Raw File
Tip revision: 5a6d0849060b192c4eb840a4691f5ca66378a407 authored by Bryna Hazelton on 13 October 2023, 19:33:37 UTC
update the changelog for a new version
Tip revision: 5a6d084
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Astronomy Software Group
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License

Class for reading and writing casa measurement sets.

Requires casacore.
import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time
from docstring_parser import DocstringStyle

from .. import utils as uvutils
from ..docstrings import copy_replace_short_description
from .uvdata import UVData, _future_array_shapes_warning, reporting_request

__all__ = ["MS"]

no_casa_message = (
    "casacore is not installed but is required for measurement set functionality"

casa_present = True
    import casacore.tables as tables
    import casacore.tables.tableutil as tableutil
except ImportError as error:  # pragma: no cover
    casa_present = False
    casa_error = error

This dictionary defines the mapping between CASA polarization numbers and
AIPS polarization numbers
# convert from casa polarization integers to pyuvdata
    1: 1,
    2: 2,
    3: 3,
    4: 4,
    5: -1,
    6: -3,
    7: -4,
    8: -2,
    9: -5,
    10: -7,
    11: -8,
    12: -6,

    aipspol: casapol for casapol, aipspol in POL_CASA2AIPS_DICT.items()

    "REST": 0,
    "LSRK": 1,
    "LSRD": 2,
    "BARY": 3,
    "GEO": 4,
    "TOPO": 5,
    "GALACTO": 6,
    "LGROUP": 7,
    "CMB": 8,
    "Undefined": 64,

# In CASA 'J2000' refers to a specific frame -- FK5 w/ an epoch of
# J2000. We'll plug that in here directly, noting that CASA has an
# explicit list of supported reference frames, located here:

    "J2000": ("fk5", 2000.0),  # mean equator and equinox at J2000.0 (FK5)
    "JNAT": None,  # geocentric natural frame
    "JMEAN": None,  # mean equator and equinox at frame epoch
    "JTRUE": None,  # true equator and equinox at frame epoch
    "APP": ("gcrs", 2000.0),  # apparent geocentric position
    "B1950": ("fk4", 1950.0),  # mean epoch and ecliptic at B1950.0.
    "B1950_VLA": ("fk4", 1979.0),  # mean epoch (1979.9) and ecliptic at B1950.0
    "BMEAN": None,  # mean equator and equinox at frame epoch
    "BTRUE": None,  # true equator and equinox at frame epoch
    "GALACTIC": None,  # Galactic coordinates
    "HADEC": None,  # topocentric HA and declination
    "AZEL": None,  # topocentric Azimuth and Elevation (N through E)
    "AZELSW": None,  # topocentric Azimuth and Elevation (S through W)
    "AZELNE": None,  # topocentric Azimuth and Elevation (N through E)
    "AZELGEO": None,  # geodetic Azimuth and Elevation (N through E)
    "AZELSWGEO": None,  # geodetic Azimuth and Elevation (S through W)
    "AZELNEGEO": None,  # geodetic Azimuth and Elevation (N through E)
    "ECLIPTIC": None,  # ecliptic for J2000 equator and equinox
    "MECLIPTIC": None,  # ecliptic for mean equator of date
    "TECLIPTIC": None,  # ecliptic for true equator of date
    "SUPERGAL": None,  # supergalactic coordinates
    "ITRF": None,  # coordinates wrt ITRF Earth frame
    "TOPO": None,  # apparent topocentric position
    "ICRS": ("icrs", 2000.0),  # International Celestial reference system

class MS(UVData):
    Defines a class for reading and writing casa measurement sets.

    This class should not be interacted with directly, instead use the read_ms
    method on the UVData class.

    ms_required_extra : list of str
        Names of optional UVParameters that are required for MS

    ms_required_extra = ["datacolumn", "antenna_positions"]

    def _init_ms_file(self, filepath):
        Create a skeleton MS dataset to fill.

        filepath : str
            Path to MS to be created.
        # The required_ms_desc returns the defaults for a CASA MS table
        ms_desc = tables.required_ms_desc("MAIN")

        # The tables have a different choice of dataManagerType and dataManagerGroup
        # based on a test ALMA dataset and comparison with what gets generated with
        # a dataset that comes through importuvfits.
            dataManagerType="TiledShapeStMan", dataManagerGroup="TiledFlag"

            dataManagerType="TiledColumnStMan", dataManagerGroup="TiledUVW"
        # TODO: Can stuff UVFLAG objects into this
            keywords={"CATEGORY": np.array("baddata")},
            dataManagerType="TiledShapeStMan", dataManagerGroup="TiledWgt"
            dataManagerType="TiledShapeStMan", dataManagerGroup="TiledSigma"

        # The ALMA default for the next set of columns from the MAIN table use the
        # name of the column as the dataManagerGroup, so we update the casacore
        # defaults accordingly.
        for key in ["ANTENNA1", "ANTENNA2", "DATA_DESC_ID", "FLAG_ROW"]:

        # The ALMA default for he next set of columns from the MAIN table use the
        # IncrementalStMan dataMangerType, and so we update the casacore defaults
        # (along with the name dataManagerGroup name to the column name, which is
        # also the apparent default for ALMA).
        incremental_list = [
        for key in incremental_list:
                dataManagerType="IncrementalStMan", dataManagerGroup=key

        # TODO: Verify that the casacore defaults for coldesc are satisfactory for
        # the tables and columns below (note that these were columns with apparent
        # discrepancies between a test ALMA dataset and what casacore generated).
        # FIELD

        # Create a column for the data, which is amusingly enough not actually
        # creaed by default.
        datacoldesc = tables.makearrcoldesc(
            0.0 + 0.0j,
            comment="The data column",
        del datacoldesc["desc"]["shape"]

        # Now create a column for the weight spectrum, which we plug nsample_array into
        weightspeccoldesc = tables.makearrcoldesc(
            comment="Weight for each data point",
        del weightspeccoldesc["desc"]["shape"]


        # Finally, create the dataset, and return a handle to the freshly created
        # skeleton measurement set.
        return tables.default_ms(filepath, ms_desc, tables.makedminfo(ms_desc))

    def _write_ms_antenna(self, filepath):
        Write out the antenna information into a CASA table.

        filepath : str
            Path to MS (without ANTENNA suffix).
        if not casa_present:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError(no_casa_message) from casa_error

        antenna_table = tables.table(filepath + "::ANTENNA", ack=False, readonly=False)

        # Note: measurement sets use the antenna number as an index into the antenna
        # table. This means that if the antenna numbers do not start from 0 and/or are
        # not contiguous, empty rows need to be inserted into the antenna table
        # (this is somewhat similar to miriad)
        nants_table = np.max(self.antenna_numbers) + 1

        ant_names_table = [""] * nants_table
        for ai, num in enumerate(self.antenna_numbers):
            ant_names_table[num] = self.antenna_names[ai]

        # There seem to be some variation on whether the antenna names are stored
        # in the NAME or STATION column (importuvfits puts them in the STATION column
        # while Cotter and the MS definition doc puts them in the NAME column).
        # The MS definition doc suggests that antenna names belong in the NAME column
        # and the telescope name belongs in the STATION column (it gives the example of
        # GREENBANK for this column.) so we follow that here. For a reconfigurable
        # array, the STATION can be though of as the "pad" name, which is distinct from
        # the antenna name/number, and nominally fixed in position.
        antenna_table.putcol("NAME", ant_names_table)
        antenna_table.putcol("STATION", ant_names_table)

        # Antenna positions in measurement sets appear to be in absolute ECEF
        ant_pos_absolute = self.antenna_positions + self.telescope_location.reshape(
            1, 3
        ant_pos_table = np.zeros((nants_table, 3), dtype=np.float64)
        for ai, num in enumerate(self.antenna_numbers):
            ant_pos_table[num, :] = ant_pos_absolute[ai, :]

        antenna_table.putcol("POSITION", ant_pos_table)
        if self.antenna_diameters is not None:
            ant_diam_table = np.zeros((nants_table), dtype=np.float64)
            # This is here is suppress an error that arises when one has antennas of
            # different diameters (which CASA can't handle), since otherwise the
            # "padded" antennas have zero diameter (as opposed to any real telescope).
            if len(np.unique(self.antenna_diameters)) == 1:
                ant_diam_table[:] = self.antenna_diameters[0]
                for ai, num in enumerate(self.antenna_numbers):
                    ant_diam_table[num] = self.antenna_diameters[ai]
            antenna_table.putcol("DISH_DIAMETER", ant_diam_table)

        # Add telescope frame
        if self._telescope_location.frame == "itrs":
            # MS uses "ITRF" while astropy uses "itrs". They are the same.
            ant_ref_frame = "ITRF"
            ant_ref_frame = self._telescope_location.frame.upper()
        meas_info_dict = antenna_table.getcolkeyword("POSITION", "MEASINFO")
        meas_info_dict["Ref"] = ant_ref_frame
        antenna_table.putcolkeyword("POSITION", "MEASINFO", meas_info_dict)


    def _write_ms_data_description(self, filepath):
        Write out the data description information into a CASA table.

        filepath : str
            Path to MS (without DATA_DESCRIPTION suffix).
        if not casa_present:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError(no_casa_message) from casa_error

        data_descrip_table = tables.table(
            filepath + "::DATA_DESCRIPTION", ack=False, readonly=False


        data_descrip_table.putcol("SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID", np.arange(self.Nspws))

        if self.flex_spw_polarization_array is not None:
            pol_dict = {
                pol: idx
                for idx, pol in enumerate(np.unique(self.flex_spw_polarization_array))
                np.array([pol_dict[key] for key in self.flex_spw_polarization_array]),


    def _write_ms_feed(self, filepath):
        Write out the feed information into a CASA table.

