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Tip revision: 5c70e61a26b4f701b4fe2fc45232a51624bc34d5 authored by Guido Schwarzer on 17 March 2017, 10:06:57 UTC
version 4.8-1
Tip revision: 5c70e61
metabias.default <- function(x, seTE,
                             method.bias = "linreg",
                             plotit = FALSE, correct = FALSE,
                             k.min = 10, ...) {
  ## (1) Check arguments
  TE <- x
  k.All <- length(TE)
  chknumeric(k.min, 1, single = TRUE)
  tests <- c("rank", "linreg", "mm")
  method.bias <- setchar(method.bias, tests)
  imeth <- charmatch(method.bias, tests)
  method <- c(paste("Rank correlation test of funnel plot asymmetry",
                    ifelse(correct == TRUE, " (with continuity correction)", ""),
                    sep = ""),
              "Linear regression test of funnel plot asymmetry",
              "Linear regression test of funnel plot asymmetry (methods of moment)")[imeth]
  chknumeric(k.min, 1, single = TRUE) <- paste(deparse(substitute(x)),
                     sep = ", ")
  if(length(TE) != length(seTE))
    stop("Length of argument TE and seTE must be equal.")
  sel <- ! & !
  if (length(TE) != sum(sel))
    warning(paste(length(TE) - sum(sel),
                  "observation(s) dropped due to missing values"))
  TE <- TE[sel]
  seTE <- seTE[sel]
  k <- length(TE)
  if (k < k.min) {
    res <- list(k = k, k.min = k.min)
  else {
    if (method.bias == "rank") {
      ## Begg und Mazumdar (1994), Biometrics, 50, 1088-1101
      m <- metagen(TE, seTE)
      TE.fixed <- m$TE.fixed
      seTE.fixed <- m$seTE.fixed
      varTE.s <- seTE^2 - seTE.fixed^2
      TE.s <- (TE - TE.fixed) / sqrt(varTE.s)
      ktau <- kentau(TE.s, seTE^2, correct = correct)
      res <- list(estimate = c(ktau$ks, ktau$se.ks),
                  statistic = ktau$ks / ktau$se.ks,
                  p.value = ktau$p.value)
      names(res$statistic) <- "z"
      names(res$estimate) <- c("ks", "se.ks")
    else if (method.bias == "linreg" | method.bias == "mm") {
      if (method.bias == "linreg") {
        ## Egger, Smith, Schneider, Minder (1997), BMJ, 315, 629-34
        lreg <- linregcore(seTE, TE, 1 / seTE^2)
        se.bias <- lreg$se.slope
      else if (method.bias == "mm") {
        ## Thompson und Sharp (1999), Stat Med, 18, 2693-2708
        fit1 <- linregcore(1 / seTE, TE / seTE)
        Q <- sum((TE / seTE - fit1$intercept - fit1$slope / seTE)^2)
        x <- seTE
        y <- TE
        w <- 1 / seTE^2
        tau2 <- (Q - (k - 2)) / (sum(w) - (sum(w^2) * sum(w * x^2) -
                                             2 * sum(w^2 * x) * sum(w * x) +
                                               sum(w) * sum(w^2 * x^2)) /
                                                 (sum(w) * sum(w * x^2) - (sum(w * x))^2))
        tau2 <- ifelse(tau2 < 0, 0, tau2)
        lreg <- linregcore(seTE, TE, 1 / (seTE^2 + tau2))
        se.bias <- lreg$se.slope / sqrt(lreg$MSE.w)
      bias <- lreg$slope
      df <- lreg$df
      slope <- lreg$intercept
      statistic <- bias / se.bias
      p.value <- 2 * (1 - pt(abs(statistic), df = df))[[1]]
      res <- list(estimate = c(bias, se.bias, slope),
                  parameters = df, statistic = statistic,
                  p.value = p.value)
      names(res$statistic) <- "t"
      names(res$parameters) <- "df"
      names(res$estimate) <- c("bias", "se.bias", "slope")
    res$alternative <- "asymmetry in funnel plot"
    res$method <- method
    res$ <-
    if (plotit) {
      if (method.bias == "linreg" | method.bias == "mm") {
        radial(TE, seTE, comb.fixed = FALSE)
        abline(lreg$slope, lreg$intercept)
      else if (method.bias == "rank") {
        if (plotit) {
          plot(TE.s, seTE^2,
               xlab = "Standardised treatment effect",
               ylab = "Estimated variance of treatment estimate")
  res$version <- packageDescription("meta")$Version
  class(res) <- c("metabias", "htest")
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