Raw File
Tip revision: 36a083521b39d9fb557741f9c5d703b7e42448c3 authored by Zhang Yunjun on 16 August 2022, 06:51:05 UTC
wrap up for version 1.4.1 (#829)
Tip revision: 36a0835
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Program is part of MintPy                                #
# Copyright (c) 2013, Zhang Yunjun, Heresh Fattahi         #
# Author: Zhang Yunjun, Feb 2021                           #

import datetime as dt
import os
import sys
import time

import h5py
import numpy as np

import mintpy
from mintpy.objects import timeseries, ionex
from mintpy.objects.constants import SPEED_OF_LIGHT
from mintpy.utils import ptime, readfile, writefile, utils as ut
from mintpy.utils.arg_utils import create_argument_parser
from mintpy.simulation import iono

REFERENCE = """references:
  Yunjun, Z., Fattahi, H., Pi, X., Rosen, P., Simons, M., Agram, P., & Aoki, Y. (2022).
    Range Geolocation Accuracy of C-/L-band SAR and its Implications for Operational
    Stack Coregistration. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 60, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2022.3168509.
  Schaer, S., Gurtner, W., & Feltens, J. (1998). IONEX: The ionosphere map exchange format
    version 1.1. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the IGS AC workshop, Darmstadt, Germany.

EXAMPLE = """example: timeseriesRg.h5 -g inputs/geometryRadar.h5 timeseriesRg.h5 -g inputs/geometryRadar.h5 -s cod

def create_parser(subparsers=None):
    synopsis = 'Calculate ionospheric ramps using Global Iono Maps  from GNSS-based TEC products.'
    epilog = REFERENCE + '\n' + EXAMPLE
    name = __name__.split('.')[-1]
    parser = create_argument_parser(
        name, synopsis=synopsis, description=synopsis, epilog=epilog, subparsers=subparsers)

    parser.add_argument('dis_file', help='displacement time-series HDF5 file, i.e. timeseries.h5')
    parser.add_argument('-g','--geomtry', dest='geom_file', type=str, required=True,
                        help='geometry file including incidence/azimuthAngle.')
    parser.add_argument('-s','--sol','--sol-code', dest='sol_code', default='jpl',
                        help='GIM solution center code (default: %(default)s).\n'
    parser.add_argument('--tec-dir', dest='tec_dir', default='${WEATHER_DIR}/IONEX',
                        help='directory of downloaded GNSS TEC data (default: %(default)s).')

    # output
    parser.add_argument('--update', dest='update_mode', action='store_true', help='Enable update mode.')
    parser.add_argument('--iono-file', dest='iono_file', help='calculated LOS iono ramp time-series file.')
    #parser.add_argument('-o', dest='cor_dis_file', help='Output file name for the corrected time-series.')

    # GIM extraction
    tec_cfg = parser.add_argument_group('GIM extraction', 'Parameters to extract TEC at point of interest from '
                                        'GIM (mainly for impact demonstration).')
    tec_cfg.add_argument('-i','--interp', dest='interp_method', default='linear3d',
                         choices={'nearest', 'linear2d', 'linear3d'},
                         help='Interpolation method to grab the GIM value at the point of interest'
                              ' (default: %(default)s).')
    tec_cfg.add_argument('--norotate', dest='rotate_tec_map', action='store_false',
                         help="Rotate TEC maps along the longitude direction to compensate the correlation\n"
                              "between the ionosphere and the Sun's position (Schaer et al. (1998).\n"
                              "For 'interp_method == linear3d' ONLY. (default: %(default)s).")
    tec_cfg.add_argument('--ratio', dest='sub_tec_ratio', type=str,
                         help='Ratio to calculate the sub-orbital TEC from the total TEC.\n'
                              'Set to "adaptive" for seasonally adaptive scaling.\n'
                              '     Based on equation (14) from Yunjun et al. (2022).\n'
                              'Set to "a value" within (0,1] for a fixed scaling\n'
                              'E.g. 0.75 for TerraSAR-X (Gisinger et al., 2021)\n'
                              '     0.90 for Sentinel-1 (Gisinger et al., 2021)\n'
                              '     0.69 for Sentinel-1 (Yunjun et al., 2022)\n')

    return parser

def cmd_line_parse(iargs=None):
    parser = create_parser()
    inps = parser.parse_args(args=iargs)

    # --tec-dir
    inps.tec_dir = os.path.expanduser(inps.tec_dir)
    inps.tec_dir = os.path.expandvars(inps.tec_dir)
    if not os.path.isdir(inps.tec_dir):
        print(f'WARNING: Input TEC dir "{inps.tec_dir}" does not exist!')
        inps.tec_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inps.dis_file), 'TEC')
        print(f'Use "{inps.tec_dir}" instead.')

