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Tip revision: 303d520fe57883772999cb6e59e5ce81bb6e2741 authored by Charles J. Geyer on 23 November 2005, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.4-1
Tip revision: 303d520

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>  library(aster)
>  famnam <- families()
>  ifam <- seq(along = famnam)[famnam == "bernoulli"]
>  print(ifam)
[1] 1
>  p <- seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1)
>  theta <- log(p) - log(1 - p)
>  zeroth <- double(length(p))
>  first <- double(length(p))
>  second <- double(length(p))
>  for (i in seq(along = p)) {
+     zeroth[i] <- famfun(ifam, 0, theta[i])
+     first[i] <- famfun(ifam, 1, theta[i])
+     second[i] <- famfun(ifam, 2, theta[i])
+  }
>  all.equal(zeroth, - log(1 - p))
[1] TRUE
>  all.equal(first, p)
[1] TRUE
>  all.equal(second, p * (1 - p))
[1] TRUE
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