Raw File
Tip revision: c813a5cb1b7d8282d41d5c8a7bb4fdbf69d89260 authored by Duncan Lee on 10 September 2018, 10:00:03 UTC
version 5.1
Tip revision: c813a5c <-function(data, shp, dbf)
        #### This function merges a data frame with a shapefile to enable spaital plotting
        #### The data frame must have rownames which match the shapefile id in the dbf file
        #### The data frame can be a subset of the areas in the shapefile
        #### Subset the shapefile to only contain areas corresponding to the data frame
        #### Then turn each portion of the shapefile into a polygon object
        n <- nrow(data)
        polygons <- as.list(rep(NA,n))
        names(polygons) <- rownames(data)
        for(i in 1:n)
            #### Select the appropriate shapefile component
            index <- which(dbf$dbf[,1]==names(polygons)[i])
                }else if(length(index)==1)
                shapefile <- shp$shp[[index]]
                #### Turn the shapefile into a polygon object
                    temp <- Polygon(shapefile$points)
                    polygons[[i]] <- Polygons(list(temp), names(polygons)[i])
                    # If the polygon has multiple areas or holes
           <- shapefile$
                    results.part <- as.list(rep(0,
                    breakpoints <- c(shapefile$parts, shapefile$num.points)
                        for(k in
                        start <- breakpoints[k]+1
                        end <- breakpoints[(k+1)]
                        results.part[[k]] <- Polygon(shapefile$points[start:end, ])
                    polygons[[i]] <- Polygons(results.part, names(polygons)[i])
                #### If the different parts come in different shapefile components
       <- length(index)
                results.part <- as.list(rep(0,
                    for(k in
                    shapefile <- shp$shp[[index[k]]]
                    results.part[k] <- Polygon(shapefile$points)   
                polygons[[i]] <- Polygons(results.part, names(polygons)[i])
        #### Remove all those elements that do not have an associated polygon
        na.check <- rep(0, n)
            for(i in 1:n)
                if(class(polygons[[i]])=="logical") na.check[i] <- 1    

        if(sum(na.check)==n) stop("None of the rownames of the data object match the first column of the dbf object.", call.=FALSE)

        dataextend <- data.frame(rep(0, n), data)
        datatrimmed <- dataextend[na.check==0, ]
        datatrimmed2 <- data.frame(datatrimmed[ ,-1])
        rownames(datatrimmed2) <- rownames(datatrimmed)
        colnames(datatrimmed2) <- colnames(data)
        polygonstrimmed <- polygons[na.check==0]
        # Merge the dataframe and polygons object
        poly <- SpatialPolygons(polygonstrimmed) <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(poly, datatrimmed2)
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