr

void Nonstat2Nonstat(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  CovList[cov->nr].nonstat_cov(x, y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr

void logNonstat2Nonstat(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v, 
			double *sign) {
  CovList[cov->nr].nonstatlog(x, y, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr

void D_2(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v){
  cov_fct *C = CovList + cov->nr;// nicht gatternr

  //printf("\n here %d %s \n", cov->isoown, NAME(cov)); 

  if (cov->isoown == ISOTROPIC) {
    double y = fabs(*x);

    //   cov_model *prev = cov;
    //while (prev->calling != NULL) prev = prev->calling;
    // iso2iso ueberpruefen !!!
    // dollar + scale // aniso > 0 und dim = 1
    // nach tbm eigentlich auch nicht


    C->D(&y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
  } else {
    assert(cov->isoown == SPACEISOTROPIC);
    assert(cov->xdimprev == 2);
    if (C->isotropy==ISOTROPIC) {
      double y=sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]);    
      C->D(&y, cov, v);
      if (y!=0.0) *v = x[0] / y;
    } else {
      assert(C->isotropy == SPACEISOTROPIC);
      double y[2];
      y[0] = fabs(x[0]);
      y[1] = fabs(x[1]);
      C->D(y, cov, v); 
void DD_2(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  cov_fct *C = CovList + cov->nr;// nicht gatternr
  if (cov->isoown == ISOTROPIC) {
    double y = fabs(*x);

    // iso2iso ueberpruefen !!!
    // dollar + scale // aniso > 0 und dim = 1
    // nach tbm eigentlich auch nicht
    C->D2(&y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
  } else {
    assert(cov->isoown == SPACEISOTROPIC);
    assert(cov->xdimprev == 2);
    if (C->isotropy==ISOTROPIC) {
      double w,
	xSq = x[0] * x[0],
	tSq = x[1] * x[1],
	ySq = xSq + tSq,
	y   = sqrt(ySq); 
      // (c'(r) * x/r)' = c''(r) * x^2/r^2 + c'(r) [ 1/r - x^2 / r^3]
      C->D2(&y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
      if (y != 0.0) {
	C->D(&y, cov, &w);
	w /= y;
	*v = (*v - w) * xSq / ySq + w;
      else {      
	*v = x[0] / y;
    } else {
      assert(C->isotropy == SPACEISOTROPIC);
      double y[2];
      y[0] = fabs(x[0]);
      y[1] = fabs(x[1]);
      C->D2(y, cov, v); // nicht gatternr

void DD_3(double VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED *x, cov_model VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED *cov, double VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED *v) {
  error("DD_3 to be programmed\n");

void inverse2(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  cov_fct *C = CovList + cov->nr;// nicht gatternr
  C->inverse(x, cov, v);//  nicht gatternr

void nonstatinverse2(double *v, cov_model *cov, double *x, double *y){
  cov_fct *C = CovList + cov->nr;// nicht gatternr

  C->nonstat_inverse(v, cov, x, y);//  nicht gatternr

  //  printf("inverse2 %f %f %f\n", v[0], x[0], y[0]);

int struct2(cov_model *cov, cov_model **newmodel) {
  int err;
  char errloc_save[nErrorLoc];
  strcpy(errloc_save, ERROR_LOC);
  sprintf(ERROR_LOC, "in %s: ", CovList[cov->nr].nick);

  // printf("\nstart struct %s", CovList[cov->nr].nick);

  err = CovList[cov->nr].Struct(cov, newmodel);
  //  assert(cov->nr != || cov->key->nr != );
  //printf("\nstruct %s", CovList[cov->nr].nick);

  if (err == NOERROR) strcpy(ERROR_LOC, errloc_save);
  return err;

int init2(cov_model *cov, storage *s){ // s wird durchgereicht!

