Raw File
Tip revision: 4e8feb18e508706cbcb10dd2e2cf373273fc3eb2 authored by Friedrich Leisch on 03 January 2005, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.1-0
Tip revision: 4e8feb1
Package: flexmix
Version: 1.1-0
Date: 2005-01-03
Author: Friedrich Leisch
Maintainer: Friedrich Leisch <>
Title: Flexible Mixture Modeling
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), methods
Imports: stats, stats4
Suggests: MASS, ellipse, mvtnorm
Description: FlexMix implements a general framework for finite
  mixtures of regression models using the EM algorithm. 
  FlexMix provides the E-step and all data handling, while the M-step can be
  supplied by the user to easily define new models. Existing drivers
  implement mixtures of standard linear models, generalized linear
  models and model-based clustering. 
License: GPL version 2.
SaveImage: no
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: Mon Jan  3 17:10:22 2005; leisch
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