Raw File
Tip revision: 5e05242968c166a1b89e08874462156c20413f49 authored by Guido Schwarzer on 14 September 2021, 10:30:02 UTC
version 4.19-1
Tip revision: 5e05242
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/forest.R
\title{Forest plot to display the result of a meta-analysis}
  studlab = TRUE,
  layout = gs("layout"),
  comb.fixed = x$comb.fixed,
  comb.random = x$comb.random,
  overall = x$overall,
  text.fixed = x$text.fixed,
  text.random = x$text.random,
  lty.fixed = 2,
  lty.random = 3,
  col.fixed = "black",
  col.random = "black",
  text.w.fixed = x$text.w.fixed,
  text.w.random = x$text.w.random,
  prediction = x$prediction,
  text.predict = x$text.predict,
  subgroup = TRUE,
  print.subgroup.labels = TRUE,
  bylab = x$bylab,
  print.byvar = x$print.byvar,
  byseparator = x$byseparator,
  text.fixed.w = text.fixed,
  text.random.w = text.random,
  text.predict.w = text.predict,
  bysort = FALSE,
  pooled.totals = comb.fixed | comb.random, = FALSE,
  pooled.times = FALSE,
  study.results = TRUE,
  xlab = "",
  smlab = NULL,
  xlim = "symmetric",
  allstudies = TRUE,,
  pscale = x$pscale,
  irscale = x$irscale,
  irunit = x$irunit,
  ref = ifelse(backtransf & is.relative.effect(x$sm), 1, 0),
  lower.equi = NA,
  upper.equi = NA,
  lty.equi = 1,
  col.equi = "blue",
  fill.equi = "transparent",
  leftcols = NULL,
  rightcols = NULL,
  leftlabs = NULL,
  rightlabs = NULL,
  lab.e = x$label.e,
  lab.c = x$label.c, = NULL, = NULL,
  label.right = x$label.right,
  label.left = x$label.left, = TRUE,
  lab.NA = ".",
  lab.NA.effect = "",
  lab.NA.weight = "--",
  lwd = 1,
  at = NULL,
  label = TRUE, = "square",
  type.fixed = "diamond",
  type.random = type.fixed,
  type.subgroup = ifelse(study.results, "diamond", "square"),
  type.subgroup.fixed = type.subgroup,
  type.subgroup.random = type.subgroup, = "black",
  col.square = "gray",
  col.square.lines = col.square,
  col.inside = "white",
  col.diamond = "gray",
  col.diamond.fixed = col.diamond,
  col.diamond.random = col.diamond,
  col.diamond.lines = "black",
  col.diamond.lines.fixed = col.diamond.lines,
  col.diamond.lines.random = col.diamond.lines,
  col.inside.fixed = col.inside,
  col.inside.random = col.inside,
  col.predict = "red",
  col.predict.lines = "black", = "darkgray",
  col.label.right = "black",
  col.label.left = "black",
  hetstat = comb.fixed | comb.random | overall.hetstat,
  overall.hetstat = x$overall.hetstat,
  hetlab = "Heterogeneity: ",
  resid.hetlab = "Residual heterogeneity: ",
  print.I2, = FALSE,
  print.tau2, = FALSE,
  print.tau = FALSE, = FALSE,
  print.Q = FALSE,
  print.Rb = FALSE, = FALSE,
  text.subgroup.nohet = "not applicable",
  test.overall = gs("test.overall"),
  test.overall.fixed = comb.fixed & overall & test.overall,
  test.overall.random = comb.random & overall & test.overall,
  print.stat = TRUE,
  test.subgroup = x$test.subgroup,
  test.subgroup.fixed = test.subgroup & comb.fixed,
  test.subgroup.random = test.subgroup & comb.random,
  print.Q.subgroup = TRUE,
  fontsize = 12,
  fontfamily = NULL,
  fs.heading = fontsize,
  fs.predict.labels, = fontsize, =,
  fs.axis = fontsize,
  fs.smlab = fontsize,
  fs.xlab = fontsize, = fontsize,
  ff.heading = "bold",
  ff.predict.labels, = "plain", =,
  ff.axis = "plain",
  ff.smlab = "bold",
  ff.xlab = "plain", = "plain",
  squaresize = 0.8/spacing,
  plotwidth = if (layout == "JAMA") "8cm" else "6cm",
  colgap = "2mm",
  colgap.left = colgap,
  colgap.right = colgap,
  colgap.studlab = colgap.left,
  colgap.forest = colgap,
  colgap.forest.left = colgap.forest,
  colgap.forest.right = colgap.forest,
  calcwidth.pooled = (comb.fixed | comb.random) & (overall | !is.null(x$byvar)),
  calcwidth.fixed = calcwidth.pooled,
  calcwidth.random = calcwidth.pooled,
  calcwidth.predict = FALSE,
  calcwidth.hetstat = FALSE,
  calcwidth.tests = FALSE,
  calcwidth.subgroup = FALSE,
  calcwidth.addline = FALSE,
  just = if (layout == "JAMA") "left" else "right",
  just.studlab = "left",
  just.addcols = "center",
  just.addcols.left = just.addcols,
  just.addcols.right = just.addcols,
  spacing = 1,
  addrows.below.overall = 0,
  new = TRUE,
  backtransf = x$backtransf,
  digits = gs("digits.forest"), = gs(""),
  digits.stat = gs("digits.stat"),
  digits.pval = max(gs("digits.pval") - 2, 2),
  digits.pval.Q = max(gs("digits.pval.Q") - 2, 2),
  digits.Q = gs("digits.Q"),
  digits.tau2 = gs("digits.tau2"),
  digits.tau = gs("digits.tau"),
  digits.I2 = max(gs("digits.I2") - 1, 0),
  digits.weight = gs("digits.weight"),
  digits.mean = digits, =,
  digits.cor = digits,
  digits.time = digits,
  digits.addcols = digits,
  digits.addcols.right = digits.addcols,
  digits.addcols.left = digits.addcols,
  scientific.pval = gs("scientific.pval"),
  big.mark = gs("big.mark"),
  zero.pval = if (layout == "JAMA") FALSE else gs("zero.pval"),
  JAMA.pval = if (layout == "JAMA") TRUE else gs("JAMA.pval"),
  col.i =,
  weight =,
  digits.zval = digits.stat,
  print.zval = print.stat,
\item{x}{An object of class \code{meta}.}

