Raw File
Tip revision: 292e80962d92c497484ad0735f3f13a4b8d3e0ac authored by Doug Nychka on 29 November 2007, 14:39:12 UTC
version 4.1
Tip revision: 292e809
"Krig" <-
function (x, Y, 
    cov.function = "stationary.cov", lambda = NA, df = NA, 
    cost = 1, knots=NA, weights = NULL,
    m = 2, = 80,
    scale.type = "user", = rep(0, ncol(x)), x.scale = rep(1, ncol(x)),
    rho = NA, sigma2 = NA, method = "GCV", 
    verbose = FALSE,
    mean.obj = NA, sd.obj = NA,
    null.function = "Krig.null.function",
    wght.function = NULL,
    offset = 0, outputcall = NULL,
    na.rm = TRUE,
    cov.args = NULL, chol.args = NULL, null.args = NULL, wght.args = NULL, 
    W = NULL, give.warnings = TRUE, ...) 

# the verbose switch prints many intermediate steps as an aid in debugging.

# create output list 
    out <- list()

#  First series of steps simply store pieces of the passed 
#    information to output list (i.e. the Krig object)

  if( is.null( outputcall)){
        out$call <- outputcall}
# save covariance function as its name 
      out$ <- as.character(substitute(cov.function))
# save null space function as its name 
      out$ <- as.character(substitute(null.function)) 

# save weight  function as its name if it is not a NULL
      if( is.null(wght.function)){
           out$<- NULL}
           out$ <- as.character(substitute(wght.function)) }

      out$W<- W
      if( verbose){
          print( out$
          print( out$
          print( out$}
# logical to indicate if the "C" argument is present in cov.function
    C.arg.missing<- all( names( formals( get( out$!="C")
    if( C.arg.missing) stop("Need to have C argument in covariance function 
                                 see Exp.cov.simple as an example")

# save parameters values possibly passed to the covariance function
# also those added to call are assumed to be covariance arguments.
    if (!is.null(cov.args)) 
      out$args <- c( cov.args, list(...))
    else out$args <- list(...)

# default values for null space function 

        out$null.args<- null.args
#       set degree of polynomial null space if this is default
#       mkpoly is used so often is it helpful to include m argument
#       by default in Krig call.
   if( out$"Krig.null.function"){
            out$null.args<- list( m=m)
            out$m <- m}

# default values for Cholesky decomposition, these are important
# for sparse matrix decompositions used in Krig.engine.fixed. 

    if( is.null( chol.args)) {
        out$chol.args<- list( pivot= FALSE)}
        out$chol.args<- chol.args}

# additional arguments for weight matrix.
    out$wght.args<- wght.args
# the offset is the effective number of parameters used in the GCV 
# calculations
    out$offset <- offset

# the cost is the multiplier applied to the GCV eff.df
# sigma2 is error variance and rho the multiplier for covariance
    out$cost <- cost
    out$sigma2<- sigma2
    out$rho<- rho
# correlation model information
    out$mean.obj<- mean.obj
    out$sd.obj<- sd.obj
    out$correlation.model <- !([1])& sd.obj[1]))

# transformation info
   out$scale.type<- scale.type
   out$x.scale<- x.scale

# verbose block
    if (verbose) {
        cat("  Cov function arguments in call  ", fill = TRUE)
        cat(" covariance function used is : ", fill = TRUE)

# Begin modifications and transformations of input information
# various checks on x and  Y including removal of NAs in Y
   if( verbose){ cat("checks on x,Y, and Z", fill=TRUE)}

   out2<- Krig.check.xY( x,Y,Z, weights, na.rm, verbose=verbose)
   out<- c( out, out2)

# transform to correlation model (if appropriate)
# find replicates and collapse to means and pool variances.
# Transform unique x locations and knots. 

   if( out$correlation.model){
               out$y<- Krig.cor.Y(out, verbose=verbose)}

   if( verbose){ cat("transform x", fill=TRUE)}

   out2<- Krig.transform.xY(out,knots, verbose=verbose)
   out<- c( out, out2)

# NOTE: knots have been transformed after this step

#  Figure out what to do 

# determine the method for finding lambda 
#  Note order 

    out$method<- method

    if (!  ){
# this indicates lambda has been supplied and leads to 
# the cholesky type computational approaches. 
        out$method <- "user"
        out$lambda<- lambda

    if (! & ! {
        out$method <- "user"
        out$lambda <- sigma2/rho

# NOTE: method="user" means that a value of lambda has been supplied
#        and so GCV etc to determine lambda is not needed. 
   out$fixed.model<- (out$method=="user")

# set lambda.est matrix to NA because no estimates are found
# (see alternative in gcv block)

    if( out$fixed.model) { out$lambda.est<- NA}

# verbose block 
   if (verbose){ 
        cat("lambda, fixed? ", lambda, out$fixed.model, fill = TRUE)}

# Make weight matrix for observations
#    ( this is proportional to the inverse square root of obs covariance)
#     if a weight function or W has not been passed then this is
#     diag( out$weightsM) for W
#     The checks represent a limitation of this model to
#     the  WBW type decoposition and no replicate observations. 
   out$nondiag.W<- (!is.null( wght.function)) | (!is.null(W))
   if( verbose){cat( "out$nondiag", out$nondiag, fill=TRUE)}

