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Tip revision: 6f86eb3006d815bb183e0d0d8f94a9b3357d38a4 authored by Syd Bauman on 10 September 2014, 03:37:43 UTC
Tag this version which has Schematron code in biblStruct.xml for deprecating <idno> as a direct child of <biblStruct>. I can't implement this for the upcoming release, as we have 29 cases of biblStruct/idno in P5's own bibliogrraphy.
Tip revision: 6f86eb3
<project name="example" default="validate" basedir=".">

  <taskdef name="jing" classname="com.thaiopensource.relaxng.util.JingTask"/>
  <target name="validate">
    <jing compactsyntax="true" rngfile=" ../../xhtml.rnc">
      <fileset dir="Guidelines-web/en/html" includes="**/z*.html"/>

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