Raw File
Tip revision: 54cbcf1d6d3ecbca1153e8f00a804e837237f09d authored by Matthias Templ on 07 February 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.7.0
Tip revision: 54cbcf1
`impRZilr` <-
  function(x, maxit=10, eps=0.1, method="pls", 
           dl=rep(0.05, ncol(x)), nComp = "boot", 
           bruteforce=FALSE,  noisemethod="residuals", 
           noise=FALSE, R=10,

    if( is.vector(x) ) stop("x must be a matrix or data frame")
    ## check if only numeric variables are in x:
    cl <- lapply(x, class)
    if(!all(cl %in% "numeric")) stop("some of your variables are not of class numeric.")
    stopifnot((method %in% c("lm", "MM", "pls")))
    if( length(dl) < ncol(x)) stop(paste("dl has to be a vector of ", ncol(x)))
    if(method=="pls" & ncol(x)<5) stop("too less variables/parts for method pls")
    if(!(nComp[1] %in% c("boot","cv"))){
      if(length(nComp) != ncol(x)) stop("nComp must be numeric of length ncol(x) or boot or cv")

    ## store rowSums
    rs <- rowSums(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    ## zeros to NA:
    # check if values are in (0, dl[i]):
    check <- logical(ncol(x))
    for(i in 1:ncol(x)){
      check[i] <- any(x[,i] < dl[i] & x[,i] != 0)
      x[x[,i] < dl[i],i] <- 0
    if(any(check)){warning("values below detection limit have been set to zero and will be imputed")}
    check2 <- any(x < 0)
    if(check2){warning("values below 0 set have been set to zero and will be imputed")}
    x[x == 0] <- NA
    x[x < 0] <- NA
    ## sort variables of x based on 
    ## decreasing number of missings in the variables
    cn <- colnames(x)
    wcol <- - abs(apply(x, 2, function(x) sum(
    o <- order(wcol)
    x <- x[,o]
    if(verbose) cat("variables with decreasing number of missings:", o)
    ## index of missings / non-missings
    w <-
    wn <- !
	## lines with RZ:
    # w2 <- apply(x, 1, function(x){ sum( })
    # indNA <- apply(x, 2, function(x){any(})
#    wcol <- apply(x, 2, function(x) length(which(
#    indM <- sort(wcol, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix
	# number of RZ in each sorted variable
     nwcol <- apply(x, 2, function(x) length(which(
#    indM <- sort(wcol, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix
	## save orig data for later use:    
	xOrig <- x
    ## initialisation
	# cols with RZ's:
    indNA <- apply(x, 2, function(x){any(})
	# initialize RZ's with 2/3 dl per column
    for(i in which(indNA)){
      x[w[,i],i] <- dl[i]*2/3 #*runif(sum(ind),1/3,2/3)

    n <- nrow(x) 
    d <- ncol(x)
    ### create progress bar
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = maxit, style = 3,
                         title=paste("maximal time for ", maxit, "iterations"))
    ii <- 1
    ###  start the iteration
    if(verbose) cat("\n start the iteration:")
    it <- 1; criteria <- 99999999
    if(length(nComp) > 1) nC <- nComp else nC <- integer(length(which(indNA)))
    while(it <= maxit & criteria >= eps){
      if(verbose) cat("\n iteration", it, "; criteria =", criteria)	
	  ## for criteria used:
      xold <- x  
	  ## inner loop:
      for(i in which(indNA)){
        if(verbose) cat("\n replacement on part", i)
    		## ensure that imputed values are not too close to zero:
    		x[x < 2*.Machine$double.eps] <- 2*.Machine$double.eps
        ## transformation of the detection limit:
        phi <- -isomLR(cbind(rep(dl[i], n), x[,-i,drop=FALSE]))[,1] 
        ## transformation of the data, variable i on first column:
        xilr <- data.frame(-isomLR(cbind(x[,i,drop=FALSE], x[,-i,drop=FALSE])))
    		## ensure that first variable is fixed:
        # c1 <- colnames(xilr)[1]					
        # colnames(xilr)[1] <- "V1"	
    		## response:
        response <- as.matrix(xilr[,1,drop=FALSE])
    		## predictors (everything except response):
        predictors <- as.matrix(xilr[,-1,drop=FALSE])
    		## fit and prediction:
          reg1 <- lm(response ~ predictors)
          yhat <- predict(reg1,
        } else if(method=="MM"){
          reg1 <- rlm(response ~ predictors, method="MM",maxit = 100)#rlm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2, method="MM",maxit = 100)
          yhat <- predict(reg1,
        } else if(method=="pls"){
          if(it == 1 & nComp[1] =="boot"){ 
        			## evaluate ncomp in the first run:
        			nC[i] <- bootnComp(predictors,response, R, plotting=TRUE)$res
 #            nC[i] <- bootnComp(xilr[,!(colnames(xilr) == "V1"),drop=FALSE],y=xilr[,"V1"], R, plotting=TRUE)$res2
          if(it == 1 & nComp[1] == "cv"){ 
            ## evaluate ncomp in the first run:
            stop("implement method cv")
            nC[i] <- mvr(as.matrix(response) ~ as.matrix(predictors), 
          if(verbose) cat("   ;   ncomp:",nC[i])
          reg1 <- mvr(as.matrix(response) ~ as.matrix(predictors), 
                      ncomp=nC[i], method="simpls")
          yhat <- predict(reg1,, 
        #		s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/abs(nrow(xilr)-ncol(xilr))) ## quick and dirty: abs()
        s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/nrow(xilr)) 
        ex <- (phi - yhat)/s 
        if(any( | any(yhat == "NaN")) stop("here NA - yhat")
        if(any( | any(phi == "NaN")) stop("here NA - phi")
        if(any( | any(ex == "NaN")) stop("here NA - ex")
        yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, i]]) > .Machine$double.eps,
                           yhat[w[, i]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, i]])/pnorm(ex[w[, i]]),
                           yhat[w[, i]])
        if(any( || any(yhat=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates")
        # check if we are under the DL:
#        yhat2seltest <<- yhat2sel
#        phitest <<- phi[w[,i]]
        if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, i]])){
          yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, i]], phi[w[, i]], yhat2sel)
        xilr[w[, i], 1] <- yhat2sel
        xinv <- isomLRinv(-xilr)
        ## reordering to previous order 
        if(i %in% 2:(d-1)){
          xinv <- cbind(xinv[,2:i], xinv[,c(1,(i+1):d)])
        if(i == d){
          xinv <- cbind(xinv[,2:d], xinv[,1])
        x <- adjust2(xinv, xOrig, w)