\item{sortvar}{An optional vector used to sort the individual
studies (must be of same length as \code{x$TE}).}

\item{studlab}{A logical indicating whether study labels should be
printed in the graph. A vector with study labels can also be
provided (must be of same length as \code{x$TE} then).}

\item{layout}{A character string specifying the layout of the
forest plot (see Details).}

\item{comb.fixed}{A logical indicating whether fixed effect
estimate should be plotted.}

\item{comb.random}{A logical indicating whether random effects
estimate should be plotted.}

\item{overall}{A logical indicating whether overall summaries
should be plotted. This argument is useful in a meta-analysis
with subgroups if summaries should only be plotted on group

\item{text.fixed}{A character string used in the plot to label the
pooled fixed effect estimate.}

\item{text.random}{A character string used in the plot to label the
pooled random effects estimate.}

\item{lty.fixed}{Line type (pooled fixed effect estimate).}

\item{lty.random}{Line type (pooled random effects estimate).}

\item{col.fixed}{Line colour (pooled fixed effect estimate).}

\item{col.random}{Line colour (pooled random effects estimate).}

\item{text.w.fixed}{A character string used to label weights of
fixed effect model.}

\item{text.w.random}{A character string used to label weights of
random effects model.}

\item{prediction}{A logical indicating whether a prediction
interval should be printed.}

\item{text.predict}{A character string used in the plot to label
the prediction interval.}

\item{subgroup}{A logical indicating whether subgroup results
should be shown in forest plot. This argument is useful in a
meta-analysis with subgroups if summaries should not be plotted
on group level.}

\item{print.subgroup.labels}{A logical indicating whether subgroup
label should be printed.}

\item{bylab}{A character string with a label for the grouping

\item{print.byvar}{A logical indicating whether the name of the
grouping variable should be printed in front of the group labels.}

\item{byseparator}{A character string defining the separator
between label and levels of grouping variable.}

\item{text.fixed.w}{A character string to label the pooled fixed
effect estimate within subgroups, or a character vector of same
length as number of subgroups with corresponging labels.}

\item{text.random.w}{A character string to label the pooled random
effect estimate within subgroups, or a character vector of same
length as number of subgroups with corresponging labels.}

\item{text.predict.w}{A character string to label the prediction
interval within subgroups, or a character vector of same length
as number of subgroups with corresponging labels.}

\item{bysort}{A logical indicating whether groups should be ordered

\item{pooled.totals}{A logical indicating whether total number of
observations should be given in the figure.}

\item{}{A logical indicating whether total number of
events should be given in the figure.}

\item{pooled.times}{A logical indicating whether total person time
at risk should be given in the figure.}

\item{study.results}{A logical indicating whether results for
individual studies should be shown in the figure (useful to only
plot subgroup results).}

\item{xlab}{A label for the x-axis.}

\item{xlab.pos}{A numeric specifying the center of the label on the

\item{smlab}{A label for the summary measurex (printed at top of

\item{smlab.pos}{A numeric specifying the center of the label for
the summary measure.}

\item{xlim}{The x limits (min,max) of the plot, or the character
"s" to produce symmetric forest plots.}

\item{allstudies}{A logical indicating whether studies with
inestimable treatment effects should be plotted.}

\item{}{A character string indicating weighting used to
determine size of squares or diamonds (argument
\code{}) to plot individual study results. One of
missing, \code{"same"}, \code{"fixed"}, or \code{"random"}, can
be abbreviated. Plot symbols have the same size for all studies
or represent study weights from fixed effect or random effects

\item{weight.subgroup}{A character string indicating weighting used
to determine size of squares or diamonds (argument
\code{type.subgroup}) to plot subgroup results. One of missing,
\code{"same"}, or \code{"weight"}, can be abbreviated. Plot
symbols have the same size for all subgroup results or represent
subgroup weights from fixed effect or random effects model.}

\item{pscale}{A numeric giving scaling factor for printing of
single event probabilities or risk differences, i.e. if argument
\code{sm} is equal to \code{"PLOGIT"}, \code{"PLN"},
\code{"PRAW"}, \code{"PAS"}, \code{"PFT"}, or \code{"RD"}.}

\item{irscale}{A numeric defining a scaling factor for printing of
single incidence rates or incidence rate differences, i.e. if
argument \code{sm} is equal to \code{"IR"}, \code{"IRLN"},
\code{"IRS"}, \code{"IRFT"}, or \code{"IRD"}.}

\item{irunit}{A character specifying the time unit used to
calculate rates, e.g., person-years.}

\item{ref}{A numerical giving the reference value to be plotted as
a line in the forest plot. No reference line is plotted if
argument \code{ref} is equal to \code{NA}.}

\item{lower.equi}{A numerical giving the lower limit of equivalence
to be plotted as a line in the forest plot. No line is plotted if
argument \code{lower.equi} is equal to \code{NA}.}

