Raw File
Tip revision: 4f873aae35d893bc44df12df22b602b8ba6a1fcc authored by Bryna Hazelton on 10 April 2023, 23:46:36 UTC
Update the changelog for the v2.3.2
Tip revision: 4f873aa
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 Radio Astronomy Software Group
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License

"""Tests for Mir class.

Performs a series of test for the Mir class, which inherits from UVData. Note that
there is a separate test module for the MirParser class (, which is
what is used to read the raw binary data into something that the Mir class can
manipulate into a UVData object.
import os

import numpy as np
import pytest

from ... import UVData
from ... import tests as uvtest
from import DATA_PATH
from ...uvdata.mir import Mir
from ...uvdata.mir_parser import MirParser
from ..uvdata import _future_array_shapes_warning

def sma_mir_filt_main():
    uv_object = UVData()
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir")
        testfile, pseudo_cont=True, corrchunk=0, use_future_array_shapes=True

    uv_object.flag_array[:, : uv_object.Nfreqs // 2, 0] = True
    uv_object.flag_array[:, uv_object.Nfreqs // 2 :, 1] = True

    yield uv_object

def sma_mir_filt(sma_mir_filt_main):
    uv_object = sma_mir_filt_main.copy()

    yield uv_object

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored in this file are not ")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:" + _future_array_shapes_warning)
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:This method will be removed in version 3.0 when")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("future_shapes", [True, False])
def test_read_mir_write_uvfits(sma_mir, tmp_path, future_shapes):
    Mir to uvfits loopback test.

    Read in Mir files, write out as uvfits, read back in and check for
    object equality.
    testfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "outtest_mir.uvfits")
    uvfits_uv = UVData()

    if not future_shapes:
    uvfits_uv.read_uvfits(testfile, use_future_array_shapes=future_shapes)
    for item in ["dut1", "earth_omega", "gst0", "rdate", "timesys"]:
        # Check to make sure that the UVFITS-specific paramters are set on the
        # UVFITS-based obj, and not on our original object. Then set it to None for the
        # UVFITS-based obj.
        assert getattr(sma_mir, item) is None
        assert getattr(uvfits_uv, item) is not None
        setattr(uvfits_uv, item, None)

    # UVFITS doesn't allow for numbering of spectral windows like MIR does, so
    # we need an extra bit of handling here
    assert len(np.unique(sma_mir.spw_array)) == len(np.unique(uvfits_uv.spw_array))

    spw_dict = dict(zip(uvfits_uv.spw_array, sma_mir.spw_array))

    assert np.all(
            idx == spw_dict[jdx]
            for idx, jdx in zip(sma_mir.flex_spw_id_array, uvfits_uv.flex_spw_id_array)

    # Now that we've checked, set this things as equivalent
    uvfits_uv.spw_array = sma_mir.spw_array
    uvfits_uv.flex_spw_id_array = sma_mir.flex_spw_id_array

    # Check the history first via find
    assert 0 == uvfits_uv.history.find(
        sma_mir.history + "  Read/written with pyuvdata version:"
    sma_mir.history = uvfits_uv.history

    # We have to do a bit of special handling for the phase_center_catalog, because
    # _very_ small errors (like last bit in the mantissa) creep in when passing through
    # the util function transform_sidereal_coords (for mutli-phase-ctr datasets). Verify
    # the two match up in terms of their coordinates
    for cat_name in sma_mir.phase_center_catalog.keys():
        assert np.isclose(
        assert np.isclose(
    uvfits_uv.phase_center_catalog = sma_mir.phase_center_catalog

    # There's a minor difference between what SMA calculates online for app coords
    # and what pyuvdata calculates, to the tune of ~1 arcsec. Check those values here,
    # then set them equal to one another.
    assert np.all(
        np.abs(sma_mir.phase_center_app_ra - uvfits_uv.phase_center_app_ra) < 1e-5

    assert np.all(
        np.abs(sma_mir.phase_center_app_dec - uvfits_uv.phase_center_app_dec) < 1e-5


    # make sure filenames are what we expect
    assert sma_mir.filename == ["sma_test.mir"]
    assert uvfits_uv.filename == ["outtest_mir.uvfits"]
    sma_mir.filename = uvfits_uv.filename
    assert sma_mir == uvfits_uv

    assert sma_mir == uvfits_uv

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Writing in the MS file that the units of the data")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:" + _future_array_shapes_warning)
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:This method will be removed in version 3.0 when")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored in this file are not ")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("future_shapes", [True, False])
def test_read_mir_write_ms(sma_mir, tmp_path, future_shapes):
    Mir to uvfits loopback test.