    # --ratio
    if inps.sub_tec_ratio is None:
        suffix = ''
    elif ut.is_number(inps.sub_tec_ratio):
        suffix = 'R{:.0f}'.format(float(inps.sub_tec_ratio)*100)
    elif inps.sub_tec_ratio.startswith('adap'):
        suffix = 'RA'
        raise ValueError('Input is neither a number nor startswith adap!')

    # input/output filenames
    inps.dis_file = os.path.abspath(inps.dis_file)
    inps.geom_file = os.path.abspath(inps.geom_file)

    if not inps.iono_file:
        geom_dir = os.path.dirname(inps.geom_file)
        inps.iono_file = os.path.join(geom_dir, 'TEC{}lr{}.h5'.format(inps.sol_code[0], suffix))

    #if not inps.cor_dis_file:
    #    dis_dir = os.path.dirname(inps.dis_file)
    #    fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inps.dis_file))
    #    suffix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inps.iono_file))[0]
    #    inps.cor_dis_file = os.path.join(dis_dir, f'{fbase}_{suffix}{fext}')

    return inps

def get_dataset_size(fname):
    atr = readfile.read_attribute(fname)
    shape = (int(atr['LENGTH']), int(atr['WIDTH']))
    return shape

def run_or_skip(iono_file, grib_files, dis_file, geom_file):
    print('update mode: ON')
    print('output file: {}'.format(iono_file))
    flag = 'skip'

    # check existance and modification time
    if ut.run_or_skip(out_file=iono_file, in_file=grib_files, print_msg=False) == 'run':
        flag = 'run'
        print('1) output file either do NOT exist or is NOT newer than all IONEX files.')

        print('1) output file exists and is newer than all IONEX files.')

        # check dataset size in space / time
        ds_size_dis = get_dataset_size(dis_file)
        ds_size_ion = get_dataset_size(geom_file)
        date_list_dis = timeseries(dis_file).get_date_list()
        date_list_ion = timeseries(iono_file).get_date_list()
        if ds_size_ion != ds_size_dis or any (x not in date_list_ion for x in date_list_dis):
            flag = 'run'
            print(f'2) output file does NOT have the same len/wid as the geometry file {geom_file}'
                  ' or does NOT contain all dates')
            print('2) output file has the same len/wid as the geometry file and contains all dates')

            # check if output file is fully written
            with h5py.File(iono_file, 'r') as f:
                if np.all(f['timeseries'][-1,:,:] == 0):
                    flag = 'run'
                    print('3) output file is NOT fully written.')
                    print('3) output file is fully written.')

    # result
    print('run or skip: {}'.format(flag))
    return flag

def download_ionex_files(date_list, tec_dir, sol_code='jpl'):
    """Download IGS TEC products in IONEX format for the input list of dates.

    Parameters: date_list - list of str, in YYYYMMDD
                tec_dir   - str, path to IGS_TEC directory, e.g. ~/data/aux/IGS_TEC
                sol_code   - str, TEC solution center, e.g. jpl, cod, igs
    Returns:    fnames    - list of str, path of the downloaded TEC files
    print("downloading GNSS-based TEC products in IONEX format from NASA/CDDIS ...")
    num_date = len(date_list)
    n = len(str(num_date))
    print(f'number of TEC files to download: {num_date}')
    print(f'local TEC file directory: {tec_dir}')

    # output file names/sizes
    fnames = []
    for date_str in date_list:
        fnames.append(ionex.get_ionex_filename(date_str, tec_dir=tec_dir, sol_code=sol_code))

    # remove all existing files
    debug_mode = False
    if debug_mode:
        for fname in fnames:
            for x in [fname, fname+'.Z']:
                if os.path.isfile(x):

    fsizes = [os.path.getsize(i) / 1024 if os.path.isfile(i) else 0 for i in fnames]

