Raw File
Tip revision: 773926275c5b1f5611ca52b0b3fb68f5655f5b99 authored by Sebastian Rahtz on 08 November 2009, 22:06:19 UTC
create tag of P5 release 1.5.0
Tip revision: 7739262
# +//IDN Schematron 1.5//EN


# version of 2002/08/16

# This version has the 1.6 feature that sch:key element with @match 
# is allowed under sch:schema. This is not part of 1.5 proper.

# All names are given indirectly, to allow explicit use of a namespace prefix
# if desired.  In that case, in the internal subset of the doctype declaration,
# define <!ENTITY % sp "sch:" >

# Data types

default namespace = ""
namespace a = ""
namespace xsi = ""

URI = string
PATH = string
EXPR = string
FPI = string
# Element declarations
schema =
  element schema {
    (phase | key)*,
active = element active {, (text | dir | emph | span)* }
assert =
  element assert { attlist.assert, (text | name | emph | dir | span)* }
dir = element dir { attlist.dir, text }
emph = element emph { attlist.emph, text }
attlist.emph &= empty
extends = element extends { attlist.extends, empty }
diagnostic =
  element diagnostic {
    attlist.diagnostic, (text | value-of | emph | dir | span)*
diagnostics = element diagnostics { attlist.diagnostics, diagnostic* }
attlist.diagnostics &= empty
key = element key { attlist.key, empty }
name = element name {, empty }
ns = element ns { attlist.ns, empty }
p = element p { attlist.p, (text | dir | emph | span)* }
pattern = element pattern { attlist.pattern, p*, rule* }
phase = element phase { attlist.phase, p*, active* }
report =
  element report {, (text | name | emph | dir | span)* }
rule = element rule { attlist.rule, (assert | report | key | extends)+ }
span = element span { attlist.span, text }
title = element title { attlist.title, (text | dir)* }
attlist.title &= empty
value-of = element value-of { attlist.value-of, empty }
# Attribute declarations
attlist.schema &=
    a:defaultValue =
  attribute xsi:schemaLocation { URI }?,
  attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
  attribute fpi { FPI }?,
  attribute ns { FPI }?,
  attribute schemaVersion { text }?,
  attribute defaultPhase { xsd:IDREF }?,
  attribute icon { URI }?,
  [ a:defaultValue = "1.5" ] attribute version { text }?,
  attribute xml:lang { xsd:NMTOKEN }? &= attribute pattern { xsd:IDREF }
attlist.assert &=
  attribute test { EXPR },
  attribute role { xsd:NMTOKEN }?,
  attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
  attribute diagnostics { xsd:IDREFS }?,
  attribute icon { URI }?,
  attribute subject { PATH }?,
  attribute xml:lang { xsd:NMTOKEN }?
attlist.dir &= attribute value { "ltr" | "rtl" }?
attlist.extends &= attribute rule { xsd:IDREF }
attlist.diagnostic &=
  attribute id { xsd:ID },
  attribute icon { URI }?,
  attribute xml:lang { xsd:NMTOKEN }?
attlist.key &=
  attribute match { text }?,
  attribute name { xsd:NMTOKEN },
  attribute path { PATH },
  attribute icon { URI }? &= [ a:defaultValue = "." ] attribute path { PATH }?
# Schematrons should implement '.' 
# as the default value for path in sch:name
attlist.p &=
  attribute xml:lang { text }?,
  attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
  attribute class { text }?,
  attribute icon { URI }?
attlist.pattern &=
  attribute name { text },
  attribute see { URI }?,
  attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
  attribute icon { URI }?
attlist.ns &=
  attribute uri { URI },
  attribute prefix { xsd:NMTOKEN }?
attlist.phase &=
  attribute id { xsd:ID },
  attribute fpi { FPI }?,
  attribute icon { URI }?
attlist.span &= attribute class { text }? &=
  attribute test { EXPR },
  attribute role { xsd:NMTOKEN }?,
  attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
  attribute diagnostics { xsd:IDREFS }?,
  attribute icon { URI }?,
  attribute subject { PATH }?,
  attribute xml:lang { text }?
attlist.rule &=
  attribute context { PATH }?,
  [ a:defaultValue = "false" ] attribute abstract { "true" | "false" }?,
  attribute role { xsd:NMTOKEN }?,
  attribute id { xsd:ID }?
# Schematrons should implement 'false' as the default
# value of abstract
attlist.value-of &= attribute select { PATH }
start = schema
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