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Tip revision: 292e80962d92c497484ad0735f3f13a4b8d3e0ac authored by Doug Nychka on 29 November 2007, 14:39:12 UTC
version 4.1
Tip revision: 292e809
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
 \title{ Adds a "push pin" to an existing  3-d plot} 
 \description{ Adds  to an existing 3-d perspective plot 
a push pin to locate a  specific point.}
pushpin( x,y,z,p.out, height=.05,col="black",text=NULL,adj=-.1,cex=1.0,...)


  \item{x}{x location}
  \item{y}{y location}
  \item{z}{z location}
  \item{p.out} {Projection information returned by persp}   
  \item{height}{Height of pin in device coordinates (default is about 5\%). }
  \item{col}{Color of pin head}
  \item{text}{Optional text to go next to pin head}
  \item{adj}{Position of text relative to pin head.}
  \item{cex}{Character size for in head and/or text}
  \item{\dots}{Additional graphics arguments that are passed to the text 

See the help(text) for the conventions on
the \code{adj} argument and other options for placing text.  

\author{Doug Nychka}


# Dr. R's favorite New  Zealand Volcano!
     data( volcano)
     M<- nrow( volcano)
     N<- ncol( volcano)
     x<- seq( 0,1,,M)
     y<- seq( 0,1,,N)

     drape.plot( x,y,volcano, col=terrain.colors(128))-> pm 

     max( volcano)-> zsummit
     xsummit<- x[ row( volcano)[volcano==zsummit]]
     ysummit<- y[ col( volcano)[volcano==zsummit]]

pushpin( xsummit,ysummit,zsummit,pm, text="Summit")


\keyword{ hplot }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS
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