    Read in Mir files, write out as ms, read back in and check for
    object equality.
    testfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "")
    ms_uv = UVData()

    warn_msg = ["The `make_multi_phase` option is deprecated"]
    if not future_shapes:

    sma_mir.write_ms(testfile, clobber=True)
    with uvtest.check_warnings(DeprecationWarning, match=warn_msg):

    # fix up the phase center info to match the mir dataset
    cat_id = list(sma_mir.phase_center_catalog.keys())[0]
    cat_name = sma_mir.phase_center_catalog[cat_id]["cat_name"]
    ms_uv._update_phase_center_id(list(ms_uv.phase_center_catalog.keys())[0], cat_id)
    ms_uv.phase_center_catalog[cat_id]["cat_name"] = cat_name
    ms_uv.phase_center_catalog[cat_id]["info_source"] = "file"

    # Single integration with 1 phase center = single scan number
    # output in the MS
    assert ms_uv.scan_number_array == np.array([1])

    # There are some minor differences between the values stored by MIR and that
    # calculated by UVData. Since MS format requires these to be calculated on the fly,
    # we calculate them here just to verify that everything is looking okay.

    # These reorderings just make sure that data from the two formats are lined up
    # correctly.

    # MS doesn't have the concept of an "instrument" name like FITS does, and instead
    # defaults to the telescope name. Make sure that checks out here.
    assert sma_mir.instrument == "SWARM"
    assert ms_uv.instrument == "SMA"
    sma_mir.instrument = ms_uv.instrument

    # Quick check for history here
    assert ms_uv.history != sma_mir.history
    ms_uv.history = sma_mir.history

    # Only MS has extra keywords, verify those look as expected.
    assert ms_uv.extra_keywords == {"DATA_COL": "DATA", "observer": "SMA"}
    assert sma_mir.extra_keywords == {}
    sma_mir.extra_keywords = ms_uv.extra_keywords

    # Make sure the filenames line up as expected.
    assert sma_mir.filename == ["sma_test.mir"]
    assert ms_uv.filename == [""]
    sma_mir.filename = ms_uv.filename = None

    # Finally, with all exceptions handled, check for equality.
    assert ms_uv.__eq__(sma_mir, allowed_failures=["filename"])

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored ")
def test_read_mir_write_uvh5(sma_mir, tmp_path):
    Mir to uvfits loopback test.

    Read in Mir files, write out as uvh5, read back in and check for
    object equality.
    testfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "outtest_mir.uvh5")
    uvh5_uv = UVData()

    uvh5_uv.read_uvh5(testfile, use_future_array_shapes=True)

    # Check the history first via find
    assert 0 == uvh5_uv.history.find(
        sma_mir.history + "  Read/written with pyuvdata version:"

    # test fails because of updated history, so this is our workaround for now.
    sma_mir.history = uvh5_uv.history

    # make sure filenames are what we expect
    assert sma_mir.filename == ["sma_test.mir"]
    assert uvh5_uv.filename == ["outtest_mir.uvh5"]
    sma_mir.filename = uvh5_uv.filename

    assert sma_mir == uvh5_uv

def test_mir_partial_read(sma_mir):
    """Check that select is done after the read for select on read with mir files."""
    uv = sma_mir

    uv2 = uv.copy()
    freq_chans_to_keep = np.arange(uv.Nfreqs // 2)

    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir")
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
        "Warning: a select on read keyword is set that is "
        "not supported by read_mir. This select will be done after reading the file.",
        uv3 = UVData.from_file(
            testfile, freq_chans=freq_chans_to_keep, use_future_array_shapes=True

    assert uv3 == uv2

def test_write_mir(hera_uvh5, err_type=NotImplementedError):
    Mir writer test

    Check and make sure that attempts to use the writer return a
    'not implemented' error.

    # Check and see if the correct error is raised
    with pytest.raises(err_type):

def test_multi_nchan_spw_read(tmp_path):
    Mir to uvfits error test for spws of different sizes.

    Read in Mir files, write out as uvfits, read back in and check for
    object equality.
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir")
    uv_in = UVData()
    uv_in.read_mir(testfile, corrchunk=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

    dummyfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "dummy.mirtest.uvfits")
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

def test_read_mir_write_ms_flex_pol(mir_data, tmp_path):
    Mir to MS loopback test with flex-pol.

