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Tip revision: f89cc3b868e68c09e463bdbc112d471c52afcda0 authored by Aram Zucker-Scharff on 04 March 2015, 21:44:29 UTC
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Tip revision: f89cc3b
=== PressForward ===
Contributors: PressForward, AramZS, boonebgorges, joanftroyano, clioweb
Donate link:
Tags: aggregate, aggregation, aggregator, atom, attribution, circulate, collect, community, content curation, curate, curation, curation tool, discuss, distribute, editorial, feed, network, news, opml, OPML, read, reader, reblog, reblogging, republish, review, RSS, rss, share, syndicate, syndication, workflow
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 4.1
Stable tag: 3.5.1
License: GPL2
License URI:

PressForward provides an integrated workflow for curating content aggregated from the web.

== Description ==
PressForward is a free plugin that provides an editorial workflow for content aggregation and curation within the WordPress dashboard. It is designed for bloggers and editorial teams who wish to collect, discuss, and share content from a variety of sources on the open web.

**PressForward includes:**

* a feed reader embedded within the WordPress dashboard
* a bookmarklet to capture content from the web
* tools for collaborative, editorial work
* a process for republishing aggregated content

**The feed reader features:**

* Readability integration to standardize the formatting of aggregated content
* Full text, image, video content, and post metadata import for each item
* Starring, allowing individual users to flag items of interest
* Nomination of single items for further review prior to publication
* Capture of any web content through the “Nominate This” bookmarklet
* Batch import of feeds from OPML, including Google OPML
* Temporary storage of aggregated content, enabling users to survey content without overwhelming their WordPress installation
* Responsive design for grid or list viewing options

**Tools for collaboration:**

* Separate “Under Review” interface for editors to discuss and select nominations from all users
* Commenting on each item
* Customizable user privileges

**Publication features:**

* Full content, attribution link, and metadata of posts accessible in WordPress dashboard
* Republish any or all content in any format supported by your theme (text, image, quote, snippet, etc.)
* Optional auto-redirect back to original source
* Produces a single RSS feed of all your aggregated content

Instructions for use are found in our [GitHub Wiki](

[See how we compare to other WordPress plugins](

Sample instructions for editorial groups are available in the [Editors’ Corner]( on [Digital Humanities Now](, the largest publication using the PressForward plugin.

The PressForward Plugin is developed and maintained by the [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media]( at [George Mason University]( as part of the [PressForward Project](, generously funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Our developers include [Aram Zucker-Scharff](, [Boone B. Gorges](, and [Jeremy Boggs]( PressForward is free to use and modify under a [GNU GPL2 license](

[Detailed information about our code]( can be found on our [GitHub Wiki](

== Installation ==

Our [Five-Step Quick Start Guide]( can be found on our [GitHub Wiki](

* Search the [WordPress Plugin Directory]( and download the PressForward plugin; or
* Go to the [latest version on GitHub](
1. Download the zip or tar.gz file of the most recent version
1. Rename zipped folder 'pressforward'
1. Place the ‘pressforward’ folder in your ‘/wp-content/plugins’ directory using your FTP client.
* Activate plugin via the "Installed Plugins" menu in the Wordpress Dashboard
* The PressForward menu should now appear in your Wordpress Dashboard. Clicking on the PressForward icon will display tabs.

A complete [User Manual]( also is available on our [GitHub Wiki](

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

A list of [FAQs]( can be found on our [GitHub Wiki](

== Screenshots ==

1. Add RSS/Atom Feeds to automatically aggregate content.
2. Nominate This! Bookmarklet allows you to collect content from the web.
3. All Content Grid View provides title, source, snippet, and additional information for every item.
4. All Content List View provides title, source, snippet, and additional information for every item.
5. Toolbar on every item provides easy access to see additional information, star items, add a comment, or nominate an item, sending it to Under Review.
6. Reader View displays content in a comfortable reading environment, links to original source, and includes comments and the toolbar.
7. Discussion visible in threaded comments.
8. In Under Review the toolbar displays the number of comments and nominations, and provides ability to archive item or Send to Draft.
9. Edit and format items in the regular WordPress Posts panel.

== Changelog ==

= 3.4.5 =
* Nominate This now works much more optimally.
* Nominate This no longer creating crazy line breaks. 
* OpenGraph image detection now working properly. 
* Alert Box now more backwards compatible.
* Turned off modules no longer show turned on menus. 
* Mark As Read now works properly. 

= 3.4.4 =
* Resolved CSS overlay design conflicts.
* Fixed Nominate to Draft in the Nominated page.

= 3.4 =
* the "Nominate This" bookmarklet has moved to tools
* the "Under Review" panel has been renamed to Nominated
* refinements to sorting and filtering in the "All Content" and "Nominated" views
* the "Subscribed Feeds" panel now displays the time and date of the last update on a feed
* items can now be unnominated by clicking again on the green nominate button in All Content
* Administrators can now set the number of days to retain feed items
* users can choose to turn on pagination rather than infinite scroll
* feed alerts can now be deleted or dismissed
* items older than one week, two weeks, one month, or one year can now be archived in "Nominated"
* introduction of folders for feeds.  Individual feeds can be added to folders in the "Subscribed Feeds" panel.  Items in "All Content" can then be filtered by folder.
For more information on the changes see the GitHub summary for [3.4](

= 3.3 =
* show hidden items on the "All Content" browse page
* upload OPML files in the "Add Feeds" panel
* return an item to the pre-readability state in the full screen mode
* provide option to turn off alerts and to change the retention time for feeds
* enhancements improve the speed of the plugin
* improvements to moving a nominated item's metadata into a draft
* improvements to the appearance of action buttons in list and grid view
* sets a limit to the number of times an indivdual user is able to nominate a single item
For more information see the GitHub summary for [3.2](
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