Raw File
Tip revision: 54154bec05cdcdd8d299f4589f986511cb880582 authored by Martin Schlather on 06 March 2019, 10:40:06 UTC
version 3.3.6
Tip revision: 54154be
%% S4 methods

\title{Class \code{RFsp}}

\description{ \code{"RFsp"} is a virtual class which contains the four classes
 (data on a full grid and \eqn{space-time-dimension \ge
 2}{space-time-dimension > 2}), 
 (data not on a grid and \eqn{space-time-dimension \ge
 2}{space-time-dimension > 2}), 
 (data on a full grid and \eqn{space-time-dimension = 1}), 
 (data not on a grid and \eqn{space-time-dimension = 1})

 The first two subclasses are summarized in
 \code{"RFspatialDataFrame"} whilst the latter two are
 summarized in \code{"RFdataFrame"}.
% The first two classes are summarized in the class
% \code{RFspatialDataFrame} the last two classes in the class
%\code{ RFdataFrame}.

\section{Objects from the Class}{
 are never to be generated; only derived classes can be meaningful. }

% \describe{
% only for sub-classes
% \command{\link[=RFspatialGridDataFrame-class]{RFspatialGridDataFram%e}}
% and \command{\link[=RFspatialPointsDataFrame-class]{RFspatialPoints%DataFrame}}:
% \item{\code{bbox}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"}; 2-column matrix
%	holding the minimum in first and maximum in second column for the
%	x-coordinate (first row), y-coordinate (second row) and optionally,
%	for points and grids only, further coordinates. The constructed 
%	Spatial object will be invalid if any bbox values are NA or
%	infinite. The column names must be \code{c("min", "max")}} 
 % \item{\code{proj4string}:}{Object of class \code{"CRS"};
%	holding a valid proj4 string, which can be used for unprojecting
%	or reprojecting coordinates; it is initialised to NA. Other strings
%	are checked for validity in the rgdal package, but attempts to
%	assign a string containing \dQuote{longlat} to data extending beyond
%	longitude [-180, 360] or lattitude [-90, 90] will be stopped. }
% }
% \item{bbox}{\code{signature(obj = "Spatial")}: retrieves the bbox element }
\item{summary}{\code{signature(obj = "RFsp")}: returns a summary of the
 object; uses or imitates summary method of class
 \code{\link[sp:Spatial-class]{Spatial}} from the \pkg{sp}-package}
\item{dimensions}{\code{signature(obj = "RFsp")}: retrieves the number
 of spatial or spatio-temporal dimensions spanned }
%\item{isGridded}{\code{signature(obj = "RFsp")}: logical, tells whether
%  the data is on a regular spatial grid }
\item{RFspDataFrame2dataArray}{\code{signature(obj = "RFsp")}:
  transforms \code{RFsp} objects to array
\item{RFspDataFrame2conventional}{\code{signature(obj = "RFsp")}:
  transforms \code{RFsp} objects to a list with additional information
\item{[}{\code{signature(obj = "RFsp")}: selects columns of the
 \code{data}-slot, while all other slots are kept unmodified}
\item{[<-}{\code{signature(obj = "RFsp")}: replaces columns of the
 \code{data}-slot, while all other slots are kept unmodified}
% \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "Spatial", y = "missing")}: plot method
%	for spatial objects; does nothing but setting up a plotting region choosing
%	a suitable aspect if not given(see below), colouring the plot background using either a bg= argument or par("bg"), and possibly drawing axes. }
\item{variance}{\code{signature(object = "RFsp")}: returns the kriging
 variance if available}

%Spatial(bbox, proj4string = CRS(as.character(NA)))

%\item{bbox}{a bounding box matrix}
%\item{proj4string}{a CRS object}

\author{Alexander Malinowski; \martin}

\section{Warning }{This class is not useful itself, but the above
 mentioned classes in this package derived from it. }


RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

## Generating an object of class "RFspatialGridDataFrame"
## and one of class "RFspatialPointsDataFrame".

model <- RMcauchy(gamma=4, var=0.1, scale=2)
x <- seq(0,10,len=100)
r <- cbind(runif(100, min=1, max=9),runif(100, min=1, max=9))

z1 <- RFsimulate(model=model, x=x, y=x, n=4)
z2 <- RFsimulate(model=model, x=r, n=2)

## Applying available functions.

%isGridded(z1) ## TRUE
%isGridded(z2) ## FALSE

z4 <- RFspDataFrame2conventional(z2)

dta <- data.frame(coords=z4$x,data=z2@data[,1])
z3<-RFinterpolate(model=model, x=x, y=x, data=dta) 

## Illustrating the warning.

a1 <- new("RFpointsDataFrame")
try(a2 <- new("RFsp")) ## ERROR

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