    Read in Mir files, write out as ms, read back in and check for
    object equality.
    testfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "")

    # Read in the raw data so that we can manipulate it, and make it look like the
    # test data set was recorded with split-tuning
    mir_data.sp_data._data["gunnLO"][np.isin(mir_data.sp_data["blhid"], [1, 3])] += 30.0
    mir_data.sp_data._data["fsky"][np.isin(mir_data.sp_data["blhid"], [1, 3])] += 30.0

    # Spin up a Mir object, which can be converted into a UVData object,
    # with flex-pol enabled.
    mir_uv = UVData()
    mir_obj = Mir()

    # Write out our modified data set
    mir_uv.write_ms(testfile, clobber=True)
    ms_uv = UVData.from_file(
        testfile, allow_rephase=False, use_future_array_shapes=True

    # fix up the phase center info to match the mir dataset
    cat_id = list(mir_uv.phase_center_catalog.keys())[0]
    cat_name = mir_uv.phase_center_catalog[cat_id]["cat_name"]
    ms_uv._update_phase_center_id(list(ms_uv.phase_center_catalog.keys())[0], cat_id)
    ms_uv.phase_center_catalog[cat_id]["cat_name"] = cat_name
    ms_uv.phase_center_catalog[cat_id]["info_source"] = "file"

    # There are some minor differences between the values stored by MIR and that
    # calculated by UVData. Since MS format requires these to be calculated on the
    # fly, we calculate them here just to verify that everything is looking okay.

    # These reorderings just make sure that data from the two formats
    # are lined up correctly.

    # MS doesn't have the concept of an "instrument" name like FITS does, and instead
    # defaults to the telescope name. Make sure that checks out here.
    assert mir_uv.instrument == "SWARM"
    assert ms_uv.instrument == "SMA"
    mir_uv.instrument = ms_uv.instrument

    # Quick check for history here
    assert ms_uv.history != mir_uv.history
    ms_uv.history = mir_uv.history

    # Only MS has extra keywords, verify those look as expected.
    assert ms_uv.extra_keywords == {"DATA_COL": "DATA", "observer": "SMA"}
    assert mir_uv.extra_keywords == {}
    mir_uv.extra_keywords = ms_uv.extra_keywords

    # Make sure the filenames line up as expected.
    assert mir_uv.filename == ["sma_test.mir"]
    assert ms_uv.filename == [""]

    # Finally, with all exceptions handled, check for equality.
    assert ms_uv.__eq__(mir_uv, allowed_failures=["filename"])

def test_inconsistent_sp_records(mir_data, sma_mir):
    Test that the MIR object does the right thing w/ inconsistent meta-data.
    """"iband", "ne", 0))
    mir_data.sp_data._data["ipq"][1] = 0

    with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, "Per-spectral window metadata differ."):
        mir_uv = UVData()
        mir_obj = Mir()

    assert mir_uv == sma_mir

def test_inconsistent_bl_records(mir_data, sma_mir):
    Test that the MIR object does the right thing w/ inconsistent meta-data.
    """"iband", "ne", 0))
    mir_data.bl_data._data["u"][0] = 0.0
    with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, "Per-baseline metadata differ."):
        mir_uv = UVData()
        mir_obj = Mir()

    assert mir_uv == sma_mir

def test_multi_ipol(mir_data, sma_mir):
    Test that the MIR object does the right thing when different polarization types
    are recorded in the pol code.
    """"iband", "ne", 0))
    mir_data.bl_data._data["ipol"][:] = mir_data.bl_data["ant1rx"]

    mir_uv = UVData()
    mir_obj = Mir()

    assert mir_uv == sma_mir

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:" + _future_array_shapes_warning)
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:This method will be removed in version 3.0 when")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("filetype", ["uvh5", "miriad", "ms", "uvfits"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("future_shapes", [True, False])
def test_flex_pol_roundtrip(sma_mir_filt, filetype, future_shapes, tmp_path):
    """Test that we can round-trip flex-pol data sets"""
    testfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "flex_pol_roundtrip." + filetype)
    if filetype == "ms":
    elif filetype == "miriad":

    if not future_shapes:

    uvd2 = sma_mir_filt.copy(metadata_only=True)

    with pytest.raises(
        match="Cannot make a metadata_only UVData object flex-pol because flagging "
        "info is required.",
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
        match="Cannot make a metadata_only UVData object flex-pol because flagging "
        "info is required.",
    uvd3 = sma_mir_filt.copy(metadata_only=True)
    assert uvd2 != uvd3

    assert uvd2 != uvd3

    if filetype in ["uvfits", "miriad"]:
        warn_str = (
            "combine_spws is True but there are not matched spws for all "
            "polarizations, so spws will not be combined."
        exp_warning = UserWarning
        exp_warning = None
        warn_str = ""

