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Tip revision: 3b81f1d3c422d37837ae81f1c1e51490f4c22e67 authored by Charles Dupont on 29 June 2010, 16:42:27 UTC
version 3.8-2
Tip revision: 3b81f1d
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
\title{ prints a list of lists in a visually readable format. }
  \code{print.char.list} Takes a list that is composed of other lists and matrixs and prints it in a visually readable format.
print.char.list(x, ..., hsep = c("|"), vsep = c("-"), csep = c("+"), = TRUE, rowname.halign = c("left", "centre", "right"), rowname.valign = c("top", "centre", "bottom"), colname.halign = c("centre", "left", "right"), colname.valign = c("centre", "top", "bottom"), text.halign = c("right", "centre", "left"), text.valign = c("top", "centre", "bottom"), rowname.width, rowname.height, min.colwidth = .Options$digits, max.rowheight = NULL, abbreviate.dimnames = TRUE, page.width = .Options$width, colname.width, colname.height, prefix.width, superprefix.width = prefix.width)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
  \item{x}{list object to be printed }
  \item{\dots}{ place for extra arguments to reside. }
  \item{hsep}{ character used to separate horizontal fields }
  \item{vsep}{ character used to separate veritcal feilds }
  \item{csep}{ character used where horizontal and veritcal separators meet. }
  \item{}{ should the value be \code{cat}ed out or returned as a string. }
  \item{rowname.halign}{ horizontal justification of row names. }
  \item{rowname.valign}{ verical justification of row names. }
  \item{colname.halign}{ horizontal justification of column names. }
  \item{colname.valign}{ verical justification of column names. }
  \item{text.halign}{ horizontal justification of cell text. }
  \item{text.valign}{ vertical justification of cell text. }
  \item{rowname.width}{ minimumwidth of row name strings. }
  \item{rowname.height}{ minimum height of row name strings. }
  \item{min.colwidth}{ minimum column width. }
  \item{max.rowheight}{ maximum row height. }
  \item{abbreviate.dimnames}{ should the row and column names be abbreviated. }
  \item{page.width}{ width of the page being printed on. }
  \item{colname.width}{ minimum width of the column names. }
  \item{colname.height}{ minimum height of the column names }
  \item{prefix.width}{ maximum width of the rowname columns }
  \item{superprefix.width}{ maximum width of the super rowname columns }
  String that formated table of the list object.
\author{ Charles Dupont }
\keyword{ print }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS
\keyword{ list }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line
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