Raw File
Tip revision: 579123307d89d9c83ce74568d6dfb56864019c93 authored by Hans W. Borchers on 05 February 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.6.4
Tip revision: 5791233
##  q u a d . R  Adaptive Simpson Quadrature

quad <- function(f, xa, xb, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, trace = FALSE, ...)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(xa), length(xa) == 1, is.finite(xa),
              is.numeric(xb), length(xb) == 1, is.finite(xb))

    fun <-
    f <- function(x) fun(x, ...)

    if (xa == xb) return(xb-xa)
    else if (xa > xb) {
        tmp <- xa; xa <- xb; xb <- tmp
        rev_p <- TRUE
    } else
        rev_p <- FALSE

    eps <- .Machine$double.eps
    if (!is.finite(f(xa))) xa <- xa + 2*eps
    if (!is.finite(f(xb))) xb <- xb - 2*eps

    Q <- .adaptsim(f, xa, xb, tol, trace)
    if (rev_p) Q <- -1 * Q

.adaptsim <- function(f, xa, xb, tol = tol, trace = trace)
    x <- c(xa, (xa+xb)/2, xb)
    y <- c(f(xa), f((xa+xb)/2), f(xb))

    fa <- y[1]; fm <- y[2]; fb <- y[3]
    yy <- f(xa + c(0.9501, 0.2311, 0.6068, 0.4860, 0.8913) * (xb-xa))

    ab <- (xb - xa)/8 * (sum(y)+sum(yy))
    if (ab == 0) ab <- xb-xa
    ab <- ab * tol/.Machine$double.eps

    Q <- .adaptsimstp(f, xa, xb, fa, fm, fb, ab, trace)

.adaptsimstp <- function(f, xa, xb, fa, fm, fb, ab, trace)
    m <- (xa + xb)/2
    h <- (xb - xa)/4

    x <- c(xa + h, xb - h)
    y <- c(f(xa + h), f(xb - h))

    fml <- y[1]; fmr <- y[2]
    i1 <- h/1.5 * (fa + 4*fm + fb)
    i2 <- h/3 * (fa + 4*(fml + fmr) + 2*fm + fb)
    i1 <- (16*i2 - i1)/15

    if ( (ab + (i1-i2) == ab) || (m <= xa) || (xb<=m) ) {
        if ( ((m <= xa) || (xb<=m)))
            warning("Required tolerance may not be met.")

        Q <- i1
        if (trace) cat(xa, xb-xa, Q, "\n")

    } else {
        Q <- .adaptsimstp (f, xa, m, fa, fml, fm, ab, trace) +
             .adaptsimstp (f, m, xb, fm, fmr, fb, ab, trace)
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