        filepath : str
            path to MS (without FEED suffix)

        if not casa_present:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError(no_casa_message) from casa_error

        feed_table = tables.table(filepath + "::FEED", ack=False, readonly=False)

        nfeeds_table = np.max(self.antenna_numbers) + 1
        antenna_id_table = np.arange(nfeeds_table, dtype=np.int32)

        if self.flex_spw_polarization_array is None:
            spectral_window_id_table = -1 * np.ones(nfeeds_table, dtype=np.int32)

            # we want "x" or "y", *not* "e" or "n", so as not to confuse CASA
            pol_str = uvutils.polnum2str(self.polarization_array)
            nfeeds_table *= self.Nspws
            spectral_window_id_table = np.repeat(
                np.arange(self.Nspws), np.max(self.antenna_numbers) + 1
            antenna_id_table = np.tile(antenna_id_table, self.Nspws)
            # we want "x" or "y", *not* "e" or "n", so as not to confuse CASA
            pol_str = uvutils.polnum2str(self.flex_spw_polarization_array)

        feed_pols = {feed for pol in pol_str for feed in uvutils.POL_TO_FEED_DICT[pol]}
        nfeed_pols = len(feed_pols)
        pol_types = [pol.upper() for pol in sorted(feed_pols)]
        pol_type_table = np.tile(pol_types, (nfeeds_table, 1))

        num_receptors_table = np.tile(np.int32(nfeed_pols), nfeeds_table)
        beam_id_table = -1 * np.ones(nfeeds_table, dtype=np.int32)
        beam_offset_table = np.zeros((nfeeds_table, 2, 2), dtype=np.float64)
        feed_id_table = np.zeros(nfeeds_table, dtype=np.int32)
        interval_table = np.zeros(nfeeds_table, dtype=np.float64)
        pol_response_table = np.dstack(
            [np.eye(2, dtype=np.complex64) for n in range(nfeeds_table)]
        position_table = np.zeros((nfeeds_table, 3), dtype=np.float64)
        receptor_angle_table = np.zeros((nfeeds_table, nfeed_pols), dtype=np.float64)

        feed_table.putcol("ANTENNA_ID", antenna_id_table)
        feed_table.putcol("BEAM_ID", beam_id_table)
        feed_table.putcol("BEAM_OFFSET", beam_offset_table)
        feed_table.putcol("FEED_ID", feed_id_table)
        feed_table.putcol("INTERVAL", interval_table)
        feed_table.putcol("NUM_RECEPTORS", num_receptors_table)
        feed_table.putcol("POLARIZATION_TYPE", pol_type_table)
        feed_table.putcol("POL_RESPONSE", pol_response_table)
        feed_table.putcol("POSITION", position_table)
        feed_table.putcol("RECEPTOR_ANGLE", receptor_angle_table)
        feed_table.putcol("SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID", spectral_window_id_table)

    def _write_ms_field(self, filepath):
        Write out the field information into a CASA table.

        filepath : str
            path to MS (without FIELD suffix)

        if not casa_present:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError(no_casa_message) from casa_error

        field_table = tables.table(filepath + "::FIELD", ack=False, readonly=False)
        time_val = (
            Time(np.median(self.time_array), format="jd", scale="utc").mjd * 86400.0
        n_poly = 0

        var_ref = False
        for ind, phase_dict in enumerate(self.phase_center_catalog.values()):
            if ind == 0:
                sou_frame = phase_dict["cat_frame"]
                sou_epoch = phase_dict["cat_epoch"]

            if (sou_frame != phase_dict["cat_frame"]) or (
                sou_epoch != phase_dict["cat_epoch"]
                var_ref = True

        if var_ref:
            var_ref_dict = {
                key: value for value, key in enumerate(COORD_UVDATA2CASA_DICT.keys())
            col_ref_dict = {
                "PHASE_DIR": "PhaseDir_Ref",
                "DELAY_DIR": "DelayDir_Ref",
                "REFERENCE_DIR": "RefDir_Ref",
            for key in col_ref_dict.keys():
                fieldcoldesc = tables.makearrcoldesc(
                    datamanagergroup="field standard manager",
                del fieldcoldesc["desc"]["shape"]
                del fieldcoldesc["desc"]["ndim"]
                del fieldcoldesc["desc"]["_c_order"]

                field_table.getcolkeyword(key, "MEASINFO")

        ref_frame = self._parse_pyuvdata_frame_ref(sou_frame, sou_epoch)
        for col in ["PHASE_DIR", "DELAY_DIR", "REFERENCE_DIR"]:
            meas_info_dict = field_table.getcolkeyword(col, "MEASINFO")
            meas_info_dict["Ref"] = ref_frame
            if var_ref:
                rev_ref_dict = {value: key for key, value in var_ref_dict.items()}
                meas_info_dict["TabRefTypes"] = [
                    rev_ref_dict[key] for key in sorted(rev_ref_dict.keys())
                meas_info_dict["TabRefCodes"] = np.arange(
                    len(rev_ref_dict.keys()), dtype=np.int32
                meas_info_dict["VarRefCol"] = col_ref_dict[col]

            field_table.putcolkeyword(col, "MEASINFO", meas_info_dict)

        sou_id_list = list(self.phase_center_catalog)

        for idx, sou_id in enumerate(sou_id_list):
            cat_dict = self.phase_center_catalog[sou_id]

            phase_dir = np.array([[cat_dict["cat_lon"], cat_dict["cat_lat"]]])
            if (cat_dict["cat_type"] == "ephem") and (phase_dir.ndim == 3):
                phase_dir = np.median(phase_dir, axis=2)

            sou_name = cat_dict["cat_name"]
            ref_dir = self._parse_pyuvdata_frame_ref(
                cat_dict["cat_frame"], cat_dict["cat_epoch"], raise_error=var_ref


            field_table.putcell("DELAY_DIR", idx, phase_dir)
            field_table.putcell("PHASE_DIR", idx, phase_dir)
            field_table.putcell("REFERENCE_DIR", idx, phase_dir)
            field_table.putcell("NAME", idx, sou_name)
            field_table.putcell("NUM_POLY", idx, n_poly)
            field_table.putcell("TIME", idx, time_val)
            field_table.putcell("SOURCE_ID", idx, sou_id)
            if var_ref:
                for key in col_ref_dict.keys():
                    field_table.putcell(col_ref_dict[key], idx, var_ref_dict[ref_dir])


    def _write_ms_source(self, filepath):
        Write out the source information into a CASA table.

        filepath : str
            path to MS (without SOURCE suffix)

        if not casa_present:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError(no_casa_message) from casa_error

        source_desc = tables.complete_ms_desc("SOURCE")
        source_table = tables.table(
            filepath + "/SOURCE",

        # Make the default time be the midpoint of the obs
        time_default = (
            Time(np.median(self.time_array), format="jd", scale="utc").mjd * 86400.0
        # Default interval should be several times a Hubble time. Gotta make this code
        # future-proofed until the eventual heat death of the Universe.
        int_default = np.finfo(float).max

        row_count = 0
        for sou_id, pc_dict in self.phase_center_catalog.items():
            # Get some pieces of info that should not depend on the cat type, like name,
            # proper motions, (others possible)
            int_val = int_default
            sou_name = pc_dict["cat_name"]
            pm_dir = np.array(
                [pc_dict.get("cat_pm_ra"), pc_dict.get("cat_pm_ra")], dtype=np.double
            if not np.all(np.isfinite(pm_dir)):
                pm_dir[:] = 0.0

            if pc_dict["cat_type"] == "sidereal":
                # If this is just a single set of points, set up values to have shape
                # (1, X) so that we can iterate through them later.
                sou_dir = np.array([[pc_dict["cat_lon"], pc_dict["cat_lat"]]])
                time_val = np.array([time_default])
            elif pc_dict["cat_type"] == "ephem":
                # Otherwise for ephem, make time the outer-most axis so that we
                # can easily iterate through.
                sou_dir = np.vstack(((pc_dict["cat_lon"], pc_dict["cat_lat"]))).T
                time_val = (
                    Time(pc_dict["cat_times"], format="jd", scale="utc").mjd * 86400.0
                # If there are multile time entries, then approximate a value for the
                # interval (needed for CASA, not UVData) by taking the range divided
                # by the number of points in the ephem.
                if len(time_val) > 1:
                    int_val = (time_val.max() - time_val.min()) / (len(time_val) - 1)

            for idx in range(len(sou_dir)):
                source_table.putcell("NAME", row_count, sou_name)
                source_table.putcell("SOURCE_ID", row_count, sou_id)
                source_table.putcell("INTERVAL", row_count, int_val)
                source_table.putcell("SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID", row_count, -1)
                source_table.putcell("NUM_LINES", row_count, 0)
                source_table.putcell("TIME", row_count, time_val[idx])
                source_table.putcell("DIRECTION", row_count, sou_dir[idx])
                source_table.putcell("PROPER_MOTION", row_count, pm_dir)
                row_count += 1

        # We have one final thing we need to do here, which is to link the SOURCE table
        # to the main table, since it's not included in the list of default subtables.
        # You are _supposed_ to be able to provide a string, but it looks like that
        # functionality is actually broken in CASA. Fortunately, supplying the whole
        # table does seem to work (as least w/ casscore v3.3.1).
        ms = tables.table(filepath, readonly=False, ack=False)
        ms.putkeyword("SOURCE", source_table)


    def _write_ms_pointing(self, filepath):
        Write out the pointing information into a CASA table.

