Raw File
Tip revision: e61dfadc7393d849130a3974bcf8198c62aaed2f authored by Bryna Hazelton on 13 October 2021, 23:07:43 UTC
update the changelog for a new version
Tip revision: e61dfad
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Astronomy Software Group
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License

"""Testing environment setup and teardown for pytest."""
import os

import pytest
from astropy.utils import iers
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
import numpy as np

from import DATA_PATH
from pyuvdata import UVData, UVBeam
import pyuvdata.tests as uvtest
from pyuvdata.uvdata.mir import mir_parser

filenames = ["HERA_NicCST_150MHz.txt", "HERA_NicCST_123MHz.txt"]
cst_folder = "NicCSTbeams"
cst_files = [os.path.join(DATA_PATH, cst_folder, f) for f in filenames]
casa_tutorial_uvfits = os.path.join(
    DATA_PATH, "day2_TDEM0003_10s_norx_1src_1spw.uvfits"
paper_miriad_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "zen.2456865.60537.xy.uvcRREAA")

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="session")
def setup_and_teardown_package():
    """Handle possible IERS issues."""
    # Do a calculation that requires a current IERS table. This will trigger
    # automatic downloading of the IERS table if needed, including trying the
    # mirror site in python 3 (but won't redownload if a current one exists).
    # If there's not a current IERS table and it can't be downloaded, turn off
    # auto downloading for the tests and turn it back on once all tests are
    # completed (done by extending auto_max_age).
    # Also, the check_warnings function will ignore IERS-related warnings.
        t1 =
    except (Exception):
        iers.conf.auto_max_age = None

    # Also ensure that we're downloading the site data from astropy


    iers.conf.auto_max_age = 30

def casa_uvfits_main():
    """Read in CASA tutorial uvfits file."""
    uv_in = UVData()
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
            "Telescope EVLA is not in known_telescopes",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values",

    return uv_in

def casa_uvfits(casa_uvfits_main):
    """Make function level CASA tutorial uvfits object."""
    casa_uvfits = casa_uvfits_main.copy()
    yield casa_uvfits

    # clean up when done
    del casa_uvfits


def paper_miriad_main():
    """Read in PAPER miriad file."""
    uv_in = UVData()

    return uv_in

def paper_miriad(paper_miriad_main):
    """Make function level PAPER miriad object."""
    uv_in = paper_miriad_main.copy()

    yield uv_in

    # cleanup
    del uv_in

def make_cst_beam(beam_type, nfreq):
    """Make the default CST testing beam."""
    extra_keywords = {
        "software": "CST 2016",
        "sim_type": "E-farfield",
        "layout": "1 antenna",
        "port_num": 1,

    beam = UVBeam()
        frequency=[150e6, 123e6],
        model_name="Dipole - Rigging height 4.9 m",
            "Derived from"
            "\nOnly 2 files included to keep test data volume low."
    return beam

def cut_beam(beam):
    """Downselect a beam to a small sky area to speed tests up."""
    za_max = np.deg2rad(10.0)
    za_inds_use = np.nonzero(beam.axis2_array <= za_max)[0]
    return beam

def single_freq_version(beam):
    """Make a single freq version with expected history."""
    history_use = beam.history[: beam.history.find(" Combined data")]
    beam.history = history_use
    return beam

def cst_efield_2freq_main():
    """Make session level 2-freq efield beam."""
    return make_cst_beam("efield", 2)

def cst_efield_2freq(cst_efield_2freq_main):
    """Make function level 2-freq efield beam."""
    return cst_efield_2freq_main.copy()

def cst_efield_2freq_cut_main(cst_efield_2freq_main):
    """Make session level cut down 2-freq efield beam."""
    return cut_beam(cst_efield_2freq_main.copy())

def cst_efield_2freq_cut(cst_efield_2freq_cut_main):
    """Make function level cut down 2-freq efield beam."""
    return cst_efield_2freq_cut_main.copy()