        #		x <- adjust3(xinv, xOrig, w2) 
        #		## quick and dirty:
        #		x[!w] <- xOrig[!w]
	  setTxtProgressBar(pb, ii); ii <- ii + 1      
      it <- it + 1
      criteria <- sum( ((xold - x)/x)^2, na.rm=TRUE) ## DIRTY: (na.rm=TRUE)
      if(verbose & criteria != 0) cat("\n iteration", it, "; criteria =", criteria)
    #### add random error ###
      for(i in which(indNA)){
        if(verbose) cat("\n add noise on variable", i)
        # add error terms
        inderr <- w[,i]
        if(noisemethod == "residuals") {
          error <- sample(residuals( reg1 )[inderr], 
                          size=nwcol[i], replace=TRUE)
          reg1$res[inderr] <- error
        } else {
          mu <- median(residuals( reg1 )[inderr])
          sigma <- mad(residuals( reg1 )[inderr])
          error <- rnorm(nwcol[i], mean=mu, sd=sigma)
          reg1$res[inderr] <- error		   
        # return realizations
        yhat[inderr] <- yhat[inderr] + error
        s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/nrow(xilr)) ## quick and dirty: abs()
        ex <- (phi - yhat)/s 
        yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, i]]) > .Machine$double.eps,
                           yhat[w[, i]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, i]])/pnorm(ex[w[, i]]),
                           yhat[w[, i]])
        if(any( || any(yhat=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates")
        # check if we are under the DL:
        if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, i]])){
          yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, i]], phi[w[, i]], yhat2sel)
        xilr[w[, i], 1] <- yhat2sel
        xinv <- isomLRinv(-xilr)
        ## reordering of xOrig
        if(i %in% 2:(d-1)){
          xinv <- cbind(xinv[,2:i], xinv[,c(1,(i+1):d)])
        if(i == d){
          xinv <- cbind(xinv[,2:d], xinv[,1])
        #	   x <- adjust2(xinv, xOrig, w) 
        #	   ## quick and dirty:
        #	   x[!w] <- xOrig[!w]
    ### end add random error ###
#    x <- adjust3(x, xOrig, w)
    if(!all.equal(x[!w], xOrig[!w])) stop("adjust problems - revise algorithm") 
    x <- x[,order(o)] ## checked: reordering is OK!
    colnames(x) <- cn
    #   ## recover abs values with rs
    #   xtest <<- x
    #   w <<- w
    #   x_0 <- x
    #   x_0[w] <- 0
    #   rs_imp <- rowSums(x_0)
    #   fac <- rs/rs_imp
    #   for(i in 1:ncol(x)){
    #	   x[,i] <- x[,i] * fac[i]
    #   }
    #  # quick and dirty: (preserve absolute values)
    #  x[!w] <- xorig[!w] 
    res <- list(x=x, criteria=criteria, iter=it, 
                maxit=maxit, wind=w, nComp=nC, method=method)
    class(res) <- "replaced"

cvnComp <- function(X,y, R=99, plotting=FALSE){
  rr <- mvr(as.matrix(y) ~ as.matrix(X), 
      method="simpls", validation="CV")$validation$PRESS
bootnComp <- function(X,y, R=99, plotting=FALSE){
  ind <- 1:nrow(X)
  d <- matrix(, ncol=R, nrow=nrow(X))#nrow(X))
  for(i in 1:R){
    bootind <- sample(ind, replace=TRUE)
	## "paired" bootstrap sample:
    ds <- cbind(X[bootind,], as.numeric(y[bootind]))
    colnames(ds)[ncol(ds)] <- "V1"
    ## regression on bootstrap sample, in validation 
	## the predictions and so called PRESS values are then stored:
    reg1 <- mvr(V1~., data=data.frame(ds), method="simpls", validation="none")#, validation="CV")
	## prediction error criteria is wrong
	## (even the results looks fine), since we
	## compare original values of response (y) from predictions
	## based on bootstrap samples:
#    d[1:reg1$ncomp,i] <- as.numeric(apply(reg1$validation$pred, 3, function(x) sum(((y - x)^2)) ) )
	## better? To use the coefficients from reg1 and predict 
	## based on original data --> prediction error:
	ppp <- predict(reg1, X)
	d[1:reg1$ncomp,i] <- as.numeric(apply(ppp, 3, function(x) mean(abs(y - x)) ))	
  d <- na.omit(d)
  sdev <- apply(d, 1, quantile, probs=0.5, na.rm=TRUE)
  sdev2 <- apply(d, 1, quantile, probs=0.25, na.rm=TRUE)
  sdevs <- sdev -sdev2
  means <- apply(d, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
  sdev3 <- apply(d, 1, mad)
  mi <- which.min(means)
  threshold <- means + 2*sdev3
  res <- which.min(!(means < threshold[mi]) )
  minsd <- means - sdevs > means[mi]
  check <- means
  check[!minsd] <- 999999999999999
  if(plotting) plot(means, type="l")
  res2 <- which.min(check)
  list(res=res, res2=NULL)