        filepath : str
            path to MS (without POINTING suffix)

        if not casa_present:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError(no_casa_message) from casa_error

        pointing_table = tables.table(
            filepath + "::POINTING", ack=False, readonly=False
        nants = np.max(self.antenna_numbers) + 1
        antennas = np.arange(nants, dtype=np.int32)

        # We want the number of unique timestamps here, since CASA wants a
        # per-timestamp, per-antenna entry
        times = np.asarray(
                Time(t, format="jd", scale="utc").mjd * 86400.0
                for t in np.unique(self.time_array)

        # Same for the number of intervals
        intervals = np.array(
                np.median(self.integration_time[self.time_array == timestamp])
                for timestamp in np.unique(self.time_array)

        ntimes = len(times)

        antennas_full = np.tile(antennas, ntimes)
        times_full = np.repeat(times, nants)
        intervals_full = np.repeat(intervals, nants)

        nrows = len(antennas_full)
        assert len(times_full) == nrows
        assert len(intervals_full) == nrows

        # This extra step of adding a single row and plugging in values for DIRECTION
        # and TARGET are a workaround for a weird issue that pops up where, because the
        # values are not a fixed size (they are shape(2, Npoly), where Npoly is allowed
        # to vary from integration to integration), casacore seems to be very slow
        # filling in the data after the fact. By "pre-filling" the first row, the
        # addrows operation will automatically fill in an appropriately shaped array.
        # TODO: This works okay for steerable dishes, but less well for non-tracking
        # arrays (i.e., where primary beam center != phase center). Fix later.

        pointing_table.putcell("DIRECTION", 0, np.zeros((2, 1), dtype=np.float64))
        pointing_table.putcell("TARGET", 0, np.zeros((2, 1), dtype=np.float64))
        pointing_table.addrows(nrows - 1)

        pointing_table = tables.table(
            filepath + "::POINTING", ack=False, readonly=False

        pointing_table.putcol("ANTENNA_ID", antennas_full, nrow=nrows)
        pointing_table.putcol("TIME", times_full, nrow=nrows)
        pointing_table.putcol("INTERVAL", intervals_full, nrow=nrows)

        name_col = np.asarray(["ZENITH"] * nrows, dtype=np.bytes_)
        pointing_table.putcol("NAME", name_col, nrow=nrows)

        num_poly_col = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=np.int32)
        pointing_table.putcol("NUM_POLY", num_poly_col, nrow=nrows)

        time_origin_col = times_full
        pointing_table.putcol("TIME_ORIGIN", time_origin_col, nrow=nrows)

        # we always "point" at zenith
        direction_col = np.zeros((nrows, 2, 1), dtype=np.float64)
        direction_col[:, 1, :] = np.pi / 2
        pointing_table.putcol("DIRECTION", direction_col, nrow=nrows)

        # just reuse "direction" for "target"
        pointing_table.putcol("TARGET", direction_col, nrow=nrows)

        # set tracking info to `False`
        tracking_col = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=np.bool_)
        pointing_table.putcol("TRACKING", tracking_col, nrow=nrows)


    def _write_ms_spectralwindow(self, filepath):
        Write out the spectral information into a CASA table.

        filepath : str
            path to MS (without SPECTRAL_WINDOW suffix)

        if not casa_present:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError(no_casa_message) from casa_error

        sw_table = tables.table(
            filepath + "::SPECTRAL_WINDOW", ack=False, readonly=False

        if self.future_array_shapes:
            freq_array = self.freq_array
            ch_width = self.channel_width
            freq_array = self.freq_array[0]
            ch_width = np.zeros_like(freq_array) + self.channel_width

        spwidcoldesc = tables.makearrcoldesc(
            datamanagergroup="SpW optional column Standard Manager",
            comment="Associated spectral window id",
        del spwidcoldesc["desc"]["shape"]

        spwassoccoldesc = tables.makearrcoldesc(
            datamanagergroup="SpW optional column Standard Manager",
            comment="Nature of association with other spectral window",

        for idx, spw_id in enumerate(self.spw_array):
            if self.flex_spw:
                ch_mask = self.flex_spw_id_array == spw_id
                ch_mask = np.ones(freq_array.shape, dtype=bool)
            sw_table.putcell("NUM_CHAN", idx, np.sum(ch_mask))
            sw_table.putcell("NAME", idx, "SPW%d" % spw_id)
            sw_table.putcell("ASSOC_SPW_ID", idx, spw_id)
            sw_table.putcell("ASSOC_NATURE", idx, "")  # Blank for now
            sw_table.putcell("CHAN_FREQ", idx, freq_array[ch_mask])
            sw_table.putcell("CHAN_WIDTH", idx, ch_width[ch_mask])
            sw_table.putcell("EFFECTIVE_BW", idx, ch_width[ch_mask])
            sw_table.putcell("TOTAL_BANDWIDTH", idx, np.sum(ch_width[ch_mask]))
            sw_table.putcell("RESOLUTION", idx, ch_width[ch_mask])
            # TODO: These are placeholders for now, but should be replaced with
            # actual frequency reference info (once UVData handles that)
            sw_table.putcell("MEAS_FREQ_REF", idx, VEL_DICT["TOPO"])
            sw_table.putcell("REF_FREQUENCY", idx, freq_array[0])


    def _write_ms_observation(self, filepath):
        Write out the observation information into a CASA table.

        filepath : str
            path to MS (without OBSERVATION suffix)

        if not casa_present:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError(no_casa_message) from casa_error

        observation_table = tables.table(
            filepath + "::OBSERVATION", ack=False, readonly=False
        observation_table.putcell("TELESCOPE_NAME", 0, self.telescope_name)

        # It appears that measurement sets do not have a concept of a telescope location
        # We add it here as a non-standard column in order to round trip it properly
        name_col_desc = tableutil.makearrcoldesc(
        observation_table.putcell("TELESCOPE_LOCATION", 0, self.telescope_location)

        extra_upper = [key.upper() for key in self.extra_keywords.keys()]
        if "OBSERVER" in extra_upper:
            key_ind = extra_upper.index("OBSERVER")
            key = list(self.extra_keywords.keys())[key_ind]
            observation_table.putcell("OBSERVER", 0, self.extra_keywords[key])
            observation_table.putcell("OBSERVER", 0, self.telescope_name)


    def _write_ms_polarization(self, filepath):
        Write out the polarization information into a CASA table.

        filepath : str
            path to MS (without POLARIZATION suffix)

        if not casa_present:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError(no_casa_message) from casa_error

        pol_table = tables.table(filepath + "::POLARIZATION", ack=False, readonly=False)

        if self.flex_spw_polarization_array is None:
            pol_str = uvutils.polnum2str(self.polarization_array)
            feed_pols = {
                feed for pol in pol_str for feed in uvutils.POL_TO_FEED_DICT[pol]
            pol_types = [pol.lower() for pol in sorted(feed_pols)]
            pol_tuples = np.asarray(
                [(pol_types.index(i), pol_types.index(j)) for i, j in pol_str],

                    [POL_AIPS2CASA_DICT[aipspol] for aipspol in self.polarization_array]
            pol_table.putcell("CORR_PRODUCT", 0, pol_tuples)
            pol_table.putcell("NUM_CORR", 0, self.Npols)
            for idx, spw_pol in enumerate(np.unique(self.flex_spw_polarization_array)):
                pol_str = uvutils.polnum2str([spw_pol])
                feed_pols = {
                    feed for pol in pol_str for feed in uvutils.POL_TO_FEED_DICT[pol]
                pol_types = [pol.lower() for pol in sorted(feed_pols)]
                pol_tuples = np.asarray(
                    [(pol_types.index(i), pol_types.index(j)) for i, j in pol_str],

                    "CORR_TYPE", idx, np.array([POL_AIPS2CASA_DICT[spw_pol]])
                pol_table.putcell("CORR_PRODUCT", idx, pol_tuples)
                pol_table.putcell("NUM_CORR", idx, self.Npols)


    def _ms_hist_to_string(self, history_table):
        Convert a CASA history table into a string for the uvdata history parameter.

        Also stores messages column as a list for consitency with other uvdata types

        history_table : a casa table object
            CASA table with history information.

            string enconding complete casa history table converted with a new
            line denoting rows and a ';' denoting column breaks.
        pyuvdata_written :  bool
            boolean indicating whether or not this MS was written by pyuvdata.

        # string to store all the casa history info
        history_str = ""
        pyuvdata_written = False

        # Do not touch the history table if it has no information
        if history_table.nrows() > 0:
            history_str = "Begin measurement set history\n"

                app_params = history_table.getcol("APP_PARAMS")["array"]
                history_str += "APP_PARAMS;"
            except RuntimeError:
                app_params = None
                cli_command = history_table.getcol("CLI_COMMAND")["array"]
                history_str += "CLI_COMMAND;"
            except RuntimeError:
                cli_command = None
            application = history_table.getcol("APPLICATION")
            message = history_table.getcol("MESSAGE")
            obj_id = history_table.getcol("OBJECT_ID")
            obs_id = history_table.getcol("OBSERVATION_ID")
            origin = history_table.getcol("ORIGIN")
            priority = history_table.getcol("PRIORITY")
            times = history_table.getcol("TIME")
            history_str += (
            # Now loop through columns and generate history string
            ntimes = len(times)
            cols = [application, message, obj_id, obs_id, origin, priority, times]
            if cli_command is not None:
                cols.insert(0, cli_command)
            if app_params is not None:
                cols.insert(0, app_params)

            # if this MS was written by pyuvdata, some history that originated in
            # pyuvdata is in the MS history table. We separate that out since it doesn't
            # really belong to the MS history block (and so round tripping works)
            pyuvdata_line_nos = [
                for line_no, line in enumerate(application)
                if "pyuvdata" in line

            for tbrow in range(ntimes):
                # first check to see if this row was put in by pyuvdata.
                # If so, don't mix them in with the MS stuff
                if tbrow in pyuvdata_line_nos:

                newline = ";".join([str(col[tbrow]) for col in cols]) + "\n"
                history_str += newline

            history_str += "End measurement set history.\n"

            # make a list of lines that are MS specific (i.e. not pyuvdata lines)
            ms_line_nos = np.arange(ntimes).tolist()
            for count, line_no in enumerate(pyuvdata_line_nos):
                # Subtract off the count, since the line_no will effectively
                # change with each call to pop on the list
                ms_line_nos.pop(line_no - count)

            # Handle the case where there is no history but pyuvdata
            if len(ms_line_nos) == 0:
                ms_line_nos = [-1]

            if len(pyuvdata_line_nos) > 0:
                pyuvdata_written = True
                for line_no in pyuvdata_line_nos:
                    if line_no < min(ms_line_nos):
                        # prepend these lines to the history
                        history_str = message[line_no] + "\n" + history_str
                        # append these lines to the history
                        history_str += message[line_no] + "\n"

        return history_str, pyuvdata_written

    def _write_ms_history(self, filepath):
        Parse the history into an MS history table.