# Do not continue if there there is a nondiagonal wieght matrix
# and replicate observations. 

   if( out$nondiag.W){ 
        if (out$knot.model | out$fixed.model) {
           stop("Non diagonal weight matrix for observations not supported
                       with knots or fixed lambda.")}
        if  (! out$shat.pure.error)) {
           stop("Non diagonal weight matrix not implemented with replicate
#  make weight matrix and its square root having passed checks  

    out <- c( out, Krig.make.W( out, verbose=verbose))

#  You have reached the Engines!
#   Do the intensive linear algebra to find the solutions
#   this is where all the heavy lifting happens.
#   Note that all the information is passed as a list
#   including arguments to the cholesky decomposition 
#   used within Krig.engine.fixed
# The results are saved in the component matrices 
# if method=="user" then just evaluate at single lambda
#  fixed here means a fixed lambda
# For fixed lambda the decompositions with and without knots
# are surprisingly similar and so are in one engine.

  if( out$fixed.model){
       out$matrices<-  Krig.engine.fixed( out, verbose=verbose)
# can't find the trace of A matrix in fixed lambda case so set this to NA.
       out$eff.df<- NA
# alternative are 
# matrix decompositions suitable for 
# evaluation at many lambdas to facilitate GCV/REML estimates  etc. 
  if( !out$fixed.model){

    if( out$knot.model){
# the knot model engine
           out$matrices <- Krig.engine.knots( out, verbose=verbose)
           out$ <- out$matrices$}

# standard engine following the basic computations for thin plate splines
           if( verbose){ cat( "Call to Krig.engine.default", fill=TRUE)}
           out$matrices<- Krig.engine.default( out, verbose=verbose) 
# store basic information about decompositions

 out$nt<- out$matrices$nt # dim of null space
 out$np<- out$matrices$np # number of basis functions
 out$decomp<- out$matrices$decomp # type of decomposition see Krig.coef
# Now determine a logical vector indices for coefficients tied to  the
# the "spatial drift" i.e. the fixed part of the model 
# that is not due to the Z covariates. 
# NOTE that the spatial drift coefficients must be the first columns of the
# M matrix 
   if( is.null(out$Z)) { 
          out$ind.drift<- rep(TRUE, out$nt) }
            mZ<- ncol(out$ZM)
               c( rep(TRUE, out$nt-mZ ), rep( FALSE, mZ) )  }
     if( verbose){
        cat( "null df: ",out$nt, "drift df: ",sum( out$ind.drift), fill=TRUE )}

# End of engine block

# Do GCV and REML search over lambda if not fixed
  if( !out$fixed.model){

    if(verbose){ cat("call to gcv.Krig", fill=TRUE)}

      gcv.out <- gcv.Krig(out, =, verbose = verbose, 
            cost = out$cost, offset = out$offset, give.warnings=give.warnings)
      out$gcv.grid <- gcv.out$gcv.grid
#  a handy summary table of the search results
      out$lambda.est <- gcv.out$lambda.est
# verbose block
      if (verbose) {
           cat("returned GCV and REML grid search", fill=TRUE)
# assign the preferred lambda either from GCV/REML/MSE or the user value
       out$lambda <- gcv.out$lambda.est[out$method, 1]
       out$eff.df<- out$lambda.est[out$method, 2] 
       if (verbose) {
            cat("trace of A", fill = TRUE)
# end GCV/REML block 

# find coefficients at prefered lambda 
# and evaluate the solution at observations
#   pass replicate group means -- no need to recalculate these. 

    out2 <- Krig.coef(out, yM= out$yM)
    out<- c( out, out2)
    if( verbose){
     cat("Krig.coef:", fill=TRUE)
     print( out2)}
# fitted values and residuals and predicted values on null space (fixed 
# effects). But be sure to do this at the nonmissing x's
    out$fitted.values <- predict.Krig(out, x=out$x, Z=out$Z, 
                            eval.correlation.model = FALSE)
    out$residuals <- out$y - out$fitted.values
# this is just M%*%d  note use of using function name 

    Tmatrix< out$,
                  c(out$null.args, list( x=out$x, Z= out$Z)) )

    out$fitted.values.null <- as.matrix(Tmatrix)  %*% out$d 
# verbose block
    if (verbose) {
        cat("residuals", out$residuals, fill = TRUE)

# find various estimates of sigma and rho 

      out<- c( out, out2)
# assign the "best" model as a default choice 
# either use the user supplied values or the results from 
# optimization

      passed.sigma2 <- (!$sigma2))
      if(out$method=="user" & passed.sigma2 ) {
          out$best.model <- c(out$lambda, out$sigma2, out$rho)}
          # in this case lambda is from opt. or supplied by user
          out$best.model <- c(out$lambda, out$shat.MLE**2, out$rhohat)}

# Note: values in best.model are used in subsquent functions as the choice 
# for these parameters!

# set class 
    class(out) <- c("Krig")


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