\item{upper.equi}{A numerical giving the upper limit of equivalence
to be plotted as a line in the forest plot. No line is plotted if
argument \code{upper.equi} is equal to \code{NA}.}

\item{lty.equi}{Line type (limits of equivalence).}

\item{col.equi}{Line colour (limits of equivalence).}

\item{fill.equi}{Colour of area between limits of equivalence.}

\item{leftcols}{A character vector specifying (additional) columns
to be plotted on the left side of the forest plot or a logical
value (see Details).}

\item{rightcols}{A character vector specifying (additional) columns
to be plotted on the right side of the forest plot or a logical
value (see Details).}

\item{leftlabs}{A character vector specifying labels for
(additional) columns on left side of the forest plot (see

\item{rightlabs}{A character vector specifying labels for
(additional) columns on right side of the forest plot (see

\item{lab.e}{Label to be used for experimental group in table

\item{lab.c}{Label to be used for control group in table heading.}

\item{}{A character specifying the column name
where label \code{lab.e} should be attached to in table heading.}

\item{}{A character specifying the column name
where label \code{lab.c} should be attached to in table heading.}

\item{label.right}{Graph label on right side of forest plot.}

\item{label.left}{Graph label on left side of forest plot.}

\item{}{A logical indicating whether labels on right and
left side should be printed at bottom or top of forest plot.}

\item{lab.NA}{A character string to label missing values.}

\item{lab.NA.effect}{A character string to label missing values in
individual treatment estimates and confidence intervals.}

\item{lab.NA.weight}{A character string to label missing weights.}

\item{lwd}{The line width, see \code{\link{par}}.}

\item{at}{The points at which tick-marks are to be drawn, see

\item{label}{A logical value indicating whether to draw the labels
on the tick marks, or an expression or character vector which
specify the labels to use. See \code{\link{grid.xaxis}}.}

\item{}{A character string or vector specifying how to
plot treatment effects and confidence intervals for individual
studies (see Details).}

\item{type.fixed}{A character string specifying how to plot
treatment effect and confidence interval for fixed effect
meta-analysis (see Details).}

\item{type.random}{A character string specifying how to plot
treatment effect and confidence interval for random effects
meta-analysis (see Details).}

\item{type.subgroup}{A character string specifying how to plot
treatment effect and confidence interval for subgroup results
(see Details).}

\item{type.subgroup.fixed}{A character string specifying how to
plot treatment effect and confidence interval for subgroup
results (fixed effect model).}

\item{type.subgroup.random}{A character string specifying how to
plot treatment effect and confidence interval for subgroup
results (random effects model).}

\item{}{The colour for individual study results and
confidence limits.}

\item{col.square}{The colour for squares reflecting study's weight
in the meta-analysis.}

\item{col.square.lines}{The colour for the outer lines of squares
reflecting study's weight in the meta-analysis.}

\item{col.inside}{The colour for individual study results and
confidence limits if confidence limits are completely within

\item{col.diamond}{The colour of diamonds representing the results
for fixed effect and random effects models.}

\item{col.diamond.fixed}{The colour of diamonds for fixed effect

\item{col.diamond.random}{The colour of diamonds for random effects

\item{col.diamond.lines}{The colour of the outer lines of diamonds
representing the results for fixed effect and random effects

\item{col.diamond.lines.fixed}{The colour of the outer lines of
diamond for fixed effect estimate.}

\item{col.diamond.lines.random}{The colour of the outer lines of
diamond for random effects estimate.}

\item{col.inside.fixed}{The colour for result of fixed effect
meta-analysis if confidence limit lies completely within square.}

\item{col.inside.random}{The colour for result of random effects
meta-analysis if confidence limit lies completely within square.}

\item{col.predict}{Background colour of prediction interval.}

\item{col.predict.lines}{Colour of outer lines of prediction

\item{}{The colour to print information on subgroups.}

\item{col.label.right}{The colour for label on right side of null

\item{col.label.left}{The colour for label on left side of null

\item{hetstat}{Either a logical value indicating whether to print
results for heterogeneity measures at all or a character string
(see Details).}

\item{overall.hetstat}{A logical value indicating whether to print
heterogeneity measures for overall treatment comparisons. This
argument is useful in a meta-analysis with subgroups if
heterogeneity statistics should only be printed on subgroup

\item{hetlab}{Label printed in front of results for heterogeneity

\item{resid.hetstat}{A logical value indicating whether to print
measures of residual heterogeneity in a meta-analysis with

\item{resid.hetlab}{Label printed in front of results for residual
heterogeneity measures.}

\item{print.I2}{A logical value indicating whether to print the
value of the I-squared statistic.}

\item{}{A logical value indicating whether to print the
confidence interval of the I-squared statistic.}

\item{print.tau2}{A logical value indicating whether to print the
value of the between-study variance \eqn{\tau^2}.}

\item{}{A logical value indicating whether to print
the confidence interval of \eqn{\tau^2}.}

\item{print.tau}{A logical value indicating whether to print
\eqn{\tau}, the square root of the between-study variance

\item{}{A logical value indicating whether to print the
confidence interval of \eqn{\tau}.}

\item{print.Q}{A logical value indicating whether to print the
value of the heterogeneity statistic Q.}

\item{print.pval.Q}{A logical value indicating whether to print the
p-value of the heterogeneity statistic Q.}

\item{print.Rb}{A logical value indicating whether to print the
value of the I-squared statistic.}

\item{}{A logical value indicating whether to print the
confidence interval of the I-squared statistic.}