        If the history string contains output from `_ms_hist_to_string`, parse that back
        into the MS history table.

        filepath : str
            path to MS (without HISTORY suffix)
        history : str
            A history string that may or may not contain output from

        if not casa_present:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError(no_casa_message) from casa_error

        app_params = []
        cli_command = []
        application = []
        message = []
        obj_id = []
        obs_id = []
        origin = []
        priority = []
        times = []
        ms_history = "APP_PARAMS;CLI_COMMAND;APPLICATION;MESSAGE" in self.history

        if ms_history:
            # this history contains info from an MS history table. Need to parse it.

            ms_header_line_no = None
            ms_end_line_no = None
            pre_ms_history_lines = []
            post_ms_history_lines = []
            for line_no, line in enumerate(self.history.splitlines()):
                if not ms_history:

                    ms_header_line_no = line_no
                    # we don't need this line anywhere below so continue

                if "End measurement set history" in line:
                    ms_end_line_no = line_no
                    # we don't need this line anywhere below so continue

                if ms_header_line_no is not None and ms_end_line_no is None:
                    # this is part of the MS history block. Parse it.
                    line_parts = line.split(";")
                    if len(line_parts) != 9:
                        # If the line has the wrong number of elements, then the history
                        # is mangled and we shouldn't try to parse it -- just record
                        # line-by-line as we do with any other pyuvdata history.
                            "Failed to parse prior history of MS file, "
                            "switching to standard recording method."
                        pre_ms_history_lines = post_ms_history_lines = []
                        ms_history = False

                elif ms_header_line_no is None:
                    # this is before the MS block
                    if "Begin measurement set history" not in line:
                    # this is after the MS block

            for line_no, line in enumerate(pre_ms_history_lines):
                app_params.insert(line_no, "")
                cli_command.insert(line_no, "")
                application.insert(line_no, "pyuvdata")
                message.insert(line_no, line)
                obj_id.insert(line_no, 0)
                obs_id.insert(line_no, -1)
                origin.insert(line_no, "pyuvdata")
                priority.insert(line_no, "INFO")
                times.insert(line_no, * 3600.0 * 24.0)

            for line in post_ms_history_lines:
                times.append( * 3600.0 * 24.0)

        if not ms_history:
            # no prior MS history detected in the history. Put all of our history in
            # the message column
            for line in self.history.splitlines():
                times.append( * 3600.0 * 24.0)

        history_table = tables.table(filepath + "::HISTORY", ack=False, readonly=False)

        nrows = len(message)

        # the first two lines below break on python-casacore < 3.1.0
        history_table.putcol("APP_PARAMS", np.asarray(app_params)[:, np.newaxis])
        history_table.putcol("CLI_COMMAND", np.asarray(cli_command)[:, np.newaxis])
        history_table.putcol("APPLICATION", application)
        history_table.putcol("MESSAGE", message)
        history_table.putcol("OBJECT_ID", obj_id)
        history_table.putcol("OBSERVATION_ID", obs_id)
        history_table.putcol("ORIGIN", origin)
        history_table.putcol("PRIORITY", priority)
        history_table.putcol("TIME", times)


    def write_ms(
        Write a CASA measurement set (MS).

        filepath : str
            The MS file path to write to.
        force_phase : bool
            Option to automatically phase drift scan data to zenith of the first
        clobber : bool
            Option to overwrite the file if it already exists.
        run_check : bool
            Option to check for the existence and proper shapes of parameters
            before writing the file.
        check_extra : bool
            Option to check optional parameters as well as required ones.
        run_check_acceptability : bool
            Option to check acceptable range of the values of parameters before
            writing the file.
        strict_uvw_antpos_check : bool
            Option to raise an error rather than a warning if the check that
            uvws match antenna positions does not pass.
        check_autos : bool
            Check whether any auto-correlations have non-zero imaginary values in
            data_array (which should not mathematically exist). Default is True.
        fix_autos : bool
            If auto-correlations with imaginary values are found, fix those values so
            that they are real-only in data_array. Default is False.
        if not casa_present:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError(no_casa_message) from casa_error

        if run_check:

        if os.path.exists(filepath):
            if clobber:
                print("File exists; clobbering")
                raise IOError("File exists; skipping")

        # CASA does not have a way to handle "unprojected" data in the way that UVData
        # objects can, so we need to check here whether or not any such data exists
        # (and if need be, fix it).
        # TODO: I thought CASA could handle driftscan data. Are we sure it can't handle
        # unprojected data?
        unprojected_blts = self._check_for_cat_type("unprojected")
        if np.any(unprojected_blts):
            if force_phase:
                    "The data are unprojected. Phasing to zenith of the first "
                phase_time = Time(self.time_array[0], format="jd")
                self.phase_to_time(phase_time, select_mask=unprojected_blts)
                raise ValueError(
                    "The data are unprojected. "
                    "Set force_phase to true to phase the data "
                    "to zenith of the first timestamp before "
                    "writing a measurement set file."

        # If scan numbers are not already defined from reading an MS,
        # group integrations (rows) into scan numbers.
        if self.scan_number_array is None:

        # Initialize a skelton measurement set
        ms = self._init_ms_file(filepath)

        attr_list = ["data_array", "nsample_array", "flag_array"]
        col_list = ["DATA", "WEIGHT_SPECTRUM", "FLAG"]

        # Some tasks in CASA require a band-representative (band-averaged?) value for
        # the weights and noise for all channels in each row in the MAIN table, which
        # we will roughly calculate in temp_weights below.
        temp_weights = np.zeros((self.Nblts * self.Nspws, self.Npols), dtype=float)
        data_desc_array = np.zeros((self.Nblts * self.Nspws))

        # astropys Time has some overheads associated with it, so use unique to run
        # this date conversion as few times as possible. Note that the default for MS
        # is MJD UTC seconds, versus JD UTC days for UVData.
        time_array, time_ind = np.unique(self.time_array, return_inverse=True)
        # TODO: Verify this should actually be UTC, and not some other scale
        time_array = (Time(time_array, format="jd", scale="utc").mjd * 86400.0)[

        # Add all the rows we need up front, which will allow us to fill the
        # columns all in one shot.
        ms.addrows(self.Nblts * self.Nspws)
        if self.Nspws == 1:
            # If we only have one spectral window, there is nothing we need to worry
            # about ordering, so just write the data-related arrays as is to disk
            for attr, col in zip(attr_list, col_list):
                if self.future_array_shapes:
                    ms.putcol(col, getattr(self, attr))
                    ms.putcol(col, np.squeeze(getattr(self, attr), axis=1))

            # Band-averaged weights are used for some things in CASA - calculate them
            # here using median nsamples.
            if self.future_array_shapes:
                temp_weights = np.median(self.nsample_array, axis=1)
                temp_weights = np.squeeze(np.median(self.nsample_array, axis=2), axis=1)

            # Grab pointers for the per-blt record arrays
            ant_1_array = self.ant_1_array
            ant_2_array = self.ant_2_array
            integration_time = self.integration_time
            uvw_array = self.uvw_array
            scan_number_array = self.scan_number_array
            # If we have _more_ than one spectral window, then we need to handle each
            # window separately, since they can have differing numbers of channels.
            # (n.b., tables.putvarcol can write complex tables like these, but its
            # slower and more memory-intensive than putcol).