  // printf("init2 %s %s\n", NICK(cov), ROLENAMES[cov->role]);

  cov_fct *C = CovList + cov->nr; //  nicht gatternr
    *prev = cov->calling == NULL ? cov : cov->calling;
  int i,
    err = NOERROR,
    kappas = CovList[cov->nr].kappas;
  char errloc_save[nErrorLoc];
  strcpy(errloc_save, ERROR_LOC);

  //  printf("prev %s %d %d %ld\n", C->nick, prev->method,
  //	 Forbidden, (long int) s);

  if (cov->method == Forbidden) cov->method = prev->method;

  //   printf("role == %d", cov->role);
  // PMI(cov, -1);

  if (cov->role == ROLE_GAUSS) {
    //  printf("here A\n");
    if (cov->method==SpectralTBM) {
      if (cov->calling == NULL && cov->nr != SPECTRAL_PROC_USER &&
	  cov->nr != SPECTRAL_PROC_INTERN) {
	SERR("unexpected value in init2");
    if (!cov->initialised && (err=C->Init(cov, s)) != NOERROR) {
      //printf("fehelr init\n");
      goto ErrorHandling;

  else if (hasMaxStableRole(cov) || hasPoissonRole(cov)) {
    ///cov->mpp.methnr = prev->mpp.methnr;
    cov->origrf = false;
    //printf("here B\n");
    //PMI(cov, -1);

    assert(cov->mpp.moments < 0 xor cov->mpp.M != NULL);

    //    if (cov->mpp.moments >= 0 && isRandom(cov->typus) && cov->mpp.M == NULL) {
    //// insbesondere fuer cov_models die selbst vom Random-Type sind
    //    }
    sprintf(ERROR_LOC, "in %s: ", C-> nick);
    // if (C->maxsub == 0) cov->mpp.loc_done = false;


    if (!cov->initialised && (err = C->Init(cov, s)) != NOERROR) {
 	goto ErrorHandling;
    sprintf(ERROR_LOC, "%s: ", NICK(prev));//  nicht gatternr   
    err = NOERROR;  

  else if (cov->role == ROLE_DISTR || hasNoRole(cov)) {
    //   printf("here C\n");
    if (!cov->initialised && (err=C->Init(cov, s)) != NOERROR) {
	//	printf("fehelr init\n");
      goto ErrorHandling;      

  else {
    //    printf("here D\n");

  for (i=0; i<kappas; i++) {
    cov_model *param  = cov->kappasub[i];
    if (param != NULL && isRandom(param) && !param->initialised) 
      INIT_RANDOM(param, 0, s);

  prev->fieldreturn    = cov->fieldreturn;
 ErrorHandling :
  if (err == NOERROR) strcpy(ERROR_LOC, errloc_save);
  if (TypeConsistency(ProcessType, cov))
    cov->initialised = err == NOERROR; // 1.1.14: das geht nicht allgemein
  // wegen random parameter
  return err;

void do2(cov_model *cov, storage *s){
  //   cov_model *prev = cov->calling == NULL ? cov : cov->calling;
  int i,
    kappas = CovList[cov->nr].kappas;

  for (i=0; i<kappas; i++) {
    cov_model *param  = cov->kappasub[i];
    if (param != NULL && isRandom(param)) DORANDOM(param, P(i));

//printf("Do prev %s %d %d %ld\n",
//       NICK(prev), prev->method, Forbidden, (long int) s);
//printf("Do current %s %d %d %ld\n",
//       NICK(cov), cov->method, Forbidden, (long int) s);
 CovList[cov->nr].Do(cov, s); // ok

  // assert(false);

void dorandom2(cov_model *cov, double *v){
  // cov_model    *prev = cov->calling == NULL ? cov : cov->calling;

//printf("Do prev %s %d %d %ld\n",
//       NICK(prev), prev->method, Forbidden, (long int) s);
//printf("Do current %s %d %d %ld\n",
//       NICK(cov), cov->method, Forbidden, (long int) s);
 CovList[cov->nr].DoRandom(cov, v); // ok

  // assert(false);

// from pos def to neg def
int CheckPD2ND(cov_model *cov, int tsdim, int tsxdim, isotropy_type isoprev,
	       int vdim, int role) {
#define nsel 2
  int i, j, err=NOERROR, 
    statselect[nsel] = {XONLY, KERNEL};
  Types typeselect[nsel] = {PosDefType, NegDefType};
  for (i=0; i<nsel; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<nsel; j++) {
      if ((err = check2X(cov, tsdim, tsxdim, typeselect[j], statselect[i],
			 isoprev, vdim, role)) == NOERROR) return err;
  return err;

