Raw File
Tip revision: 683e381531c37e8e7224edd899422f119d926418 authored by Martin Schlather on 21 January 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.0.10
Tip revision: 683e381
 Sebastian Engelke
 Johannes Martini

 library for simulation of random fields -- init part and error messages

 Copyright (C) 2011 -- 2014 Sebastian Engelke, Johannes Martini, Martin Schlather

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "RF.h"
#include "RandomFields.h"
// z coordinate run the fastest in values, x the slowest   

//#define debug_tools 1
#define TOOLS_XERROR 2
#define NEARBY 1e15

// naechste Zeile nur notwendig, weil atan2 in Windows nicht
// ordentlich programmiert ist
#define NEARBYINT(x)  floor((x) * NEARBY + 0.5) / NEARBY
// #define NEARBYINT(x)  x

int GetAngleBin(double angle, double startangle, double SegPerPI, double maxAngle){
  double phi;  
  int kphi;
  phi = angle - startangle;
  while (phi < 0) phi += maxAngle;
  while (phi >= maxAngle) phi -= maxAngle;
  kphi = (int) (phi * SegPerPI / PI);

void fftVario3D(	
	double *coord,
	double *sumvals,
	double *nbvals,
	double *bin,
	int *nbin,
	int *lenT,
	int *stepT,
	int *nstepT,
	double *phi,
	double *theta,
	int *repet,
	double *empvario,	
	double *n,
	bool *pseudo

/*    coord   : 3x3 matrix of coordinates of the 3 space dimension
 *              in (new) gridtriple notation, (start,by,length)
 *    sumvals : matrix of non-averaged values of the empirical variogram
 *              as a function of the distance vector
 *    nbvals  : number of values contributing to the respective direction
 *              sumvals / nbvals = meanvals   
 *    bin     : vector of bin boundaries for the radial space part  
 *    nbin    : number of bins of the radial space part
 *    stepT   : stepsize in temporal direction (must be multiple of the time stepsize)        
 *    nstepT  : number of steps in temporal direction
 *    phi     : 2-dim vector, first component gives the starting angle and 
 *              second component the number of angles / PI (all in the xy-plane)
 *    theta   : 2-dim vector, first component gives the starting angle and 
 *    repet   : number of repetitions (the calculated emprical variogram will 
 *              be an overall average, see also EmpiricalVariogram in empvario.R)
 *              second component the number of angles / PI (all orthogonal to xy-plane)
 *    empvario: vector of bins filled with averaged empirical variogram
 *    n       : number of pairs in each bin
 *    pseudo  : if pseudo == 1, then the pseudo (cross)-variogram is computed
  long rep;
  int i, binidx, halfnbin, err, totalbins, totalspatialbins,
    Nphi, NphiNbin, Ntheta, nbinNphiNtheta, Nphihalf, maxi[3],
    ix, iy, iz, startX, startY, startZ, startT, startrep, low, cur,
    ktheta, kthetaz, kphi, kphixy, kphix, kphiy, kT, nstepTstepT, deltaT, x, y, z,
    timecomp, k;
  double tolerance, *xx[3], *BinSq, maxbinsquare, step[3], delta[3], psq[3],
    startphi, starttheta, thetadata, phidata, phixdata,
    phiydata, phixydata, binshift;
  kphix = 0;
  kphixy = 0;
  kphiy = 0;
  Nphihalf = 0;

  nstepTstepT = *stepT * *nstepT;
  timecomp = nstepTstepT==0 ? 1 : 2;

  if((!*pseudo) && (timecomp==1)){
    Nphi =  phi[1]==0 ?  1 : (int) phi[1];    
    Nphihalf =  phi[1]==0 ?  0 : (int) phi[1];
    Nphi =  phi[1]==0 ?  1 : 2 * ((int) phi[1]);
  Ntheta = theta[1]==0 ? 1 : (int) theta[1];
  NphiNbin = Nphi * *nbin;
  startphi = ((!*pseudo) && (timecomp==1)) ? (phi[0] - PI / (double) (2*Nphi) ) : (phi[0] - PI / (double) (Nphi) ); // [0, 2 pi]    
  //invsegphi = phi[1] / PI; // note that phi[1] can be zero!
  //starttheta = theta[0] - PI / (double) (2*theta[1]);  // [0, pi]
  starttheta = 0;
  // invsegtheta = theta[1] / PI; // note that theta[1] can be zero
  nbinNphiNtheta = NphiNbin * Ntheta;
  BinSq = NULL;
  for (rep=i=0; i<3; i++, rep+=3) xx[i]=&(coord[rep]);
    if (xx[0]==NULL) {err=TOOLS_XERROR; goto ErrorHandling;}
  for (i=0; i<*nbin;i++) {
    if (bin[i]>=bin[i+1])  {err=TOOLS_BIN_ERROR; goto ErrorHandling;}