            # Since muliple records trace back to a single baseline-time, we use this
            # array to map from arrays that store on a per-record basis to positions
            # within arrays that record metadata on a per-blt basis.
            blt_map_array = np.zeros((self.Nblts * self.Nspws), dtype=int)

            # we will select out individual spectral windows several times, so create
            # these masks once up front before we enter the loop.
            spw_sel_dict = {}
            for spw_id in self.spw_array:
                spw_sel_dict[spw_id] = self.flex_spw_id_array == spw_id

            # Based on some analysis of ALMA/ACA data, various routines in CASA appear
            # to prefer data be grouped together on a "per-scan" basis, then per-spw,
            # and then the more usual selections of per-time, per-ant1, etc.
            last_row = 0
            for scan_num in sorted(np.unique(self.scan_number_array)):
                # Select all data from the scan
                scan_screen = self.scan_number_array == scan_num

                # Get the number of records inside the scan, where 1 record = 1 spw in
                # 1 baseline at 1 time
                Nrecs = np.sum(scan_screen)

                # Record which SPW/"Data Description" this data is matched to
                data_desc_array[last_row : last_row + (Nrecs * self.Nspws)] = np.repeat(
                    np.arange(self.Nspws), Nrecs

                # Record index positions
                blt_map_array[last_row : last_row + (Nrecs * self.Nspws)] = np.tile(
                    np.where(scan_screen)[0], self.Nspws

                # Extract out the relevant data out of our data-like arrays that
                # belong to this scan number.
                val_dict = {}
                for attr, col in zip(attr_list, col_list):
                    if self.future_array_shapes:
                        val_dict[col] = getattr(self, attr)[scan_screen]
                        val_dict[col] = np.squeeze(
                            getattr(self, attr)[scan_screen], axis=1

                # This is where the bulk of the heavy lifting is - use the per-spw
                # channel masks to record one spectral window at a time.
                for spw_num in self.spw_array:
                    for col in col_list:
                            val_dict[col][:, spw_sel_dict[spw_num]],

                    # Tally here the "wideband" weights for the whole spectral window,
                    # which is used in some CASA routines.
                    temp_weights[last_row : last_row + Nrecs] = np.median(
                        val_dict["WEIGHT_SPECTRUM"][:, spw_sel_dict[spw_num]], axis=1
                    last_row += Nrecs

            # Now that we have an array to map baselime-time to individual records,
            # use our indexing array to map various metadata.
            ant_1_array = self.ant_1_array[blt_map_array]
            ant_2_array = self.ant_2_array[blt_map_array]
            integration_time = self.integration_time[blt_map_array]
            time_array = time_array[blt_map_array]
            uvw_array = self.uvw_array[blt_map_array]
            scan_number_array = self.scan_number_array[blt_map_array]

        # Write out the units of the visibilities, post a warning if its not in Jy since
        # we don't know how every CASA program may react
        ms.putcolkeyword("DATA", "QuantumUnits", self.vis_units)
        if self.vis_units != "Jy":
                "Writing in the MS file that the units of the data are %s, although "
                "some CASA process will ignore this and assume the units are all in Jy "
                "(or may not know how to handle data in these units)." % self.vis_units

        # TODO: If/when UVData objects can store visibility noise estimates, update
        # the code below to capture those.
        ms.putcol("WEIGHT", temp_weights)
        ms.putcol("SIGMA", np.power(temp_weights, -0.5, where=temp_weights != 0))

        ms.putcol("ANTENNA1", ant_1_array)
        ms.putcol("ANTENNA2", ant_2_array)

        # "INVERVAL" refers to "width" of the window of time time over which data was
        # collected, while "EXPOSURE" is the sum total of integration time.  UVData
        # does not differentiate between these concepts, hence why one array is used
        # for both values.
        ms.putcol("INTERVAL", integration_time)
        ms.putcol("EXPOSURE", integration_time)

        ms.putcol("DATA_DESC_ID", data_desc_array)
        ms.putcol("SCAN_NUMBER", scan_number_array)
        ms.putcol("TIME", time_array)
        ms.putcol("TIME_CENTROID", time_array)

        # FITS uvw direction convention is opposite ours and Miriad's.
        # CASA's convention is unclear: the docs contradict themselves,
        # but after a question to the helpdesk we got a clear response that
        # the convention is antenna2_pos - antenna1_pos, so the convention is the
        # same as ours & Miriad's
        ms.putcol("UVW", uvw_array)

        # We have to do an extra bit of work here, as CASA won't accept arbitrary
        # values for field ID (rather, the ID number matches to the row number in
        # the FIELD subtable). When we write out the fields, we use sort so that
        # we can reproduce the same ordering here.
        field_ids = np.empty_like(self.phase_center_id_array)
        for idx, cat_id in enumerate(self.phase_center_catalog):
            field_ids[self.phase_center_id_array == cat_id] = idx

        ms.putcol("FIELD_ID", field_ids[blt_map_array] if self.Nspws > 1 else field_ids)

        # Finally, record extra keywords and x_orientation, both of which the MS format
        # doesn't quite have equivalent fields to stuff data into (and instead is put
        # into the main header as a keyword).
        if len(self.extra_keywords) != 0:
            ms.putkeyword("pyuvdata_extra", self.extra_keywords)

        if self.x_orientation is not None:
            ms.putkeyword("pyuvdata_xorient", self.x_orientation)



    def _parse_casa_frame_ref(self, ref_name, raise_error=True):
        Interpret a CASA frame into an astropy-friendly frame and epoch.

        ref_name : str
            Name of the CASA-based spatial coordinate reference frame.
        raise_error : bool
            Whether to raise an error if the name has no match. Default is True, if set
            to false will raise a warning instead.

        frame_name : str
            Name of the frame. Typically matched to the UVData attribute
        epoch_val : float
            Epoch value for the given frame, in Julian years unless `frame_name="FK4"`,
            in which case the value is in Besselian years. Typically matched to the
            UVData attribute `phase_center_epoch`.

            If the CASA coordinate frame does not match the known supported list of
            frames for CASA.
            If using a CASA coordinate frame that does not yet have a corresponding
            astropy frame that is supported by pyuvdata.
        frame_name = None
        epoch_val = None
            frame_tuple = COORD_UVDATA2CASA_DICT[ref_name]
            if frame_tuple is None:
                message = f"Support for the {ref_name} frame is not yet supported."
                if raise_error:
                    raise NotImplementedError(message)
                frame_name = frame_tuple[0]
                epoch_val = frame_tuple[1]
        except KeyError as err:
            message = (
                f"The coordinate frame {ref_name} is not one of the supported frames "
                "for measurement sets."
            if raise_error:
                raise ValueError(message) from err

        return frame_name, epoch_val

    def _parse_pyuvdata_frame_ref(self, frame_name, epoch_val, raise_error=True):
        Interpret a UVData pair of frame + epoch into a CASA frame name.

        frame_name : str
            Name of the frame. Typically matched to the UVData attribute
        epoch_val : float
            Epoch value for the given frame, in Julian years unless `frame_name="FK4"`,
            in which case the value is in Besselian years. Typically matched to the
            UVData attribute `phase_center_epoch`.
        raise_error : bool
            Whether to raise an error if the name has no match. Default is True, if set
            to false will raise a warning instead.

        ref_name : str
            Name of the CASA-based spatial coordinate reference frame.

            If the provided coordinate frame and/or epoch value has no matching
            counterpart to those supported in CASA.

        # N.B. -- this is something of a stub for a more sophisticated function to
        # handle this. For now, this just does a reverse lookup on the limited frames
        # supported by UVData objects, although eventually it can be expanded to support
        # more native MS frames.
        reverse_dict = {ref: key for key, ref in COORD_UVDATA2CASA_DICT.items()}

        ref_name = None
            ref_name = reverse_dict[
                (str(frame_name), 2000.0 if (epoch_val is None) else float(epoch_val))
        except KeyError as err:
            epoch_msg = (
                "no epoch" if epoch_val is None else f"epoch {format(epoch_val,'g')}"
            message = (
                f"Frame {frame_name} ({epoch_msg}) does not have a "
                "corresponding match to supported frames in the MS file format."
            if raise_error:
                raise ValueError(message) from err

        return ref_name

    def _read_ms_main(
        Read data from the main table of a MS file.

        This method is not meant to be called by users, and is instead a utility
        function for the `read_ms` method (which users should call instead).

        filepath : str
            The measurement set root directory to read from.
        data_column : str
            name of CASA data column to read into data_array. Options are:
            'DATA', 'MODEL', or 'CORRECTED_DATA'
        data_desc_dict : dict
            Dictionary describing the various rows in the DATA_DESCRIPTION table of
            an MS file. Keys match to the individual rows, and the values are themselves
            dicts containing several keys (including "CORR_TYPE", "SPW_ID", "NUM_CORR",
        read_weights : bool
            Read in the weights from the MS file, default is True. If false, the method
            will set the `nsamples_array` to the same uniform value (namely 1.0).
        flip_conj : bool
            On read, whether to flip the conjugation of the baselines. Normally the MS
            format is the same as what is used for pyuvdata (ant2 - ant1), hence the
            default is False.
        raise_error : bool
            On read, whether to raise an error if different records (i.e.,
            different spectral windows) report different metadata for the same
            time-baseline combination (which CASA allows but UVData does not) or if the
            timescale is not supported by astropy. Default is True, if set to False will
            raise a warning instead.
        allow_flex_pol : bool
            If only one polarization per spectral window is read (and the polarization
            differs from window to window), compress down the polarization-axis of
            various attributes (e.g, `data_array`, `flag_array`) to be of length 1.
            Default is True.

        spw_list : list of int
            List of SPW numbers present in the data set, equivalent to the attribute
            `spw_array` in a UVData object.
        field_list : list of int
            List of field IDs present in the data set. Matched to rows in the FIELD
            table for the measurement set.
        pol_list : list of int
            List of polarization IDs (in the AIPS convention) present in the data set.
            Equivalent to the attribute `polarization_array` in a UVData object.
        flex_pol : list of int
            If `allow_flex_pol=True`, and only one polarization per spectral window is
            read (differing window-to-window), list of the polarization IDs present
            for each window. Equivalent to the attribute `flex_spw_polarization_array`
            in a UVData object.