    # download: skip existing ones
    fsizec = ut.most_common(fsizes)
    if fsizec < 400:
        # too small, does not seem right --> download them all
        date_list2dload = list(date_list)

        # download missing ones
        date_list2dload = [d for d, s in zip(date_list, fsizes) if s < fsizec * 0.9]

    num_date2dload = len(date_list2dload)
    if num_date2dload == 0:
        print(f'ALL files exists with consistent file size (~{fsizec:.0f} KB)'
              ' --> skip re-downloading.\n')

        for i, date_str in enumerate(date_list2dload):
            print('DATE {}/{}: {}'.format(i+1, num_date2dload, date_str))
            ionex.dload_ionex(date_str, tec_dir=tec_dir, sol_code=sol_code, print_msg=True)

        # print file size info, after downloading
        fsizes = [os.path.getsize(i) / 1024 if os.path.isfile(i) else 0 for i in fnames]
        for i in range(num_date):
            print(f'[{i+1:0{n}d}/{num_date}] {fnames[i]}: {fsizes[i]:.2f} KB')

    return fnames

def calc_iono_ramp_timeseries_igs(tec_dir, sol_code, interp_method, ts_file, geom_file, iono_file,
                                  rotate_tec_map=True, sub_tec_ratio=None, update_mode=True):
    """Calculate the time-series of 2D ionospheric delay from IGS TEC data.
    Considering the variation of the incidence angle along range direction.

    Parameters: tec_dir   - str, path of the local TEC directory
                ts_file   - str, path of the time-series file
                geom_file - str, path of the geometry file including incidenceAngle data
                iono_file - str, path of output iono ramp time-series file
    Returns:    iono_file - str, path of output iono ramp time-series file
    # prepare geometry
    iono_lat, iono_lon = iono.prep_geometry_iono(geom_file, print_msg=True)[1:3]

    # prepare date/time
    date_list = timeseries(ts_file).get_date_list()
    meta = readfile.read_attribute(ts_file)
    utc_sec = float(meta['CENTER_LINE_UTC'])
    print(f'CENTER_LINE_TUC: {utc_sec}')

    # UTC time & local solar time
    # use an arbitrary date to construct the datetime object
    lon_c = (float(meta['LON_REF1']) + float(meta['LON_REF2'])) / 2
    utc_dt = dt.datetime(2020, 1, 1) + dt.timedelta(seconds=utc_sec)
    local_dt = ptime.utc2solar_time(utc_dt, lon_c)
    print('UTC time:', utc_dt.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))
    print('Local solar time:', local_dt.strftime("%I:%M %p"))

    # read IGS TEC
    print('read IGS TEC file ...')
    print(f'interpolation method: {interp_method}')
    if interp_method == 'linear3d':
        print(f'rotate TEC maps: {rotate_tec_map}')

    vtec_list = []
    prog_bar = ptime.progressBar(maxValue=len(date_list))
    for i, date_str in enumerate(date_list):
        # read zenith TEC
        tec_file = ionex.get_ionex_filename(date_str, tec_dir=tec_dir, sol_code=sol_code)
        vtec = ionex.get_ionex_value(tec_file, utc_sec,
                                     lat=iono_lat, lon=iono_lon,
        prog_bar.update(i+1, suffix=date_str)

    # TEC --> iono ramp

    return iono_file

def vtec2iono_ramp_timeseries(date_list, vtec_list, geom_file, iono_file, sub_tec_ratio=None,
                              ds_dict_ext=None, update_mode=True):
    """Convert zenith TEC to 2D slant range delay (ramp due to the incidence angle variation)
    and write to HDF5 time-series file.

