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Tip revision: 8d00a74b99e0ff65370c3e6dda0d357121de029f authored by Martin Maechler on 25 April 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.2-2
Tip revision: 8d00a74
# To unbundle, sh this file
echo NotesMM.txt 1>&2
cat >NotesMM.txt <<'End of NotesMM.txt'
Change log <2/18/09>:
(1) Change default ic from "SIC" to "AIC" in scobs.R: Since "SIC" performs 
better in quantile smoothing spline while "AIC" usually is better for knots 
selection in quantile regression spline.
(2) Change ptConstr$equal, $smaller, etc. on drqssbc.R line 52-55: Since
".splineBasis" in both l1.design2 and loo.design2 expects "x" to be sorted 
according to the order of x, so we need to sort "y" according to the order
of "x" as well in the pseudo "Y" observation.
(3) Change the number of gradient constraint to two times n.gradient in
drqssbc.R line 118: There should be two inequality constraints passed to 
'' or '' for each specified equality constraint.
(4) Add an additional argument "nk.start" to cobs, qbsks2 to 
allow the possibility of having the minimum number of starting knots to be
different from the default value of 2:  This is to avoid scenario where
there are too many 'pointwise' constraints that requires more knots than
the default number of 2. Otherwise, will retunr NaN in coefficients
(5) Updated cobs.Rd and qbsks.Rd to include description of nk.start
(6) Update cobs.Rd to include the reference to Ng and Maechler (2007).
End of NotesMM.txt
echo cobs.Rd 1>&2
cat >cobs.Rd <<'End of cobs.Rd'
\title{COnstrained B-Splines Nonparametric Regression Quantiles}
  Computes constrained quantile curves using linear or
  quadratic splines.  The median spline (\eqn{L_1} loss) is a robust
  (constrained) smoother.
cobs(x, y, constraint = c("none", "increase", "decrease",
                          "convex", "concave", "periodic"),
     w = rep(1,n),
     knots, nknots = if(lambda == 0) 6 else 20,
     method = "quantile", degree = 2, tau = 0.5,
     lambda = 0, ic = c("sic", "aic", "bic", "SIC", "AIC", "BIC"),
     knots.add = FALSE, repeat.delete.add = FALSE, pointwise = NULL, = TRUE, = TRUE,
     print.warn = TRUE, print.mesg = TRUE, trace = print.mesg,
     lambdaSet = exp(seq(log(lambda.lo), log(lambda.hi), length = lambda.length)),
     lambda.lo = f.lambda*1e-4, lambda.hi = f.lambda*1e3, lambda.length = 25,
     maxiter = 100,
     rq.tol = 1e-8, = 1e-6, tol.0res = 1e-6, nk.start = 2
     eps, n.sub, coef, lstart, factor)
  \item{x}{vector of covariate; missing values are omitted.}
  \item{y}{vector of response variable.  It must have the same length as
  \item{constraint}{character (string) specifying the kind of
    constraint; must be one of the values in the default list above;
    may be abbreviated.  More flexible constraints can be specified via
    the \code{pointwise} argument (below).}
    vector of weights the same length as \code{x} (y) assigned to both x and y;
    default to uniform weights adding up to one; using normalized weights
    that add up to one will speed up computation.
  \item{knots}{vector of locations of the knot mesh; if missing,
    \code{nknots} number of \code{knots} will be created using the
    specified \code{method} and automatic knot selection will be carried
    out for regression B-spline (\code{lambda=0}); if not missing and
    \code{length(knots)==nknots}, the provided knot mesh will be used in
    the fit and no automatic knot selection will be performed;
    otherwise, automatic knots selection will be performed on the
    provided \code{knots}.}
  \item{nknots}{maximum number of knots; defaults to 6 for regression
    B-splines, 20 for smoothing B-splines.}
  \item{method}{character string specifying the method for generating
    \code{nknots} number of \code{knots} when \code{knots} is not provided;
    either \code{"quantile"} (equally spaced in percentile levels)
    or \code{"uniform"} (equally spaced knots); defaults to "quantile".}
  \item{degree}{degree of the splines; 1 for linear spline (equivalent
    to \eqn{L_1}-roughness) and 2 for quadratic
    spline (corresponding to \eqn{L_{\infty}}{L_infinity ('L_oo')}
    roughness); defaults to 2.}
  \item{tau}{desired quantile level; defaults to 0.5 (median).}
  \item{lambda}{penalty parameter \eqn{\lambda}\cr
    \eqn{\lambda = 0}: no penalty (regression B-spline);\cr
    \eqn{\lambda > 0}: smoothing B-spline with the given \eqn{\lambda};\cr
    \eqn{\lambda < 0}: smoothing B-spline with \eqn{\lambda} chosen by a
    Schwarz-type information criterion.}
  \item{ic}{string indicating the information  criterion used in knot
    deletion and addition for regression B-spline method when
    \code{lambda == 0};\cr
    \code{"aic"} (Akaike-type, equivalently \code{"AIC"}) or\cr
    \code{"sic"} (Schwarz-type, equivalently \code{"BIC"}, \code{"SIC"}
    or \code{"bic"}).  Defaults to \code{"sic"}.}
  \item{knots.add}{logical indicating if an additional step of stepwise
    knot addition should be performed for regression B-splines.}
  \item{repeat.delete.add}{logical indicating if an additional step of stepwise
    knot deletion should be performed for regression B-splines.}
  \item{pointwise}{an optional three-column matrix with each row
    specifies one of the following constraints:
      \item{\code{( 1,xi,yi)}:}{fitted value at xi will be \eqn{\ge}{>=} yi;}
      \item{\code{(-1,xi,yi)}:}{fitted value at xi will be \eqn{\le}{<=} yi;}
      \item{\code{( 0,xi,yi)}:}{fitted value at xi will be \eqn{=} yi;}
      \item{\code{( 2,xi,yi)}:}{derivative of the fitted function at xi
	will be yi.}
  \item{}{logical indicating if the \code{x} and \code{y} input
    vectors \bold{after} removing \code{\link{NA}}s should be kept in
    the result.}
  \item{}{logical indicating if the pseudo design matrix
    \eqn{\tilde{X}}{X\~} should be returned (as \emph{sparse} matrix).
    That is needed for interval prediction, \code{\link{predict.cobs}(*,
  \item{print.warn}{flag for printing of interactive warning messages;
    true by default; set to \code{FALSE} if performing simulation.}
    logical flag or integer for printing of intermediate messages; true
    by default.  Probably needs to be set to \code{FALSE} in simulations.}
  \item{trace}{integer \eqn{\ge 0}{>= 0} indicating how much diagnostics
    the low-level code in \code{\link{drqssbc2}} should print;  defaults
    to \code{print.mesg}.}
  \item{lambdaSet}{numeric vector of lambda values to use for grid search;
    in that case, defaults to a geometric sequence (a \dQuote{grid in
      log scale}) from \code{lambda.lo} to \code{lambda.hi} of length
  \item{lambda.lo, lambda.hi}{lower and upper bound of the grid search
    for lambda (when \code{lambda < 0}).  The defaults are meant to keep
    everything scale-equivariant and are hence using the factor
%%    \eqn{f = \sigma_y\cdot\sigma_x^d}{f = s[y] * s[x]^d}, i.e.,
%%    \code{f.lambda <- sd(y) * sd(x)^degree}.
    \eqn{f = \sigma_x^d}{f = s[x]^d}, i.e.,
    \code{f.lambda <- sd(x)^degree}.
    %%% FIXME ?!? in quantreg
    Note however that currently the underlying algorithms in package
    \pkg{quantreg} are \emph{not} scale equivariant yet.}
  \item{lambda.length}{number of grid points in the grid search for
    optimal lambda.}
  \item{maxiter}{upper bound of the number of iterations; defaults to 100.}
  \item{rq.tol}{numeric convergence tolerance for the interior point
    algorithm called from \code{\link[quantreg]{}()} or
  \item{}{numeric tolerance for shifting the boundary knots
    outside; defaults to \eqn{10^{-6}}{10^(-6)}.}
  \item{tol.0res}{tolerance for testing \eqn{|r_i| = 0},  passed to
    \code{\link{qbsks2}} and \code{\link{drqssbc2}}.}
  \item{nk.start}{number of starting knots used in automatic knot selection. Default to the minimum of 2 knots.}
  \item{eps, n.sub, coef, lstart, factor}{unused argument of the 1999/2002 version
    of \code{cobs()}, currently still allowed (with a
    \code{\link{warning}}) for back compatibility reasons.}
  an object of class \code{cobs}, a list with components
%%% FIXME: needs to be updated!
  \item{call}{the \code{cobs(..)} call used for creation.}
  \item{tau, degree}{as input}
  \item{constraint}{as input (but no more abbreviated).}
  \item{pointwise}{as input.}
  \item{coef}{B-spline coefficients.}
  \item{knots}{the final set of knots used in the computation.}
  \item{ifl}{exit code := \code{1 + ierr} and \code{ierr} is the error
    from \code{\link[quantreg]{}} (package \pkg{quantreg});
    consequently, \code{ifl = 1} means \dQuote{success}; all other
    values point to algorithmic problems or failures.}
  \item{icyc}{length 2: number of cycles taken to achieve convergence
    for final lambda, and total number of cycles for all lambdas.}
  \item{k}{the effective dimensionality of the final fit.}
  \item{k0}{(usually the same)}
  \item{}{the pseudo design matrix \eqn{X} (as returned by
  \item{resid}{vector of residuals from the fit.}
  \item{fitted}{vector of fitted values from the fit.}
  \item{SSy}{the sum of squares around centered \code{y} (e.g. for
    computation of \eqn{R^2}.)}
  \item{lambda}{the penalty parameter used in the final fit.}
  \item{pp.lambda}{vector of all lambdas used for
    lambda search when \code{lambda} < 0 on input.}
  \item{pp.sic}{vector of Schwarz information criteria evaluated at
    \code{pp.lambda}; note that it is not quite sure how good these are
    for determining an optimal \code{lambda}.}
  \code{cobs()} computes the constraint quantile smoothing B-spline with
  penalty when lambda is not zero.\cr
  If lambda < 0, an optimal lambda will be chosen using Schwarz type
  information criterion. \cr
  If lambda > 0, the supplied lambda will be used.\cr
  If lambda = 0, cobs computes the constraint quantile regression B-spline
  with no penalty using the provided knots or those selected by Akaike or
  Schwarz information criterion.
  Ng, P. and Maechler, M. (2007)
  A Fast and Efficient Implementation of Qualitatively Constrained Quantile Smoothing Splines,
  \emph{Statistical Modelling} \bold{7(4)}, 315-328.