            If the `data_column` is not set to an allowed value.
            If the MS file contains data from multiple subarrays.
        tb_main = tables.table(filepath, ack=False)

        main_keywords = tb_main.getkeywords()
        if "pyuvdata_extra" in main_keywords.keys():
            self.extra_keywords = main_keywords["pyuvdata_extra"]

        if "pyuvdata_xorient" in main_keywords.keys():
            self.x_orientation = main_keywords["pyuvdata_xorient"]

        default_vis_units = {"DATA": "uncalib", "CORRECTED_DATA": "Jy", "MODEL": "Jy"}

        # make sure user requests a valid data_column
        if data_column not in default_vis_units.keys():
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid data_column value supplied. Use 'Data','MODEL' or"
                " 'CORRECTED_DATA'"

        # set visibility units
            self.vis_units = tb_main.getcolkeywords(data_column)["QuantumUnits"]
        except KeyError:
            self.vis_units = default_vis_units[data_column]

        # limit length of extra_keywords keys to 8 characters to match uvfits & miriad
        self.extra_keywords["DATA_COL"] = data_column

        time_arr = tb_main.getcol("TIME")
        timescale = tb_main.getcolkeyword("TIME", "MEASINFO")["Ref"]
        if timescale.lower() not in Time.SCALES:
            msg = (
                "This file has a timescale that is not supported by astropy. "
                "If you need support for this timescale please make an issue on our "
                "GitHub repo."
            if raise_error:
                raise ValueError(
                    msg + " To bypass this error, you can set raise_error=False, which "
                    "will raise a warning instead and treat the time as being in UTC."
                warnings.warn(msg + " Defaulting to treating it as being in UTC.")
                timescale = "utc"
        # N.b., EXPOSURE is what's needed for noise calculation, but INTERVAL defines
        # the time period over which the data are collected
        int_arr = tb_main.getcol("EXPOSURE")
        ant_1_arr = tb_main.getcol("ANTENNA1")
        ant_2_arr = tb_main.getcol("ANTENNA2")
        field_arr = tb_main.getcol("FIELD_ID")
        scan_number_arr = tb_main.getcol("SCAN_NUMBER")
        uvw_arr = tb_main.getcol("UVW")
        data_desc_arr = tb_main.getcol("DATA_DESC_ID")
        subarr_arr = tb_main.getcol("ARRAY_ID")
        unique_data_desc = np.unique(data_desc_arr)

        if len(np.unique(subarr_arr)) > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "This file appears to have multiple subarray "
                "values; only files with one subarray are "

        data_desc_count = np.sum(np.isin(list(data_desc_dict.keys()), unique_data_desc))

        if data_desc_count == 0:
            # If there are no records selected, then there isnt a whole lot to do
            return None, None, None, None
        elif data_desc_count == 1:
            # If we only have a single spectral window, then we can bypass a whole lot
            # of slicing and dicing on account of there being a one-to-one releationship
            # in rows of the MS to the per-blt records of UVData objects.
            self.time_array = Time(
                time_arr / 86400.0, format="mjd", scale=timescale.lower()
            self.integration_time = int_arr
            self.ant_1_array = ant_1_arr
            self.ant_2_array = ant_2_arr
            self.uvw_array = uvw_arr * ((-1) ** flip_conj)
            self.phase_center_id_array = field_arr
            self.scan_number_array = scan_number_arr

            self.flag_array = tb_main.getcol("FLAG")

            if flip_conj:
                self.data_array = np.conj(tb_main.getcol(data_column))
                self.data_array = tb_main.getcol(data_column)

            if read_weights:
                    self.nsample_array = tb_main.getcol("WEIGHT_SPECTRUM")
                except RuntimeError:
                    self.nsample_array = np.repeat(
                        np.expand_dims(tb_main.getcol("WEIGHT"), axis=1),
                self.nsample_array = np.ones_like(self.data_array, dtype=float)

            data_desc_key = np.intersect1d(
                unique_data_desc, list(data_desc_dict.keys())
            spw_list = [data_desc_dict[data_desc_key]["SPW_ID"]]
            self.flex_spw_id_array = spw_list[0] + np.zeros(
                data_desc_dict[data_desc_key]["NUM_CHAN"], dtype=int

            field_list = np.unique(field_arr)
            pol_list = [
                for key in data_desc_dict[data_desc_key]["CORR_TYPE"]

            return spw_list, field_list, pol_list, None


        # If you are at this point, it means that we potentially have multiple spectral
        # windows to deal with, and so some additional care is required since MS does
        # NOT require data from all windows to be present simultaneously.

        use_row = np.zeros_like(time_arr, dtype=bool)
        data_dict = {}
        for key in data_desc_dict.keys():
            sel_mask = data_desc_arr == key

            if not np.any(sel_mask):

            use_row[sel_mask] = True
            data_dict[key] = dict(data_desc_dict[key])
            data_dict[key]["TIME"] = time_arr[sel_mask]  # Midpoint time in mjd seconds
            data_dict[key]["EXPOSURE"] = int_arr[sel_mask]  # Int time in sec
            data_dict[key]["ANTENNA1"] = ant_1_arr[sel_mask]  # First antenna
            data_dict[key]["ANTENNA2"] = ant_2_arr[sel_mask]  # Second antenna
            data_dict[key]["FIELD_ID"] = field_arr[sel_mask]  # Source ID
            data_dict[key]["SCAN_NUMBER"] = scan_number_arr[sel_mask]  # Scan number
            data_dict[key]["UVW"] = uvw_arr[sel_mask]  # UVW coords

        time_arr = time_arr[use_row]
        ant_1_arr = ant_1_arr[use_row]
        ant_2_arr = ant_2_arr[use_row]

        unique_blts = sorted(
                (time, ant1, ant2)
                for time, ant1, ant2 in zip(time_arr, ant_1_arr, ant_2_arr)

        blt_dict = {}
        for idx, blt_tuple in enumerate(unique_blts):
            blt_dict[blt_tuple] = idx

        nblts = len(unique_blts)
        pol_list = np.unique([data_dict[key]["CORR_TYPE"] for key in data_dict.keys()])
        npols = len(pol_list)

        spw_dict = {
            data_dict[key]["SPW_ID"]: {
                "DATA_DICT_KEY": key,
                "NUM_CHAN": data_dict[key]["NUM_CHAN"],
            for key in data_dict.keys()
        spw_list = sorted(spw_dict.keys())

        # Here we sort out where the various spectral windows are starting and stoping
        # in our flex_spw spectrum, if applicable. By default, data are sorted in
        # spw-number order.
        nfreqs = 0
        spw_id_array = np.array([], dtype=int)
        for key in sorted(spw_dict.keys()):
            assert len(data_dict) == len(
            ), "This is a bug, please make an issue in our issue log."
            data_dict_key = spw_dict[key]["DATA_DICT_KEY"]
            nchan = spw_dict[key]["NUM_CHAN"]
            data_dict[data_dict_key]["STARTCHAN"] = nfreqs
            data_dict[data_dict_key]["STOPCHAN"] = nfreqs + nchan
            data_dict[data_dict_key]["NUM_CHAN"] = nchan
            spw_id_array = np.append(spw_id_array, [key] * nchan)
            nfreqs += nchan

        all_single_pol = True
        for key in sorted(data_dict.keys()):
            blt_idx = [
                blt_dict[(time, ant1, ant2)]
                for time, ant1, ant2 in zip(

            data_dict[key]["BLT_IDX"] = np.array(blt_idx, dtype=int)
            data_dict[key]["NBLTS"] = len(blt_idx)

            pol_idx = np.intersect1d(
            data_dict[key]["POL_IDX"] = pol_idx.astype(int)
            all_single_pol = all_single_pol and (len(pol_idx) == 1)

        pol_list = [POL_CASA2AIPS_DICT[key] for key in pol_list]
        flex_pol = None

        if (
            and all_single_pol
            and ((len(pol_list) > 1) and (len(data_desc_dict) == len(spw_dict)))
            for key in data_dict.keys():
                spw_dict[data_dict[key]["SPW_ID"]]["POL"] = pol_list[
                data_dict[key]["POL_IDX"] = np.array([0])
            pol_list = np.array([0])
            flex_pol = np.array(
                [spw_dict[key]["POL"] for key in sorted(spw_dict.keys())], dtype=int

        # We have all of the meta-information linked the various data desc IDs,
        # so now we can finally get to the business of filling in the actual data.
        data_array = np.zeros((nblts, nfreqs, npols), dtype=complex)
        nsample_array = np.ones((nblts, nfreqs, npols))
        flag_array = np.ones((nblts, nfreqs, npols), dtype=bool)

        # We will also fill in our own metadata on a per-blt basis here
        time_arr = np.zeros(nblts)
        int_arr = np.zeros(nblts)
        ant_1_arr = np.zeros(nblts, dtype=int)
        ant_2_arr = np.zeros(nblts, dtype=int)
        field_arr = np.zeros(nblts, dtype=int)
        scan_number_arr = np.zeros(nblts, dtype=int)
        uvw_arr = np.zeros((nblts, 3))

        # Since each data description (i.e., spectral window) record can technically
        # have its own values for time, int-time, etc, we want to check and verify that
        # the values are consistent on a per-blt basis (since that's the most granular
        # pyuvdata can store that information).
        has_data = np.zeros(nblts, dtype=bool)

        arr_tuple = (
        name_tuple = (
        vary_list = []
        for key in data_dict.keys():
            # Get the indexing information for the data array
            blt_idx = data_dict[key]["BLT_IDX"]
            startchan = data_dict[key]["STARTCHAN"]
            stopchan = data_dict[key]["STOPCHAN"]
            pol_idx = data_dict[key]["POL_IDX"]

            # Identify which values have already been populated with data, so we know
            # which values to check.
            check_mask = has_data[blt_idx]
            check_idx = blt_idx[check_mask]