bootnCompHD <- function(X,y, R=99, plotting=FALSE){
  ind <- 1:nrow(X)
  d <- matrix(, ncol=R, nrow=nrow(X))#nrow(X))
  for(i in 1:R){
    bootind <- sample(ind)
    XX <- X
    yy <- y
    ds <- cbind(X[bootind,], as.numeric(y[bootind]))
    colnames(ds)[ncol(ds)] <- "V1"
    reg1 <- mvr(V1~., data=data.frame(ds), method="simpls", validation="CV")
    d[1:reg1$ncomp,i] <- as.numeric(apply(reg1$validation$pred, 3, function(x) sum(((y - x)^2)) ) )
  d <- na.omit(d)
  sdev <- apply(d, 1, mad, na.rm=TRUE)
  means <- apply(d, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
  mi <- which.min(means)
  if(plotting) plot(means, type="l", col="blue", ylab="squared total prediction error", xlab="number of components")
  themean <- mean(means)
  thesd <- sd(means)
  abovethreshold <- themean - sdev > means
  check <- means
  check[!abovethreshold] <- 9999999999
  res <- which.min(check)
  #	minsd <- means - sdev > means[mi]
  #	check <- means
  #	check[!minsd] <- 99999999
  #	res <- which.min(check)
    abline(v=res, lwd=3)
    abline(h=mi, col="red")
    #		abline(h=means-sdev, lty=3)
  list(res=res, mean=means)

#checkIfValuesUnderDL <- function(x, dl, wind){
#	check <- logical(ncol(x))
#	for(i in 1:ncol(x)){
#		check[i] <- any(x[,i] > dl[i])
#	}	
#	return(check)

## test adjust2:

adjust2 <- function (xImp, xOrig, wind){
  xneu = xImp
  s1 <- rowSums(xOrig, na.rm = TRUE)
  for (i in 1:nrow(xImp)) {
    if(any(wind[i,])) s <- sum(xImp[i, !wind[i, ]]) else s <- 1
    if(any(wind[i,])) s2 <- sum(xImp[i, wind[i, ]]) else s2 <- 0
    fac <- s/(s + s2)
    s1[i] <- s1[i]/fac
  impS <- s1/rowSums(xImp)
  for (i in 1:ncol(xImp)) {
    xneu[, i] <- xImp[, i] * impS
  xImp <- xneu

#x <- matrix(1:100, ncol=5)
#x <- x[,c(2,1,3:5)]
#colnames(x) <- c("eins","zwei","drei","vier","fuenf")
#x[x< 10] <- 0
#x[11,3] <- 0
#x[20,3] <- 0
#dl <- rep(10,5)
#x <- xorig <- constSum(genVarsSmall(mvrnorm(20, mu=rep(1,3), Sigma=diag(3)), 15)[,1:5],100)
#x <- xorig <- x[order(x[,1]), ]
#dl <- apply(x, 2, quantile, 0.1)
#dl[1] <- 7.32
#for(i in 1:5){
#	x[x[,i] < dl[i], i] <- 0
#colnames(x) <- c("eins","zwei","drei","vier","fuenf")
#imp <- impRZilr(x, dl=dl, method="pls", eps=0.00001, maxit=100)
## ausfuerhen des codes der fkt
#y <- x
#x <- xOrig
#adjust2(xinv, xOrig, w) ## OK
#y <- x+rnorm(100, 0, 0.05)
#y[1,3] <- 8
#a <- adjust2(y, x, wind)
#res <- impRZilr(x)

adjust3 <- function(xImp, xOrig, wind){
  xOrigSum <- rowSums(xOrig)
  # sum imputed without former zeros:
  xImpSum <- numeric(ncol(xOrig))
  for(i in 1:ncol(xOrig)){
    xImpSum[i] <- sum(xImp[i,!wind[i,]])
    fac <- xOrigSum[i] / xImpSum[i]
    xImp[i,wind[i,]] <- xImp[i,wind[i,]]  * fac
  xImp[!wind] <- xOrig[!wind]

