Raw File
Tip revision: 988234026934ce3bdec145b47bb5ed80069877d2 authored by Markus Loecher, Sense Networks on 02 August 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
Tip revision: 9882340
Package: RgoogleMaps
Type: Package
Title: Overlays on Google map tiles in R
Date: 2011-08-02
Depends: R (>= 1.4.0), graphics, stats, utils, png
Suggests: grid, ReadImages, PBSmapping, sp
Enhances: rgdal
Author: Markus Loecher
Maintainer: "Markus Loecher, Sense Networks" <>
Description: This package serves two purposes: (i) Provide a
        comfortable R interface to query the Google server for static
        maps, and (ii) Use the map as a background image to overlay
        plots within R. This requires proper coordinate scaling. NOTE:
        To do anything but downloading static map tiles, RgoogleMaps
        needs EITHER png OR ReadImages OR rimage installed ! png
        (default) is your package if you prefer png file format and
        ReadImages or rimage if you prefer jpg format. In the latter
        cases, you will also need the libjpeg library installed.
License: GPL
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: 2011-08-02 07:24:03 UTC; mloecher
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2011-08-02 10:32:26
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