            # Loop through the metadata fields we intend to populate
            for arr, name in zip(arr_tuple, name_tuple):
                if not np.allclose(data_dict[key][name][check_mask], arr[check_idx]):
                    if raise_error:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Column %s appears to vary on between windows, which is "
                            "not permitted for UVData objects. To bypass this error, "
                            "you can set raise_error=False, which will raise a warning "
                            "instead and use the first recorded value." % name
                    elif name not in vary_list:
                        # If not raising an error, then at least warn the user that
                        # discrepant data were detected.
                            "Column %s appears to vary on between windows, defaulting "
                            "to first recorded value." % name
                        # Add to a list so we don't spew multiple warnings for one
                        # column (which could just flood the terminal).

                arr[blt_idx[~check_mask]] = data_dict[key][name][~check_mask]

            # Can has data now please?
            has_data[blt_idx] = True

            # Remove a slice out of the larger arrays for us to populate with an MS read
            # operation. This has the advantage that if different data descrips contain
            # different polarizations (which is allowed), it will populate the arrays
            # correctly, although for most files (where all pols are written in one
            # data descrip), this shouldn't matter.
            temp_data = data_array[blt_idx, startchan:stopchan]
            temp_flags = flag_array[blt_idx, startchan:stopchan]
            if read_weights:
                temp_weights = nsample_array[blt_idx, startchan:stopchan]

            # This TaQL call allows the low-level C++ routines to handle mapping data
            # access, and returns a table object that _only_ has records matching our
            # request. This allows one to do a simple and fast getcol for reading the
            # data, flags, and weights, since they should all be the same shape on a
            # per-row basis for the same data description. Alternative read methods
            # w/ getcell, getvarcol, and per-row getcols produced way slower code.
            tb_main_sel = tables.taql(
                f"select from {filepath} where DATA_DESC_ID == {key}"  # nosec

            # Fill in the temp arrays, and then plug them back into the main array.
            # Note that this operation has to be split in two because you can only use
            # advanced slicing on one axis (which both blt_idx and pol_idx require).
            if flip_conj:
                temp_data[:, :, pol_idx] = np.conj(tb_main_sel.getcol("DATA"))
                temp_data[:, :, pol_idx] = tb_main_sel.getcol("DATA")

            temp_flags[:, :, pol_idx] = tb_main_sel.getcol("FLAG")

            data_array[blt_idx, startchan:stopchan] = temp_data
            flag_array[blt_idx, startchan:stopchan] = temp_flags

            if read_weights:
                # The weights can be stored in a couple of different columns, but we
                # use a try/except here to capture two separate cases (that both will
                # produce runtime errors) -- when WEIGHT_SPECTRUM isn't a column, and
                # when it is BUT its unfilled (which causes getcol to throw an error).
                    temp_weights[:, :, pol_idx] = tb_main_sel.getcol("WEIGHT_SPECTRUM")
                except RuntimeError:
                    temp_weights[:, :, pol_idx] = np.repeat(
                        np.expand_dims(tb_main_sel.getcol("WEIGHT"), axis=1),
                nsample_array[blt_idx, startchan:stopchan, :] = temp_weights

            # Close the table, get ready for the next loop

        self.data_array = data_array
        self.flag_array = flag_array
        self.nsample_array = nsample_array

        self.ant_1_array = ant_1_arr
        self.ant_2_array = ant_2_arr

        self.time_array = Time(
            time_arr / 86400.0, format="mjd", scale=timescale.lower()
        self.integration_time = int_arr
        self.uvw_array = uvw_arr * ((-1) ** flip_conj)
        self.phase_center_id_array = field_arr
        self.phase_center_id_array = field_arr
        self.scan_number_array = scan_number_arr
        self.flex_spw_id_array = spw_id_array

        field_list = np.unique(field_arr).astype(int).tolist()

        return spw_list, field_list, pol_list, flex_pol

    @copy_replace_short_description(UVData.read_ms, style=DocstringStyle.NUMPYDOC)
    def read_ms(
        """Read in a casa measurement set."""
        if not casa_present:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ImportError(no_casa_message) from casa_error

        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
            raise IOError(filepath + " not found")
        # set filename variable
        basename = filepath.rstrip("/")
        self.filename = [os.path.basename(basename)]
        self._filename.form = (1,)

        # get the history info
        pyuvdata_written = False
        if tables.tableexists(filepath + "/HISTORY"):
            self.history, pyuvdata_written = self._ms_hist_to_string(
                tables.table(filepath + "/HISTORY", ack=False)
            if not uvutils._check_history_version(
                self.history, self.pyuvdata_version_str
                self.history += self.pyuvdata_version_str
            self.history = self.pyuvdata_version_str

        data_desc_dict = {}
        tb_desc = tables.table(filepath + "/DATA_DESCRIPTION", ack=False)
        for idx in range(tb_desc.nrows()):
            data_desc_dict[idx] = {
                "SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID": tb_desc.getcell("SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID", idx),
                "POLARIZATION_ID": tb_desc.getcell("POLARIZATION_ID", idx),
                "FLAG_ROW": tb_desc.getcell("FLAG_ROW", idx),

        # Polarization array
        tb_pol = tables.table(filepath + "/POLARIZATION", ack=False)
        for key in data_desc_dict.keys():
            pol_id = data_desc_dict[key]["POLARIZATION_ID"]
            data_desc_dict[key]["CORR_TYPE"] = tb_pol.getcell(
                "CORR_TYPE", pol_id
            data_desc_dict[key]["NUM_CORR"] = tb_pol.getcell("NUM_CORR", pol_id)

        tb_spws = tables.table(filepath + "/SPECTRAL_WINDOW", ack=False)

            spw_id = tb_spws.getcol("ASSOC_SPW_ID")
            use_assoc_id = True
        except RuntimeError:
            use_assoc_id = False

        single_chan_list = []
        for key in data_desc_dict.keys():
            spw_id = data_desc_dict[key]["SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID"]
            data_desc_dict[key]["CHAN_FREQ"] = tb_spws.getcell("CHAN_FREQ", spw_id)
            # beware! There are possibly 3 columns here that might be the correct one
            data_desc_dict[key]["CHAN_WIDTH"] = tb_spws.getcell("CHAN_WIDTH", spw_id)
            data_desc_dict[key]["NUM_CHAN"] = tb_spws.getcell("NUM_CHAN", spw_id)
            if data_desc_dict[key]["NUM_CHAN"] == 1:
            if use_assoc_id:
                data_desc_dict[key]["SPW_ID"] = int(
                    tb_spws.getcell("ASSOC_SPW_ID", spw_id)[0]
                data_desc_dict[key]["SPW_ID"] = spw_id

        if ignore_single_chan:
            for key in single_chan_list:
                del data_desc_dict[key]

        # FITS uvw direction convention is opposite ours and Miriad's.
        # CASA's convention is unclear: the docs contradict themselves,
        # but after a question to the helpdesk we got a clear response that
        # the convention is antenna2_pos - antenna1_pos, so the convention is the
        # same as ours & Miriad's
        # HOWEVER, it appears that CASA's importuvfits task does not make this
        # convention change. So if the data in the MS came via that task and was not
        # written by pyuvdata, we do need to flip the uvws & conjugate the data
        flip_conj = ("importuvfits" in self.history) and (not pyuvdata_written)
        spw_list, field_list, pol_list, flex_pol = self._read_ms_main(

        if (spw_list is None) and (field_list is None) and (pol_list is None):
            raise ValueError(
                "No valid data available in the MS file. If this file contains "
                "single channel data, set ignore_single_channel=True when calling "

        self.Npols = len(pol_list)
        self.polarization_array = np.array(pol_list, dtype=np.int64)
        self.Nspws = len(spw_list)
        self.spw_array = np.array(spw_list, dtype=np.int64)
        self.flex_spw_polarization_array = flex_pol

        self.Nfreqs = len(self.flex_spw_id_array)
        self.freq_array = np.zeros(self.Nfreqs)
        self.channel_width = np.zeros(self.Nfreqs)

        for key in data_desc_dict.keys():
            sel_mask = self.flex_spw_id_array == data_desc_dict[key]["SPW_ID"]
            self.freq_array[sel_mask] = data_desc_dict[key]["CHAN_FREQ"]
            self.channel_width[sel_mask] = data_desc_dict[key]["CHAN_WIDTH"]

        # This if/else can go away in version 3.0 when channel width will always be an
        # array and the flex_spw_id_array will always be required.
        if (np.unique(self.channel_width).size == 1) and (len(spw_list) == 1):
            self.channel_width = float(self.channel_width[0])

        self.Ntimes = int(np.unique(self.time_array).size)
        self.Nblts = int(self.data_array.shape[0])
        self.Nants_data = len(
                    (np.unique(self.ant_1_array), np.unique(self.ant_2_array))
        self.baseline_array = self.antnums_to_baseline(
            self.ant_1_array, self.ant_2_array
        self.Nbls = len(np.unique(self.baseline_array))

        # open table with antenna location information
        tb_ant = tables.table(filepath + "/ANTENNA", ack=False)
        tb_obs = tables.table(filepath + "/OBSERVATION", ack=False)
        self.telescope_name = tb_obs.getcol("TELESCOPE_NAME")[0]
        self.instrument = tb_obs.getcol("TELESCOPE_NAME")[0]
        self.extra_keywords["observer"] = tb_obs.getcol("OBSERVER")[0]
        full_antenna_positions = tb_ant.getcol("POSITION")
        n_ants_table = full_antenna_positions.shape[0]
        xyz_telescope_frame = tb_ant.getcolkeyword("POSITION", "MEASINFO")["Ref"]

