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Tip revision: e994a4415e67fa60cbfd3f208aaab20872521c0b authored by Martin Schlather on 14 February 2019, 21:02:19 UTC
version 3.3
Tip revision: e994a44
\title{Likelihood and estimation of linear models}
 \command{\link{RFloglikelihood}} returns the log likelihood for Gaussian
 random fields. In case NAs are given that refer to linear modeling, the
 ML of the linear model is returned.
RFlikelihood(model, x, y = NULL, z = NULL, T = NULL, grid = NULL,
                data, params, distances, dim, likelihood,
                estimate_variance =NA, ...) 

 %\item{set}{integer. See section Value for details.}
 \item{likelihood}{ Not programmed yet. Character.
   Choice of kind of likelihood ("full", "composite", etc.),
   see also \code{likelihood} for \command{\link{RFfit}}
   in \command{\link{RFoptions}}.
 %\item{log}{logical. If \code{TRUE} the loglikelihood is returned.
% }
 \item{estimate_variance}{logical or \code{NA}. See Details.
  The function calculates the likelihood for data of a Gaussian process
  with given covariance structure.
  The covariance structure may not have \code{NA} values in the
  parameters except for a global variance. In this case the variance
  is returned that maximizes the likelihood.
  Additional to the covariance structure the model may include a
  trend. The latter may contain unknown linear parameters.
  In this case again, the unknown parameters are estimated, and returned.
  \command{\link{RFloglikelihood}} returns a list
  containing the likelihood, the log likelihood, and
  the global variance (if estimated -- see details).


RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again


pts <- 4
repet <- 3
model <- RMexp()
x <- runif(n=pts, min=-1, max=1)
y <- runif(n=pts, min=-1, max=1)
dta <- as.matrix(RFsimulate(model, x=x, y=y, n=repet, spC = FALSE))
print(cbind(x, y, dta))
print(system.time(likeli <- RFlikelihood(model, x, y, data=dta)))
str(likeli, digits=8)

L <- 0
C <- RFcovmatrix(model, x, y)
for (i in 1:ncol(dta)) {
  print(system.time(dn <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(dta[,i], mean=rep(0, nrow(dta)),
sigma=C, log=TRUE)))
  L <- L + dn
stopifnot(all.equal(likeli$log, L))


pts <- 4
repet <- 1
trend <- 2 * sin(R.p(new="isotropic")) + 3
#trend <- RMtrend(mean=0)
model <- 2 * RMexp() + trend
x <- seq(0, pi, len=pts)
dta <- as.matrix(RFsimulate(model, x=x, n=repet, spC = FALSE))
print(cbind(x, dta))

print(system.time(likeli <- RFlikelihood(model, x, data=dta)))
str(likeli, digits=8)

L <- 0
tr <- RFfctn(trend, x=x, spC = FALSE)
C <- RFcovmatrix(model, x)
for (i in 1:ncol(dta)) {
  print(system.time(dn <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(dta[,i], mean=tr, sigma=C,log=TRUE)))
  L <- L + dn

stopifnot(all.equal(likeli$log, L))


pts <- c(3, 4)
repet <- c(2, 3)
trend <- 2 * sin(R.p(new="isotropic")) + 3
model <- 2 * RMexp() + trend
x <- y <- dta <- list()
for (i in 1:length(pts)) {
  x[[i]] <- list(x = runif(n=pts[i], min=-1, max=1),
                 y = runif(n=pts[i], min=-1, max=1))
  dta[[i]] <- as.matrix(RFsimulate(model, x=x[[i]]$x, y=x[[i]]$y,
                                    n=repet[i], spC = FALSE))

print(system.time(likeli <- RFlikelihood(model, x, data=dta)))
str(likeli, digits=8)

L <- 0
for (p in 1:length(pts)) {
  tr <- RFfctn(trend, x=x[[p]]$x, y=x[[p]]$y,spC = FALSE)
  C <- RFcovmatrix(model, x=x[[p]]$x, y=x[[p]]$y)
  for (i in 1:ncol(dta[[p]])) {
    print(system.time(dn <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(dta[[p]][,i], mean=tr, sigma=C,
    L <- L + dn
stopifnot(all.equal(likeli$log, L))


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