Raw File
Tip revision: cd7e4fc006dc5296865fa6523ce7d087d86d3ca8 authored by Charles J. Geyer on 20 October 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.8-20
Tip revision: cd7e4fc
\title{Life History Data on Raphanus sativus}
  Data on life history traits for the 
  invasive California wild radish \emph{Raphanus sativus}
  A data frame with records for 286 plants.
  Data are already in \dQuote{long} format; no need to reshape.
    \item{resp}{Response vector.}
    \item{varb}{Categorical.  Gives node of graphical model corresponding
      to each component of \code{resp}.  See details below.}
    \item{root}{All ones.  Root variables for graphical model.}
    \item{id}{Categorical.  Indicates individual plants.}
    \item{Site}{Categorical.  Experimental site where plant was grown.
      Two sites in this dataset.}
    \item{Block}{Categorical.  Block nested within site.}
    \item{Region}{Categorical.  Region from which individuals
      were obtained: northern, coastal California (N) or southern, inland
      California (S).}
    \item{Pop}{Categorical.  Wild population nested within region.}
    \item{varbFlowering}{Indicator (zero or one).  Shorthand
      for \code{as.numeric(radish$varb == "Flowering")}.}
    \item{varbFlowers}{Indicator (zero or one).  Shorthand
      for \code{as.numeric(radish$varb == "Flowers")}.}
    \item{fit}{Indicator (zero or one).  Shorthand
      for \code{as.numeric(radish$varb == "Fruits")}.  So-called because the
      components of \code{outcome} indicated are the best surrogate of
      Darwinian fitness in these data.}
The levels of \code{varb} indicate nodes of the graphical model to which
the corresponding elements of the response vector \code{resp} belong.
This is the typical \dQuote{long} format produced by the R \code{reshape}
function.  For each individual, there are several response variables.
All response variables are combined in one vector \code{resp}.
The variable \code{varb} indicates which \dQuote{original} variable
the number was for.  The variable \code{id} indicates which individual
the number was for.  The levels of \code{varb}, which are the names
of the \dQuote{original} variables are
  \item{Flowering}{Indicator (zero or one).  Bernoulli, One if individual
    survived to produce flowers.}
  \item{Flowers}{Integer.  Zero-truncated Poisson, number of flowers observed.}
  \item{Fruits}{Integer.  Poisson, number of fruits observed.}
Graphical model is
\deqn{1 \longrightarrow \mbox{Flowering} \longrightarrow \mbox{Flowers} \longrightarrow \mbox{Fruits}}{1 -> Flowering -> Flowers -> Fruits.}
Caroline Ridley
These data are a subset of data previously analyzed using aster methods
in the following.

Ridley, C. E. and Ellstrand, N. C. (2010).
Rapid evolution of morphology and adaptive life history in
    the invasive California wild radish (\emph{Raphanus sativus}) and
    the implications for management.
\emph{Evolutionary Applications}, \bold{3}, 64--76.
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