### switch function to automatically select methods
#getM <- function(xReg, ndata, type, index,mixedTF,mixedConstant,factors,step,robust,noise,noise.factor=1,force=FALSE, robMethod="MM") {
#	switch(type,
#			numeric = useLM(xReg, ndata, index, mixedTF,mixedConstant,factors,step,robust,noise,noise.factor,force,robMethod),
#			factor  = useMN(xReg, ndata, index,factors,step,robust),
#			bin     = useB(xReg, ndata, index,factors,step,robust),
#			count   = useGLMcount(xReg, ndata, index, factors, step, robust)
#	)
#f <- function(){	
##	x <- constSum(x)
##	dl <- dl/sum(dl)
#	## initialisation:
##		x[] <- 0.001
#	for(i in 1:length(dl)){
#		ind <-[,i])
#		#PF# if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]/3*2 
#		if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]*runif(sum(ind),1/3,2/3)
#	}
##		x <- constSum(x)
#	## parameters:
#	it=0
#	criteria <- 10000000
#	error <- rep(0, ncol(x))
#	nComp <- normalerror <- numeric(ncol(x))
#	if(noisemethod=="residuals") residuals <- matrix(,ncol=ncol(x), nrow=nrow(x))
#	nComp[nComp==0] <- NA
#	criteria <- 1e+07
#	sigma <- mu <- rep(0, ncol(x))
#	###########################################
#	###  start the iteration
#	if(verbose) cat("\n start the iteration:")
#	while(it <= maxit & criteria >= eps){
#		xold <- x
#		it=it+1
#		for(i in which(indNA)){
#			if(verbose) cat("\n column", i)
#			## change the first column with that one with the highest amount of NAs
#			## in the step
#			if(wcol[indM[i]] > 0){
#				xNA=x[,indM[i]]
#				x1=x[,1]
#				x[,1]=xNA
#				x[,indM[i]]=x1
#				if(method == "roundedZero"){
#					xilr <- isomLR(x)
#					phi <- isomLR(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))[,1] # TODO: phi auserhalb der Schleife!
#					## --> x hat sich geaendert aber dl nicht.
#					xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr)
#					c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1]
#					colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1"
#					reg1 = lm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2)
#					yhat2 <- predict(reg1,[,-i]) 	
#					if(bruteforce){ 
#						xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] <= phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] )
#					} else {
#						s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/(nrow(xilr2)-ncol(xilr2)))
#						ex <- (phi - yhat2)/s 
#						yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps,
#								yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]),
#								yhat2[w[, indM[i]]])
#						if(any( || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates")
#						# check if we are under the DL:
#						if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){
#							yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel)
#						}
#						xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel
#					}
#				}
#				if (method == "pls") {	
#					xilr = isomLR(x)
#					ttt <- cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE])
#					phi <- isomLR(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))[,1]
##				if(verbose) cat("\n phi", phi, "in iteration", it)
#					xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr)	
#					c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1]					
#					colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1"				
#					if(it == 1){ ## evaluate ncomp.
#						test <- xilr2[,!(colnames(xilr2) == "V1")]
#						testy <- xilr2[,"V1"]
#						X <- xilr2[,!(colnames(xilr2) == "V1")]
#						y <- xilr2[,"V1"]
#						nComp[i] <- bootnComp(xilr2[,!(colnames(xilr2) == "V1")],y=xilr2[,"V1"], R)
#					}
#					reg1 <- mvr(V1~.,ncomp=nComp[i], data = xilr2, method="simpls")
#					yhat2 <- as.numeric(predict(reg1,[,-i], ncomp=nComp[i]) )
##				if(noisemethod=="residuals") residuals[,i] <- reg1$residuals[,,nComp[i]]
##				if(noisemethod=="normal"){
##					mu[i] <- median(residuals(reg1)[,,nComp[i]])
##					sigma[i] <- mad(residuals(reg1)[,,nComp[i]]) * noiseeffect		  
##				}
#					colnames(xilr2)[1] <- c1					
##				fit=reg1$fitted.values[,,nComp[i]]	
#					s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$residuals[,,nComp[i]]^2)/abs(nrow(xilr2)-ncol(xilr2)))
#					ex <- as.numeric((phi - yhat2)/s )
#					yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps,
#							yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]),
#							yhat2[w[, indM[i]]])
#					if(any( || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of NaN or NA estimates")
#					# check if we are under the DL:
#					if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){
#						yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel)
#					}
##				if(verbose) cat("\n yhat2sel at iteration", it, "on column", i ,"is", yhat2sel)
#					xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel
#				}	
#				if(method == "roundedZeroRobust"){
#					xilr <- isomLR(x)
#					x[x < .Machine$double.eps] <- 0.00000000001  ## TODO: better solution 
#					phi <- isomLR(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))[,1] # TODO: phi auserhalb der Schleife!
#					xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr)
#					c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1]
#					colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1"
#					reg1 = rlm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2, method="MM",maxit = 100)
##	            reg1 = lmrob(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2)
#					yhat2 <- predict(reg1,[,-i]) 	
#					if(bruteforce){ 
#						xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] <= phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] )
#					} else {
#						s <- reg1$s
#						#PF# s <- IQR(reg1$resid)/1.349
#						ex <- (phi - yhat2)/s 
#						yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps,
#								yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]), 
#								yhat2[w[, indM[i]]])
#						if(any( || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates")
#						# check if we are under the DL:
#						if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){
#							yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel)
#						}
#						xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel
#					}
#				}
#				xilr <- xilr2 
#				x <- isomLRinv(xilr)	
#				## return the order of columns:
#				xNA=x[,1]
#				x1=x[,indM[i]]
#				x[,1]=x1
#				x[,indM[i]]=xNA
#				x <- adjust2(x, xcheck, w)
#				print(x[1:2,1:2])
#				if(verbose) cat("\n iteration", it, "column", i, "value", x[2,1])
#			}
#		}
#		criteria <- sum( ((xold - x)/x)^2, na.rm=TRUE) ## DIRTY: (na.rm=TRUE)
#		colnames(x) <- colnames(xcheck)
#	}
#	res <- list(xOrig=xcheck, xImp=x[,order(o)], criteria=criteria, iter=it,  nComp=nComp,
#			maxit=maxit, w=length(which(w)), wind=w)
#	class(res) <- "imp"
##	res <- adjust(res)
#	invisible(res)
#`impRZilr` <-
#function(x, maxit=10, eps=0.1, method="roundedZero", 