        # Note: measurement sets use the antenna number as an index into the antenna
        # table. This means that if the antenna numbers do not start from 0 and/or are
        # not contiguous, empty rows are inserted into the antenna table
        # these 'dummy' rows have positions of zero and need to be removed.
        # (this is somewhat similar to miriad)
        ant_good_position = np.nonzero(np.linalg.norm(full_antenna_positions, axis=1))[
        full_antenna_positions = full_antenna_positions[ant_good_position, :]
        self.antenna_numbers = np.arange(n_ants_table)[ant_good_position]

        # check to see if a TELESCOPE_LOCATION column is present in the observation
        # table. This is non-standard, but inserted by pyuvdata
        if (
            "TELESCOPE_LOCATION" not in tb_obs.colnames()
            and self.telescope_name in self.known_telescopes()
            # get it from known telescopes
            if xyz_telescope_frame == "ITRF":
                # MS uses "ITRF" while astropy uses "itrs". They are the same.
                self._telescope_location.frame = "itrs"
                if xyz_telescope_frame.lower() not in ["itrs", "mcmf"]:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Telescope frame in file is {xyz_telescope_frame.lower()}. "
                        "Only 'itrs' and 'mcmf' are currently supported."
                self._telescope_location.frame = xyz_telescope_frame.lower()

            if "TELESCOPE_LOCATION" in tb_obs.colnames():
                self.telescope_location = np.squeeze(
                # Set it to be the mean of the antenna positions (this is not ideal!)
                self.telescope_location = np.array(
                    np.mean(full_antenna_positions, axis=0)

        # antenna names
        ant_names = np.asarray(tb_ant.getcol("NAME"))[ant_good_position].tolist()
        station_names = np.asarray(tb_ant.getcol("STATION"))[ant_good_position].tolist()
        antenna_diameters = tb_ant.getcol("DISH_DIAMETER")[ant_good_position]
        if np.any(antenna_diameters > 0):
            self.antenna_diameters = antenna_diameters

        # importuvfits measurement sets store antenna names in the STATION column.
        # cotter measurement sets store antenna names in the NAME column, which is
        # inline with the MS definition doc. In that case all the station names are
        # the same. Default to using what the MS definition doc specifies, unless
        # we read importuvfits in the history, or if the antenna column is not filled.
        if ("importuvfits" not in self.history) and (
            len(ant_names) == len(np.unique(ant_names)) and ("" not in ant_names)
            self.antenna_names = ant_names
            self.antenna_names = station_names

        self.Nants_telescope = len(self.antenna_names)

        relative_positions = np.zeros_like(full_antenna_positions)
        relative_positions = full_antenna_positions - self.telescope_location.reshape(
            1, 3
        self.antenna_positions = relative_positions


        # set LST array from times and itrf
        proc = self.set_lsts_from_time_array(
            background=background_lsts, astrometry_library=astrometry_library

        tb_field = tables.table(filepath + "/FIELD", ack=False)

        # Error if the phase_dir has a polynomial term because we don't know
        # how to handle that
        message = (
            "PHASE_DIR is expressed as a polynomial. "
            "We do not currently support this mode, please make an issue."
        assert tb_field.getcol("PHASE_DIR").shape[1] == 1, message

        # The SOURCE table is optional in MS, but can contain some relevant metadata
        # about
        tb_sou_dict = {}
            tb_source = tables.table(filepath + "/SOURCE", ack=False)
        except RuntimeError:
            # The SOURCE table is optional, so if not found a RuntimeError will be
            # thrown, and we should forgo trying to associate SOURCE table entries with
            # the FIELD table.
            for idx in range(tb_source.nrows()):
                sou_id = tb_source.getcell("SOURCE_ID", idx)
                pm_vec = tb_source.getcell("PROPER_MOTION", idx)
                time_stamp = tb_source.getcell("TIME", idx)
                sou_vec = tb_source.getcell("DIRECTION", idx)
                    for idx in np.where(
                        if not (
                            (tb_sou_dict[sou_id]["cat_ra"][idx] == sou_vec[0])
                            and (tb_sou_dict[sou_id]["cat_dec"][idx] == sou_vec[1])
                            and (tb_sou_dict[sou_id]["cat_pm_ra"][idx] == pm_vec[0])
                            and (tb_sou_dict[sou_id]["cat_pm_dec"][idx] == pm_vec[1])
                                "Different windows in this MS file contain different "
                                "metadata for the same integration. Be aware that "
                                "UVData objects do not allow for this, and thus will "
                                "default to using the metadata from the last row read "
                                "from the SOURCE table." + reporting_request
                        _ = tb_sou_dict[sou_id]["cat_times"].pop(idx)
                        _ = tb_sou_dict[sou_id]["cat_ra"].pop(idx)
                        _ = tb_sou_dict[sou_id]["cat_dec"].pop(idx)
                        _ = tb_sou_dict[sou_id]["cat_pm_ra"].pop(idx)
                        _ = tb_sou_dict[sou_id]["cat_pm_dec"].pop(idx)
                except KeyError:
                    tb_sou_dict[sou_id] = {
                        "cat_times": [time_stamp],
                        "cat_ra": [sou_vec[0]],
                        "cat_dec": [sou_vec[1]],
                        "cat_pm_ra": [pm_vec[0]],
                        "cat_pm_dec": [pm_vec[1]],

            for cat_dict in tb_sou_dict.values():
                make_arr = len(cat_dict["cat_times"]) != 1
                if not make_arr:
                    del cat_dict["cat_times"]

                for key in cat_dict:
                    if make_arr:
                        cat_dict[key] = np.array(cat_dict[key])
                        cat_dict[key] = cat_dict[key][0]
                if np.allclose(cat_dict["cat_pm_ra"], 0):
                    if np.allclose(cat_dict["cat_pm_dec"], 0):
                        cat_dict["cat_pm_ra"] = cat_dict["cat_pm_dec"] = None

        # MSv2.0 appears to assume J2000. Not sure how to specifiy otherwise
        measinfo_keyword = tb_field.getcolkeyword("PHASE_DIR", "MEASINFO")

        ref_dir_colname = None
        ref_dir_dict = None
        if "VarRefCol" in measinfo_keyword.keys():
            # This seems to be a yet-undocumented feature for CASA, which allows one
            # to specify an additional (optional?) column that defines the reference
            # frame on a per-source basis.
            ref_dir_colname = measinfo_keyword["VarRefCol"]
            ref_dir_dict = dict(
                zip(measinfo_keyword["TabRefCodes"], measinfo_keyword["TabRefTypes"])

        if "Ref" in measinfo_keyword.keys():
            frame_tuple = self._parse_casa_frame_ref(measinfo_keyword["Ref"])
            phase_center_frame = frame_tuple[0]
            phase_center_epoch = frame_tuple[1]
            warnings.warn("Coordinate reference frame not detected, defaulting to ICRS")
            phase_center_frame = "icrs"
            phase_center_epoch = 2000.0

        field_id_dict = {field_idx: field_idx for field_idx in field_list}
            id_arr = tb_field.getcol("SOURCE_ID")
            if np.all(id_arr >= 0) and len(np.unique(id_arr)) == len(id_arr):
                for idx, sou_id in enumerate(id_arr):
                    if idx in field_list:
                        field_id_dict[idx] = sou_id
        except RuntimeError:
            # Reach here if no column named SOURCE_ID exists, or if it does exist
            # but is completely unfilled. Nothing to do at this point but move on.
            tb_sou_dict = {}
        # Field names are allowed to be the same in CASA, so if we detect
        # conflicting names here we use the FIELD row numbers to try and
        # differentiate between them.
        field_name_list = tb_field.getcol("NAME")
        uniq_names, uniq_count = np.unique(field_name_list, return_counts=True)
        rep_name_list = uniq_names[uniq_count > 1]
        for rep_name in rep_name_list:
            rep_count = 0
            for idx in range(len(field_name_list)):
                if field_name_list[idx] == rep_name:
                    field_name_list[idx] = "%s-%03i" % (field_name_list[idx], rep_count)
                    rep_count += 1

        for field_idx in field_list:
            ra_val, dec_val = tb_field.getcell("PHASE_DIR", field_idx)[0]
            field_name = field_name_list[field_idx]
            if ref_dir_colname is not None:
                frame_tuple = self._parse_casa_frame_ref(
                    ref_dir_dict[tb_field.getcell(ref_dir_colname, field_list[0])]
                frame_tuple = (phase_center_frame, phase_center_epoch)

            pm_ra = pm_dec = ephem_times = None
            if field_id_dict[field_idx] in tb_sou_dict:
                cat_dict = tb_sou_dict[field_id_dict[field_idx]]
                ra_val, dec_val = cat_dict["cat_ra"], cat_dict["cat_dec"]
                pm_ra, pm_dec = cat_dict["cat_pm_ra"], cat_dict["cat_pm_dec"]
                if "cat_times" in cat_dict:
                    ephem_times = Time(
                        cat_dict["cat_times"] / 86400, format="mjd", scale="utc"

                cat_type="sidereal" if (ephem_times is None) else "ephem",
                cat_times=ephem_times,  # Convert Julian secs to JD
        # Only thing left to do is to update the IDs for the per-BLT records
        self.phase_center_id_array = np.array(
            [field_id_dict[sou_id] for sou_id in self.phase_center_id_array], dtype=int


        if proc is not None:
        # Fill in the apparent coordinates here

        self.data_array = np.expand_dims(self.data_array, 1)
        self.nsample_array = np.expand_dims(self.nsample_array, 1)
        self.flag_array = np.expand_dims(self.flag_array, 1)
        self.freq_array = np.expand_dims(self.freq_array, 0)

        # order polarizations
        self.reorder_pols(order=pol_order, run_check=False)

        if use_future_array_shapes:
            warnings.warn(_future_array_shapes_warning, DeprecationWarning)

        if run_check:
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