  halfnbin = *nbin / 2;
  if ((BinSq = (double *) MALLOC(sizeof(double)* (*nbin + 1)))==NULL) {
    err=TOOLS_MEMORYERROR; goto ErrorHandling; 
  totalspatialbins =  NphiNbin * Ntheta;
  totalbins = totalspatialbins * (*nstepT + 1);
  for (i=0; i<totalbins; i++){empvario[i]=0.0; n[i]=0;}
  //print("sizeof double: %d ", (int) sizeof(res_type));
  if (sizeof(res_type) == 8 )
    binshift = (bin[*nbin] * bin[*nbin]) * 1e-12;
    binshift = (bin[*nbin] * bin[*nbin]) * 1e-4;   
  // shift all bins to the right to overcome rounding errors
  for (i=0; i<=*nbin; i++){if (bin[i]>0) BinSq[i]=bin[i] * bin[i] + binshift; 
    else BinSq[i]=bin[i];
  assert(NEARBYINT(atan2(-1.0, 0.0) + PIHALF) == 0.0);
  assert(atan2(0.0, 0.0) == 0.0);
  maxbinsquare = BinSq[*nbin];
  int segmentbase[8];
  segmentbase[0]=1; // here x runs the fastest; 
  for (i=0; i<=2; i++) {
    step[i] = xx[i][1];    
    maxi[i] = xx[i][2];
    segmentbase[i+1] =  segmentbase[i] * maxi[i];
  segmentbase[4] = segmentbase[3] * *lenT; 
    segmentbase[5] = 4 * segmentbase[4];
    segmentbase[6] = segmentbase[5] * timecomp;}
    segmentbase[5] = 8 * segmentbase[4];
    segmentbase[6] = segmentbase[5];}    
  segmentbase[7] = segmentbase[6] * *repet;
  // sementbase: [0] : 1, [1] : length(x), [2] : length(x) * l(y),
  //  [3] : l(x) * l(y) * l(z), [4] : l(x) * l(y) * l(z) * l(T)
  //  [5] : 4 (or 8) * l(x) * l(y) * l(z) * l(T) 
  //  [6] : 4 (or 8) * l(x) * l(y) * l(z) * l(T) * timecomp
  //  [7] : 4 (or 8) * l(x) * l(y) * l(z) * l(T) * timecomp * repet    
  //  for pseudo variogram we need the whole sphere (not only half-sphere)
  startX = 0;  
  binidx = 0;  
  for (x=startX, ix=0; x < segmentbase[1]; x++, ix++) {
    delta[0] = ix * step[0];   
    startY = x;
    if ((psq[0] = delta[0] * delta[0]) > maxbinsquare) continue;      
    for (y = startY, iy=0; y < segmentbase[2];  y+=segmentbase[1], iy++){
      delta[1] = iy * step[1];
      startZ = y;
      if ((psq[1] = delta[1] * delta[1] + psq[0]) > maxbinsquare) continue; 
      // angles
	phidata = NEARBYINT(atan2(delta[1], delta[0]) - startphi);
	kphi = GetAngleBin(phidata, 0, phi[1], PI);
	phixdata = NEARBYINT(atan2(delta[1], -delta[0]) - startphi);
	kphix = GetAngleBin(phixdata, 0, phi[1], PI);
	if((delta[0] == 0) && (delta[1] == 0)) kphi = 0; // points on the z-axes 
	phidata = NEARBYINT(atan2(delta[1], delta[0]) - startphi);
	kphi = GetAngleBin(phidata,0, phi[1], TWOPI);
	phixdata = NEARBYINT(atan2(delta[1], -delta[0]) - startphi);
	kphix = GetAngleBin(phixdata, 0, phi[1], TWOPI);
	phiydata = NEARBYINT(atan2(-delta[1], delta[0]) - startphi);
	kphiy = GetAngleBin(phiydata, 0, phi[1], TWOPI);
	phixydata = NEARBYINT(atan2(-delta[1], -delta[0]) - startphi);
	kphixy = GetAngleBin(phixydata, 0, phi[1], TWOPI);
      //if(delta[1] == delta[0])
      //print("kphi: %d and kphix: %d, phidata: %lf, startphi: %lf", kphi, kphix, phidata, startphi);
      // kphi is index of angle bin in x,y > 0 plane
      // kphix is index of angle bin if phi 
      // is mirrored along the x-axis (in the xy-plane)
      // kphiy and kphixy similar
      for (z=startZ, iz=0; z < segmentbase[3]; z+=segmentbase[2], iz++){
	delta[2] = iz * step[2];
	startT = z;
	if ((psq[2] = delta[2] * delta[2] + psq[1]) > maxbinsquare) continue;
	{ /* finds the bins for the radial space part */
	  int up;
	  low=0; up= *nbin; /* */ cur= halfnbin;
	    if (psq[2] > BinSq[cur]) {low=cur;} else {up=cur-1;}/*( . ; . ]*/ 
	}	// low
	// angles
	thetadata = NEARBYINT(PIHALF - atan2(delta[2], sqrt(psq[1])));
	ktheta = GetAngleBin(thetadata, starttheta, theta[1], PI);
	kthetaz = GetAngleBin(PI - thetadata, starttheta, theta[1], PI);
	for (deltaT=0, kT=0; deltaT<=nstepTstepT; 
	     deltaT+=*stepT, kT+=nbinNphiNtheta) {
	  //print("kT %d, stepT %d, nsteptT %d, deltaT %d", kT, *stepT, *nstepT, deltaT); 	 
	  //print("kT %d --", kT);
	  //timecomp = x==0 ? 1 : 2;
	  for (k=1; k <= timecomp; k++){ 
	    //if a time component is given, then, for statistical efficiency, the data is reflected also along the time component
