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Tip revision: 3e1af680085f52bb972a4866665eb25ead2ca9b6 authored by Aurélien Bellet on 01 July 2020, 09:50:48 UTC
fix dependencies doc and add pointer to v0.5.0 for earlier Python versions (#298)
Tip revision: 3e1af68
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metric-learn: Metric Learning in Python

metric-learn contains efficient Python implementations of several popular supervised and weakly-supervised metric learning algorithms. As part of `scikit-learn-contrib <>`_, the API of metric-learn is compatible with `scikit-learn <>`_, the leading library for machine learning in Python. This allows to use all the scikit-learn routines (for pipelining, model selection, etc) with metric learning algorithms through a unified interface.


-  Large Margin Nearest Neighbor (LMNN)
-  Information Theoretic Metric Learning (ITML)
-  Sparse Determinant Metric Learning (SDML)
-  Least Squares Metric Learning (LSML)
-  Sparse Compositional Metric Learning (SCML)
-  Neighborhood Components Analysis (NCA)
-  Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis (LFDA)
-  Relative Components Analysis (RCA)
-  Metric Learning for Kernel Regression (MLKR)
-  Mahalanobis Metric for Clustering (MMC)


-  Python 3.6+ (the last version supporting Python 2 and Python 3.5 was
   `v0.5.0 <>`_)
-  numpy, scipy, scikit-learn>=0.20.3

**Optional dependencies**

- For SDML, using skggm will allow the algorithm to solve problematic cases
  (install from commit `a0ed406 <>`_).
  ``pip install 'git+'`` to install the required version of skggm from GitHub.
-  For running the examples only: matplotlib


- If you use Anaconda: ``conda install -c conda-forge metric-learn``. See more options `here <>`_.

- To install from PyPI: ``pip install metric-learn``.

- For a manual install of the latest code, download the source repository and run ``python install``. You may then run ``pytest test`` to run all tests (you will need to have the ``pytest`` package installed).


See the `sphinx documentation`_ for full documentation about installation, API, usage, and examples.


If you use metric-learn in a scientific publication, we would appreciate
citations to the following paper:

`metric-learn: Metric Learning Algorithms in Python
<>`_, de Vazelhes
*et al.*, arXiv:1908.04710, 2019.

Bibtex entry::

    title = {metric-learn: {M}etric {L}earning {A}lgorithms in {P}ython},
    author = {{de Vazelhes}, William and {Carey}, CJ and {Tang}, Yuan and
              {Vauquier}, Nathalie and {Bellet}, Aur{\'e}lien},
    institution = {arXiv:1908.04710},
    year = {2019}

.. _sphinx documentation:

.. |Travis-CI Build Status| image::
.. |License| image::
.. |PyPI version| image::
.. |Code coverage| image::
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