// to do: Trend komplett anders behandeln -- im moment laeuft er als Anhaengsel zur Kovarianzstruktur. Sollte der Trend seperat behandelt werden ??!!

int check2X(cov_model *cov, int tsdim, int tsxdim,
	    Types type, domain_type domprev, isotropy_type isoprev,
	    int vdim, int role) {
  return check2X(cov, tsdim, tsxdim, type, domprev, isoprev, vdim, vdim, role);

int check2X(cov_model *cov, int tsdim, int tsxdim,
	    Types type, domain_type domprev, isotropy_type isoprev,
	    int vdim0, int vdim1, int role) {
  //if (cov == NULL) crash();
  assert(cov != NULL);
  assert(vdim0 != 0 && vdim1 != 0);
  int UnUsedDeleteFlag, err;
  cov_model *prev = cov->calling == NULL ? cov : cov->calling;
  cov_fct *P = CovList + prev->nr, //  nicht gatternr
    *C = CovList + cov->nr;        //  nicht gatternr
  isotropy_type first_iso, last_iso, iso0; // iso
  domain_type dom, first_dom, last_dom; 
  bool skipchecks = GLOBAL.general.skipchecks;
  char msg[1000] = "";

  // erst bei check unten
  sprintf(ERROR_LOC, "%s: ", C->nick);
  if (PL >= PL_COV_STRUCTURE ) { 
    if (cov->calling == NULL) PRINTF("\n");
    LPRINT("%s\n", ERROR_LOC); 

  cov->domprev = domprev;
  cov->isoprev = isoprev;
  cov->tsdim = tsdim; // muss wegen checkkappas gesetzt werden
  cov->role = role;  
  cov->typus = type;
  cov->xdimprev = cov->xdimgatter = tsxdim; // if cov is isotropy or spaceisotropic 
  //                       it is set to 1 or 2
  if (tsxdim < 1) { SERR("dimension less than 1"); }
  if (role == ROLE_UNDEFINED) SERR("role undefined");
  if (type == UndefinedType) {    
    SERR("type undefined");

  if (cov->calling != NULL && isInterface(cov))
    SERR1("'%s' may be used only as top model", NICK(cov));
  if (!TypeConsistency(type, cov)) {
    // PMI(cov->calling);
     //    crash();
    SERR3("required type '%s' does not match the type '%s' of '%s'",
	  TYPENAMES[type], TYPENAMES[CovList[cov->nr].Type], NICK(cov));

  //  if (isRandom(type) && isoprev != CARTESIAN_COORD) SERR("");
  //     PMI(cov);

  //  printf("neg=%d pos=%d iso=%d SUMM=%d %s\n", isNegDef(type),  isPosDef(type), isoprev, SYMMETRIC, NICK(cov));
  // if (!(!isNegDef(type) || isoprev <= SYMMETRIC))    APMI(cov);

  assert(!isNegDef(type) || isPosDef(type) || isoprev <= SYMMETRIC || ({PMI(cov); false;})); //

  if (cov->calling != NULL) {
    cov->prevloc = Loc(prev);
  //  printf("cov->calling %ld %ld\n", cov->calling, cov->prevloc);

  if (PL >= PL_STRUCTURE) {
    LPRINT("#[%s -> %s] (%d %d): \n", cov->calling == NULL ? "NULL" : P->nick, 
	   C->nick, domprev, isoprev); 
  cov->isoown = C->isotropy;
  if (C->isotropy == PREVMODELI) {
    first_iso = ISOTROPIC;
    last_iso = CARTESIAN_COORD;
  } else if (C->isotropy == UNREDUCED) {    
    last_iso = first_iso = 
      isCartesian(isoprev) ? CARTESIAN_COORD :
      isoprev != UNREDUCED ? isoprev :
      cov->calling == NULL ? MISMATCH : cov->calling->isoown;
    assert(last_iso != UNREDUCED);
  } else first_iso = last_iso = C->isotropy;