	    startrep = startT + deltaT * segmentbase[3] + (k-1) * segmentbase[5];
	    binidx = cur + kT;
	    assert( binidx < totalbins && binidx >= 0 );
	    //print("ix = %d -- k = %d", ix, k);
	    //for (i=0, T=(startT+(deltaT+i)*segmentbase[3]); i < endT; T+=segmentbase[3], i++) {
	    for (rep = startrep; rep < segmentbase[7]; rep += segmentbase[6]) {
	      //print("ix: %d, iy: %d, iz: %d, kphi: %d, ktheta: %d, kphix: %d, kthetaz: %d, \n", ix, iy, iz, kphi, ktheta, kphix, kthetaz);
	      //if(binidx == 0) print("rep: %d , sumvals[rep]: %lf \n", rep, sumvals[rep]);	      
		empvario[binidx + (kphi + Nphihalf * (k-1)) * *nbin + (((Ntheta-1) - ktheta) * (k-1) + ktheta * (2-k)) * NphiNbin] += sumvals[rep];
		n[binidx + (kphi + Nphihalf * (k-1)) * *nbin + (((Ntheta-1) - ktheta) * (k-1) + ktheta * (2-k)) * NphiNbin] += nbvals[rep];	
		if((ix > 0) && ((iy > 0) || (iz > 0))){		  
		  empvario[binidx + (kphix + Nphihalf * (k-1)) * *nbin + (((Ntheta-1) - ktheta) * (k-1) + ktheta * (2-k)) * NphiNbin] += sumvals[rep + segmentbase[4]];
		  n[binidx + (kphix + Nphihalf * (k-1)) * *nbin + (((Ntheta-1) - ktheta) * (k-1) + ktheta * (2-k)) * NphiNbin] += nbvals[rep + segmentbase[4]];
		if((iz > 0) &&  (iy > 0)){
		  empvario[binidx + (kphi + Nphihalf * (k-1)) * *nbin + (((Ntheta-1) - kthetaz) * (k-1) + kthetaz * (2-k)) * NphiNbin] += sumvals[rep + 2 * segmentbase[4]];
		  n[binidx + (kphi + Nphihalf * (k-1)) * *nbin + (((Ntheta-1) - kthetaz) * (k-1) + kthetaz * (2-k)) * NphiNbin] += nbvals[rep + 2 * segmentbase[4]];			  
		if((ix > 0) && (iz > 0) && (iy > 0)){
		  empvario[binidx + (kphix + Nphihalf * (k-1)) * *nbin + (((Ntheta-1) - kthetaz) * (k-1) + kthetaz * (2-k)) * NphiNbin] += sumvals[rep + 3 * segmentbase[4]];
		  n[binidx + (kphix + Nphihalf * (k-1)) * *nbin + (((Ntheta-1) - kthetaz) * (k-1) + kthetaz * (2-k)) * NphiNbin] += nbvals[rep + 3 * segmentbase[4]];
		empvario[binidx + kphi * *nbin + ktheta * NphiNbin] += sumvals[rep];
		n[binidx + kphi * *nbin + ktheta * NphiNbin] += nbvals[rep];		
		if(ix > 0){
		  empvario[binidx + kphix * *nbin + ktheta * NphiNbin] += sumvals[rep + segmentbase[4]];
		  n[binidx + kphix * *nbin + ktheta * NphiNbin] += nbvals[rep + segmentbase[4]];
		if(iz > 0){
		  empvario[binidx + kphi * *nbin + kthetaz * NphiNbin] += sumvals[rep + 2 * segmentbase[4]];
		  n[binidx + kphi * *nbin + kthetaz * NphiNbin] += nbvals[rep + 2 * segmentbase[4]];			  
		if((ix > 0) && (iz > 0)){
		  empvario[binidx + kphix * *nbin + kthetaz * NphiNbin] += sumvals[rep + 3 * segmentbase[4]];
		  n[binidx + kphix * *nbin + kthetaz * NphiNbin] += nbvals[rep + 3 * segmentbase[4]];
		if(iy > 0){
		  empvario[binidx + kphiy * *nbin + ktheta * NphiNbin] += sumvals[rep + 4 * segmentbase[4]];
		  n[binidx + kphiy * *nbin + ktheta * NphiNbin] += nbvals[rep + 4 * segmentbase[4]];		
		  if(ix > 0){ 
		    empvario[binidx + kphixy * *nbin + ktheta * NphiNbin] += sumvals[rep + 5 * segmentbase[4]];
		    n[binidx + kphixy * *nbin + ktheta * NphiNbin] += nbvals[rep + 5 * segmentbase[4]];
		  if(iz > 0){
		    empvario[binidx + kphiy * *nbin + kthetaz * NphiNbin] += sumvals[rep + 6 * segmentbase[4]];
		    n[binidx + kphiy * *nbin + kthetaz * NphiNbin] += nbvals[rep + 6 * segmentbase[4]];			  
		  if((ix > 0) && (iz > 0)){
		    empvario[binidx + kphixy * *nbin + kthetaz * NphiNbin] += sumvals[rep + 7 * segmentbase[4]];
		    n[binidx + kphixy * *nbin + kthetaz * NphiNbin] += nbvals[rep + 7 * segmentbase[4]];
	      } // else	  
	    } // repet
	  } // k
	} // deltaT  
      } // z
    } // y
  } //x	
  tolerance = GLOBAL.empvario.tol * segmentbase[3];  //
  for(i=0; i < totalbins ;i++){
    if(fabs(empvario[i]) < tolerance) empvario[i] = 0; 
  // print("C SCRIPT END !!!!!!!!! \n");
  PRINTF("Error: ");
  switch (err) {
    PRINTF("Memory alloc failed in empiricalvariogram.\n"); break;
  case TOOLS_XERROR :  
    PRINTF("The x coordinate may not be NULL.\n"); break;
    PRINTF("Bin components not an increasing sequence.\n"); break;
  default : assert(false);
  if (BinSq!=NULL) free(BinSq);
  for (i=0;i<*nbin;i++){sumvals[i]=RF_NAN;} 	