#		dl=rep(0.05, ncol(x)), bruteforce=FALSE,  noise = TRUE, noisemethod="residuals", noiseeffect=1, R=10,
#		verbose=FALSE){
#	if( is.vector(x) ) stop("x must be a matrix or data frame")
#	stopifnot((method %in% c("ltsReg", "ltsReg2", "classical", "lm", "roundedZero","roundedZeroRobust","pls")))
#    if( length(dl) < ncol(x)) stop(paste("dl has to be a vector of ", ncol(x)))
#	#################
#	## zeros to NA:
#	x[x==0] <- NA
#	#################
#	## index of missings / non-missings
#	w <-
#	wn <- !
#	w2 <- apply(x, 1, function(x){
#          length(which(
#	})
#    indNA <- apply(x, 2, function(x){any(})
#    #################
#	## sort the columns of the data according to the amount of missings in the variables
#	wcol <- apply(x, 2, function(x) length(which(
#	indM <- sort(wcol, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix
#	cn <- colnames(x)
#	xcheck <- x
#	################
#	## detection limit in ilr-space
##	for(i in which(indNA)){
##	}
##	x <- constSum(x)
##	dl <- dl/sum(dl)
#	## initialisation:
##		x[] <- 0.001
#	    for(i in 1:length(dl)){
#		   ind <-[,i])
#		   #PF# if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]/3*2 
#		   if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]*runif(sum(ind),1/3,2/3)
#	    }
##		x <- constSum(x)
#    ## parameters:
#		it=0
#		criteria <- 10000000
#		error <- rep(0, ncol(x))
#		nComp <- normalerror <- numeric(ncol(x))
#		if(noisemethod=="residuals") residuals <- matrix(,ncol=ncol(x), nrow=nrow(x))
#		nComp[nComp==0] <- NA
#		criteria <- 1e+07
#		sigma <- mu <- rep(0, ncol(x))
#	###########################################
#	###  start the iteration
#	if(verbose) cat("\n start the iteration:")
#	while(it <= maxit & criteria >= eps){
#  		xold <- x
#  		it=it+1
#  		for(i in which(indNA)){
#			if(verbose) cat("\n column", i)
#		    ## change the first column with that one with the highest amount of NAs
#		    ## in the step
#			if(wcol[indM[i]] > 0){
#		    xNA=x[,indM[i]]
#		    x1=x[,1]
#		    x[,1]=xNA
#		    x[,indM[i]]=x1
#			if(method == "roundedZero"){
#				xilr <- isomLR(x)
#				phi <- isomLR(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))[,1] # TODO: phi auserhalb der Schleife!
#				## --> x hat sich geaendert aber dl nicht.
#				xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr)
#				c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1]
#				colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1"
#				reg1 = lm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2)
#				yhat2 <- predict(reg1,[,-i]) 	
#				if(bruteforce){ 
#					xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] <= phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] )
#				} else {
#					s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/(nrow(xilr2)-ncol(xilr2)))
#					ex <- (phi - yhat2)/s 
#                                        yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps,
#                                                           yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]),
#                                                           yhat2[w[, indM[i]]])
#                                        if(any( || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates")
#                                        # check if we are under the DL:
#                                        if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){
#						yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel)
#					}
#                                        xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel
#		        }
#			}
#			if (method == "pls") {	
#				xilr = isomLR(x)
#				ttt <- cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE])
#				phi <- isomLR(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))[,1]
##				if(verbose) cat("\n phi", phi, "in iteration", it)
#				xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr)	
#				c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1]					
#				colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1"				
#				if(it == 1){ ## evaluate ncomp.
#					test <- xilr2[,!(colnames(xilr2) == "V1")]
#					testy <- xilr2[,"V1"]
#					X <- xilr2[,!(colnames(xilr2) == "V1")]
#					y <- xilr2[,"V1"]
#					nComp[i] <- bootnComp(xilr2[,!(colnames(xilr2) == "V1")],y=xilr2[,"V1"], R)
#				}
#				reg1 <- mvr(V1~.,ncomp=nComp[i], data = xilr2, method="simpls")
#				yhat2 <- as.numeric(predict(reg1,[,-i], ncomp=nComp[i]) )
##				if(noisemethod=="residuals") residuals[,i] <- reg1$residuals[,,nComp[i]]
##				if(noisemethod=="normal"){
##					mu[i] <- median(residuals(reg1)[,,nComp[i]])
##					sigma[i] <- mad(residuals(reg1)[,,nComp[i]]) * noiseeffect		  
##				}
#				colnames(xilr2)[1] <- c1					
##				fit=reg1$fitted.values[,,nComp[i]]	
#				s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$residuals[,,nComp[i]]^2)/abs(nrow(xilr2)-ncol(xilr2)))
#				ex <- as.numeric((phi - yhat2)/s )
#				yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps,
#						yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]),
#						yhat2[w[, indM[i]]])
#				if(any( || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of NaN or NA estimates")
#				# check if we are under the DL:
#				if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){
#					yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel)
#				}
##				if(verbose) cat("\n yhat2sel at iteration", it, "on column", i ,"is", yhat2sel)
#				xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel
#			}	
#			if(method == "roundedZeroRobust"){
#				xilr <- isomLR(x)
#				x[x < .Machine$double.eps] <- 0.00000000001  ## TODO: better solution 
#				phi <- isomLR(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]))[,1] # TODO: phi auserhalb der Schleife!
#				xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr)
#				c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1]
#				colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1"
#				reg1 = rlm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2, method="MM",maxit = 100)
##	            reg1 = lmrob(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2)
#				yhat2 <- predict(reg1,[,-i]) 	
#				if(bruteforce){ 
#					xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] <= phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] )
#				} else {
#					s <- reg1$s
#					#PF# s <- IQR(reg1$resid)/1.349
#					ex <- (phi - yhat2)/s 
#					yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps,
#					                   yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]), 
#					                   yhat2[w[, indM[i]]])
#					if(any( || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates")
#					# check if we are under the DL:
#                                        if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){
#						yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel)
#					}
#					xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel
#				}
#			}
#			xilr <- xilr2 
#			x <- isomLRinv(xilr)	
#			## return the order of columns:
#			xNA=x[,1]
#			x1=x[,indM[i]]
#			x[,1]=x1
#			x[,indM[i]]=xNA
#			x <- adjust2(x, xcheck, w)
#			print(x[1:2,1:2])
#			if(verbose) cat("\n iteration", it, "column", i, "value", x[2,1])
#			}
# 	   }
#  	  criteria <- sum( ((xold - x)/x)^2, na.rm=TRUE) ## DIRTY: (na.rm=TRUE)
#	  colnames(x) <- colnames(xcheck)
#	}
#	res <- list(xOrig=xcheck, xImp=x, criteria=criteria, iter=it,  nComp=nComp,
#			    maxit=maxit, w=length(which(w)), wind=w)
#	class(res) <- "imp"
##	res <- adjust(res)
#	invisible(res)

