Raw File
Tip revision: 794d34a1dc1d42f7e8ccf592779006fff206426e authored by Bendix Carstensen on 11 January 2008, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.0.7
Tip revision: 794d34a
Changes 0.4 to 0.6:

o cal.yr() reintroduced and now produces objects of class 
  c("cal.yr","numeric"). Functions as.Date.numeric() and added.

o ci.cum() added, aimed at computing cumulative hazard functions from
  parametric functions for hazards.

o ci.pd() amended to support the Agresti-Caffo method for confidence
  intervals for difference between proportions. Newcombes method 10
  is still used in twoby2.

o added. Fits age-period-cohort models with a range of
  possibilities for parametrizations.

o Function apc.plot() to make a plot of an apc fit is added. It is just
  a wrapper for apc.frame() and apc.lines(), with suitable computation of
  the paramters supplied to apc.frame().

o Functions for time-splitting at arbitrary times and at recurrent 
  failures have been added: isec(), icut(), fcut1(), fcut() and ex1().

Changes 0.2 to 0.4:

o Option Exp added to ci.lin, allowing on-the-fly computation of
  exp( estimate, c.i. ).

o Structure of the dataset ewrates has been changed from three
  matrices to a single dataframe.

o stat.table: - count() now allows an id argument to count persons
              - Rd file expanded with nickel example.

o diet data: - person-years, y, has been added as variable. 
             - dates have bben converted to class Date.

o rateplot: 0 rates are converted to NA before plotting to prevent
            warnings from the log-axis.

o The cal.yr class and related function have been removed.

o The cal.yr function now returns an unclassed numerical vector.
  Accepts all sorts of date/time classes as well as character vectors
  and factors as input.

Changes 0.1 to 0.2:

o rateplot: The option "grid" was not working, a grid was produced
            anyway. (10/5)

o ncut: Rd file clarified. (11/5)

o stat.table: - The "weighted.mean()" function now works correctly for 
                calculating standardized rates.

o Datasets added: thoro, mortDK, gmortDK, blcaIT, lungDK, births, S.typh.
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