/* coord   : 3xd matrix of coordinates of d dimensional space in gridtriple notation, 
 * last row is number of gridpoints
 * S : array of non-averaged values of the empirical variogram
 * as a function of the distance vector
 * N  : number of values contributing to the respective direction
 * sumvals / nbvals = meanvals   
 * bounds     : vector of bin boundaries for the radial space part  
 * nBounds    : length of the bounds vector
 * stepT   : stepsize in temporal direction (must be multiple of the time stepsize)        
 * nstepT  : number of steps in temporal direction
 * repeat   : number of repetitions
// void fftVarioIsotrop(
// 	double*	spaceStepLength,
// 	int*		nSpaceSteps,
// 	int*		dim,
// 	int*		nTimeSteps,
// 	double*	S,
// 	int*		W,
// 	double*	spaceBounds,
// 	int*		nSpaceBounds,
// 	int*		timeBounds,
// 	int*		nTimeBounds,
// 	int*		repeat,
// 	double*	matrix
// )
// {
// 	/*
// 	 * ******************************************************************************************** 
// 	 * ******************************************************************************************** 
// 	 */
// 	// die bin-Matrix fuer die aufsummierten werte
// 	double sumBins[*nSpaceBounds][*nTimeBounds];
// 	// die bin-Matrix fuer die gewichte
// 	int weightBins[*nSpaceBounds][*nTimeBounds];
// 	// der cache fuer die quadrierten werte der bin grenzen
// 	double sqrBoundCache[*nSpaceBounds];