    with uvtest.check_warnings(exp_warning, match=warn_str):
        if filetype == "uvfits":
            getattr(sma_mir_filt, "write_" + filetype)(testfile)

    test_uv = UVData.from_file(
        testfile, remove_flex_pol=False, use_future_array_shapes=future_shapes

    if filetype in ["uvfits", "miriad"]:

    assert np.all(
        sma_mir_filt.flex_spw_polarization_array == test_uv.flex_spw_polarization_array
    assert np.all(sma_mir_filt.polarization_array == test_uv.polarization_array)
    assert np.all(sma_mir_filt.flag_array == test_uv.flag_array)
    assert np.all(sma_mir_filt.data_array == test_uv.data_array)
    assert np.all(sma_mir_filt.nsample_array == test_uv.nsample_array)

def test_flex_pol_select(sma_mir_filt):
    """Test select operations on flex-pol UVData objects"""
    with pytest.raises(
        ValueError, match="No data matching this polarization and frequency"
    ):["xx"], freq_chans=[0, 1, 2, 3])

    sma_mir_filt2 = sma_mir_filt.copy()["xx"])

    assert sma_mir_filt.flex_spw_polarization_array is None
    assert np.all(sma_mir_filt.polarization_array == -5)


    assert np.all(sma_mir_filt.flex_spw_polarization_array == -5)
    assert np.all(sma_mir_filt.polarization_array == 0)

    # Need to add more polarizations to test uneven pol spacing
    sma_mir_filt3 = sma_mir_filt2.copy()
    sma_mir_filt3.flex_spw_polarization_array = np.asarray([-7, -8])
    sma_mir_filt3.flex_spw_id_array = np.asarray([0] * 4 + [1] * 4)
    sma_mir_filt3.spw_array = [0, 1]
    sma_mir_filt2 += sma_mir_filt3

    with uvtest.check_warnings(
        UserWarning, match="Selected polarization values are not evenly spaced"
    ):["xx", "xy", "yx"])

def test_flex_pol_select_warning(sma_mir_filt):
    Check that selecting flex-pol datasets with uneven pol spacing throws a warning.
    sma_mir_filt.flex_spw_id_array = np.arange(8) // 2
    sma_mir_filt.spw_array = np.arange(4)
    sma_mir_filt.flex_spw_polarization_array = np.array([-8, -8, -6, -5])
    sma_mir_filt.Nspws = 4

    with uvtest.check_warnings(
        UserWarning, "Selected polarization values are not evenly spaced."
    ):[-8, -6, -5])

        [True, "Cannot add a flex-pol UVData objects where the same"],
        [False, "Cannot add a flex-pol and non-flex-pol UVData objects."],
def test_flex_pol_add_errs(sma_mir_filt, make_flex, err_msg):
    """Test that the add error throws appropriate errors"""
    sma_copy = sma_mir_filt.copy()

    if make_flex:["xx"])
        sma_copy.flag_array[:] = True
        sma_copy.data_array[:] = 0.0

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm:
        sma_copy + sma_mir_filt
    assert str(cm.value).startswith(err_msg)

def test_flex_pol_add(sma_mir_filt):
    """Test that the add method works correctly with flex-pol data"""
    # Grab two copies of the data before we start to manipulate it
    sma_xx_copy = sma_mir_filt.copy()
    sma_yy_copy = sma_mir_filt.copy()

    # In both copies, isolate out the relevant polarization data.["xx"], freq_chans=[4, 5, 6, 7])
    sma_xx_copy._make_flex_pol()["yy"], freq_chans=[0, 1, 2, 3])

    # Add the two back together here, and make sure we can the same value out,
    # modulo the history.
    sma_check = sma_yy_copy + sma_xx_copy

    assert sma_check.history != sma_mir_filt.history
    sma_check.history = sma_mir_filt.history = None

    assert sma_check == sma_mir_filt

def test_flex_pol_spw_all_flag(sma_mir_filt):
    Test that if one spw is totally flagged, the polarization gets filled correctly.
    # Flag all of the data where we have y-pol data
    sma_mir_filt.flag_array[:, : sma_mir_filt.Nfreqs // 2, :] = True

    # Since all of the y-pol data is flagged, the flex-pol data should only contain
    # xx visibilities (as recorded in flex_spw_polarization_array).t
    assert np.all(sma_mir_filt.flex_spw_polarization_array == -5)

def test_bad_sphid(mir_data):
    Test what bad values for sphid in sp_data result in an error.
    mir_obj = Mir()
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
        UserWarning, "Changing fields that tie to header keys can"
        mir_data.sp_data["sphid"] = -1