  //   printf("prev=%d, first_iso %d (%s) last=%d %s C=%s\n", isoprev,first_iso,  ISONAMES[first_iso], last_iso, C->nick, ISONAMES[C->isotropy]);

  if (last_iso > isoprev) {
    if (isCartesian(isoprev)) last_iso = isoprev;
    else BUG; // not programmed yet 
  if (last_iso < first_iso) {
    //     PMI(cov->calling->calling, "iso"); assert(false);
    // printf("last %d %d prev=%d %s %d\n", last_iso, first_iso, isoprev, C->name, C->isotropy);
    //  crash();
    if (PL >= PL_COV_STRUCTURE) 
      PRINTF("error as non-isotropic model cannot be called from isotropic one (%s -> %s)", ISONAMES[(int) isoprev], ISONAMES[(int) cov->isoown]);

    // APMI(cov);
    if (cov->calling == NULL) SERR("basic isotropy assumption does not match");
    if (cov->calling->calling == NULL) {
      SERR2("model is a '%s' function, but at least a '%s' function is required for the given specification.", 
	    ISONAMES[(int) C->isotropy], ISONAMES[(int) isoprev]);
    } else {
      // PMI(cov, "cannot be called");
      //  crash();
      SERR4("model has property '%s'. It cannot be called by '%s' which requires the property '%s' (%d)",
	    ISONAMES[(int) first_iso], P->nick, ISONAMES[(int) last_iso],
	    (int) last_iso);
  first_dom = last_dom = cov->domown = C->domain;
  if (first_dom == PREVMODELD) {
    first_dom = XONLY;
    last_dom = KERNEL; // 10.10.11: GENERALISEDCOVARIANCE;
  if (last_dom > domprev) last_dom = domprev;

  //printf("last %d %d dom=%d %d orig=%d (%s) prev=%d\n",
    //	   last_iso, first_iso,last_dom,first_dom,
    //	    C->domain, C->name, domprev);

  if (last_dom < first_dom) {

    //PMI(cov, "here");
    //  printf("last %d %d dom=%d %d orig=%d (%s) prev=%d\n",
    //	   last_iso, first_iso,last_dom,first_dom,
    //	   C->domain, C->name, domprev);

    // crash(cov);

    if (cov->calling == NULL) {
      //APMI(cov); //     crash(cov);

    ///  APMI(cov);
    if (PL >= PL_COV_STRUCTURE) 
      PRINTF("model called from less complex one (%s:%s;%s -> %s:%s [%s;%s])\n",
	     cov->calling == NULL ? "NULL" : 
	     STATNAMES[(int) C->domain],
	     STATNAMES[(int) first_dom],  STATNAMES[(int) last_dom]
    if (cov->calling->calling == NULL) {
      SERR2("model is a '%s', but at least a '%s' is required for the given specification.",  STATNAMES[(int) C->domain], STATNAMES[(int) domprev]);
    } else {
      SERR1("Model cannot be called from '%s'", P->nick);
  //  if (PL >= PL_STRUCTURE) 
  // LPRINT("(dom.start=%d, end=%d)\n",first_dom, last_dom);

  int *nr = NULL;
  isotropy_type  newisoprev = MISMATCH;
  for (dom = first_dom; dom <= last_dom; dom++) {
    cov->domown = dom;
    for (iso0=first_iso; iso0 <= last_iso; iso0++) {

      //printf("iso=%d\n", iso0);

      cov->full_derivs = C->F_derivs;
      cov->rese_derivs = C->RS_derivs;
      cov->loggiven = C->log != ErrLogCov; 

      nr = &(cov->gatternr); 
      newisoprev = isoprev;
      cov->tsdim = tsdim;
      cov->isoown = iso0;
      if ((err = checkkappas(cov, C->primitive)) != NOERROR)  return err;

