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Tip revision: baf299f304d7ad16533fbb3d74e8ffc0b63cadfa authored by Daniel NĂ¼st on 01 July 2020, 14:11:03 UTC
Merge pull request #73 from nuest/master
Tip revision: baf299f
# geoextent

[![Build Status](]( [![PyPI version](](

Python library for extracting geospatial extent of files and directories with multiple data formats

This project is developed as part of the [DFG-funded]( research project Opening Reproducible Research (o2r, [](

## Installation

### System requirements

Python: `3.x`

The package relies on common system libraries for reading geospatial datasets, such as GDAL and NetCDF.
On Debian systems, the [UbuntuGIS]( project offers easy installation of up to date versions of those libraries.

See the `packages` list in `travis.yml` for a full list of dependencies on Linux.

### Install from PyPI

You must install a suitable version of `pygdal` manually first, see [instructions]( and [this related SO thread with different helpful answers](
We use `pygdal` for better compatibility with virtual environments.

# pip install pygdal=="`gdal-config --version`.*"
pip install geoextent

### Source installation

git clone
cd geoextent
pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install -e .

## Use


geoextent --help

to see usage instructions.

## Supported data formats

- GeoJSON (.geojson)
- Tabular data (.csv)
- Shapefile (.shp)
- GeoTIFF (.geotiff, .tif)

## Contribute

All help is welcome: asking questions, providing documentation, testing, or even development.

Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](
By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

See []( for details.

## License

`geoextent` is licensed under MIT license, see file [LICENSE](

Copyright (C) 2020 - o2r project.
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