Raw File
Tip revision: 5be4eacd098963a3da504d7da9afa8c8faac7a14 authored by Kevin Sheppard on 03 March 2021, 14:43:14 UTC
Merge pull request #463 from bashtage/rls-4.18
Tip revision: 5be4eac
    diff_only: False
    linter: flake8  # Other option is flake8

pycodestyle:  # Same as scanner.linter value. Other option is flake8
    max-line-length: 99  # Default is 79 in PEP 8
    ignore:  # Errors and warnings to ignore
        - E203  # Whitespace before ':'
        - W503  # Line break occurred before a binary operator (W503)

no_blank_comment: False  # If True, no comment is made on PR without any errors.
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