\item{text.subgroup.nohet}{A logical value or character string
which is printed to indicate subgroups with less than two studies
contributing to meta-analysis (and thus without
heterogeneity). If FALSE, heterogeneity statistics are printed
(with NAs).}

\item{LRT}{A logical value indicating whether to report
Likelihood-Ratio or Wald-type test of heterogeneity for
generalized linear mixed models.}

\item{test.overall}{A logical value indicating whether to print
results of test for overall effect.}

\item{test.overall.fixed}{A logical value indicating whether to
print results of test for overall effect (based on fixed effect

\item{test.overall.random}{A logical value indicating whether to
print results of test for overall effect (based on random effects

\item{label.test.overall.fixed}{Label printed in front of results
of test for overall effect (based on fixed effect model).}

\item{label.test.overall.random}{Label printed in front of results
of test for overall effect (based on random effects model).}

\item{print.stat}{A logical value indicating whether z- or t-value
for test of treatment effect should be printed.}

\item{test.subgroup}{A logical value indicating whether to print
results of test for subgroup differences.}

\item{test.subgroup.fixed}{A logical value indicating whether to
print results of test for subgroup differences (based on fixed
effect model).}

\item{test.subgroup.random}{A logical value indicating whether to
print results of test for subgroup differences (based on random
effects model).}

\item{print.Q.subgroup}{A logical value indicating whether to print
the value of the heterogeneity statistic Q (test for subgroup

\item{label.test.subgroup.fixed}{Label printed in front of results
of test for subgroup differences (based on fixed effect model).}

\item{label.test.subgroup.random}{Label printed in front of results
of test for subgroup differences (based on random effects model).}

\item{test.effect.subgroup}{A logical value indicating whether to
print results of test for effect in subgroups.}

\item{test.effect.subgroup.fixed}{A logical value indicating
whether to print results of test for effect in subgroups (based
on fixed effect model).}

\item{test.effect.subgroup.random}{A logical value indicating
whether to print results of test for effect in subgroups (based
on random effects model).}

\item{label.test.effect.subgroup.fixed}{Label printed in front of
results of test for effect in subgroups (based on fixed effect

\item{label.test.effect.subgroup.random}{Label printed in front of
results of test for effect in subgroups (based on random effects

\item{text.addline1}{Text for first additional line (below
meta-analysis results).}

\item{text.addline2}{Text for second additional line (below
meta-analysis results).}

\item{fontsize}{The size of text (in points), see

\item{fontfamily}{The font family, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{fs.heading}{The size of text for column headings, see

\item{fs.fixed}{The size of text for results of fixed effect model,
see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{fs.random}{The size of text for results of random effects
model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{fs.predict}{The size of text for results of prediction
interval, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{fs.fixed.labels}{The size of text for label of fixed effect
model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{fs.random.labels}{The size of text for label of random
effects model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{fs.predict.labels}{The size of text for label of prediction
interval, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{}{The size of text for results of individual studies,
see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{}{The size of text for labels of individual
studies, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{fs.hetstat}{The size of text for heterogeneity measures, see

\item{fs.test.overall}{The size of text of test for overall effect,
see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{fs.test.subgroup}{The size of text of test of subgroup
differences, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{fs.test.effect.subgroup}{The size of text of test of effect
in subgroups, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{fs.addline}{The size of text for additional lines, see

\item{fs.axis}{The size of text on x-axis, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{fs.smlab}{The size of text of label for summary measure, see

\item{fs.xlab}{The size of text of label on x-axis, see

\item{}{The size of text of label on left and right side of
forest plot, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{ff.heading}{The fontface for column headings, see

\item{ff.fixed}{The fontface of text for results of fixed effect
model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{ff.random}{The fontface of text for results of random effects
model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{ff.predict}{The fontface of text for results of prediction
interval, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{ff.fixed.labels}{The fontface of text for label of fixed
effect model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{ff.random.labels}{The fontface of text for label of random
effects model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{ff.predict.labels}{The fontface of text for label of
prediction interval, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{}{The fontface of text for results of individual
studies, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{}{The fontface of text for labels of
individual studies, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{ff.hetstat}{The fontface of text for heterogeneity measures,
see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{ff.test.overall}{The fontface of text of test for overall
effect, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{ff.test.subgroup}{The fontface of text for test of subgroup
differences, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{ff.test.effect.subgroup}{The fontface of text for test of
effect in subgroups, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{ff.addline}{The fontface of text for additional lines, see

\item{ff.axis}{The fontface of text on x-axis, see

\item{ff.smlab}{The fontface of text of label for summary measure,
see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{ff.xlab}{The fontface of text of label on x-axis, see

\item{}{The fontface of text of label on left and right side
of forest plot, see \code{\link{gpar}}.}

\item{squaresize}{A numeric used to increase or decrease the size
of squares in the forest plot.}

\item{plotwidth}{Either a character string, e.g., "8cm", "60mm", or
"3inch", or a \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying width of
the forest plot.}

\item{colgap}{Either a character string or a
\code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between columns
printed on left and right side of forest plot.}

\item{colgap.left}{Either a character string or a
\code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between columns
printed on left side of forest plot.}

\item{colgap.right}{Either a character string or a
\code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between columns
printed on right side of forest plot.}

\item{colgap.studlab}{Either a character string or a
\code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between column
with study labels and subsequent column.}

\item{colgap.forest}{Either a character string or a
\code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between column
adjacent to forest plot and the forest plot.}

\item{colgap.forest.left}{Either a character string or a
\code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between column on
the left side of forest plot and the forest plot.}

\item{colgap.forest.right}{Either a character string or a
\code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between column on
the right side of forest plot and the forest plot.}