  Koenker, R. and Ng, P. (2005)
  Inequality Constrained Quantile Regression,
  \emph{Sankhya, The Indian Journal of Statistics} \bold{67}, 418--440.

  He, X. and Ng, P. (1999)
  COBS: Qualitatively Constrained Smoothing via Linear Programming;
  \emph{Computational Statistics} \bold{14}, 315--337.

  Koenker, R. and Ng, P. (1996)
  A Remark on Bartels and Conn's Linearly Constrained L1 Algorithm,
  \emph{ACM Transaction on Mathematical Software} \bold{22}, 493--495.

  Ng, P. (1996)
  An Algorithm for Quantile Smoothing Splines,
  \emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis} \bold{22}, 99--118.

  Bartels, R. and Conn A. (1980)
  Linearly Constrained Discrete \eqn{L_1} Problems,
  \emph{ACM Transaction on Mathematical Software} \bold{6}, 594--608.

  A postscript version of the paper that describes the details of COBS
  can be downloaded from \url{}.
% \section{Warning}{
%   This is still a beta version, and we do appreciate comments and
%   suggestions; \code{library(help = cobs)} shows the authors.
% }
\seealso{\code{\link{smooth.spline}} for unconstrained smoothing
    splines; \code{\link[splines]{bs}} for unconstrained (regression)
x <- seq(-1,3,,150)
y <- (f.true <- pnorm(2*x)) + rnorm(150)/10
## specify pointwise constraints (boundary conditions)
con <- rbind(c( 1,min(x),0), # f(min(x)) >= 0
             c(-1,max(x),1), # f(max(x)) <= 1
             c(0,  0,   0.5))# f(0)      = 0.5

## obtain the median  REGRESSION  B-spline using automatically selected knots
Rbs <- cobs(x,y, constraint= "increase", pointwise = con)
plot(Rbs, lwd = 2.5)
lines(spline(x, f.true), col = "gray40")
lines(predict(cobs(x,y)), col = "blue")
mtext("cobs(x,y)   # completely unconstrained", 3, col= "blue")

## compute the median  SMOOTHING  B-spline using automatically chosen lambda
Sbs <- cobs(x,y, constraint="increase", pointwise= con, lambda= -1)
plot(Sbs) ## by default  includes  SIC ~ lambda

Sb1 <- cobs(x,y, constraint="increase", pointwise= con, lambda= -1,
            degree = 1)

plot(Sb1, which = 2) # only the  data + smooth
rug(Sb1$knots, col = 4, lwd = 1.6)# (too many knots)
xx <- seq(min(x) - .2, max(x)+ .2, len = 201)
pxx <- predict(Sb1, xx, interval = "both")
lines(pxx, col = 2)
mtext(" + pointwise and simultaneous 95\% - confidence intervals")
matlines(pxx[,1], pxx[,-(1:2)], col= rep(c("green3","blue"), c(2,2)), lty=2)
End of cobs.Rd
echo drqssbc.R 1>&2
cat >drqssbc.R <<'End of drqssbc.R'
#### $Id: drqssbc.R,v 1.40 2007/04/10 08:15:15 maechler Exp $

drqssbc2 <-
    function(x,y, w =,n), pw, knots, degree, Tlambda, constraint,
             ptConstr, maxiter = 100, trace = 0,
             nrq = length(x), nl1, neqc, niqc, nvar, tau = 0.50,
             select.lambda = length(Tlambda) > 1, give.pseudo.x = FALSE,
             rq.tol = 1e-8 * sc.y, tol.0res = 1e-6, print.warn = TRUE,
             rq.print.warn = FALSE)
    ## Estimate the B-spline coefficients for quantile *smoothing* spline, using
    ##		Ng (1996)  `An Algorithm for Quantile Smoothing Splines',
    ##		Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 22, 99-118.
    n <- length(x)
    stopifnot((nj0 <- length(Tlambda)) >= 1, is.numeric(Tlambda),
              is.numeric(x), is.numeric(y), is.numeric(w),
              length(y) == n, length(w) == n,
              is.numeric(tau), length(tau) == 1, 0 <= tau, tau <= 1,
              maxiter == round(maxiter), maxiter >= 1,
              is.logical(select.lambda), is.logical(print.warn),

    if(nj0 > 1) {
	    warning("no lambda selection but still length(Tlambda) > 1 -- not fully tested yet")
	## MM [FIXME]: for that case, we now return *all* lambda results;
	##	  but this (particularly "cobs"-methods) is completely untested

	Tlambda <- sort(Tlambda)# needed for selection (messages and plots)

    ## Scale tolerance by the "scale" (y)
    sc.y <- mean(abs(y - mean(y)))
    if(sc.y < 1e-12 * (my <- median(abs(y)))) {
            cat("Warning: 'y's are almost constant ==> sc.y := scale(y) := 1e-12 median|y|")
        sc.y <- 1e-12 * my
    tol.0res.y <- tol.0res * sc.y
    ## lambda.cut <- 10/n

    ##* Note: if  nrq != length(x) , e.g., in case of sub.sampling+ fit full
    ##*  if(select.lambda < 0)
    ##*      n <- nrq
    # <2-18-09> PN: The Y values of pointwise constraints in ptConstr need
    # to be sorted according to the X values to be consistent with those
    # in l1.design2 and loo.design2
    Tequal   <- if(ptConstr$n.equal   > 0)  ptConstr$equal[order(ptConstr$equal[,2]),3] # else NULL
    Tsmaller <- if(ptConstr$n.smaller > 0) -ptConstr$smaller[order(ptConstr$smaller[,2]),3]
    Tgreater <- if(ptConstr$n.greater > 0)  ptConstr$greater[order(ptConstr$greater[,2]),3]
    Tgradien <- if(ptConstr$n.gradient> 0)  ptConstr$gradient[order(ptConstr$gradient[,2]),3]
    Y.ptConstr <- c(Tsmaller, Tgreater, Tequal, -1*Tequal, Tgradien, -1*Tgradien)