# `impRZilr` <-
# function(x, maxit=10, eps=0.1, method="roundedZero", 
# 		dl=rep(0.05, ncol(x)), bruteforce=FALSE){
# 	`ilrM` <-
# 			function(x, info=TRUE){
# 		x.ilr=matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=ncol(x)-1)
# 		D=ncol(x)
# 		for (i in 1:ncol(x.ilr)){
# 			x.ilr[,i]=sqrt((D-i)/(D-i+1))*log(((apply(as.matrix(x[,(i+1):D,drop=FALSE]),1,prod))^(1/(D-i)))/(x[,i]))
# 		} 
# #		invisible(-x.ilr)
#         if(info)  {res <- list(xilr=-x.ilr,
# 			 xOrig=x)
# 	         class(res) <- "ilrTransform"
# 	    } else {
# 			res <- -x.ilr
# 		}
# 		res
# 	}
# 	`invilrM` <-
# 			function(x.ilr){
# 		if(class(x.ilr) =="ilrTransform" ){
# 			fac <- rowSums(x.ilr$xOrig)
# 			x.ilr <- x.ilr$xilr
# 			y <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x.ilr),ncol=ncol(x.ilr)+1)
# 			D=ncol(x.ilr)+1
# 			y[,1]=-sqrt((D-1)/D)*x.ilr[,1]
# 			for (i in 2:ncol(y)){
# 				for (j in 1:(i-1)){
# 					y[,i]=y[,i]+x.ilr[,j]/sqrt((D-j+1)*(D-j))
# 				}
# 			}
# 			for (i in 2:(ncol(y)-1)){
# 				y[,i]=y[,i]-sqrt((D-i)/(D-i+1))*x.ilr[,i]
# 			}
# 			yexp=exp(-y)
# 			x.back=yexp/apply(yexp,1,sum) * fac # * rowSums(derOriginaldaten)
# 			invisible(x.back)			
# 		} else {
# 			y=matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x.ilr),ncol=ncol(x.ilr)+1)
# 			D=ncol(x.ilr)+1
# 			y[,1]=-sqrt((D-1)/D)*x.ilr[,1]
# 			for (i in 2:ncol(y)){
# 				for (j in 1:(i-1)){
# 					y[,i]=y[,i]+x.ilr[,j]/sqrt((D-j+1)*(D-j))
# 				}
# 			}
# 			for (i in 2:(ncol(y)-1)){
# 				y[,i]=y[,i]-sqrt((D-i)/(D-i+1))*x.ilr[,i]
# 			}
# 			yexp=exp(-y)
# 			x.back=yexp/apply(yexp,1,sum) # * rowSums(derOriginaldaten)
# 			invisible(x.back)
#         #return(yexp)
# 		}
# 		x.back
# 	}
# 	if( is.vector(x) ) stop("x must be a matrix or data frame")
# 	stopifnot((method %in% c("ltsReg", "ltsReg2", "classical", "lm", "roundedZero","roundedZeroRobust")))
#     if( length(dl) < ncol(x)) stop(paste("dl has to be a vector of ", ncol(x)))
# 	## zeros to NA:
# 	x[x==0] <- NA
# 	##index of missings / non-missings
# 	w <-
# 	wn <- !
# 	w2 <- apply(x, 1, function(x){
#           length(which(
# 	})
# 	##sort the columns of the data according to the amount of missings in the variables
# 	wcol <- apply(x,2,function(x) length(which(
# 	indM <- sort(wcol, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix
# 	cn <- colnames(x)
# 	xcheck <- x
# 	## initialisation:
# #		x[] <- 0.001
# 	    for(i in 1:length(dl)){
# 		   ind <-[,i])
# 		   #PF# if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]/3*2 
# 		   if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]*runif(sum(ind),1/3,2/3)
# 	    }
# #		x <- constSum(x)
#     ## parameters:
# 		it=0
# 		criteria <- 10000000
# 		error <- rep(0, ncol(x))
# 	###########################################
# 	###  start the iteration
# 	while(it <= maxit & criteria >= eps){
#   		xold <- x
#   		it=it+1
#   		for(i in 1:ncol(x)){
# 		    ## change the first column with that one with the highest amount of NAs
# 		    ## in the step
# 			if(wcol[indM[i]] > 0){
# 		    xNA=x[,indM[i]]
# 		    x1=x[,1]
# 		    x[,1]=xNA
# 		    x[,indM[i]]=x1
# 			if(method == "roundedZero"){
# 				xilr <- ilrM(x)
# 				phi <- ilrM(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]), info=FALSE)[,1] # TODO: phi auserhalb der Schleife!
# 				## --> x hat sich geaendert aber dl nicht.
# 				xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr$xilr)
# 				c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1]
# 				colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1"
# 				reg1 = lm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2)
# 				yhat2 <- predict(reg1,[,-i]) 	
# 				if(bruteforce){ 
# 					xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] <= phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] )
# 				} else {
# #					s <- sd(reg1$res, na.rm=TRUE)
# 					s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/(nrow(xilr2)-ncol(xilr2)))
# 					ex <- (phi - yhat2)/s 
# #####################################################
# #PF#                                    if(all(dnorm(ex) > 5 * .Machine$double.eps)) yhat2 <- yhat2 - s*dnorm(ex)/pnorm(ex)
#                                         yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps,
#                                                            yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]),
#                                                            yhat2[w[, indM[i]]])
#                                         if(any( || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates")
#                                         # check if we are under the DL:
#                                         if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){
# 						yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel)
# 					}
#                                         xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel
# #####################################################
# 		        }
# 			}
# 			if(method == "roundedZeroRobust"){
# 				xilr <- ilrM(x)
# 				x[x < .Machine$double.eps] <- 0.00000000001  ## TODO: better solution 
# 				phi <- ilrM(cbind(rep(dl[indM[i]], nrow(x)), x[,-1,drop=FALSE]), info=FALSE)[,1] # TODO: phi auserhalb der Schleife!
# 				xilr2 <- data.frame(xilr$xilr)
# 				c1 <- colnames(xilr2)[1]
# 				colnames(xilr2)[1] <- "V1"
# 				reg1 = rlm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2, method="MM",maxit = 100)
# #	            reg1 = lmrob(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2)
# 				yhat2 <- predict(reg1,[,-i]) 	
# 				if(bruteforce){ 
# 					xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- ifelse(yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] <= phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] )
# 				} else {
# #						s <- mad(reg1$res, na.rm=TRUE)
# 					s <- reg1$s
# 					#PF# s <- IQR(reg1$resid)/1.349
# 					ex <- (phi - yhat2)/s 
# #####################################################
# #PF#					if(all(dnorm(ex) > 5 * .Machine$double.eps)) yhat2 <- yhat2 - s*dnorm(ex)/pnorm(ex)
# 					yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]) > .Machine$double.eps,
# 					                   yhat2[w[, indM[i]]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]])/pnorm(ex[w[, indM[i]]]), 
# 					                   yhat2[w[, indM[i]]])
# 					if(any( || any(yhat2=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates")
# 					# check if we are under the DL:
#                                         if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, indM[i]]])){
# 						yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, indM[i]]], phi[w[, indM[i]]], yhat2sel)
# 					}
# 					xilr2[w[, indM[i]], 1] <- yhat2sel
# #####################################################
# 				}
# 			}
# 			xilr$xilr <- xilr2 
# 			x=invilrM(xilr)		
# 			## return the order of columns:
# 			xNA=x[,1]
# 			x1=x[,indM[i]]
# 			x[,1]=x1
# 			x[,indM[i]]=xNA
# 			}
#  	   }
#   	  criteria <- sum( ((xold - x)/x)^2, na.rm=TRUE) ## DIRTY: (na.rm=TRUE)
# 	  colnames(x) <- colnames(xcheck)
# 	}
# 	res <- list(xOrig=xcheck, xImp=x, criteria=criteria, iter=it, 
# 			    maxit=maxit, w=length(which(w)), wind=w)
# 	class(res) <- "imp"
# 	invisible(res)
# }