      if (PL >= PL_STRUCTURE) {
	if ((dom>first_dom || iso0>first_iso)) {
	LPRINT("[%s%s%s]%s%s; [%s%s%s]%s%s sys=%d,%d\n",
	       STATNAMES[(int) first_dom], 
	       first_dom==last_dom ? "" : "..",
	       first_dom==last_dom ? "" : STATNAMES[(int) last_dom],  
	       first_dom==last_dom ? "" : ":",
	       first_dom==last_dom ? "" : STATNAMES[(int) dom], 
	       ISONAMES[(int) first_iso],
	       first_iso==last_iso ? "" : "..",
	       first_iso==last_iso ? "" : ISONAMES[(int) last_iso],
	       first_iso==last_iso ? "" : ":",
	       first_iso==last_iso ? "" : ISONAMES[(int) iso0],//, ISONAMES[iso]
	       isoprev, cov->isoown

      //    printf("call=%ld\n", cov->calling);
      //   printf("%s %s \n", ISONAMES[isoprev], ISONAMES[cov->isoown]);

      assert(equal_coordinate_system(isoprev, cov->isoown));
      int newtsdim = tsxdim;
      if (cov->calling != NULL && 
	  !equal_coordinate_system(cov->calling->isoown, cov->isoown)) {


	//	printf("%d %d %s %s\n", cov->calling->isoown ,isoprev, ISONAMES[cov->calling->isoown], ISONAMES[isoprev]);

	if ((err = change_coordinate_system(cov->calling->isoown, isoprev, nr, 
					&newisoprev, &newtsdim, 
	    != NOERROR) return err;
	if (isEarth(cov->calling->isoown) && (err = checkEarth(cov)) != NOERROR)

	cov->xdimown = cov->tsdim = newtsdim;
	nr = &(cov->secondarygatternr);     
       cov->xdimown = dom == KERNEL ? newtsdim
	: iso0 == ISOTROPIC ? 1 : iso0 == SPACEISOTROPIC ? 2 
	: newtsdim;

       //printf("iso0=%d nmewtsdim=%d dom=%d\n", iso0, newtsdim, dom);

       if (cov->xdimown > cov->xdimprev && newtsdim <= tsxdim) { // appear if spaceiso called by iso
	  SERR2("dimension at least %d needed. Got %d dimension.", 
	      cov->xdimown, cov->xdimprev);
      if ((err = C->check(cov)) == NOERROR) {
	if (C->maxdim>=0 && cov->maxdim > C->maxdim) {
	  cov->maxdim = C->maxdim;

	if (cov->vdim <= 0) {
	  if (cov->vdim2[0]<=0) SERR("m-dimensionality could not be detected");
	  cov->vdim = cov->vdim2[0] == cov->vdim2[1] ? cov->vdim2[0] : MISMATCH;
	} else {
	  if ( (cov->vdim2[0] >= 0 || cov->vdim2[1] >= 0) &&
	       (cov->vdim != cov->vdim2[0] || cov->vdim != cov->vdim2[1]))
	  cov->vdim2[0] = cov->vdim2[1] = cov->vdim;
	if ((vdim0 > 0 && cov->vdim2[0] != vdim0) || 
	    (vdim1 > 0 && cov->vdim2[1] != vdim1)) {
	  SERR6("multivariate dimension (of submodel), which is %d x %d, does not match the specification of '%s', which is %d x %d and is required by '%s'",
		cov->vdim2[0],  cov->vdim2[1], C->name, vdim0, vdim1, 
		cov->calling == NULL ? "-- none --" :  P->name); 
	if (strcmp("", msg) != 0) {
	  err = ERRORM; 
	  strcpy(ERRORSTRING, msg);
	  strcpy(ERROR_LOC, "");
      } else if (err > NOERROR) {

       /// printf("err %d\n", err);

	errorMSG(err, msg); 
    } // iso
    if (err == NOERROR) break;
  } // dom
  if (PL > PL_COV_STRUCTURE && cov->calling == NULL) {
    LPRINT("%s: end look ", C->nick); 
    if (err != NOERROR) PRINTF("err = %d\n", err); else MERR(err);

  if (err != NOERROR) return err;