def cst_efield_2freq_cut_healpix_main(cst_efield_2freq_cut_main):
    """Make session level cut down HEALPix 2-freq efield beam."""
    beam = cst_efield_2freq_cut_main.copy()
    beam.interpolation_function = "az_za_simple"
    return beam

def cst_efield_2freq_cut_healpix(cst_efield_2freq_cut_healpix_main):
    """Make function level cut down HEALPix 2-freq efield beam."""
    return cst_efield_2freq_cut_healpix_main.copy()

def cst_efield_1freq_main(cst_efield_2freq_main):
    """Make session level single freq efield beam."""
    return single_freq_version(cst_efield_2freq_main.copy())

def cst_efield_1freq(cst_efield_1freq_main):
    """Make function level single freq efield beam."""
    return cst_efield_1freq_main.copy()

def cst_efield_1freq_cut_main(cst_efield_2freq_cut_main):
    """Make session level cut down single freq efield beam."""
    return single_freq_version(cst_efield_2freq_cut_main.copy())

def cst_efield_1freq_cut(cst_efield_1freq_cut_main):
    """Make function level cut down single freq efield beam."""
    return cst_efield_1freq_cut_main.copy()

def cst_efield_1freq_cut_healpix_main(cst_efield_2freq_cut_healpix_main):
    """Make session level HEALPix cut down single freq efield beam."""
    return single_freq_version(cst_efield_2freq_cut_healpix_main.copy())

def cst_efield_1freq_cut_healpix(cst_efield_1freq_cut_healpix_main):
    """Make function level HEALPix cut down single freq efield beam."""
    return cst_efield_1freq_cut_healpix_main.copy()

def cst_power_2freq_main():
    """Make session level 2-freq power beam."""
    return make_cst_beam("power", 2)

def cst_power_2freq(cst_power_2freq_main):
    """Make function level 2-freq efield beam."""
    return cst_power_2freq_main.copy()

def cst_power_2freq_cut_main(cst_power_2freq_main):
    """Make session level cut down 2-freq power beam."""
    return cut_beam(cst_power_2freq_main.copy())

def cst_power_2freq_cut(cst_power_2freq_cut_main):
    """Make function level cut down 2-freq power beam."""
    return cst_power_2freq_cut_main.copy()

def cst_power_2freq_cut_healpix_main(cst_power_2freq_cut_main):
    """Make session level HEALPix cut down 2-freq power beam."""
    beam = cst_power_2freq_cut_main.copy()
    beam.interpolation_function = "az_za_simple"
    return beam

def cst_power_2freq_cut_healpix(cst_power_2freq_cut_healpix_main):
    """Make function level HEALPix cut down 2-freq power beam."""
    return cst_power_2freq_cut_healpix_main.copy()

def cst_power_1freq_main(cst_power_2freq_main):
    """Make session level single freq power beam."""
    return single_freq_version(cst_power_2freq_main.copy())

def cst_power_1freq(cst_power_1freq_main):
    """Make function level single freq power beam."""
    return cst_power_1freq_main.copy()

def cst_power_1freq_cut_main(cst_power_2freq_cut_main):
    """Make session level cut down single freq power beam."""
    return single_freq_version(cst_power_2freq_cut_main.copy())

def cst_power_1freq_cut(cst_power_1freq_cut_main):
    """Make function level cut down single freq power beam."""
    return cst_power_1freq_cut_main.copy()

def cst_power_1freq_cut_healpix_main(cst_power_2freq_cut_healpix_main):
    """Make session level HEALPix cut down single freq power beam."""
    return single_freq_version(cst_power_2freq_cut_healpix_main.copy())

def cst_power_1freq_cut_healpix(cst_power_1freq_cut_healpix_main):
    """Make function level HEALPix cut down single freq power beam."""
    return cst_power_1freq_cut_healpix_main.copy()

@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def mir_data_object(request):
    """Make MIR data object for tests. Param to read autocorr data."""
    has_auto = request.param
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir")
    mir_data = mir_parser.MirParser(
        testfile, load_vis=True, load_raw=True, load_auto=True, has_auto=has_auto

    yield mir_data

    # cleanup
    del mir_data
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