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Tip revision: 328f151e07864e976578f9134025cbfdb72eb2f3 authored by Doug Nychka on 19 July 2013, 23:45:29 UTC
version 6.8
Tip revision: 328f151
# fields, Tools for spatial data
# Copyright 2004-2011, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences
# University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
# Licensed under the GPL --

library( fields)
options( echo=FALSE)<- 1

# test data
data( ozone2)
x<- ozone2$
y<- ozone2$y[16,]

# turning spam on and off
Krig(x,y, cov.function = "stationary.taper.cov", theta=1.5,
      cov.args= list( spam.format=FALSE,
        Taper.args= list( theta=2.0,k=2, dimension=2) )
           ) -> out1

Krig(x,y, cov.function = "stationary.taper.cov", lambda=2.0, theta=1.5,
      cov.args= list( spam.format=TRUE,
        Taper.args= list( theta=2.0,k=2, dimension=2) )
           ) -> out2

temp1<- predict( out1,lambda=2.0)
temp2<- predict( out2) temp1, temp2, tag="spam vs no spam")

# Omit the NAs
good<- ! y)
x<- x[good,]
y<- y[good]

# now look at mKrig w/o sparse matrix 
mKrig( x,y, cov.function="stationary.cov", theta=10, lambda=.3,
       chol.args=list( pivot=FALSE))-> look

Krig( x,y, cov.function="stationary.cov", theta=10, lambda=.3) -> look2 look$d, look2$d, tag="Krig mKrig d coef") look$c, look2$c, tag="Krig mKrig c coef")

xnew<- cbind( (runif(20)-.5)*5, (runif(20)-.5)*5)
 temp<- predict( look, xnew)
 temp2<- predict( look2, xnew) temp, temp2, tag="test of predict at new locations")

# test of matrix of obs
N<- length( y)
Y<- cbind( runif(N), y,runif(N), y)

mKrig( x,Y, cov.function="stationary.cov", 
        theta=10, lambda=.3)-> lookY
temp3<-  predict( lookY, xnew)[,4] temp, temp3, tag="test of matrix Y predicts" )
predict.surface( look)-> temp
predict.surface( look2)-> temp2

good<- ! temp2$z) temp$z[good], temp2$z[good])

# testing stationary taper covariance 
# and also surface prediction

N<- length( y)
mKrig( x,y, cov.function="stationary.taper.cov", theta=2, 
spam.format=FALSE, lambda=.35 )-> look

Krig( x,y, cov.function="stationary.taper.cov", theta=2, 
spam.format=FALSE, lambda=.35)-> look2

predict.surface( look, nx=50, ny=45)-> temp
predict.surface( look2, nx=50, ny=45)-> temp2

good<- ! temp2$z) temp$z[good], temp2$z[good], tag="predict.surface with mKrig")

# Use Wendland with sparse off and on.
Krig( x,y, cov.function="wendland.cov", 
       cov.args=list( k=2, theta=2.8), 
       lambda=.3, spam.format=FALSE)-> look

mKrig( x,y, cov.function="wendland.cov",k=2, theta=2.8,
      spam.format=FALSE, lambda=.3)-> look2

mKrig( x,y, cov.function="wendland.cov",k=2, theta=2.8,
      spam.format=TRUE, lambda=.3)-> look3

# final tests for  predict.
xnew<- cbind(runif( N)*.5 + x[,1], runif(N)*.5 + x[,2])
 temp<- predict( look, xnew)
 temp2<- predict( look2, xnew)
 temp3<- predict( look3, xnew) temp, temp2, tag="Wendland/no spam") temp2, temp3, tag="Wendland/spam")

### testing coefficients for new data 
mKrig.coef( look2, cbind(y+1,y+2))-> newc look2$c, newc$c[,2], tag="new coef c no spam") look2$d,
              c(newc$d[1,2] -2, newc$d[2:3,2]), tag="new d coef no spam")

mKrig.coef( look3, cbind(y+1,y+2))-> newc look3$c, newc$c[,2], tag="new coef c spam") look3$d,
              c(newc$d[1,2] -2, newc$d[2:3,2]), tag="new d coef spam")


### bigger sample size
set.seed( 334)
N<- 1000
x<- matrix( runif(2*N),ncol=2)
y<- rnorm( N)
nzero <- length( wendland.cov(x,x, k=2,theta=.1)@entries)

mKrig( x,y, cov.function="wendland.cov",k=2,
            theta=.1, lambda=.3)-> look2 look2$, nzero, tag="nzero in call to mKrig")

### test out passing to chol

data( ozone2)
     y<- ozone2$y[16,]
     good<- ! y)
     x<- ozone2$[good,]

     # interpolate using defaults (Exponential)
     # stationary covariance
     mKrig( x,y, theta = 1.5, lambda=.2)-> out
     # NOTE this should be identical to 
     Krig( x,y, theta=1.5, lambda=.2) -> out2
      temp<- predict( out)
      temp2<- predict( out2) temp, temp2, tag="mKrig vs. Krig for ozone2")

# test passing arguments for chol 

set.seed( 334)
N<- 300
x<- matrix( 2*(runif(2*N)-.5),ncol=2)
y<- sin( 3*pi*x[,1])*sin( 3.5*pi*x[,2]) + rnorm( N)*.01

 Krig( x,y, Covariance="Wendland",
      cov.args= list(k=2, theta=.8, dimension=2),                   , 
       lambda=1e2) -> out

 mKrig( x,y, 
            cov.function="wendland.cov",k=2, theta=.8, 
            chol.args=list( memory=list( nnzR=1e5)), 
             )-> out2

 temp<- predict( out)
      temp2<- predict( out2) temp, temp2, tag="predict Wendland  mKrig vs Krig")

# test of fastTps
nx<- 50
ny<- 60
x<- seq( 0,1,,nx)
y<- seq( 0,1,,ny)
gl<- list( x=x, y=y)
xg<- make.surface.grid(gl)
ztrue<- sin( xg[,1]*pi*3)* cos(xg[,2]*pi*2.5)
#image.plot(x,y,matriz( ztrue, nx,ny)) 
set.seed( 222)
ind<- sample( 1:(nx*ny), 600)
xdat<- xg[ind,]
ydat <- ztrue[ind]
out<- fastTps(xdat, ydat, theta=.3)
out.p<-predict.surface( out, grid=gl, extrap=TRUE)
# perfect agreement at data ydat, c( out.p$z)[ind], tag="fastTps interp1")
#image.plot(x,y,matrix( ztrue, nx,ny)- out.p$z) 
rmse<- sqrt(mean( (ztrue- c( out.p$z))^2)/ mean( (ztrue)^2)) rmse,0,tol=.01, relative=FALSE,tag="fastTps interp2")

cat("all done with mKrig tests", fill=TRUE)
options( echo=TRUE)

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