Raw File
Tip revision: 182a4dfce8cb25704d7df3430134d49078c5b6df authored by Bryan Lewis on 25 November 2013, 16:17:04 UTC change
Tip revision: 182a4df
ifeq ($(SCIDB),) 
  X := $(shell which scidb 2>/dev/null)
  ifneq ($(X),)
    X := $(shell dirname ${X})
    SCIDB := $(shell dirname ${X})

INC=-I. -DPROJECT_ROOT="\"$(SCIDB)\"" -I"$(SCIDB)/3rdparty/boost/include/" -I"$(SCIDB)/include" -DSCIDB_CLIENT
LIBS=-ldl -lpthread -L"$(SCIDB)/3rdparty/boost/lib" -L"$(SCIDB)/lib" -lscidbclient -lboost_system -lpam

shim: pam client
	$(CC) -Wall $(CFLAGS) $(INC) -o shim shim.c mongoose.c client.o pam.o $(LIBS)

	$(CXX) $(INC) -fpic -g -c client.cpp -o client.o

	$(CC) -Wall $(CFLAGS) -fpic -g -c pam.c -o pam.o

	@echo "make shim      (compile and link)"
	@echo "The remaining options may require setting the SCIDB environment"
	@echo "variable to the path of the target SciDB installation. For example,"
	@echo "make SCIDB=/opt/scidb/13.3  install"
	@echo "make install   (install program and files)"
	@echo "make uninstall (remove program and files)"
	@echo "make service   (install a Debian or RHEL init.d-style service, shimsvc)"
	@echo "make unservice (terminate and remove installed service)"
	@echo "make deb-pkg   (create a binary Ubuntu/Debian package, requires fpm)"
	@echo "make rpm-pkg   (create a binary RHEL package, requires fpm)"

install: shim
	@if test ! -d "$(SCIDB)"; then echo  "Can't find scidb. Maybe try explicitly setting SCIDB variable, for example::\n\nmake SCIDB=/opt/scidb/13.3 install"; exit 1; fi 
	@if test -x /etc/init.d/shimsvc; then /etc/init.d/shimsvc stop;fi
	cp shim "$(SCIDB)/bin"
	mkdir -p /var/lib/shim
	cp -aR wwwroot /var/lib/shim/
	chmod -R 755 /var/lib/shim
	@if test -d /usr/local/share/man/man1;then cp man/shim.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1/;fi

uninstall: unservice
	@if test ! -d "$(SCIDB)"; then echo  "Can't find scidb. Maybe try explicitly setting SCIDB variable, for example:\n\nmake SCIDB=/opt/scidb/13.3 uninstall"; exit 1; fi 
	- @if test -x /etc/init.d/shimsvc; then /etc/init.d/shimsvc stop;fi
	rm -f "$(SCIDB)/bin/shim"
	rm -rf /var/lib/shim
	rm -f /usr/local/share/man/man1/shim.1

service: install
	cp init.d/shimsvc /etc/init.d
	chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/shimsvc
	@if test -n "$$(which update-rc.d 2>/dev/null)"; then update-rc.d shimsvc defaults;fi
	@if test -n "$$(which chkconfig 2>/dev/null)"; then chkconfig --add shimsvc && chkconfig shimsvc on;fi
	/etc/init.d/shimsvc start

	@if test -f /etc/init.d/shimsvc; then /etc/init.d/shimsvc stop; fi
	- @if test -n "$$(which update-rc.d 2>/dev/null)"; then sudo update-rc.d -f shimsvc remove;fi
	- @if test -n "$$(which chkconfig 2>/dev/null)"; then chkconfig --del shimsvc;fi
	rm -rf /etc/init.d/shimsvc

deb-pkg: shim
	@if test -z "$$(which fpm 2>/dev/null)"; then echo "Error: Package building requires fpm, try running gem install fpm."; exit 1;fi
	@if test ! -d "$(SCIDB)"; then echo  "Can't find scidb. Maybe try explicitly setting SCIDB variable, for example::\n\nmake SCIDB=/opt/scidb/13.3 install"; exit 1; fi 
	mkdir -p pkgroot/$(SCIDB)/bin
	cp shim "pkgroot/$(SCIDB)/bin"
	mkdir -p pkgroot/etc/init.d
	cp init.d/shimsvc pkgroot/etc/init.d
	mkdir -p pkgroot/var/lib/shim
	cp -aR wwwroot pkgroot/var/lib/shim/
	chmod -R 755 pkgroot/var/lib/shim
	mkdir -p pkgroot/usr/local/share/man/man1
	@if test -d /usr/local/share/man/man1;then cp man/shim.1 pkgroot/usr/local/share/man/man1/;fi
	fpm -s dir -t deb -n shim --vendor Paradigm4 -d libssl-dev --license AGPLv3 -m "<>" --url "" --description "Unofficial SciDB HTTP service" --provides "shim" -v $$(basename $(SCIDB)) --after-install init.d/ --before-remove init.d/ -C pkgroot opt usr var etc/init.d

rpm-pkg: shim
	@if test -z "$$(which fpm 2>/dev/null)"; then echo "Error: Package building requires fpm, try running gem install fpm."; exit 1;fi
	@if test ! -d "$(SCIDB)"; then echo  "Can't find scidb. Maybe try explicitly setting SCIDB variable, for example::\n\nmake SCIDB=/opt/scidb/13.3 install"; exit 1; fi 
	mkdir -p pkgroot/$(SCIDB)/bin
	cp shim "pkgroot/$(SCIDB)/bin"
	mkdir -p pkgroot/etc/init.d
	cp init.d/shimsvc pkgroot/etc/init.d
	mkdir -p pkgroot/var/lib/shim
	cp -aR wwwroot pkgroot/var/lib/shim/
	chmod -R 755 pkgroot/var/lib/shim
	mkdir -p pkgroot/usr/local/share/man/man1
	@if test -d /usr/local/share/man/man1;then cp man/shim.1 pkgroot/usr/local/share/man/man1/;fi
	fpm -s dir -t rpm -n shim -d "openssl-devel" --vendor Paradigm4 --license AGPLv3 -m "<>" --url "" --description "Unofficial SciDB HTTP service" --provides "shim" -v $$(basename $(SCIDB)) --after-install init.d/ --before-remove init.d/ -C pkgroot opt usr var etc/init.d

	rm -fr *.o *.so shim pkgroot *.rpm *.deb
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