#   `impRZilr2` <-
#   function(x, maxit=10, eps=0.1, method="pls", 
#            dl=rep(0.05, ncol(x)), 	nComp = NULL, 
#            bruteforce=FALSE,  noisemethod="residuals", noise=TRUE, R=10,
#            verbose=FALSE){
#     if( is.vector(x) ) stop("x must be a matrix or data frame")
#     stopifnot((method %in% c("lm", "MM", "pls")))
#     if( length(dl) < ncol(x)) stop(paste("dl has to be a vector of ", ncol(x)))
#     if(method=="pls" & ncol(x)<5) stop("too less variables/parts for method pls")
#     if(!is.null(nComp)){
#       pre <- TRUE
#       if(length(nComp) != ncol(x)) stop("nComp mmmmmust be NULL or of length ncol(x)")
#     } else pre <- FALSE
#     #################
#     ## zeros to NA:
#     x[x==0] <- NA
#     ################
#     ## sort variables of x based on 
#     ## decreasing number of missings in the variables
#     wcol <- - abs(apply(x, 2, function(x) sum(
#     o <- order(wcol)
#     x <- x[,o]
#     if(verbose) cat("variables with decreasing number of missings:", o)
#     #################
#     ## index of missings / non-missings
#     w <-
#     wn <- !
#     w2 <- apply(x, 1, function(x){ sum( })
#     #	indNA <- apply(x, 2, function(x){any(})
#     #################
#     ## sort the columns of the data according to the amount of missings in the variables
#     wcol <- apply(x, 2, function(x) length(which(
#     indM <- sort(wcol, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix
#     cn <- colnames(x)
#     xcheck <- x
#     ################
#     ## initialisation
#     indNA <- apply(x, 2, function(x){any(})
#     for(i in 1:length(dl)){
#       ind <-[,i])
#       if(length(ind) > 0) x[ind,i] <- dl[i]*runif(sum(ind),1/3,2/3)
#     }
#     xOrig <- x
#     ################
#     ## detection limit in ilr-space
#     n <- nrow(x) 
#     d <- ncol(x)
#     ###  start the iteration
#     if(verbose) cat("\n start the iteration:")
#     it <- 1; criteria <- 99999999
#     while(it <= maxit & criteria >= eps){
#       if(verbose) cat("\n iteration", it, "; criteria =", criteria)	
#       xold <- x  
#       for(i in which(indNA)){
#         if(verbose) cat("\n replacement on part", i)
#         test <<- cbind(rep(dl[i], n), x[,-i,drop=FALSE])
#         phi <- -isomLR(cbind(rep(dl[i], n), x[,-i,drop=FALSE]))[,1] 
#         #		part <- cbind(x[,i,drop=FALSE], x[,-i,drop=FALSE])
#         x[x < 2*.Machine$double.eps] <- 2*.Machine$double.eps
#         xilr <- data.frame(-isomLR(cbind(x[,i,drop=FALSE], x[,-i,drop=FALSE])))
#         c1 <- colnames(xilr)[1]					
#         colnames(xilr)[1] <- "V1"	
#         xilr <<- xilr
#         response <- as.matrix(xilr[,1,drop=FALSE])
#         predictors <- as.matrix(xilr[,-1,drop=FALSE])
#         if(method=="lm"){ 
#           reg1 <- lm(response ~ predictors)
#           yhat <- predict(reg1,
#         } else if(method=="MM"){
#           reg1 <- rlm(response ~ predictors, method="MM",maxit = 100)#rlm(V1 ~ ., data=xilr2, method="MM",maxit = 100)
#           yhat <- predict(reg1,
#         } else if(method=="pls"){
#           if(it == 1 & !pre){ ## evaluate ncomp.
#             nComp[i] <- bootnComp(xilr[,!(colnames(xilr) == "V1"),drop=FALSE],y=xilr[,"V1"], R, plotting=TRUE)$res2
#           }
#           if(verbose) cat("   ;   ncomp:",nComp[i])
#           reg1 <- mvr(as.matrix(response) ~ as.matrix(predictors), ncomp=nComp[i], method="simpls")
#           yhat <- predict(reg1,, ncomp=nComp[i])
#         }
#         #		s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/abs(nrow(xilr)-ncol(xilr))) ## quick and dirty: abs()
#         s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/nrow(xilr)) ## quick and dirty: abs()
#         ex <- (phi - yhat)/s 
#         yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, i]]) > .Machine$double.eps,
#                            yhat[w[, i]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, i]])/pnorm(ex[w[, i]]),
#                            yhat[w[, i]])
#         if(any( || any(yhat=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates")
#         # check if we are under the DL:
#         if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, i]])){
#           yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, i]], phi[w[, i]], yhat2sel)
#         }
#         xilr[w[, i], 1] <- yhat2sel
#         xinv <- isomLRinv(-xilr)
#         ## reordering of xOrig
#         if(i %in% 2:(d-1)){
#           xinv <- cbind(xinv[,2:i], xinv[,c(1,(i+1):d)])
#         }
#         if(i == d){
#           xinv <- cbind(xinv[,2:d], xinv[,1])
#         }
#         x <- adjust2(xinv, xOrig, w) 
#       }
#       it <- it + 1
#       criteria <- sum( ((xold - x)/x)^2, na.rm=TRUE) ## DIRTY: (na.rm=TRUE)
#       if(verbose & criteria != 0) cat("\n iteration", it, "; criteria =", criteria)
#     }
#     #### add random error ###
#     if(noise){
#       for(i in which(indNA)){
#         if(verbose) cat("\n add noise on variable", i)
#         # add error terms
#         inderr <<- w[,i]
#         if(noisemethod == "residuals") {
#           error <- sample(residuals( reg1 )[inderr], 
#                           size=wcol[i], replace=TRUE)
#           reg1$res[inderr] <- error
#         } else {
#           mu <- median(residuals( reg1 )[inderr])
#           sigma <- mad(residuals( reg1 )[inderr])
#           error <- rnorm(wcol[i], mean=mu, sd=sigma)
#           reg1$res[inderr] <- error		   
#         }
#         # return realizations
#         yhat[inderr] <- yhat[inderr] + error
#         s <- sqrt(sum(reg1$res^2)/nrow(xilr)) ## quick and dirty: abs()
#         ex <- (phi - yhat)/s 
#         yhat2sel <- ifelse(dnorm(ex[w[, i]]) > .Machine$double.eps,
#                            yhat[w[, i]] - s*dnorm(ex[w[, i]])/pnorm(ex[w[, i]]),
#                            yhat[w[, i]])
#         if(any( || any(yhat=="Inf")) stop("Problems in ilr because of infinite or NA estimates")
#         # check if we are under the DL:
#         if(any(yhat2sel >= phi[w[, i]])){
#           yhat2sel <- ifelse(yhat2sel > phi[w[, i]], phi[w[, i]], yhat2sel)
#         }
#         xilr[w[, i], 1] <- yhat2sel
#         xinv <- isomLRinv(-xilr)
#         ## reordering of xOrig
#         if(i %in% 2:(d-1)){
#           xinv <- cbind(xinv[,2:i], xinv[,c(1,(i+1):d)])
#         }
#         if(i == d){
#           xinv <- cbind(xinv[,2:d], xinv[,1])
#         }
#         x <- adjust2(xinv, xOrig, w) 
#       }
#     }
#     ### end add random error ###
#     x <- x[,order(o)] ## checked: reordering is OK!
#     colnames(x) <- colnames(xcheck)
#     res <- list(x=x, criteria=criteria, iter=it, 
#                 maxit=maxit, wind=w, nComp=nComp, method=method)
#     class(res) <- "replaced"
#     invisible(res)
#   }
# bootnComp <- function(X,y, R=99, plotting=FLASE){
#   ind <- 1:nrow(X)
#   d <- matrix(, ncol=R, nrow=nrow(X))#nrow(X))
#   for(i in 1:R){
#     bootind <- sample(ind)
#     XX <- X
#     yy <- y
#     ds <- cbind(X[bootind,], as.numeric(y[bootind]))
#     colnames(ds)[ncol(ds)] <- "V1"
#     reg1 <- mvr(V1~., data=data.frame(ds), method="simpls", validation="CV")
#     d[1:reg1$ncomp,i] <- as.numeric(apply(reg1$validation$pred, 3, function(x) sum(((y - x)^2)) ) )
#   }
#   d <- na.omit(d)
#   sdev <- apply(d, 1, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
#   means <- apply(d, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
#   mi <- which.min(means)
#   r <- round(ncol(X)/20)
#   mi2 <- which.min(means[r:length(means)])+r-1
#   minsd <- means - sdev > means[mi]
#   check <- means
#   check[!minsd] <- 99999999
#   if(plotting) plot(means, type="l")
#   res <- which.min(check)
#   list(res=res, res2=mi2)
# }
# bootnCompHD <- function(X,y, R=99, plotting=FALSE){
#   ind <- 1:nrow(X)
#   d <- matrix(, ncol=R, nrow=nrow(X))#nrow(X))
#   for(i in 1:R){
#     bootind <- sample(ind)
#     XX <- X
#     yy <- y
#     ds <- cbind(X[bootind,], as.numeric(y[bootind]))
#     colnames(ds)[ncol(ds)] <- "V1"
#     reg1 <- mvr(V1~., data=data.frame(ds), method="simpls", validation="CV")
#     d[1:reg1$ncomp,i] <- as.numeric(apply(reg1$validation$pred, 3, function(x) sum(((y - x)^2)) ) )
#   }
#   d <- na.omit(d)
#   sdev <- apply(d, 1, mad, na.rm=TRUE)
#   means <- apply(d, 1, median, na.rm=TRUE)
#   mi <- which.min(means)
#   if(plotting) plot(means, type="l", col="blue", ylab="squared total prediction error", xlab="number of components")
#   themean <- mean(means)
#   thesd <- sd(means)
#   abovethreshold <- themean - sdev > means
#   check <- means
#   check[!abovethreshold] <- 9999999999
#   res <- which.min(check)
#   #	minsd <- means - sdev > means[mi]
#   #	check <- means
#   #	check[!minsd] <- 99999999
#   #	res <- which.min(check)
#   if(plotting){
#     abline(v=res, lwd=3)
#     abline(h=mi, col="red")
#     #		abline(h=means-sdev, lty=3)
#   }
#   list(res=res, mean=means)
# }
# ## test adjust2:
# adjust2 <- function (xImp, xOrig, wind){
#   xneu = xImp
#   s1 <- rowSums(xOrig, na.rm = TRUE)
#   for (i in 1:nrow(xImp)) {
#     if(any(wind[i,])) s <- sum(xImp[i, !wind[i, ]]) else s <- 1
#     if(any(wind[i,])) s2 <- sum(xImp[i, wind[i, ]]) else s2 <- 0
#     fac <- s/(s + s2)
#     s1[i] <- s1[i]/fac
#   }
#   impS <- s1/rowSums(xImp)
#   for (i in 1:ncol(xImp)) {
#     xneu[, i] <- xImp[, i] * impS
#   }
#   xImp <- xneu
#   return(xImp)
# }

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