Raw File
Tip revision: 6769ffc81115fbf0bf7d9c566cf7ac81be0049dc authored by Doug Nychka on 25 July 2005, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.04
Tip revision: 6769ffc
"Krig.engine.fixed" <-
function(out, verbose=FALSE, lambda=NA){
# Model:
#     Y_k=  f_k + e_k
#  var( e_k) = sigma^2/W_k
#   f= Td + h 
#    T is often a low order polynomial 
#   E(h)=0    cov( h)= rho *K
# let M = (lambda W^{-1} + K)
# the surface estimate  depends on coefficient vectors d and c
#    The implementation in Krig/fields is that K are the 
#    cross covariances among the observation locations and the knot locations
#    H is the covariance among the knot locations. 
#    Thus if knot locs == obs locs we have the obvious collapse to 
#    the simpler form for M above.  
#   With M in hand ...
#   set 
#   d =  [(T)^t M^{-1} (T)]^{-1} (T)^t M^{-1} Y
#  this is just the generalized LS estimate for d 
#   lambda= sigma**2/rho 
#  the estimate for c is  
#   c=  M^{-1}(y - Td)
# This particular numerical strategy takes advantage of 
# fast Cholesky factorizations for positive definite matrices
# and also provides a seamless framework for sparse matrix implementations

  if( lambda)) lambda<- out$lambda<- out$

  if( !out$knot.model){
# case of knot locs == obs locs  out$knots == out$xM

# create T matrix
  Tmatrix <- out$make.tmatrix(out$knots, out$m)

  np <- nrow( out$knots)
  nt <- nrow( Tmatrix)
# form K 
            c(out$args, list(x1 = out$knots, x2 = out$knots))  )
# form M 

     diag(tempM) <- (lambda/ out$weightsM) + diag(tempM)
# find cholesky factor  
#  tempM = t(Mc)%*% Mc
#  V=  Mc^{-T}   

# call cholesky but also add in the args supplied in Krig object."chol",c(list( x=tempM), out$chol.args))-> Mc

 VT<- forwardsolve( Mc, x=Tmatrix, transpose=TRUE, upper.tri=TRUE)
 qr( VT)-> qr.VT

# now do generalized least squares for d 
# and then find c. 

 d.coef<- qr.coef( qr.VT, forwardsolve( Mc, transpose=TRUE, out$yM, upper.tri=TRUE) )

 c.coef<- forwardsolve( Mc, transpose=TRUE, out$yM- Tmatrix%*% d.coef, upper.tri=TRUE)
 c.coef<- backsolve( Mc,c.coef)

# return all the goodies,  include lambda as a check because 
# results are meaningless for other values of lambda 

  list(  qr.VT = qr.VT, d=c(d.coef), c=c(c.coef), 
         Mc = Mc, decomp = "cholesky", 
            nt=nt, np=np,lambda.fixed=lambda)
 else { 
# case of knot locs != obs locs  
# create weighted T matrix

  Tmatrix <- out$make.tmatrix(out$xM, out$m)

  np <- nrow( out$knots)
  nt <- nrow( Tmatrix)
# form H
   H <-
            c(out$args, list(x1 = out$knots, x2 = out$knots) ) )

# form K matrix 
            c(out$args, list(x1 = out$xM, x2 = out$knots) ) )
       c(list( x=t( K) %*%(out$weightsM * K) + lambda*H ), out$chol.args) )

# weighted Y
    wY<-  out$weightsM* out$yM

    temp0<- t(K)%*% (out$weightsM * Tmatrix)
    temp1<- forwardsolve( Mc, temp0, transpose=TRUE, upper.tri=TRUE)

    qr.Treg<- qr(t(Tmatrix)%*%(out$weightsM*Tmatrix) - t(temp1)%*%temp1)
    temp0<- t(K)%*% wY
    temp3<- t(Tmatrix)%*% wY - 
                 t(temp1)%*%forwardsolve( Mc, temp0, transpose=TRUE , upper.tri=TRUE)

     d.coef<- qr.coef( qr.Treg, temp3)

     temp1<- t(K)%*% (wY - out$weightsM * (Tmatrix)%*% d.coef)
     c.coef<- forwardsolve( Mc, transpose=TRUE, temp1, upper.tri=TRUE)
     c.coef<- backsolve( Mc, c.coef)

  list(  qr.Treg=qr.Treg, d=c(d.coef), c=c(c.coef), 
         Mc= Mc, decomp = "cholesky.knots", 
            nt=nt, np=np,lambda.fixed=lambda)

# should not get here. 

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