    ## double matrix -- to contain "sol"ution :
    solNms <- c("lambda", "icyc", "ifl", "fidel", "sum|res|_s", "k")
    sol1 <- matrix(0., length(solNms), nj0, dimnames= list(solNms, NULL))
    allCoef <- matrix(0., nvar, nj0)

    if(trace >= 2)
	summSparse <- function(X, namX = deparse(substitute(X))) {
	    stopifnot(length(d <- dim(X)) == 2)
	    k <- length(X@ra)
	    sprintf("%s %4d x %d (nz = %d =^= %5.2g%%)",
		    namX, d[1], d[2], k, k/prod(d))

    for(ilam in 1:nj0) { ## for each lambda in Tlambda[] : `` grid search ''
	XX <-
	    if(degree == 1)
		l1.design2(x, w, constraint, ptConstr, knots, pw, nrq = n,
			   nl1, neqc, niqc, nvar, Tlambda[ilam])
		loo.design2(x, w, constraint,ptConstr, knots, pw, nrq = n,
			    nl1, neqc, niqc, nvar, Tlambda[ilam])
	Xeq <- XX$Xeq
	fieq <- XX$fieq
	    Xieq <- XX$Xieq

        if(trace >= 2) {
            if(ilam == 1 || trace >= 3) {
                ## only for the first lambda: dim() is same!
                ch1 <- sprintf("%3s.design2(%s): -> ", c("l1","loo")[degree],
                               if(trace >= 3)
                               sprintf("lam= %10.4g",Tlambda[ilam]) else '')
                cat(ch1, summSparse(Xeq), "\n")
                if(fieq) {
                    cat(sprintf("%*s", nchar(ch1) - 1, " "),
                        summSparse(Xieq), "\n")
            else cat(".", if(ilam == nj0) "\n")

	niqc1 <- {
	    if (degree == 1 || Tlambda[ilam] == 0)  0
	    else 2*(length(knots) - 1) }
	##U   if(any(ibig <- abs(Xeq$ra) > big)) { ## make sure that drqssbc won't overflow
	##U	Xeq$ra[ibig] <- Xeq$ra[ibig] / big^0.5
	##U	warning("re-scaling ", sum(ibig), "values of Lp-design `Xeq'")
	##U   }
	##U   if(any(ibig <- abs(Xieq$ra) > big)) { ## make sure that drqssbc won't overflow
	##U	Xieq$ra[ibig] <- Xieq$ra[ibig] / big^0.5
	##U	warning("re-scaling ", sum(ibig), "values of Lp-design `Xieq'")
	##U   }

        ## FIXME: (Tnobs, n0) do *not* depend on lambda
        ##         --> keep outside the for() loop!
	Tnobs <- nrow(Xeq) + (if(fieq) nrow(Xieq) else 0)
                                        # Tnobs = number of pseudo-observations
	n0 <- Tnobs -n - with(ptConstr,
	## <2-18-09> PN: There are 2 inequality constraints for each equality 
	##  constraints; hence n.gradient needs to be multiplied by 2
	Y <- c(y*w,, n0), Y.ptConstr)
	##    Yeq <- Y[1:(nrq+nl1+neqc)]
	Yeq <- Y[1:(nrq+nl1)]
	##    if(fieq) Yieq <- Y[(nrq+nl1+neqc+1):Tnobs]
	if(fieq) {
	    Yieq <- Y[(nrq+nl1+1):Tnobs]
	    Yeq.. <- c(Yeq, Yieq)
	    Xeq.. <- rbind(Xeq, Xieq)
	## niqc2 <- Tnobs - niqc1

	rhs <- (1-tau)*Xeq[1:nrq, ]
	rhs <- ## MM: would be nice to have colSums() for "matrix.csr"
	    colSums(as.matrix(if(nl1 > 0) rbind(rhs,
			      else rhs))
	z0 <-
	    if(fieq),Yeq, Xieq,Yieq, tau = tau, rhs = rhs,
			    maxiter = maxiter, warn.mesg = rq.print.warn, small=rq.tol)
	    else,Yeq,		tau = tau, rhs = rhs,
			    maxiter = maxiter, warn.mesg = rq.print.warn, small=rq.tol)
        ##[c] : both in ../../quantreg/R/sfn.R
        ##  these call .Fortran("srqfn[c]", ..) in
        ##    -> ../../quantreg/src/srqfn.c and ..../srqfnc.c
        ##  these both call chlfct() in ../../quantreg/src/chlfct.c   (was *.f)
        ##  is built on misc.        in ../../quantreg/src/cholesky.c (was *.f)
	if(any($coef))) stop(cat(" The combination of 'constraint' and 'pointwise' is causing problems for the algorithm with the following knot selection:\n",
		knots,"\n Check the feasibility of your 'constraint' and 'pointwise' or use a different knot selection.\n",
		"If you are using automatic knot selection, try increase 'nk.start' from its default value of 2.\n"))
	pseudo.resid <- (if(fieq) Yeq.. else Yeq) -
	    c(as.matrix((if(fieq) Xeq.. else Xeq) %*% as.matrix.csr(z0$coef)))
        if(any( ## not really seen this case...
	    warning(sprintf("pseudo residuals [c(%s)] are NA; (n,Tnobs)= (%d,%d)",
			    paste(which(, collapse= ","), n,Tnobs))
	resid <- pseudo.resid[1:n]
	aRes <- abs(pseudo.resid)
	k.idx <- c(1:nrq, if((nn <- nrq+nl1+niqc1+1) <= Tnobs) nn:Tnobs)
###	k.idx <- c(1:nrq) #PN: this makes more sense than the previous def. of effective dimensionality
        ##was k.idx <- 1:Tnobs ; k.idx <- c(k.idx[k.idx <= nrq], k.idx[k.idx >  nrq+nl1+niqc1])
        ## or          (1:Tnobs <= nrq) | (1:Tnobs > nrq+nl1+niqc)
	sol1[,ilam] <- c(Tlambda[ilam],
			 z0$ierr + 1, # =: ifl, i.e., success <==> ifl == 1 <==> ierr == 0
			 sum((tau-(resid < 0))* resid), # =: fidel
			 ## Determination of the "effective dimensionality"  'k' :
			 ##PN: too stringent: sum(aRes[k.idx] < tol.0res * mean(aRes[k.idx]))
			 max(degree+1, sum(aRes[k.idx] < tol.0res.y))) # {a kludge ..}
        allCoef[,ilam] <- z0$coef

    }## end for(ilam ..)

    if(trace == 1) ## only output at all:
        cat(sprintf("fieq=%s -> Tnobs = %d, n0 = %d, |ptConstr| = %d\n",
                    format(fieq), Tnobs, n0, length(Y.ptConstr)))

    ## MM: return *sparse* pseudo.x
    ##     Further: this is X~ of the last, not the best lambda
    pseudo.x <- if(give.pseudo.x) (if(fieq) Xeq.. else Xeq) ## else NULL

    if(select.lambda) {
	## search for optimal lambda
	is.ifl.1 <- sol1["ifl",] == 1
        ##PN: Weed out lambdas that give rise to interpolating fit
	notInt <- sol1["fidel",] > tol.0res.y
	i.keep <- is.ifl.1 & notInt
	n.keep <- sum(i.keep)
        ## <NEW: PN 2006-08-24, 08-28>
	## k.diff.tol <- 1
	i.mask <- rep(FALSE,nj0)
	if(any(sol1["k",i.keep] > sqrt(n)) & min(sol1["k",i.keep]) <= sqrt(n)) {
            ##PN: Use k0 to guide the lower bound of the lambda grid; the lower bound
            ##	is set when k0 declines by more than k.diff.tol while lambda decreases among the grid of i.keep lambdas
            k.up <- min((1:n.keep)[sol1["k",i.keep] <= sqrt(n)])
            i.k.up <- (1:nj0)[i.keep][k.up]
            i.cut <- i.k.up - 1
            i.mask[1:i.cut] <- TRUE
            if(sol1["k",i.k.up] != sol1["k",nj0]) {
                ##PN: exclude situations when the horizontal fit through discrete y
                ## ends up with more zeros than two, hence, a non-monotonically
                ## decreasing "k" in the right tail
                i.keep <- i.keep & !i.mask
                n.keep <- sum(i.keep)
        ## </NEW>

	if(n.keep == 0)
	    stop("The problem is degenerate for the range of lambda specified.")