    Parameters: date_list   - list of str, dates in YYYYMMDD format
                vtec_list   - list of float32, zenith TEC in TECU
                geom_file   - str, path of the geometry file including incidenceAngle data
                iono_file   - str, path of output iono ramp time-series file
                update_mode - bool,
                ds_dict_ext - dict, extra dictionary of dataset to be saved into the HDF5 file.
    Returns:    iono_file   - str, path of output iono ramp time-series file
    top_perc_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mintpy.__file__), 'data', 'top_tec_perc_s1.txt')

    # prepare geometry
     iono_height) = iono.prep_geometry_iono(geom_file, print_msg=True)

    # prepare date/time
    num_date = len(date_list)
    if len(vtec_list) != num_date:
        msg = 'Input tec_list and date_list have different size!'
        msg += '\nFor acquisitions without TEC data, set it to NaN.'
        raise ValueError(msg)

    meta = readfile.read_attribute(geom_file)
    length = int(meta['LENGTH'])
    width = int(meta['WIDTH'])
    freq = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / float(meta['WAVELENGTH'])

    # Note: Scaling gives slightly better RMSE for SenD but much worse RMSE for SenA and Alos2
    # thus this is not used by default.
    if sub_tec_ratio is not None:
        if ut.is_number(sub_tec_ratio):
            print('multiply VTEC by {}'.format(sub_tec_ratio))
            vtec_list = (np.array(vtec_list).flatten() * float(sub_tec_ratio)).tolist()

        elif sub_tec_ratio.startswith('adap'):
            dates = ptime.date_list2vector(date_list)[0]
            ydays = np.array([x.timetuple().tm_yday for x in dates])
            fc = np.loadtxt(top_perc_file, dtype=bytes).astype(np.float32)
            print(f'multiply VTEC adaptively based on the day of the year from: {top_perc_file}')
            sub_perc = fc[:,2][np.array(ydays)]
            vtec_list = (np.array(vtec_list).flatten() * sub_perc).tolist()

    # loop to calculate the range delay (ramp)
    print('calculating ionospheric phase ramp time-series from TEC ...')
    ts_ramp = np.zeros((num_date, length, width), dtype=np.float32)
    prog_bar = ptime.progressBar(maxValue=num_date)
    for i, date_str in enumerate(date_list):
        ts_ramp[i,:,:] = iono.vtec2range_delay(
        prog_bar.update(i+1, suffix=date_str)

    ## output
    # prepare metadata
    meta['FILE_TYPE'] = 'timeseries'
    meta['UNIT'] = 'm'
    meta['IONO_LAT'] = iono_lat
    meta['IONO_LON'] = iono_lon
    meta['IONO_HEIGHT'] = iono_height
    meta['IONO_INCIDENCE_ANGLE'] = np.nanmean(iono_inc_angle)
    # absolute delay without double reference
    for key in ['REF_X','REF_Y','REF_LAT','REF_LON','REF_DATE']:
        if key in meta.keys():

    # prepare data matrix
    ds_dict = {}
    ds_dict['date'] = np.array(date_list, dtype=np.string_)
    ds_dict['vtec'] = np.array(vtec_list, dtype=np.float32)
    ds_dict['timeseries'] = ts_ramp

    # add the extra dataset if specified, e.g. vtec_gim, vtec_top, vtec_sub
    if ds_dict_ext is not None:
        ds_names = ds_dict.keys()
        for ds_name, ds_val in ds_dict_ext.items():
            if ds_name not in ds_names:
                ds_dict[ds_name] = ds_val

    # write to disk
    writefile.write(ds_dict, iono_file, metadata=meta)

    return iono_file

def correct_timeseries(dis_file, iono_file, cor_dis_file):
    """Correct time-series for the solid Earth tides."""
    # can handle different reference in space and time
    # between the absolute iono ramp and the double referenced time-series
    print('correcting relative delay for input time-series using')
    from mintpy import diff

    iargs = [dis_file, iono_file, '-o', cor_dis_file]
    print('', ' '.join(iargs))
    return cor_dis_file

def main(iargs=None):
    inps = cmd_line_parse(iargs)
    start_time = time.time()

    # download
    date_list = timeseries(inps.dis_file).get_date_list()
    tec_files = download_ionex_files(date_list, tec_dir=inps.tec_dir, sol_code=inps.sol_code)

    # calculate
    if run_or_skip(inps.iono_file, tec_files, inps.dis_file, inps.geom_file) == 'run':

    ## correct
    #                   iono_file=inps.iono_file,
    #                   cor_dis_file=inps.cor_dis_file)

    m, s = divmod(time.time() - start_time, 60)
    print('time used: {:02.0f} mins {:02.1f} secs.\n'.format(m, s))

if __name__ == '__main__':
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