\item{calcwidth.pooled}{A logical indicating whether text for fixed
effect and random effects model should be considered to calculate
width of the column with study labels.}

\item{calcwidth.fixed}{A logical indicating whether text given in
arguments \code{text.fixed} and \code{text.fixed.w} should be
considered to calculate width of the column with study labels.}

\item{calcwidth.random}{A logical indicating whether text given in
arguments \code{text.random} and \code{text.random.w} should be
considered to calculate width of the column with study labels.}

\item{calcwidth.predict}{A logical indicating whether text given in
argument \code{text.predict} and \code{text.predict.w} should be
considered to calculate width of the column with study labels.}

\item{calcwidth.hetstat}{A logical indicating whether text for
heterogeneity statistics should be considered to calculate width
of the column with study labels.}

\item{calcwidth.tests}{A logical indicating whether text for tests
of overall effect or subgroup differences should be considered to
calculate width of the column with study labels.}

\item{calcwidth.subgroup}{A logical indicating whether text with
subgroup labels should be considered to calculate width of the
column with study labels.}

\item{calcwidth.addline}{A logical indicating whether text for
additional lines should be considered to calculate width of the
column with study labels.}

\item{just}{Justification of text in all columns but columns with
study labels and additional variables (possible values: "left",
"right", "center").}

\item{just.studlab}{Justification of text for study labels
(possible values: "left", "right", "center").}

\item{just.addcols}{Justification of text for additional columns
(possible values: "left", "right", "center").}

\item{just.addcols.left}{Justification of text for additional
columns on left side of forest plot (possible values: "left",
"right", "center"). Can be of same length as number of additional
columns on left side of forest plot.}

\item{just.addcols.right}{Justification of text for additional
columns on right side of forest plot (possible values: "left",
"right", "center"). Can be of same length as number of additional
columns on right side of forest plot.}

\item{spacing}{A numeric determining line spacing in a forest plot.}

\item{addrow}{A logical value indicating whether an empty row is
printed above and below study results.}

\item{addrow.overall}{A logical value indicating whether an empty
row is printed above overall meta-analysis results.}

\item{addrow.subgroups}{A logical value indicating whether an empty
row is printed between results for subgroups.}

\item{addrows.below.overall}{A numeric value indicating how many
empty rows are printed between meta-analysis results and
heterogeneity statistics and test results.}

\item{new}{A logical value indicating whether a new figure should
be printed in an existing graphics window.}

\item{backtransf}{A logical indicating whether results should be
back transformed in forest plots. If \code{backtransf = TRUE},
results for \code{sm = "OR"} are presented as odds ratios rather
than log odds ratios and results for \code{sm = "ZCOR"} are
presented as correlations rather than Fisher's z transformed
correlations, for example.}

\item{digits}{Minimal number of significant digits for treatment
effects, see \code{print.default}.}

\item{}{Minimal number of significant digits for standard
errors, see \code{print.default}.}

\item{digits.stat}{Minimal number of significant digits for z- or
t-statistic for test of overall effect, see \code{print.default}.}

\item{digits.pval}{Minimal number of significant digits for p-value
of overall treatment effect, see \code{print.default}.}

\item{digits.pval.Q}{Minimal number of significant digits for
p-value of heterogeneity test, see \code{print.default}.}

\item{digits.Q}{Minimal number of significant digits for
heterogeneity statistic Q, see \code{print.default}.}

\item{digits.tau2}{Minimal number of significant digits for
between-study variance, see \code{print.default}.}

\item{digits.tau}{Minimal number of significant digits for square
root of between-study variance, see \code{print.default}.}

\item{digits.I2}{Minimal number of significant digits for I-squared
statistic, see \code{print.default}.}

\item{digits.weight}{Minimal number of significant digits for
weights, see \code{print.default}.}

\item{digits.mean}{Minimal number of significant digits for means;
only applies to \code{\link{metacont}} objects.}

\item{}{Minimal number of significant digits for standard
deviations; only applies to \code{\link{metacont}} objects.}

\item{digits.cor}{Minimal number of significant digits for
correlations; only applies to \code{\link{metacor}} objects.}

\item{digits.time}{Minimal number of significant digits for times;
only applies to \code{\link{metainc}} and \code{\link{metarate}}

\item{digits.addcols}{A vector or scalar with minimal number of
significant digits for additional columns.}

\item{digits.addcols.right}{A vector or scalar with minimal number
of significant digits for additional columns on right side of
forest plot.}

\item{digits.addcols.left}{A vector or scalar with minimal number
of significant digits for additional columns on left side of
forest plot.}

\item{scientific.pval}{A logical specifying whether p-values should
be printed in scientific notation, e.g., 1.2345e-01 instead of

\item{big.mark}{A character used as thousands separator.}

\item{zero.pval}{A logical specifying whether p-values should be
printed with a leading zero.}

\item{JAMA.pval}{A logical specifying whether p-values for test of
overall effect should be printed according to JAMA reporting

\item{col.i}{Deprecated argument (replaced by \code{}).}

\item{weight}{Deprecated argument (replaced by

\item{digits.zval}{Deprecated argument (replaced by

\item{print.zval}{Deprecated argument (replaced by

\item{\dots}{Additional graphical arguments.}
Draws a forest plot in the active graphics window (using grid
graphics system).
A forest plot, also called confidence interval plot, is drawn in
the active graphics window. The forest functions in R package
\bold{meta} are based on the grid graphics system. In order to
print the forest plot, resize the graphics window and either use
\code{\link{dev.copy2eps}} or \code{\link{dev.copy2pdf}}. Another
possibility is to create a file using \code{\link{pdf}},
\code{\link{png}}, or \code{\link{svg}} and to specify the width and
height of the graphic (see Examples).