        if(any(!is.ifl.1)) { ## had some errors in*()
	    sol.err <- t(sol1[, !is.ifl.1, drop = FALSE])
	    if(print.warn) { ## had some errors in*()
		cat(gettextf("WARNING: Some lambdas had problems in %s():\n",
			     if(fieq) "" else ""))
		print( sol.err )
        } else sol.err <- NULL

	solx <- sol1[, i.keep, drop = FALSE]
	sicA <- sol1["fidel",]/n * n^(sol1["k",] /(2*n))
        ## round, so the subsequent selection is "less wavery":
	sic. <- signif(sicA[i.keep], 6)
	min.s <- min(sic.)
	i.min <- (1:n.keep)[sic. == min.s]
	if(sic.[n.keep] <= min.s && min.s < sic.[1]) { # min. at rightmost, i.e. roughest <- max(i.min)
	    wrn.flag <- 1
	else if(sic.[1] <= min.s && min.s < sic.[n.keep]) { # min. at leftmost, i.e.smoothest <- min(i.min)
	    wrn.flag <- 2
	else { <- ceiling(median(i.min)) # take middle of all minimal values
	    if(min.s == sic.[1] && min.s == sic.[n.keep])
		wrn.flag <- 3
	    else  ## "good" case
		wrn.flag <- 4
        ## trap infeasible solution when lam<0
        if(print.warn) {
	    wrn1 <- "\n WARNING!  Since the optimal lambda chosen by SIC "
	    wrnPlot <- paste("plot() the returned object",
			     "(which plots 'sic' against 'lambda')")
	    wrn3 <- "and possibly consider doing one of the following:"
	    wrn4 <- "(1) reduce 'lambda.lo', increase 'lambda.hi', increase 'lambda.length' or all of the above;"
	    ns <- "\n   "
		   cat(wrn1, "reached the smoothest possible fit at `lambda.hi', you should",
		       wrnPlot, wrn3, wrn4,
		       "(2) decrease the number of knots.\n", sep = ns),
		   cat(wrn1, "corresponds to the roughest possible fit, you should",
		       wrnPlot, wrn3, wrn4,
		       ## typically "increase"; sometimes decreasing is appropriate:
		       "(2) modify the number of knots.\n", sep = ns),
		   cat(wrn1, "rests on a flat portion, you might", wrnPlot,
		       "to see if you want to reduce 'lambda.lo' and/or increase 'lambda.ho'\n",
		       sep = ns),
		   cat('', "The algorithm has converged.  You might", wrnPlot,
			"to see if you have found the global minimum of the information criterion",
			"so that you can determine if you need to adjust any or all of",
			"'lambda.lo', 'lambda.hi' and 'lambda.length' and refit the model.\n",
		       sep = ns))
            ## if(solx["lambda",,] == (Tlambda[i.keep])[length(Tlambda[i.keep])]
            ## && solx["k",] > max(2,niqc2))
	list(coef = allCoef[, i.keep, drop = FALSE][,],
	     fidel = solx["fidel",],
	     k = as.integer(sol1["k",notInt]), #PN was min(solx["k",], length(knots)-2+degree+1),
	     kk= as.integer(solx["k",]),
	     ifl = as.integer(sol1["ifl",notInt]),
	     icyc = as.integer(sol1["icyc",notInt]), nvar = nvar,
	     lambda = solx["lambda",],
	     pp.lambda = sol1["lambda",notInt], sic = log(sicA[notInt]),
	     sol.err = sol.err, flag = wrn.flag,
	     pseudo.x = pseudo.x, i.mask = i.mask[notInt])
    else { ## not 'select.lambda' ---
	l2 <- as.list(
	for(nn in c("k", "ifl", "icyc")) l2[[nn]] <- as.integer(l2[[nn]])
	c(list(coef = drop(allCoef), nvar = nvar, pseudo.x = pseudo.x),
} ## drqssbc2
End of drqssbc.R
echo qbsks.R 1>&2
cat >qbsks.R <<'End of qbsks.R'
#### $Id: qbsks.R,v 1.21 2006/08/16 19:23:27 maechler Exp maechler $

qbsks2 <-
    function(x,y,w,pw, knots,nknots, degree, Tlambda,
             constraint, ptConstr, maxiter, trace,
             nrq,nl1, neqc, tau, select.lambda,
             ks,, knots.add, repeat.delete.add, ic, print.mesg,
             give.pseudo.x = TRUE,
             rq.tol = 1e-8, = 1e-6, tol.0res = 1e-6, print.warn,nk.start)
    ## Compute B-spline coefficients for quantile B-spline with stepwise knots
    ## selection or with fixed knots (REGRESSION SPLINE), using
    ## Koenker and Ng (2005)  `Inequality Constrained Quantile Regression,"
    ## Sankhya, The Indian Journal of Statistics, 67, 418-440.

    smll.log <- 50*floor(log(.Machine$double.xmin)/50) # heavily rounding down
    finite.log <- function(x) {
        r <- log(x)
        if( || r > -Inf) r else smll.log # = -750 for IEEE arithmetic
    n <- nrq
    xo <- x[order(x)]
    logn <- log(n)
    f.IC <- switch(ic,
		   "AIC" = 2,
		   "BIC" =, "SIC" = logn,
		   stop("in qbsks2(): invalid 'ic' = ", ic, call. = FALSE))
    constraint.orig <- constraint <- with(ptConstr, n.greater + n.smaller)

    if( { ##  perform first step : knots selection
	if(length(Tlambda) > 1)
	    stop("you cannot select knots for more than one lambda simultaneously")
        if(print.mesg) cat("qbsks2():\n Performing general knot selection ...\n")#4
        Tic <- Tifl <- double(nknots-1)
        for(i in (nk.start-1):(nknots-1)) {
            Tknots <- knots[seq(1,nknots, len = i+1)]
            n.Tknts <- length(Tknots)
            if(n.Tknts == 2 && degree == 1 && constraint %in% c("convex", "concave"))
                ## guard against trying convex fit when only 2 knots are used
                constraint <- "none"
            dim.o <- getdim2(degree, n.Tknts, constraint)
            ks <- dim.o$ks
            Tnvar <- dim.o$nvar
            niqc <- dim.o$n.iqc +
	    rqss <- drqssbc2(x,y,w, pw, Tknots, degree, Tlambda,
			     constraint, ptConstr, maxiter, trace=trace-1,
			     nrq,nl1,neqc,niqc, Tnvar,
			     tau=tau, select.lambda=select.lambda,
                             give.pseudo.x = give.pseudo.x,
			     rq.tol = rq.tol, tol.0res = tol.0res,
            constraint <- constraint.orig
            Tic[i] <- finite.log(rqss$fidel) -logn + (i-1+ks)*f.IC / n
            Tifl[i] <- rqss$ifl

