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Tip revision: 328f151e07864e976578f9134025cbfdb72eb2f3 authored by Doug Nychka on 19 July 2013, 23:45:29 UTC
version 6.8
Tip revision: 328f151

R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16) -- "Good Sport"
Copyright (C) 2013 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)

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> # fields, Tools for spatial data
> # Copyright 2004-2011, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences
> # University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
> # Licensed under the GPL --
> #library( fields, lib.loc="lib.test")
> library( fields)
Loading required package: spam
Spam version 0.29-3 (2013-04-23) is loaded.
Type 'help( Spam)' or 'demo( spam)' for a short introduction 
and overview of this package.
Help for individual functions is also obtained by adding the
suffix '.spam' to the function name, e.g. 'help( chol.spam)'.

Attaching package: 'spam'

The following object is masked from 'package:base':

    backsolve, forwardsolve

Loading required package: maps
> options(echo=FALSE)
testing:  radial basis function exact
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-06
testing:  sanity test of stationary.cov with RadialBasis
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
testing:  sanity test of Rad.cov
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
testing:  stat.cov Radbas C multiply
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
testing:  Rad.cov C multiply
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-06
testing:  Wendland exact
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-06
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
testing:  Wendland C multiply
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
testing:  Wendland.cov theta=1.0
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-07
testing:  Wendland.cov theta=.75
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-07
testing:  stationary.cov and exact C multiply for Wendland
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
testing:    Wendland C multiply
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
testing:  2-d derivs from wend.cov/mKrig
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
testing:  2-d derivs from stationary-wend/mKrig
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
testing:  wendland.cov quad 2-d
    PASSED test at tolerance  0.005
testing:  stationary.cov/Wendland cubic 2-d
    PASSED test at tolerance  0.01
Warning messages:
1: In Krig.find.gcvmin(info, lambda.grid, gcv.grid$GCV, Krig.fgcv,  :
  GCV search gives a minimum at the endpoints of the
grid search
2: In Krig.find.gcvmin(info, lambda.grid, gcv.grid$,,  :
  GCV search gives a minimum at the endpoints of the
grid search
testing:  stationary.cov/Wendland cubic 2-d
    PASSED test at tolerance  0.005
    PASSED test at tolerance  0.005
Warning messages:
1: In Krig.find.gcvmin(info, lambda.grid, gcv.grid$GCV, Krig.fgcv,  :
  GCV search gives a minimum at the endpoints of the
grid search
2: In Krig.find.gcvmin(info, lambda.grid, gcv.grid$,,  :
  GCV search gives a minimum at the endpoints of the
grid search
testing:  Tps derivative x1
    PASSED test at tolerance  2e-04
testing:  Tps derivative x2
    PASSED test at tolerance  2e-04
testing:  Tps derivative x1 surface function
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
testing:  Tps derivative x2 surface function
    PASSED test at tolerance  1e-08
done with dervative tests
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
  4.188   0.265   4.444 
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