By default, treatment estimates and confidence intervals are
plotted in the following way:
\item For an individual study, a square with treatment estimate in
  the center and confidence interval as line extending either side
  of the square (\code{ = "square"})
\item For meta-analysis results, a diamond with treatment estimate
  in the center and right and left side corresponding to lower and
  upper confidence limits (\code{type.fixed = "diamond"},
  \code{type.random = "diamond"}, and \code{type.subgroup = "diamond"})

In a forest plot, size of the squares typically reflects the precision of
individual treatment estimates based either on the fixed effect
(\code{ = "fixed"}) or random effects meta-analysis
(\code{ = "random"}). Information from meta-analysis object
\code{x} is utilised if argument \code{} is missing. Weights
from the fixed effect model are used if argument \code{x$comb.fixed} is
\code{TRUE}; weights from the random effects model are used if argument
\code{x$comb.random} is \code{TRUE} and \code{x$comb.fixed} is \code{FALSE}.
The same square sizes are used if \code{ = "same"}.

Arguments \code{text.fixed}, \code{text.random}, and
\code{text.predict} can be used to change the label to identify
overall results (fixed effect and random effects model as well as
prediction interval). By default the following text is printed:
\item "Fixed effect model" (argument \code{text.fixed})
\item "Random effects model" (\code{text.random})
\item "Prediction interval" (\code{text.predict})

If confidence interval levels are different for individual studies,
meta-analysis, and prediction interval (arguments \code{level},
\code{level.comb}, \code{level.predict} in meta-analysis functions,
e.g., \code{\link{metabin}}), additional information is printed,
e.g., " (99\%-CI)" for a 99\% confidence interval in the

Depending on the number of information printed on the left side of
the forest plot, the text for heterogeneity statistics following
the overall meta-analysis results can be overlapping with the
x-axis. Argument \code{addrows.below.overall} can be used to
specify the number of empty rows that are printed between
meta-analysis results and heterogeneity statistics and test
results (see Examples).

The following arguments can be used to print results for various
statistical tests:
\bold{Argument} \tab \bold{Statistical test} \cr
\code{test.overall.fixed} \tab Test for overall effect (fixed
  effect model) \cr
\code{test.overall.random} \tab Test for overall effect (random
  effects model) \cr
\code{test.effect.subgroup.fixed} \tab Test for effect in subgroup
  (FE model) \cr
\code{test.effect.subgroup.random} \tab Test for effect in subgroup
  (RE model) \cr
\code{test.subgroup.fixed} \tab Test for subgroup differences (FE
  model) \cr
\code{test.subgroup.random} \tab Test for subgroup differences (RE

By default, these arguments are \code{FALSE} with exception of the
tests for subgroup differences which are \code{TRUE}. R function
\code{\link{settings.meta}} can be used to change this default for
the entire R session. For example, use the following command to
always print results of tests for an overall effect:
\code{settings.meta(test.overall = TRUE)} .

The arguments \code{leftcols} and \code{rightcols} can be used to
specify columns which are plotted on the left and right side of the
forest plot, respectively. If argument \code{rightcols} is
\code{FALSE}, no columns will be plotted on the right side. By
default, i.e. if arguments \code{leftcols} and \code{rightcols} are
\code{NULL} and \code{layout = "meta"}, the following
\emph{\bold{columns}} will be printed \emph{\bold{on the right side
of the forest plot}}:
\bold{Meta-analysis results} \tab \bold{Value of argument
  rightcols} \cr
No summary \tab \code{c("effect", "ci")} \cr
Only fixed effect model \tab \code{c("effect", "ci", "w.fixed")}
Only random effects model \tab \code{c("effect", "ci", "w.random")}
Both models \tab \code{c("effect", "ci", "w.fixed", "w.random")}

By default, estimated treatment effect and corresponding confidence
interval will be printed.  Depending on arguments \code{comb.fixed}
and \code{comb.random}, weights of the fixed effect and/or random
effects model will be given too. For an object of class
\code{\link{metacum}} or \code{\link{metainf}} only the estimated
treatment effect with confidence interval are plotted.

Depending on the class of the meta-analysis object (which is
defined by the R function used to generate the object) a different
set of \emph{\bold{columns}} is printed \emph{\bold{on the left
side of the forest plot}}:
\bold{Function} \tab \bold{Value of argument leftcols} \cr
\code{\link{metabin}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "event.e", "n.e",
  "event.c", "n.c")} \cr
\code{\link{metacont}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "n.e", "mean.e",
  "sd.e", "n.c", "mean.c", "sd.c")} \cr
\code{\link{metacor}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "n")} \cr
\code{\link{metagen}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "TE", "seTE")} \cr
\code{\link{metainc}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "event.e", "time.e",
  "event.c", "time.c")} \cr
\code{\link{metaprop}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "event", "n")} \cr
\code{\link{metarate}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "event", "time")}
\code{\link{metacum}} \tab \code{"studlab"} \cr
\code{\link{metainf}} \tab \code{"studlab"}

Note, \code{"studlab"} \bold{must be provided for study labels} in
argument \code{rightcols} or \code{leftcols} instead of the
variable name used in the meta-analysis command. If, for example,
\code{"id"} is provided in argument \code{leftcols} as this
variable was used to define study labels in the meta-analysis, this
variable will be treated as an additional variable, not as study