        ## "FIXME": allow  "+ 1 S.E." selection instead of ``simple arg_min''
        Tic.min <- min(Tic) <- Tifl[Tic == Tic.min]
        nknots.min <- min((1:(nknots-1))[Tic == Tic.min])
        if(nknots.min == 1 && != 1) {
            ## when the chosen nknots=2, guard against anomaly of ifl=5 when
            ## constraint=='periodic', or ifl=2 when the chosen model is infeasible.
            Tic.min <- min(Tic[2:length(Tic)])
   <- Tifl[Tic == Tic.min]
            nknots.min <- min((1:(nknots-1))[Tic == Tic.min])
        if( %in% c(2,3,4))
            return(list(ifl =

	warnUP <- function(nknots, ic)
	    ## warn(5,nknots,ic)
	    cat("\n WARNING! Since the number of ",nknots," knots selected by ",
		ic," reached the\n",
		"  upper bound during general knot selection, you might want to rerun\n",
		"  cobs with a larger number of knots. \n")

        up.bound.reached <- (nknots.min + 1 == nknots)
	if(up.bound.reached && print.warn)
	    warnUP(nknots, ic)

        knots <- knots[seq(1,nknots, len = nknots.min+1)]
        names(knots) <- NULL
        ## perform knots deletion
        repeat.a.d <- TRUE <- Tic.min
        while(repeat.a.d) {
            delete <- TRUE
            if(print.mesg) cat("\n Deleting unnecessary knots ...\n") # 5
            while(delete && nknots.min > 1) {
                n.Tknts <- length(knots)
                Tic1 <-, n.Tknts-2)
                n.Tknts.1 <- n.Tknts - 1
                if(n.Tknts.1 == 2 && degree == 1 && constraint %in% c("convex", "concave"))
                    ## guard against convex fit when only 2 knots are used
                    constraint <- "none"
                dim.o <- getdim2(degree,n.Tknts.1, constraint)
                ks <- dim.o$ks
                Tnvar <- dim.o$nvar
                niqc <- dim.o$n.iqc +
                for(i in 2:(n.Tknts-1)) {
                    Tknots <- knots[-i]
		    rqss <- drqssbc2(x, y, w, pw, Tknots, degree, Tlambda, constraint,
				     ptConstr, maxiter, trace=trace-1,
				     nrq, nl1, neqc, niqc, Tnvar,
				     tau=tau, select.lambda=select.lambda,
				     give.pseudo.x = give.pseudo.x,
				     rq.tol = rq.tol, tol.0res = tol.0res,
				     print.warn = print.warn)
                    constraint <- constraint.orig
                    Tic1[i-1] <- finite.log(rqss$fidel)-logn+(n.Tknts.1-2+ks)*f.IC / n
                Tic1.min <- min(Tic1)
                idx.del <- min((2:(n.Tknts-1))[Tic1 == Tic1.min])
                if((delete <- Tic1.min <= Tic.min)) {
                    Tic.min <- Tic1.min
                    if(print.mesg >= 3)
                        cat("\n A knot at ",signif(knots[idx.del]),
                            " is deleted.\n") # 6
                    knots <- knots[-idx.del]
                    nknots.min <- length(knots)-1
            }## end while(delete...)
            if(print.mesg >= 2) cat("\n No more knot to be deleted.\n") # 7
            ## perform knots addition
            if(knots.add) {
                add <- TRUE
                n.Tknts <- length(knots)
                if(print.mesg) cat("\n Searching for missing knots ...\n") # 8
                while(add && n.Tknts < nknots) {
                    Tic2 <- double(n.Tknts-1)
                    knots.add.1 <- (knots[1:(n.Tknts-1)]+knots[2:n.Tknts])/2
                    n.Tknts.1 <- n.Tknts + 1
                    dim.o <- getdim2(degree,n.Tknts.1,constraint)
                    ks <- dim.o$ks
                    Tnvar <- dim.o$nvar
                    niqc <- dim.o$n.iqc +
                    for(i in 1:(n.Tknts-1)) {
                        Tknots <- sort(c(knots,knots.add.1[i]))
                        if(length(unique(cut00(x, Tknots))) != n.Tknts)
                            Tic2[i] <- Tic.min+1
                        else {
			    rqss <-
				drqssbc2(x,y,w,pw,Tknots,degree, Tlambda,
					 constraint, ptConstr, maxiter, trace=trace-1,
					 tau=tau, select.lambda=select.lambda,
					 give.pseudo.x = give.pseudo.x,
					 rq.tol = rq.tol, tol.0res = tol.0res,
					 print.warn = print.warn)

                            Tic2[i] <- finite.log(rqss$fidel) -logn +
                                (n.Tknts.1-2+ks)*f.IC / n
                    Tic2.min <- min(Tic2)
                    idx.add <- min((1:(n.Tknts-1))[Tic2 == Tic2.min])
                    if((add <- Tic2.min <= Tic.min)) {
                        Tic.min <- Tic2.min
                        knots <- sort(c(knots,knots.add.1[idx.add]))
                        if(print.mesg >= 2)
                            cat("\n A knot at ",signif(knots.add.1[idx.add]),
                                " is added.\n") # 9
                    n.Tknts <- length(knots)
                }## end while(add ..)
                if(print.mesg >= 2) cat("\n No more knot to be added.\n") # 10
                if(n.Tknts == nknots) up.bound.reached <- TRUE
            }## (knots.add)

            repeat.a.d <- repeat.delete.add && > Tic.min
            if(repeat.a.d) {
       <- Tic.min
        }## end while(repeat.a.d)

	if(up.bound.reached && print.warn)
	    warnUP(nknots, ic)
        if(print.mesg >= 2) cat("\n Computing the final fit ...\n") # 11
    } ## end if(

    ## compute the B-spline coefficients for the full sample
    nknots <- length(knots)
    ## shift the first and last knot a tiny bit "outside":
    rk <- diff(range(knots))
    knots[1] <- knots[1] -*rk
    knots[nknots] <- knots[nknots] +*rk

    if(nknots == 2 && (constraint %in% c("convex", "concave")) &&
       degree == 1) { # guard against convex fit when only 2 knots are used
	    cat(sprintf("WARNING: %s from \"%s\" to \"none\"\n",
			"only two knots; changing 'constraint'", constraint))
        constraint <- "none"
    dim.o <- getdim2(degree, nknots, constraint)
    ks <- dim.o$ks
    Tnvar <- dim.o$nvar
    niqc <- dim.o$n.iqc +
    rqss <- drqssbc2(x,y,w,pw, knots, degree,Tlambda,
		     constraint, ptConstr, maxiter, trace=trace-1,
		     nrq,nl1, neqc,niqc, Tnvar,
		     tau=tau, select.lambda=select.lambda,
		     give.pseudo.x = give.pseudo.x,
		     rq.tol = rq.tol, tol.0res = tol.0res,
		     print.warn = print.warn)
    ## constraint <- constraint.orig

    c(rqss[c("coef", "fidel", "ifl", "icyc", "pseudo.x")],
      list(k = nknots-2+ks, knots = knots, nknots = nknots,
	   nvar = Tnvar, lambda = Tlambda))

} ## end qbsks()
End of qbsks.R
echo scobs.R 1>&2
cat >scobs.R <<'End of scobs.R'
#### $Id: scobs.R,v 1.44 2009/02/18 08:37:38 maechler Exp $

.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) {
    ## now have NAMESPACE library.dynam("cobs", pkg, lib)
    if(interactive() || getOption("verbose")) # not in test scripts
		"Package %s (%s) loaded.  To cite, see citation(\"%s\")\n",
		pkg, utils::packageDescription(pkg)$Version, pkg))

## S+ does not allow "cut(*, labels = FALSE)" -- use cut00() for compatibility:
if(is.R()) {
    cut00 <- function(x, breaks)
	cut.default(x, breaks, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
} else { ## S-plus  (tested only with S+ 6.0):
    cut00 <- function(x, breaks)
	as.integer(cut.default(x, breaks, include.lowest = TRUE))
} <- function(pointwise)
    ## Purpose: produce the 'ptConstr' list from the 'pointwise' 3-col. matrix
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, 29 Jul 2006

    if(is.null(pointwise)) {
	list(n.equal = 0, n.greater = 0, n.smaller = 0, n.gradient = 0)
    else { ## 'pointwise'
	if(!is.matrix(pointwise)|| dim(pointwise)[2] != 3)
	    stop("	Argument 'pointwise' has to be a three-column matrix.")
	kind <- pointwise[,1]		# .Alias
	equal	<- pointwise[kind ==  0, , drop = FALSE]
	greater <- pointwise[kind ==  1, , drop = FALSE]
	smaller <- pointwise[kind == -1, , drop = FALSE]
	gradient <-pointwise[kind ==  2, , drop = FALSE]
	list(equal   = equal,
	     greater = greater,
	     smaller = smaller,
	     gradient= gradient,
	     n.equal   = nrow(equal),# can be 0 ..
	     n.greater = nrow(greater),
	     n.smaller = nrow(smaller),
	     n.gradient= nrow(gradient))

cobs <-
function(x, y,
	 constraint = c("none", "increase", "decrease",
			"convex", "concave", "periodic"),
	 w = rep(1,n),
	 knots, nknots = if(lambda == 0) 6 else 20,
         method = "quantile", degree = 2, tau = 0.5, lambda = 0,
         ic = c("aic", "sic", "bic", "AIC", "SIC", "BIC"),
	 knots.add = FALSE, repeat.delete.add = FALSE, pointwise = NULL, = TRUE, = TRUE,
	 print.warn = TRUE, print.mesg = TRUE, trace = print.mesg,
         lambdaSet = exp(seq(log(lambda.lo), log(lambda.hi), length= lambda.length)),
	 lambda.lo = f.lambda*1e-4, lambda.hi = f.lambda*1e3, lambda.length = 25,
	 maxiter = 100, rq.tol = 1e-8, = 1e-6, tol.0res = 1e-6, nk.start=2,
### old "back-compatibility-only" arguments:
	 eps, n.sub, coef, lstart, factor)

