Raw File
Tip revision: 8d6986ed263ed28de2df8c57d16e8fe0bd01f5b3 authored by Rene Locher on 19 January 2006, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.5.9
Tip revision: 8d6986e
2005-02-16 Rene Locher
 	IDPmisc V0.2.3

2005-03-22 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.3.1
	* inf.omit, ok added

2005-04-20  Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.3.2
	* inf.omit deprecated
	* inf.omit renamed to the more precise name NaRV.omit.
	  NaRV = Not A Regular Value
	* ipairs, iplot, image: densities are now displayed centered over 
	  the corresponding factor levels

2005-04-21 Rene Locher	
	IDPmisc V0.3.3
	* ipairs: factor levels are now correctely labeled
	* Image, ipairs, ilagplot: argument ztrans renamed to ztransf

2005-04-27 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.3.4
	* iplot: factor levels are now correctely labeled

2005-06-03 Rene Locher	
	IDPmisc V0.3.5
	* zoom: example in help and text output of zoom are improved

2005-07-22 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.3.6
	* zoom: example in help further improved
	* ixyplot: limits for nonfactors minimized

2005-10-05 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.4.1 not published

	IDPmisc V0.4.2
	* ipairs, ilagplot: additional examples on dataset AirQual{SwissAir}
	* Image, ipairs, ilagplot, ixyplot: additional argument "ztrans", which 
	  allows transformation of counts by a user defined function.

2005-11-15 Rene Locher
	Quick fix for CRAN because version 0.5 is not yet ready to be 
	* Arrows: 'atan(y,x)' replaced by 'atan2(y,x)'
2005-10-12 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.0, not published
	* draw.leg: new function
	* rose-class: new class
	* rose: new function
	* plot: new S4-Method for class rose
	* RhoPhi2xy: new function
	* xy2RhoPhi: new function

2005-10-12 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.1, not published
	* plot: S4-Method, argument 'del.vp' removed

2005-10-17 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.2, not published
	* plot: S4-Method, help to argument 'stacked' and 
	  corresponding error message in code updated.
	  Interpretation of argument 'rev.col' changed, so that stacked 
	  and unstacked roses have now the same order in the legend.
	* rose: new argument 'right'
	  'na.warning=TRUE': warns now also for x values out of breaks range

2005-10-18 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.3, not published	
	* plot: S4-Method
	  Several new warnings added.
	  Argument trans added, help revised
	* rose: argument 'na.warning' changed to 'warn' 

2005-10-18 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.4, not published
	  several improvements on help pages
	* RhoPhi2xy changed to clock2cart
	* xy2RhoPhi changed to cart2clock
	* plot.rose completely revised, including argument list and 
	            help pages
2005-12-06 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.5
	* plot.rose: several bugs fixed
2005-12-16 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.6
	* plot.rose works now correctly with ray.lim set manually 
	  in grid.control
	* general.control: arguments reordered and new arguments for 
	  manual setting of rose dimensions. Help expanded and corrected.
	* grid.control: default values for argument cyclVar.lab 
	  corrected. SW replaced by SE

2005-12-19 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.7
	* general.control: Help expanded
	* IDPmisc.package: Help expanded

2005-12-22 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.8
	* plot.rose: Bug for roses with negative values in slot rho 

2005-01-19 Rene Locher
	IDPmisc V0.5.9
	* general.control for plot.rose with new argument shift

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