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Tip revision: c45193827d47cd090900035e43f3188cd3fbc795 authored by Charles J. Geyer on 05 May 2013, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.8-23
Tip revision: c451938

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>  library(aster)
Loading required package: trust
>  options(digits=4) # avoid rounding differences
>  set.seed(42)
>  nind <- 25
>  nnode <- 5
>  ncoef <- nnode + 1
>  famlist <- fam.default()
>  fam <- c(1, 1, 2, 3, 3)
>  pred <- c(0, 1, 1, 2, 3)
>  modmat <- array(0, c(nind, nnode, ncoef))
>  modmat[ , , 1] <- 1
>  for (i in 2:nnode)
+      modmat[ , i, i] <- 1
>  modmat[ , , ncoef] <- rnorm(nind * nnode)
>  beta <- rnorm(ncoef) / 10
>  phi <- matrix(modmat, ncol = ncoef) %*% beta
>  phi <- matrix(phi, ncol = nnode)
>  aster:::setfam(fam.default())
>  theta <- .C("aster_phi2theta",
+      nind = as.integer(nind),
+      nnode = as.integer(nnode),
+      pred = as.integer(pred),
+      fam = as.integer(fam),
+      phi = as.double(phi),
+      theta = matrix(as.double(0), nind, nnode))$theta
>  root <- sample(1:3, nind * nnode, replace = TRUE)
>  root <- matrix(root, nind, nnode)
>  x <- raster(theta, pred, fam, root)
>  zip <- rep(0, nind * nnode)
>  out <- mlogl(beta, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, deriv = 2,
+      type = "unco", origin = zip)
>  print(out)
[1] 124

[1] 41.955  0.568 12.940 -1.461 28.377 27.929

       [,1]   [,2]    [,3]   [,4]    [,5]    [,6]
[1,] 618.59 40.279 173.360 72.122 305.697  26.306
[2,]  40.28 11.703   3.353 17.381   5.231  -2.212
[3,] 173.36  3.353  61.949  4.980  96.896  10.515
[4,]  72.12 17.381   4.980 38.115   7.770  -1.324
[5,] 305.70  5.231  96.896  7.770 186.157  20.456
[6,]  26.31 -2.212  10.515 -1.324  20.456 303.042

>  aster:::setfam(fam.default())
>  a <- .C("aster_theta2phi",
+      nind = as.integer(nind),
+      nnode = as.integer(nnode),
+      pred = as.integer(pred),
+      fam = as.integer(fam),
+      theta = as.double(zip),
+      phi = matrix(as.double(0), nind, nnode),
+      PACKAGE = "aster")$phi
>  M <- matrix(modmat, ncol = ncoef)
>  alpha <- as.numeric(lm(as.numeric(a) ~ 0 + M)$coefficients)
>  out.too <- mlogl(beta - alpha, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, deriv = 2,
+      type = "unco")
>  all.equal(out, out.too)
[1] TRUE
>  beta.old <- beta
>  beta <- beta - alpha
>  my.value <- 0
>  for (j in 1:nnode) {
+      ifam <- fam[j]
+      k <- pred[j]
+      if (k > 0)
+          xpred <- x[ , k]
+      else
+          xpred <- root[ , j]
+      for (i in 1:nind)
+          my.value <- my.value -
+              sum(x[i, j] * theta[i, j] -
+              xpred[i] * famfun(famlist[[ifam]], 0, theta[i, j]))
+  }
>  all.equal(out$value, my.value)
[1] TRUE
>  my.grad <- NaN * out$gradient
>  epsilon <- 1e-9
>  for (i in 1:ncoef) {
+      beta.eps <- beta
+      beta.eps[i] <- beta[i] + epsilon
+      out.eps <- mlogl(beta.eps, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, deriv = 0,
+          type = "unco")
+      my.grad[i] <- (out.eps$value - out$value) / epsilon
+  }
>  all.equal(out$gradient, my.grad, tolerance = sqrt(epsilon))
[1] TRUE
>  ##########
>  objfun <- function(beta) {
+      out <- mlogl(beta, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, deriv = 1,
+          type = "unco")
+      result <- out$value
+      attr(result, "gradient") <- out$gradient
+      return(result)
+  }
>  nout <- nlm(objfun, beta, fscale = nind)
>  print(nout)
[1] 119.1

[1]  1.62506 -1.45889 -0.96559 -1.61558 -2.06952 -0.08436

[1]  8.452e-06 -2.515e-05 -3.569e-06 -2.927e-06  1.135e-05 -6.877e-07

[1] 1

[1] 34

>  nout <- nlm(objfun, nout$estimate, fscale = nind)
>  print(nout)
[1] 119.1

[1]  1.62506 -1.45889 -0.96559 -1.61558 -2.06952 -0.08436

[1]  8.452e-06 -2.515e-05 -3.569e-06 -2.927e-06  1.135e-05 -6.877e-07

[1] 1

[1] 0

> <- nout$estimate
>  beta.mle.old <- + alpha
> <- mlogl(, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, deriv = 1,
+          type = "unco")
>  mout.old <- mlogl(beta.mle.old, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, deriv = 1,
+          type = "unco", origin = zip)
>  all.equal(, mout.old, tol = 1e-7)
[1] TRUE
>  ##########
>  my.hess <- matrix(NaN, ncoef, ncoef)
>  for (i in 1:ncoef) {
+      beta.eps <- beta
+      beta.eps[i] <- beta[i] + epsilon
+      out.eps <- mlogl(beta.eps, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, deriv = 1,
+          type = "unco")
+      my.hess[ , i] <- (out.eps$gradient - out$gradient) / epsilon
+  }
>  all.equal(out$hessian, my.hess, tolerance = sqrt(epsilon))
[1] TRUE
>  ##########
>  objfun <- function(beta) {
+      out <- mlogl(beta, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, deriv = 2,
+          type = "unco")
+      result <- out$value
+      attr(result, "gradient") <- out$gradient
+      attr(result, "hessian") <- out$hessian
+      return(result)
+  }
>  nout <- try(nlm(objfun, beta, fscale = nind))
>  print(nout)
[1] 119.1

[1]  1.61154 -1.43994 -0.97004 -1.60249 -2.04288 -0.08346

[1] -0.027849  0.008147 -0.078372  0.004815  0.103718  0.050151

[1] 4

[1] 100

>  nout <- nlm(objfun, nout$estimate, fscale = nind, iterlim = 1000)
>  print(nout)
[1] 119.1

[1]  1.62500 -1.45880 -0.96551 -1.61551 -2.06945 -0.08436

[1] -8.889e-05  1.876e-05  5.314e-05  2.267e-05  6.446e-05  4.977e-05

[1] 2

[1] 972

>  objfun.old <- function(beta) {
+      out <- mlogl(beta, pred, fam, x, root, modmat, deriv = 2,
+          type = "unco", origin = zip)
+      result <- out$value
+      attr(result, "gradient") <- out$gradient
+      attr(result, "hessian") <- out$hessian
+      return(result)
+  }
>  nout.old <- nlm(objfun.old, beta.mle.old, fscale = nind, iterlim = 1000)
>  print(nout.old)
[1] 119.1

[1] -0.06808 -0.30707  0.18623  0.07757 -0.37637 -0.08436

[1]  8.452e-06 -2.515e-05 -3.569e-06 -2.927e-06  1.135e-05 -6.877e-07

[1] 1

[1] 0

>  all.equal(nout$minimum, nout.old$minimum)
[1] TRUE
>  all.equal(nout$estimate, nout.old$estimate - alpha, tol = 1e-4)
[1] TRUE
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
  1.740   0.031   1.923 
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