The arguments \code{leftlabs} and \code{rightlabs} can be used to
specify column headings which are plotted on left and right side of
the forest plot, respectively. For certain columns predefined
labels exist. If the arguments \code{leftlabs} and \code{rightlabs}
are \code{NULL}, the following default labels will be used:
\bold{Column:} \tab \code{studlab} \tab \code{TE} \tab \code{seTE}
  \tab \code{n.e} \tab \code{n.c} \tab \code{n} \cr
\bold{Label:} \tab "Study" \tab "TE" \tab "seTE" \tab "Total" \tab
  "Total" \tab "Total" \cr
\bold{Column:} \tab \code{event.e} \tab \code{event.c} \tab
  \code{event} \tab \code{mean.e} \tab \code{mean.c} \tab \cr
\bold{Label:} \tab "Events" \tab "Events" \tab "Events" \tab "Mean"
  \tab "Mean" \tab \cr
\bold{Column:} \tab \code{sd.e} \tab \code{sd.c} \tab \code{time.e}
  \tab \code{time.c} \tab \code{effect} \tab \cr
\bold{Label:} \tab "SD" \tab "SD" \tab "Time" \tab "Time" \tab
  \code{x$sm} \tab \cr
\bold{Column:} \tab \code{ci} \tab \code{} \tab
  \code{w.fixed} \tab \code{w.random} \tab \tab \cr
\bold{Label:} \tab \code{x$level}"\%-CI" \tab \emph{effect+ci} \tab
  "W(fixed)" \tab "W(random)" \tab \tab

For additional columns, the column name will be used as a label. It
is possible to only provide labels for new columns (see
Examples). Otherwise the length of \code{leftlabs} and
\code{rightlabs} must be the same as the number of printed columns,
respectively. The value \code{NA} can be used to specify columns
which should use default labels (see Examples).

\subsection{Forest plots in RevMan5 layout}{

If argument \code{layout = "RevMan5"} (and arguments \code{leftcols} and
\code{rightcols} are \code{NULL}), the layout for forest plots used for
Cochrane reviews (which are generated with Review Manager 5,
is reproduced:
\item All columns are printed on the left side of the forest plot
  (see arguments \code{leftcols} and \code{rightcols})
\item Tests for overall effect and subgroup differences are printed
  (\code{test.overall}, \code{test.effect.subgroup},
\item Diamonds representing meta-analysis results are printed in
  black (\code{diamond.fixed}, \code{diamond.random})
\item Colour of squares depends on the meta-analysis object
  (\code{col.square}, \code{col.square.lines})
\item Information on effect measure and meta-analysis method is
  printed above the forest plot (\code{smlab})
\item Label "Study or Subgroup" is printed for meta-analysis with
  subgroups (\code{leftlabs})

\subsection{Forest plots in JAMA layout}{

If argument \code{layout = "JAMA"} (and arguments \code{leftcols} and
\code{rightcols} are \code{NULL}), instructions for authors of the
\emph{Journal of the American Medical Association}, see
are taken into account:
\item Graph labels on right and left side are printed in bold font
  at top of forest plot (see arguments \code{} and
\item Information on effect measure and level of confidence
  interval is printed at bottom of forest plot (\code{xlab})
\item Tests for overall effect are printed (\code{test.overall})
\item Diamonds representing meta-analysis results are printed in
  lightblue (\code{diamond.fixed}, \code{diamond.random})
\item Squares representing individual study results are printed in
  darkblue (\code{col.square}, \code{col.square.lines})
\item Between-study variance \eqn{\tau^2} is not printed
\item Empty rows are omitted (\code{addrow})
\item Label "Source" is printed instead of "Study" (\code{leftlabs})
\item P-values are printed without leading zeros (\code{zero.pval})
\item P-values are rounded to three digits (for 0.001 < p \eqn{\le}
  0.01) or two digits (p > 0.01) (\code{JAMA.pval})
Study labels according to JAMA guidelines can be generated using

\subsection{Forest plots showing results of subgroups}{

The following changes are conducted if argument
\code{layout = "subgroup"} (and arguments \code{leftcols} and
\code{rightcols} are \code{NULL}) and a subgroup analysis was
\item Individual study results are omitted (see argument
\item Total number of observations is not printed
\item Label "Subgroup" is printed instead of "Study"

If arguments \code{lab.e} and \code{lab.c} are \code{NULL},
"Experimental" and "Control" are used as labels for experimental
and control group, respectively.

Argument \code{pscale} can be used to rescale single proportions or
risk differences, e.g., \code{pscale = 1000} means that proportions
are expressed as events per 1000 observations. This is useful in
situations with (very) low event probabilities.

Argument \code{irscale} can be used to rescale single rates or rate
differences, e.g., \code{irscale = 1000} means that rates are
expressed as events per 1000 time units, e.g., person-years. This is
useful in situations with (very) low rates. Argument \code{irunit}
can be used to specify the time unit used in individual studies
(default: "person-years"). This information is printed in summaries
and forest plots if argument \code{irscale} is not equal to 1.

A prediction interval for treatment effect of a new study (Higgins
et al., 2009) is given in the forest plot if arguments
\code{prediction} and \code{comb.random} are \code{TRUE}. For
graphical presentation of prediction intervals the approach by
Guddat et al. (2012) is used.

Argument \code{hetstat} can be a character string to specify where
to print heterogeneity information:
\item row with results for fixed effect model (\code{hetstat =
\item row with results for random effects model (\code{hetstat =
Otherwise, information on heterogeneity is printed in dedicated rows.