// 	// der cache fuer die quadrierten werte der koordinatenpunkte
// 	double sqrCache[*dim];

// 	// der koordinatenvektor
// 	int coord[*dim];
// 	// der dazugehoerige index
// 	int index;
// 	// die dazugehoerige norm quadriert (so spart man sich das staendige wurzelziehen, denn man will ja nur distanzen vergleichen)
// 	double sqrNorm;
// 	// der zeit index
// 	int time;

// 	// der wiederholungsindex
// 	int rep;
// 	// die bin nummer im raum
// 	int spaceBin;
// 	// die bin nummer in der zeit
// 	int timeBin;
// 	// die anzahl der koordinatenpunkte
// 	int nPoints;
// 	// die anzahl der zeit + koordinatenpunkte
// 	int nSpaceTimePoints;
// 	// die dimension, in die gerade gegangen wird
// 	int current;
// 	// flag, das anzeigt ob in der "wandernden" dimension ein wraparound stattfand
// 	int wrap;
// 	/*
// 	 * ******************************************************************************************** 
// 	 * ******************************************************************************************** 
// 	 */
// 	for (int i= 0; i < *nSpaceBounds; i++)
// 	{
// 		sqrBoundCache[i]= spaceBounds[i] * spaceBounds[i];
// 		for (j= 0; j < *nTimeBounds; i++)
// 		{
// 			sumBins[i][j]= 0;
// 			weightBins[i][j]= 0;
// 		}
// 	}

// 	nPoints= 1;	
// 	for (int i= 0; i < *dim; i++)
// 	{
// 		nPoints*= nSpaceSteps[i];
// 		sqrCache[i]= 0;
// 		coord[i]= 0;
// 	}
// 	nSpaceTimePoints= nPoints* *nTimeSteps;

// 	sqrNorm= 0;
// 	// wir starten mit der x richtung
// 	current= 0;
// 	wrap= FALSE;
// 	/*
// 	 * ******************************************************************************************** 
// 	 * MAIN LOOP
// 	 * ******************************************************************************************** 
// 	 */
// 	for (index= 0; index < nPoints; index++)
// 	{
// 		sqrNorm= sqrCache[1]+ coord[0]* spaceStepLength[0]* coord[0]* spaceStepLength[0];
// 		spaceBin= getSpaceBin(sqrBoundCache, nSpaceBounds, sqrNorm);

// 		// wenn der abstand > maxbin ist, koennen wir mit dem naechsten punkt weitermachen		
// 		if (spaceBin == -1)
// 		{		
// 			for (time= 0; time < *nTimeSteps; time++)
// 			{
// 				int timeOffset= time* nPoints;
// 				timeBin= getTimeBin(timeBounds, nTimeBounds, time);
// 				// selbes argument wie oben, wir koennen hier auch mit dem naechsten raumpunkt weitermachen
// 				if (timeBin == -1)
// 					break;
// 				for (rep= 0, int repOffset= 0; rep < repeat; rep++; repOffset+= nSpaceTimePoints)
// 				{
// 					sumBins[spaceBin][timeBin]= S[index+ timeOffset+ repOffset]; 
// 					weightBins[spaceBin][timeBin]= W[index+ timeOffset+ repOffset]; 
// 				}
// 			}
// 		}
// 		//TODO
// 		//update coord and caches
// 	}
// }

// int getSpaceBin(double *sqrBoundCache, int* nSpaceBounds, double sqrNorm)
// {
// 	int bin= -1;

// 	if (sqrNorm > sqrBoundCache[*nSpaceBounds- 1])
// 		return bin;
// 	for (bin= 0; (bin < *nSpaceBounds) && (sqrNorm > sqrBoundCache[bin]); bin++)
// 	{
// 	}
// 	return bin;
// }

// int getTimeBin(*timeBounds, *nTimeBounds, time)
// {
// 	int bin= -1;
// 	if (*timeBounds * *nTimeBounds < time)
// 		return bin;
// 	bin= (time- 1)/ *timeBounds;
// 	return bin;
// }

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