    ## preamble
    cl <-
    constraint <- match.arg(constraint, several.ok = TRUE)
    if(length(constraint) == 0 || any(constraint == "none"))
	constraint <- "none"
    ic <- toupper(match.arg(ic))

    if(any(oldN <- names(cl) %in% c("eps", "n.sub", "coef", "lstart", "factor"))) {
	n <- sum(oldN)
	warning(paste("The use of", ngettext(n,"argument", "arguments"),
		      paste(sQuote(names(cl)[oldN]), collapse=", "),
		      "is deprecated.\n ", ngettext(n,"It is","They are"),
		      "now unused and will be removed in the future."))
    ## FIXME: add "proper" na.action (as lm(), ..)
    na.idx <- |
    x <- x[!na.idx]
    y <- y[!na.idx]
    minx <- min(x)
    maxx <- max(x)
    n <- nrq <- length(x)
    ox <- order(x)
    xo <- x[ox]

    select.lambda <- (lambda < 0)
    if(select.lambda) {
        ## To make things scale-equivariant, the default lambdaSet
        ## must scale according scales of x and y :
        ## oops: does NOT scale with 'y'!   f.lambda <- sd(y) * sd(x)^degree
        f.lambda <- sd(x)^degree
	if(lambda.lo >= lambda.hi)
	    stop("The argument 'lambda.hi' has to be greater than 'lambda.lo'.")
	if(lambda.lo <= 0) stop("The argument 'lambda.lo' has to be positive.")
    if(length(unique(y)) == 2 && print.warn)
	## warn(7)
	cat("\n It looks like you are fitting a binary choice model.",
	    "We recommend pre-smoothing your data using smooth.spline(),",
	    "loess() or ksmooth() before calling COBS\n", sep="\n ")

    ## generate default knots sequence
    lux <- length(ux <- unique(xo)) # needed in both cases
    if(missing(knots)) {
	select.knots <- TRUE
	nk.max <- if(degree == 1) lux else lux - 1
	if(nknots > nk.max) {
	    if(!missing(nknots)) ## 'nknots' specified explicitly
		warning("You chose nknots = ", nknots,
			". It has to be no greater than ", nk.max,
			" for degree = ", degree, ".\n",
			" cobs() has automatically reduced it to ", nk.max, ".\n")
	    nknots <- nk.max

	knots <-
	    if(method == "quantile") {
		if(degree == 1 && lux == nknots)
		else ux[seq(1, lux, len = nknots)] ## ``rounded'' quantiles
	    else ## "equidistant"
		seq(xo[1], xo[n], len = nknots)
    else {
	names(knots) <- NULL
	lKn <- length(knots <- sort(knots))
	select.knots <-
	    if(!missing(nknots) && nknots != lKn) {
		warning("you specified 'nknots' and 'knots' with  nknots != length(knots).\n",
			" Hence will disregard 'nknots' and select from 'knots'")
	    } else missing(nknots)
	## => select.knots is FALSE  iff  nknots == length(knots), both specified
	nknots <- lKn
	if(degree == 2 && nknots == lux) {
	    ## ensure that  max #{knots} is n-1 for quadratic spline
            ## If we don't do this we get "singularity problem .." warnings
            ## in some cases
	    warning("The number of knots can't be equal to the number of unique x for degree = 2.\n",
		    "'cobs' has automatically deleted the middle knot.")
	    nknots <- length(knots <- knots[-round(nknots/2)])
	if(knots[1] > minx || knots[nknots] < maxx)
	    stop("  The range of knots should cover the range of x.")
    if(nknots < 2) stop("  A minimum of two knots is needed.")
    if(nknots == 2) {
	if(lambda == 0 && select.knots)
	    stop("  Can't perform automatic knot selection with nknots == 2.",
		 if(degree == 2) " Try 'degree=1'.")
	else if(degree == 1)
	    stop("  You need at least 3 knots when lambda!=0 and degree==1")
    ## make sure that there is at least one observation between any pair of
    ## adjacent knots
    if(length(unique(cut00(x, knots))) != nknots - 1)
	stop("There is at least one pair of adjacent knots that contains no observation.")

    ptConstr <-

    ## set up proper dimension for the pseudo design matrix
    dim.o <- getdim2(degree,nknots,constraint)
    ks <- dim.o$ks
    neqc <- dim.o$n.eqc + ptConstr$n.equal + ptConstr$n.gradient
    niqc <- dim.o$n.iqc + ptConstr$n.greater + ptConstr$n.smaller
    if(lambda == 0) { ## quantile *regression* splines (no penalty)
	## compute B-spline coefficients for quantile *regression* B-spline with
	## stepwise knots selection or with fixed knots
	rr <- qbsks2(x, y, w, pw = 0, knots, nknots, degree, Tlambda = lambda,
		     constraint, ptConstr, maxiter, trace,
		     nrq, nl1 = 0, neqc, tau, select.lambda = select.lambda,
		     ks, = select.knots, knots.add, repeat.delete.add, ic,
		     print.mesg = print.mesg,
                     give.pseudo.x =,
		     rq.tol = rq.tol, =, tol.0res = tol.0res,
		     print.warn = print.warn,nk.start)
	knots <- rr$knots
	nknots <- rr$nknots
    else { ## lambda !=0 : quantile *smoothing* B-Splines with penalty

	if(degree == 1) {
	    nl1 <-  nknots - 2
	    nvar <- dim.o$nvar
	else { ## degree == 2
	    nl1 <- 1
	    nvar <- dim.o$nvar + 1 # one more parameter for sigma
	    niqc <- niqc + 2 * (nknots - 1)
        pw <- rep(1, nknots + degree-3)

        ## => lambda is chosen by ic (SIC / AIC )
        ## and lambdaSet := grid of lambdas in log scale [ == sfsmisc::lseq()

	## compute B-spline coefficients for quantile smoothing B-spline
	if(select.lambda && print.mesg)
	    cat("\n Searching for optimal lambda. This may take a while.\n",
		"  While you are waiting, here is something you can consider\n",
		"  to speed up the process:\n",
		"      (a) Use a smaller number of knots;\n",
		"      (b) Set lambda==0 to exclude the penalty term;\n",
		"      (c) Use a coarser grid by reducing the argument\n",
		"	   'lambda.length' from the default value of 25.\n") # 3