Note, in R package \bold{meta}, version 3.0-0 the following
arguments have been removed from R function forest.meta: byvar,
level, level.comb, level.predict. This functionality is now
provided by R function \code{\link{update.meta}} (or directly in R
functions, e.g., \code{\link{metabin}}, \code{\link{metacont}},
\code{\link{metagen}}, \code{\link{metacor}}, and
m1 <- metabin(ev.exp, n.exp, ev.cont, n.cont,
              data = Olkin1995, subset = c(41, 47, 51, 59),
              sm = "RR", method = "I",
              studlab = paste(author, year))

# Do standard (symmetric) forest plot

# Layout of forest plot similar to Review Manager 5
# Furthermore, add labels on both sides of forest plot and
# prediction interval
forest(m1, layout = "RevMan5", comb.fixed = FALSE,
       label.right = "Favours control", col.label.right = "red",
       label.left = "Favours experimental", col.label.left = "green",
       prediction = TRUE)

# Create a PDF file forest-m1.pdf with the forest plot
pdf("forest-m1.pdf", width = 10, height = 3)

# Sort studies by decreasing treatment effect within year subgroups
m2 <- update(m1, byvar = ifelse(year < 1987,
                                "Before 1987", "1987 and later"),
             print.byvar = FALSE)
forest(m2, sortvar = -TE, comb.random = FALSE)

# Forest plot specifying argument xlim
forest(m1, xlim = c(0.01, 10))

# Print results of test for overall effect
forest(m1, test.overall.fixed = TRUE, test.overall.random = TRUE)

# Forest plot with 'classic' layout used in R package meta,
# version < 1.6-0
forest(m1, col.square = "black", hetstat = FALSE)

# Change set of columns printed on left side of forest plot
# (resulting in overlapping text)
forest(m1, comb.random = FALSE, leftcols = "studlab")

# Use argument 'addrows.below.overall' to add space between
# meta-analysis results and heterogeneity statistics
forest(m1, comb.random = FALSE, leftcols = "studlab", addrows = 2)

# Use argument 'calcwidth.hetstat' to consider text for heterogeneity
# measures in width of column with study labels
forest(m1, comb.random = FALSE, leftcols = "studlab",
       calcwidth.hetstat = TRUE)

# Do not print columns on right side of forest plot
forest(m1, rightcols = FALSE)

# Change study label to "Author"
forest(m1, comb.random = FALSE, leftlabs = c("Author", NA, NA, NA, NA))

# Just give effect estimate and 95\% confidence interval on right
# side of forest plot (in one column)
forest(m1, rightcols = c(""))

# Just give effect estimate and 95\% confidence interval on right
# side of forest plot
forest(m1, rightcols = c("effect", "ci"))

# 1. Change order of columns on left side
# 2. Attach labels to columns 'event.e' and 'event.c' instead of
#    columns 'n.e' and 'n.c'
       leftcols = c("studlab", "n.e", "event.e", "n.c", "event.c"), = "event.e", = "event.c")

# Specify column labels only for variables 'year' and 'author'
# (and define digits for additional variables)
       leftcols = c("studlab", "event.e", "n.e", "event.c", "n.c",
                    "author", "year"),
       leftlabs = c("Author", "Year of Publ"))

# Center text in all columns
       leftcols = c("studlab", "event.e", "n.e", "event.c", "n.c",
                    "author", "year"),
       leftlabs = c("Author", "Year of Publ"), hetstat = FALSE,
       just = "center", just.addcols = "center", just.studlab = "center")

# Same result
       leftcols = c("studlab", "event.e", "n.e", "event.c", "n.c",
                  "author", "year"),
       leftlabs = c("Author", "Year of Publ"), hetstat = FALSE,
       just = "c", just.addcols = "c", just.studlab = "c")

# Change some fontsizes and fontfaces
forest(m1, = 10, = "italic", = 11, = "bold",
       fs.axis = 5, ff.axis = "italic",
       ff.smlab = "bold.italic",
       ff.fixed = "plain", ff.hetstat = "plain")

# Change some colours
       col.diamond = "green", col.diamond.lines = "red", = c("green", "blue", "red", "orange"),
       col.square = "pink", col.square.lines = "black")

# Sort by weight in fixed effect model
forest(m1, sortvar = 1 / w.fixed, comb.random = FALSE)

# Sort by decreasing weight in fixed effect model
forest(m1, sortvar = -1 / w.fixed, comb.random = FALSE)

# Sort by size of treatment effect
forest(m1, sortvar = TE, comb.random = FALSE)

# Sort by size of treatment effect
forest(m1, sortvar = -TE, comb.random = FALSE)

# Sort by decreasing year of publication
forest(m1, sortvar = -year, comb.random = FALSE)

# Print results of test for subgroup differences (random effects
# model)
forest(m2, sortvar = -TE, comb.fixed = FALSE)

# Print only subgroup results
forest(m2, layout = "subgroup", addrows = 2)

# Print only subgroup results (and consider text for tests of
# subgroup differences in width of subgroup column)
forest(m2, layout = "subgroup", calcwidth.tests = TRUE)

# Print only subgroup results (and consider text for heterogeneity
# measures in width of subgroup column)
forest(m2, layout = "subgroup", addrows = 2, calcwidth.hetstat = TRUE)

Guddat C, Grouven U, Bender R, Skipka G (2012):
A note on the graphical presentation of prediction intervals in
random-effects meta-analyses.
\emph{Systematic Reviews},
\bold{1}, 34

Higgins JPT, Thompson SG, Spiegelhalter DJ (2009): 
A re-evaluation of random-effects meta-analysis.
\emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A},
\bold{172}, 137-59
\code{\link{metabin}}, \code{\link{metacont}},
  \code{\link{metagen}}, \code{\link{forest.metabind}},
  \code{\link{settings.meta}}, \code{\link{JAMAlabels}}
Guido Schwarzer \email{}
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