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Tip revision: d57ac843e4bb93cf7b5020287db6f854e6603a9a authored by Roger Koenker on 22 January 2021, 04:40:07 UTC
version 5.83
Tip revision: d57ac84
#Toy rqss example with lasso shrinkage of linear covariate effects

n <- 100
p <- 9
q <- 3
beta <- c( rep(1,q), rep(0,p-q))
w <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)
x <- runif(n,0,10)
z <- runif(n,0,10)
y <- w %*% beta + sin(x) + (z^2)/50 + rnorm(n)/5
d <- data.frame(w,x,y,z) 
f <- rqss(y ~ w + qss(x,lambda = 3) + qss(z,lambda = 2),
                method = "lasso", lambda = 3, data = d)
plot(f, bands = "both", bcol = c("lightsteelblue", "lightsteelblue4"))
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