Raw File
Tip revision: 7b2778b4ea77eab24528cc59cedaba09e3460fa7 authored by Doug Nychka on 22 April 2008, 00:00:00 UTC
version 4.3
Tip revision: 7b2778b
% fields, Tools for spatial data
% Copyright 2004-2007, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences
% University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
% Licensed under the GPL --

\title{ Some useful color tables for images. }
Two color scales useful for image plots:
a pleasing rainbow style color table patterned after that used in 
Matlab by Tim Hoar and also a simple colr interpolation between two 
colors passing through white. 
tim.colors(n = 64)
two.colors(n=256, start="darkgreen", end="red", middle="white")
designer.colors( n=256, col= c("darkgreen", "white", "darkred"),
                              x= seq(0,1,, length(col)) )

  \item{n}{ Number of color levels. The setting \code{n}=64 is the orignal 
\item{start}{Starting color for lowest values in color scale}
\item{end}{ Ending color.}
\item{middle}{Color scale passes through this color at halfway}
\item{col}{A list of colors (names or hex values) to interpolate}
\item{x}{Positions of colors on a [0,1] scale. Default is to assume that
the x values are equally spacesd from 0 to 1.}

 The color in R can be represented as three vectors in RGB coordinates
and these coordinates are interpolated separately using a cubic spline
to give color values that intermediate to the specified colors.  

 Ask Tim Hoar about tim.colors! He is a matlab black belt and this is
his favorite scale in that system.  \code{two.colors} is really about
three different colors. For other colors try \code{fields.color.picker}
to view possible choices.  \code{start="darkgreen", end="azure4"} are
the options used to get a nice color scale for rendering aerial photos
of ski trails.  (See \url{}.)

 \code{designer.color} is the master function for two.colors and
tim.colors.  It can be useful if one wants to customize the color table
to match quantiles of a distribution.  e.g. if the median of the data is
at .3 with respect to the range then set \code{x} equal to c(0,.3,1) and
specify three colors to provide a transtion that matches the median
A vector of character strings giving the colors in a hexadecimal format. 

\seealso{ topo.colors, terrain.colors, image.plot, quilt.plot, grey.scale }

# returns an array of 10 strings in hex format
#e.g. (red, green,  blue) values of   (16,255, 239)
# translates to "#10FFEF" .

# veiw some color table choices
set.panel( 1,3)
par( pty="s")

image( outer( 1:20,1:20,"+"), col=tim.colors( 200)) # 200 levels

image( outer( 1:20,1:20,"+"), col=two.colors() )
coltab<- designer.colors(col=c("blue", "grey", "green"),  x= c( 0,.3,1) ) 

image( outer(1:20, 1:20, "+"), col= coltab )

\keyword{ aplot}
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