        ## shift the first and last knot a tiny bit "outside" {same as in qbsks2()}:
        rk <- diff(range(knots))
        knots[1] <- knots[1] -*rk
        knots[nknots] <- knots[nknots] +*rk

	rr <- drqssbc2(x, y, w, pw = pw, knots = knots, degree = degree,
		       Tlambda = if(select.lambda) lambdaSet else lambda,
		       constraint = constraint, ptConstr = ptConstr,
		       maxiter = maxiter, trace = trace-1,
		       nrq, nl1, neqc, niqc, nvar,
		       tau = tau, select.lambda = select.lambda,
		       give.pseudo.x =,
		       rq.tol = rq.tol, tol.0res = tol.0res,
		       print.warn = print.warn)
    if(any(rr$icyc >= maxiter))
	warning("The algorithm has not converged after ", maxiter, " iterations",
		if(select.lambda) " for at least one lambda", if(!is.null(pointwise)|
		constraint!="none") "\nCheck to make sure that your constraint is feasible", 
		immediate. = TRUE)
    if(!all(rr$ifl == 1)) ## had problem
	warning("Check 'ifl'")

    nvar <- rr$nvar
    if(length(rr$coef) != nvar) message("length(rr$coef) != nvar -- and MM thought it should")
    Tcoef <- rr$coef[1:nvar]
    ## compute the residual
    y.hat <- .splValue(degree, knots, Tcoef, xo)
    y.hat <- y.hat[order(ox)]		# original (unsorted) ordering

    r <- list(call = cl,
	      tau = tau, degree = degree, constraint = constraint,
	      ic = if(select.knots) ic, pointwise = pointwise,
	      select.knots = select.knots, select.lambda = select.lambda,
	      x = if( x,
	      y = if( y,
	      resid = y - y.hat, fitted = y.hat,
	      coef = Tcoef, knots = knots,
	      k0 = rr$k,
	      k	 = if(select.lambda) rr$kk else rr$k, ##was: min(rr$k, nknots-2+ks), = rr$pseudo.x,
	      SSy = sum((y - mean(y))^2),
	      lambda = rr$lambda,
	      icyc   = rr$icyc,
	      ifl    = rr$ifl,
	      pp.lambda = if(select.lambda) rr$pp.lambda,
	      pp.sic	= if(select.lambda) rr$sic,
	      i.mask	= if(select.lambda) rr$i.mask)

    class(r) <- "cobs"
} ## cobs()

knots.cobs <- function(Fn, ...) Fn$knots

coef.cobs  <- function(object, ...) object$coef

.print.part <- function(x, nMin, namX = deparse(substitute(x)),
                        digits = getOption("digits"))
    ## Purpose: print (only part) of (numeric) vector 'x'
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 7 Aug 2006
    stopifnot(length(nMin) == 1, nMin == round(nMin))
    nx <- length(x)
    cat(namX, "[1:", nx,"]: ", sep = "")
    chk <- format(x[if(nx <= nMin) 1:nx else c(1:(nMin-1), nx)], digits=digits)
    if(nx > nMin) chk[nMin-1] <- "... "
    cat(chk, sep = ", "); cat("\n")

print.cobs <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) {
    if(!is.numeric(lam <- x$lambda))
	stop("'x' is not a valid \"cobs\" object")
    cat("COBS ", if(lam == 0) "regression" else "smoothing",
	" spline (degree = ", x$degree, ") from call:\n	 ", deparse(x$call),
	if(any(x$ifl != 1)) {
	    if(all(x$ifl != 1))
		sprintf("\n\n **** ERROR in algorithm: ifl = %d\n\n", x$ifl[1])
	    else "\n * Warning in algorithm: some ifl != 1\n"
	";  dimensionality of fit: ",x$k," from {",
	paste(unique(x$k0),collapse=","), "}\n", sep="")

    .print.part(x$knots, nMin = 5, digits = digits)
    if(lam != 0) {
	cat("lambda =", format(lam, digits = digits))
	if((nlam <- length(x$pp.lambda))) {
	    cat(", selected via ", "SIC",# x$ic,
		", out of ", nlam, " ones.", sep='')
} # print

summary.cobs <- function(object, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) {
    if(!is.numeric(lam <- object$lambda))
	stop("'object' is not a valid \"cobs\" object")
    print(object, digits = digits, ...)# includes knots
    if(!is.null(pw <- object$pointwise)) {
	cat("with",nrow(pw),"pointwise constraints\n")
    .print.part(object$coef, nMin = 7, nam = "coef", digits = digits)
    tau <- object$tau
    if(abs(tau - 0.50) < 1e-6)
	cat("R^2 = ", round(100 * (1 - sum(object$resid^2) / object$SSy), 2),
	    "% ;  ", sep="")
    k <- sum((r <- resid(object)) <= 0)
    n <- length(r)
    cat("empirical tau (over all): ",k,"/",n," = ", format(k/n,digits),
	" (target tau= ",tau,")\n", sep="")

    ## add more -- maybe finally *return* an object and define
    ## print.summary.cobs <- function(x, ...)

} # summary

residuals.cobs <- function (object, ...) object$resid
fitted.cobs <- function (object, ...) object$fitted

predict.cobs <-
    function(object, z, minz = knots[1], maxz = knots[nknots], nz = 100,
	     interval = c("none", "confidence", "simultaneous", "both"),
	     level = 0.95, ...)
    if(is.null(knots <- object$knots)	||
       is.null(coef  <- object$coef)	||
       is.null(degree<- object$degree)	||
       is.null(tau   <- object$tau)) stop("not a valid 'cobs' object")

    interval <- match.arg(interval)

    big	       <- if(is.R()) 3.4028234663852886e+38 else .Machine$single.xmax
    single.eps <- if(is.R())1.1920928955078125e-07 else .Machine$single.eps

    nknots <- length(knots)
    ord <- as.integer(degree + 1)
    nvar   <- length(coef)

    ##DBG cat("pr..cobs(): (ord, nknots, nvar) =",ord, nknots, nvar, "\n")

    backOrder <- function(m) m
    ## compute fitted value at z
    ## MM: why should z be *inside* (even strictly) the knots interval? _FIXME_
    if(missing(z)) {
	if(minz >= maxz) stop("minz >= maxz")
	##NOT YET (for "R CMD check" compatibility):
	## z <- seq(minz, maxz, len = nz)
	z <- seq(max(minz,knots[1]     + single.eps),
                 min(maxz,knots[nknots]- single.eps), len = nz)
    else {
        ## Careful:  predict(*, x) should predict at 'x', not sort(x) !!
        ## Note this is needed, since .splValue() requires *increasing* z
        notOrd <- is.unsorted(z)
        if (notOrd) {
            iz.ord <- order(z)
            z <- z[iz.ord]
            i.rev <- order(iz.ord)
            backOrder <- function(m) m[ i.rev , , drop = FALSE]
	##IN z <- z[z > knots[1] & z < knots[nknots]]
	nz <- length(z)

    fit <- .splValue(degree, knots, coef, z)

    if(interval != "none") {
	## compute confidence bands
	## both (pointwise and simultaneous : as cheap as only one !
	z3 <- .splBasis(ord = ord, knots, ncoef = nknots + degree - 1, xo = z)
	idx <- cbind(rep(1:nz, rep(ord, nz)),
		     c(outer(1:ord, z3$offsets, "+")))
	X <- matrix(0, nz, nvar)
	X[idx] <- z3$design
        ## This is a residuum from cobs99 to make the old Bartel and Conns'
        ## algorithm more stable (and will probably never be used now):
	if(any(ibig <- abs(X) > big)) {
	    X[ibig] <- X[ibig] / big^0.5
	    warning("re-scaling ", sum(ibig), "values of spline basis 'X'")

	    stop("no '' pseudo.x component; must use cobs(*, = TRUE)")
        ##MM: We should have crossprod() and qr() working for sparse matrices,
        ## 	at least '%*%' and t() work; [hmm, but there is  slm() in 'SparseM' !]
	## Tqr <- qr(crossprod(object$
        Tqr <- qr(as.matrix(t(object$ %*% object$
	if(Tqr$rank != dim(object$[2])
	    stop("The pseudo design matrix is singular; this can most likely be solved by using a smaller lambda")# when obtaining qsbs.out
	## Improved way of computing xQx = diag(X %*% solve(Tqr) %*% t(X)) :
	tX <- t(X)
	xQx <- colSums(qr.coef(Tqr, tX) * tX)

	res <- object$resid
	n <- length(res)

	s <- shat(res, tau, 1 - level, hs = TRUE)
	cn <- sqrt(xQx * tau * (1 - tau))
	sde <- cn * s
	an <- sqrt(qchisq(level, object$k))   * sde
	bn <- qt((1 + level)/2, n - object$k) * sde

	backOrder(cbind(z = z, fit = fit,
                        cb.lo = fit - an, cb.up = fit + an,
                        ci.lo = fit - bn, ci.up = fit + bn))
    }# interval
	backOrder(cbind(z = z, fit = fit))
} # predict