    LPRINT("Back to `%s' (no error):\n", C->nick); 

  if (!skipchecks && (err = check_within_range(cov, NAOK_RANGE)) != NOERROR) { 
    return err;
  if (isoprev == SPACEISOTROPIC) {
    cov_model *cv = cov;
    while(cv->calling != NULL) cv = cv->calling;
    if (cov->xdimprev != 2) {
      return ERRORDIM;
    if (cov->tsdim < 2)  {
      return ERRORDIM;
    // cov->pref[TBM2] = PREF_NONE;

  //  PMI(cov);
  //printf("gattered %s\n", NAME(cov));
  err = SetGatter(domprev, cov->domown, 
		  newisoprev, cov->isoown, 
		  nr, &UnUsedDeleteFlag); //


    LPRINT("leaving '%s' for '%s'  err=%d deriv=%d,%d \n",
	   cov->calling == NULL ? "none" : P->nick,
	   err, cov->full_derivs, cov->rese_derivs);

  sprintf(ERROR_LOC, "%s: ", cov->calling == NULL ? "parsing the model"
	  : P->nick);

  // printf("err = %d\n", err);

  // printf("2err = %d %s<-%s\n", err, NICK(cov), cov->calling == NULL ? "----" : NICK(cov->calling));



#define pi180 0.017453292519943295474
#define EARTH_TRAFO(X, x, raequ, rpol)			\
  Rcos = raequ * cos(x[EARTH_LATITUDE] * pi180);	\
  X[0] = Rcos * cos(x[EARTH_LONGITUDE] * pi180);	\
  X[1] = Rcos * sin(x[EARTH_LONGITUDE] * pi180);	\
  X[2] = rpol * sin(x[EARTH_LATITUDE] * pi180)		

//   ; printf("x=%f =%f %f %f\n", x[0], x[1], raequ, rpol)

#define earth2cartInner(raequ, rpol)					\
  assert(cov->xdimprev == 2 && cov->xdimgatter == 3);			\
  double Rcos, X[3], Y[3];			\
  EARTH_TRAFO(X, x, raequ, rpol);			\
  EARTH_TRAFO(Y, y, raequ, rpol)

#define earth2cartInnerStat(raequ, rpol)				\
  assert(cov->xdimprev == 2 && cov->xdimgatter == 3);			\
  double Rcos, X[3];							\
  EARTH_TRAFO(X, x, raequ, rpol)

#define radiuskm_aequ 6378.1
#define radiuskm_pol 6356.8
#define radiusmiles_aequ 3963.17
#define radiusmiles_pol 3949.93

void EarthKM2CartStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  earth2cartInnerStat(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol);
  CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].cov(X, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
void logEarthKM2CartStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *sign) {
  earth2cartInnerStat(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol);
  CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].log(X, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr
void EarthKM2Cart(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  earth2cartInner(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol);
  // printf("earth : %4.4f %4.4f y=%4.4f %4.4f X=%4.4f %4.4f %4.4f  Y=%4.4f %4.4f %4.4f\n", x[0], x[1], y[0], y[1], X[0], X[1], X[2], Y[0], Y[1], Y[2]);
  CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstat_cov(X, Y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
void logEarthKM2Cart(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v,
		     double *sign) {
  earth2cartInner(radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol);
  CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstatlog(X, Y, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr

void EarthMiles2CartStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  earth2cartInnerStat(radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol);
  //printf("KM x=%f =%f %f %f\n", x[0], x[1], radiuskm_aequ, radiuskm_pol);
  CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].cov(X, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
void logEarthMiles2CartStat(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *sign) {
  earth2cartInnerStat(radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol);
  CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].log(X, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr
void EarthMiles2Cart(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v) {
  earth2cartInner(radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol);
  CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstat_cov(X, Y, cov, v);// nicht gatternr
void logEarthMiles2Cart(double *x, double *y, cov_model *cov, double *v,
		     double *sign) {
  earth2cartInner(radiusmiles_aequ, radiusmiles_pol);
  CovList[cov->secondarygatternr].nonstatlog(X, Y, cov, v, sign);// nicht gatternr

int checkEarth(cov_model *cov){

  if (cov->domown == XONLY && isSymmetric(cov->isoprev)) {
    return ERRORKERNEL;

  return NOERROR;
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