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as err:
    assert str(err.value).startswith("'Mismatch between keys in vis_data and sphid")

def test_bad_pol_code(mir_data):
    Test that an extra (unused) pol code doesn't produce an error. Note that we want
    this check because the "Unknown" pol code is something present in some data sets.
    mir_obj = Mir()
    mir_data.codes_data._data = np.resize(
        mir_data.codes_data._data, mir_data.codes_data._size + 1
    mir_data.codes_data._data[-1] = ("pol", -999, "Unknown", 0)
    mir_data.codes_data._mask = np.ones(mir_data.codes_data._size, dtype=bool)


def test_rechunk_on_read():
    """Test that rechunking on read works as expected."""
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir")
    uv_data = UVData.from_file(testfile, rechunk=16384, use_future_array_shapes=True)

    # Do some basic checks to make sure that this loaded correctly.
    assert uv_data.freq_array.size == 8
    assert np.all(uv_data.channel_width == 2.288e09)

        {"antenna_nums": [1, 4]},
        {"antenna_names": ["1", "4"]},
        {"bls": [(1, 4)]},
        {"time_range": [2459055, 2459056]},
        {"lst_range": [2, 2.5]},
        {"polarizations": ["hh", "vv"]},
        {"catalog_names": ["3c84"]},
        {"corrchunk": [1, 2, 3, 4]},
        {"receivers": ["230", "240"]},
        {"sidebands": ["l", "u"]},
def test_select_on_read(select_kwargs, sma_mir):
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir")
    uv_data = UVData.from_file(testfile, use_future_array_shapes=True, **select_kwargs)
    uv_data.history = sma_mir.history
    assert sma_mir == uv_data

def test_non_icrs_coord_read(mir_data):
    # When fed a non-J2000 coordinate, we want to convert that so that it can easily
    mir_uv = UVData()
    mir_obj = Mir()

    # Plug in a dummy epoch value
    mir_data.in_data["epoch"] = 2020.0

    cat_entry = list(mir_uv.phase_center_catalog.values())[0]

    assert cat_entry["cat_frame"] == "icrs"
    assert cat_entry["cat_epoch"] is None
    assert np.isclose(cat_entry["cat_lon"], 0.8718033763283803, atol=4e-9, rtol=0)
    assert np.isclose(cat_entry["cat_lat"], 0.724518442710549, atol=4e-9, rtol=0)

    # Note that if the test dataset were written perfectly, the apparent coords would
    # perfectly translate back to the original values in the dataset, but there's a
    # defect of ~0.5 arcsec in how the positions were recorded, which we tolerate
    assert np.allclose(cat_entry["cat_lon"], mir_data.in_data["rar"], atol=4e-6, rtol=0)
    assert np.allclose(
        cat_entry["cat_lat"], mir_data.in_data["decr"], atol=4e-6, rtol=0

def test_dedoppler_data(mir_data, sma_mir):
    mir_uv = UVData()
    mir_obj = Mir()

    # Need to unload data to redoppler

    # Deselect the pseudo-cont channel"corrchunk", "ne", 0))

    # Now spoof a v4-style file
    mir_data.codes_data.set_value("code", "4", index=0)
    mir_data.sp_data["fDDS"] = 1.0

    # Complete the initialization of the UVData object
    mir_obj._init_from_mir_parser(mir_data, apply_dedoppler=True)

    # Make sure things differ
    assert sma_mir != mir_uv

    # The only two things affected should be data_array and flag_array in the object,
    # everything else should be identical.
    mir_uv.data_array = sma_mir.data_array
    mir_uv.flag_array = sma_mir.flag_array
    assert sma_mir == mir_uv

def test_source_pos_change_warning(mir_data, tmp_path):
    # We need to spoof a new file to synthetically generate a two-integration dataset
    filepath = os.path.join(tmp_path, "source_pos_change_warning")
    with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, "Writing out raw data with tsys applied."):

    mir_copy = MirParser(filepath)

    # Now combine the data
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
            "Duplicate metadata found for the following attributes",
            "These two objects contain data taken at the exact same time",
            "Both objects do not have auto-correlation data.",
        mir_copy.__iadd__(mir_data, force=True, merge=False)


    # Muck the ra coord
    mir_copy.in_data["rar"] = [0, 1]
    mir_obj = Mir()

    with uvtest.check_warnings(
        UserWarning, "Position for 3c84 changes by more than an arcminute."
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