##   "2" : 2nd ("scobs") cobs version
getdim2 <- function(degree, nknots,
		   constraint = c("none", "increase", "decrease",
		   "convex", "concave", "periodic"))
    ## Compute the appropriate dimension for the pseudo design matrix
    ## Note: "periodic" is here treated differently than in "cobs99" cobs()
    ##	   because the new FN algorithm doesn't handle separate equality
    ##     constraints. Hence, all equality constraints are processed through
    ##	   pairs of inequality contraints.
    ## Note 2: now also works for  *multiple* constraints
    ##	      n.iqc will be a vector of the same length as 'constraint'
    if(degree == 1)	ks <- 2
    else if(degree == 2)ks <- 3
    else stop("degree has to be either 1 or 2")
    deg1 <- as.integer(degree == 1)
    nvar <- nknots - 2 + ks
    n.eqc <- # the number of EQuality Constraints
        0 ## if(constraint == "periodic") 2 else 0
    n.iqc <- # the number of IneQuality Constraints,  will be summed up :
	sapply(match.arg(constraint, several.ok = TRUE),
	       function(constr) {
		   if(constr == "increase" || constr == "decrease")
		       nknots - deg1
		   else if(constr == "concave" || constr == "convex")
		       nknots - 1 - deg1
		   else if(constr == "periodic" )
		   else if(constr == "none")
    list(n.iqc = n.iqc, n.eqc = n.eqc, ks = ks, nvar = nvar)

### These are (only) used for confidence intervals :

shat <- function(residual, tau, alpha, hs)
    ## sparsity estimate from empirical quantile function using residuals
    residual <- sort(residual)
    n <- length(residual)
    residual <- c(residual[1], residual, residual[n])
    grid <- c(0, seq(0.5/n, 1 - 0.5/n, 1/n), 1)
    hn <- dn(tau, n, hs = hs, alpha)
    ## for small n,  tau +/- hn might be outside [0,1]
    bound <- pmax(0, pmin(1, c(tau - hn, tau + hn)))
    idx <- cut00(bound, grid)
    lambda <- bound * n - (idx - 1) + 0.5
    return(diff(lambda * residual[idx + 1] +
		(1 - lambda) * residual[idx])/(2 * hn))

dn <- function(p, n, hs = FALSE, alpha)
    ## compute window width for sparsity estimator
    ## at quantile p, level = 1-alpha,	n observations
    ## according to
    ##	 Hall and Sheather (1988),  <<-	 hs=TRUE,   or
    ##	 Bofinger (1975),	    <<-	 hs=FALSE
    x0 <- qnorm(p)
    f0 <- dnorm(x0)
	n^(-1/3) * qnorm(1 - alpha/2)^(2/3) *
	    ((1.5 * f0^2)/(2 * x0^2 + 1))^(1/3)
    else n^-0.2 * ((4.5 * f0^4)/(2 * x0^2 + 1)^2)^ 0.2

plot.cobs <-
    function(x, which = if(x$select.lambda) 1:2 else 2, show.k = TRUE,
	     col = par("col"), l.col = c("red","pink"), k.col = gray(c(0.6, 0.8)),
             lwd = 2, cex = 0.4, ylim = NULL,
	     xlab = deparse(x$call[[2]]),
	     ylab = deparse(x$call[[3]]),
	     main = paste(deparse(x$call, width.cut = 100), collapse="\n"),
	     subtit= c("choosing lambda", "data & spline curve") , ...)
    stopifnot(all((which <- sort(unique(which))) %in% 1:2))
    both.plots <- all(which == 1:2)

    if(any(which == 1)) { ## --- SIC ~ lambda --------------
	stopifnot(x$select.lambda) # have no $pp.lambda . . .

	if(both.plots) {
	    op <- par(mfcol = 1:2, mgp = c(1.6, 0.5, 0),
		      mar = c(3.1, 3.1, 4.1, 0.6))
	i.good <- x$ifl == 1
	i.bad  <- !i.good
        i.mask <- x$i.mask <- !i.mask

	plot(x$pp.lambda, x$pp.sic, type = "n", log = "x",
	     xlab = expression(lambda),
	     ylab = "SIC",# paste("ic =", x$ic))
	     main = if(!both.plots) main) # no, col.axis="red")
	mtext(subtit[1], side=3, font = par("font.main"))
	lines (x$pp.lambda[i.good], x$pp.sic[i.good], type = 'o',
	       col = l.col[2], pch = 16)
	lines (x$pp.lambda[i.good &], x$pp.sic[i.good &], type = 'o',
	       col = l.col[1], pch = 16)
	lines(x$lambda, x$pp.sic[x$pp.lambda == x$lambda],# <- the chosen lambda
	      type = "h", lty = 3, col = l.col[1])
        mtext(substitute(hat(lambda) == LAM, list(LAM = formatC(x$lambda, dig=3))),
              side = 3, line = -1, col = l.col[1])
	if(any(i.bad) || any(i.mask)) {
	    all.are.11 <- all(x$ifl[i.bad] == 11)
	    all.are.18 <- all(x$ifl[i.bad] == 18) # = 1+{17 : the new code}
	    ch <- if(all.are.11) "ifl = 10+1"
	    else  if(all.are.18) "ifl = 17+1"
	    else paste("ifl in {",
		       paste(unique(x$ifl[i.bad]), collapse= ","), "}", sep='')
	    ## TODO(?) could use even more legend categories ..
	    points(x$pp.lambda [i.bad], x$pp.sic[i.bad], col = l.col[2], pch = 1)
	    points(x$pp.lambda [i.bad &], x$pp.sic[i.bad &], col = l.col[1], pch = 1)
	    legend("right", ## MM had "topleft"
		   c(if(any(i.bad)) c("ifl = 1, good fits",
                                      paste(ch,", bad fits", sep='')),
                     if(any(i.mask)) c("SIC when k <= sqrt(n)",
                                       "SIC when k > sqrt(n)")),
		   pch = c(if(any(i.bad)) c(16, 1), if(any(i.mask)) c(16,16)),
                   col = c(if(any(i.bad)) rep(l.col[1],2), if(any(i.mask)) l.col))

	if(show.k) {
	    par(new = TRUE)
            ## plot(x$pp.lambda[i.good], x$k0[i.good], axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE,
            ##     type = 'l', log = "x", col = col.k, lty = 2)
	    plot(x$pp.lambda, x$k0, log = "x", type = "n",
                 axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE)
            lines (x$pp.lambda[i.good], x$k0[i.good], type = 'o',
                   col = k.col[2], pch = 16)
            lines (x$pp.lambda[i.good &], x$k0[i.good &], type = 'o',
                   col = k.col[1], pch = 16)
	    axis(4, at = unique(c(0, x$k0[i.good])),
		 las = 2, col = k.col[1], col.axis = k.col[1])
	    mtext("k", side = 4, line = .5, at = par("usr")[4],
                  las = 2, col = k.col[1])
            if(any(i.bad)) {
                points(x$pp.lambda[i.bad], x$k0[i.bad], col = gray(.9), pch = 1)
                points(x$pp.lambda[i.bad &], x$k0[i.bad &],
                       col = gray(.8), pch = 1)

    ## warning("case of lambda = 0  not fully implemented")

    ## FIXME -- do something (?) for 'lambda = 0', i.e. select.knots

    if(any(which == 2)) { ## ---------- (x,y) + smooth cobs curve ----
	if(is.null(x$x)) {
	    ## MM: "works"	only if original (x,y) objects are still "there":
	    x$x <- eval.parent(x$call[[2]])
	    x$y <- eval.parent(x$call[[3]])
        px <- predict(x)
	if(is.null(ylim)) # make sure ylim fits (y & predict(.)):
            ylim <- range(x$y, px[,"fit"], finite=TRUE)
        plot(x$x, x$y, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ylim= ylim,
             main = if(!both.plots) main, col = col, cex = cex, ...)
	lines(px, col = l.col[1], lwd = lwd, ...)
	if(both.plots) {
	    mtext(subtit[2], side = 3, font = par("font.main"))
	    par(op)		# <- back to 1x1 figure (we assume ..)
	    mtext(main, side=3, line=1,
		  cex = par("cex.main"), font = par("font.main"))
End of scobs.R
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