Raw File
Tip revision: e6e2dec9c9cc857b2226614aaf6c6642000af53c authored by Doug Nychka on 06 February 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 5.02
Tip revision: e6e2dec
# fields, Tools for spatial data
# Copyright 2004-2007, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences
# University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
# Licensed under the GPL --

"image.plot" <-
function (..., add=FALSE, nlevel = 64, 
    horizontal = FALSE, 
    legend.shrink = 0.9, 
    legend.width = 1.2, legend.mar = ifelse( horizontal, 3.1, 5.1),
    graphics.reset = FALSE, 
    bigplot = NULL, smallplot = NULL, legend.only = FALSE, 
    col = tim.colors(nlevel), 
    lab.breaks=NULL, axis.args=NULL, legend.args=NULL, midpoint=FALSE) 

# Thanks to S. Koehler and  S. Woodhead
# for comments on making this a better function

# save current graphics settings
    old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

#  figure out zlim from passed arguments

    info <-

    if (add) {
        big.plot <- old.par$plt
    if (legend.only) {
        graphics.reset <- TRUE
    if (is.null(legend.mar)) {
        legend.mar <- ifelse(horizontal, 3.1,5.1)
# figure out how to divide up the plotting real estate. 
    temp <- image.plot.plt(add = add, legend.shrink = legend.shrink, 
        legend.width = legend.width, legend.mar = legend.mar, 
        horizontal = horizontal, bigplot = bigplot, smallplot = smallplot)
# bigplot are plotting region coordinates for image
# smallplot are plotting coordinates for legend 
    smallplot <- temp$smallplot
    bigplot <- temp$bigplot

# draw the image in bigplot, just call the R base function 
# or poly.image for polygonal cells note logical switch
# for poly.grid parsed out of call from

    if (!legend.only) {
        if (!add) {
            par(plt = bigplot) }

     if( !info$poly.grid){
        image(..., add = add, col = col)}
        poly.image( ..., add = add, col = col, midpoint=midpoint)}

        big.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

## check dimensions of smallplot

    if ((smallplot[2] < smallplot[1]) | (smallplot[4] < smallplot[3])) {
        stop("plot region too small to add legend\n")

# Following code draws the legend using the image function 
# and a one column image. 
# calculate locations for colors on legend strip
    ix <- 1
    minz <- info$zlim[1]
    maxz <- info$zlim[2]
    binwidth <- (maxz - minz) / nlevel
    midpoints <- seq(minz + binwidth/2, maxz - binwidth/2, by = binwidth)
    iy <- midpoints

    iz <- matrix(iy, nrow = 1, ncol = length(iy))

# extract the breaks from the ... arguments
# note the breaks delineate intervals of common color
    breaks<- list(...)$breaks
# draw either horizontal or vertical legends. 
# using either suggested breaks or not -- a total of four cases. 
# next par call sets up a new plotting region just for the legend strip
# at the smallplot coordinates 
         par(new = TRUE, pty = "m", plt = smallplot, err = -1)

# create the argument list to draw the axis
#  this avoids 4 separate calls to axis and allows passing extra
# arguments.
# then add axis with specified lab.breaks at specified breaks

    if (!is.null(breaks) & !is.null(lab.breaks)) {
# axis with labels at break points
      axis.args <- c(list(side = ifelse(horizontal, 1, 4), 
            	mgp = c(3, 1, 0), 
            	las = ifelse(horizontal, 0, 2), 
            	at = breaks, labels = lab.breaks), 
    else {
# If lab.breaks is not specified, with or without breaks, pretty
# tick mark locations and labels are computed internally,
# or as specified in axis.args at the function call

        axis.args <- c(list(side = ifelse(horizontal, 1, 4), 
            mgp = c(3, 1, 0), 
            las = ifelse(horizontal, 0, 2)), 
# draw color scales the four cases are horizontal/vertical breaks/no breaks
# add a label if this is passed.
    if (!horizontal) {
          if( is.null( breaks)){
            image(ix, iy, iz, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", 
                ylab = "", col = col)}
            image(ix, iy, iz, 
                 xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "",  ylab = "", 
                 col = col, breaks=breaks )}
    else {
          if( is.null( breaks)){
             image(iy, ix, t(iz), xaxt="n",yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", 
                 col = col)}
             image(iy, ix, t(iz), 
                 xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "",  ylab = "", 
                 col = col, breaks=breaks )}

# now add the axis to the legend strip.
# notice how all the information is in the list axis.args
#          "axis", axis.args)

# add a box around legend strip

# add a label to the axis if information has been  supplied
# using the mtext function. The arguments to mtext are
# passed as a list like the drill for axis (see above)
            if( !is.null( legend.lab) ){         
                    text= legend.lab,side= ifelse(horizontal, 1, 4), 
                    line=legend.mar - 2)
#                    just guessing at a good default for line argument! 
# add the label using mtext function             
            if( !is.null( legend.args)){
           mtext, legend.args) }
# clean up graphics device settings
# reset to larger plot region with right user coordinates. <- par()$mfg
    if (graphics.reset | add) {
        par(mfg =, new = FALSE)
    else {
        par(plt = big.par$plt, xpd = FALSE)
        par(mfg =, new = FALSE)

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