Raw File
Tip revision: 6e9b9067f0adf1bd223c5ee0194d75847fa18321 authored by Jack Cazet on 29 March 2021, 16:10:19 UTC
Updates for published version of manuscript.
Tip revision: 6e9b906
Files in the `local` directory:


R script that uses DiffBind to count reads within ATAC-seq peaks. It
will also execute the `` script to annotate peaks based
on the nearest gene in the genome. This script requires the finalized
bam files ([prefix]_final_shift.bam) created by the
`` script; the `untreated_consensus.bed` and
`full_consensus.bed` files created by the ``
script; and a python virtual environment folder named `venv` with the
uropa package installed. As output, it saves the DiffBind object
containing read counts for untreated samples in the file
`resources/untreated_ATAC_Counts.rds`, the DiffBind object containing
read counts for all samples in the file
`resources/full_ATAC_Counts.rds`, and consensus peak files that use the
names given to peaks by the DiffBind package
(`resources/full_consensus_diffbind_labels.bed` and

Shell script that uses uropa to annotate peaks based on the nearest
gene. This script is executed within the `ATAC_Read_Counts.R` script.
The script requires the `untreated_consensus.bed` and
`full_consensus.bed` files created by the `` script
and a python virtual environment folder named `venv` with the uropa
package installed. The script outputs the annotation files
`resources/untreated_consensus_finalhits.txt` and


R script that uses edgeR to identify significant differentials in
chromatin accessibility in untreated ATAC-seq samples. This script
requires the `untreated_ATAC_Counts.rds` file produced by the
`ATAC_Read_Counts.R` script and the `untreated_consensus_finalhits.txt`
file produced by the `` script. As output, it saves the
edgeR DGEList object, all dataframes containing the results of pairwise
comparisons, a dataframe with normalized read counts (CPM), peak
annotations (closest gene), and the diffbind object used for determining
read counts into the file `Analysis_Output/ATAC/ATAC_DGE.RData`;  it
outputs dataframes containing the results of pairwise comparisons as csv
files into the `Analysis_Output/ATAC` folder; it outputs a matrix
summarizing all pairwise comparisons performed during the analysis in
the `Analysis_Output/ATAC/contrasts.csv` file; and it outputs a list of
peaks that exhibited significant changes in accessibility during
regeneration in the `resources/regen_peakset.bed` file.


R script that uses edgeR to identify significant differentials in
chromatin accessibility in all ATAC-seq samples. This script requires
the `full_ATAC_Counts.rds` file produced by the `ATAC_Read_Counts.R`
script and the `full_consensus_finalhits.txt` file produced by the
`` script. As output, it saves the edgeR DGEList
object, all dataframes containing the results of pairwise comparisons, a
dataframe with normalized read counts (CPM), peak annotations (closest
gene), and the diffbind object used for determining read counts into the
file `Analysis_Output/ATAC/iATAC_DGE.RData`; it outputs dataframes
containing the results of pairwise comparisons as csv files into the
`Analysis_Output/ATAC` folder; and it outputs a matrix summarizing all
pairwise comparisons performed during the analysis in the
`Analysis_Output/ATAC/icontrasts.csv` file.


R script that generates plots visualizing changes in chromatin
accessibility. This script requires the `ATAC_DGE.RData` and
`iATAC_DGE.RData` files produced by the `ATAC_DGE.R` and
`iCRT_ATAC_DGE.R` scripts respectively. It also requires the bigwig
files of pooled ATAC-seq bioreplicates ([prefix]
generated by the `` script. The script outputs
plots comparing changes in accessibility during head and foot
regeneration (FC_Comp_[prefix].pdf), plots showing the homeostatic
structural enrichment associated with asymmetrically activated regions
of the genome (Struct_[X]hpa.pdf), representative plots showing individual
ATAC-seq replicates at several gene loci (X__broad.pdf), and plots showing 
ATAC-seq data for head and foot regeneration during the first eight hours 
of regeneration for canonical Wnt signaling gene loci (X_prom.pdf). All 
output is placed in the `plots/ATAC` directory. It will also use the 
`` script to perform a HOMER motif enrichment analysis 
that identifies motifs enriched in peaks that increase in accessibility 
from 0 to 3 hpa and place the results in the folder 

Shell script that takes as input a control bed file, an experimental bed 
file, and a comparison title and performs a HOMER enrichment
analysis to identify transcription factor binding motifs (as defined in 
the `resources/chromVar_HOMER.motifs` file) that are enriched in the 
peak regions defined in the experimental bed file relative to the control 
bed file. The output is saved in a subfolder in the `Analysis_Output/ATAC/`
folder. The subfolder is named using the user-provided comparison title.


R script that calculates read counts for fixed-width injury-responsive
ATAC-seq peaks for downstream analysis using the chromVAR package. This
script requires the `regen_peakset.bed` generated by the `ATAC_DGE.R`
script as well as the final bam files created by the
`` script. Saves R objects containing read counts
for just untreated samples (`resources/untreated_chromVar_Counts.RData`)
as well as a separate object for all samples


R script that uses output from the HOMER script to
hierarchically cluster HOMER motifs based on sequence similarity. This
script requires HOMER to be installed in the user's home folder. The
script outputs motif clustering results in the
`resources/HOMER_motif_clusters.csv` file.


R script that identifies transcription factor binding motifs associated
with significant variation in accessibility during regeneration using
chromVAR on untreated ATAC-seq samples. This script requires the
`untreated_chromVar_Counts.RData` file produced by the
`ChromVar_Counts.R` script and the `HOMER_motif_clusters.csv` file
produced by the `motif_clustering.R` script. This script outputs the
relative accessibility associated with transcription factor binding
motifs for each sample in the
`Analysis_Output/ATAC/untreated_deviations.csv` file and it generates
plots for average motif accessibility during regeneration
(chromVar_[TFBM]_accessibility_HOMER.pdf) that are written to the
`plots/ATAC/HOMER_motifs` folder. It will also integrate additional 
results from `RNAseq_DGE.R`, `ATAC_DGE.R`, 'ATAC_DGE.R`, and 
`ATAC_Post_DGE_Analysis.R` to identify candidate regulators of
injury-responsive Wnt transcription. Makes use of the accessory 
scripts `` and `` in the 
`resources/chromVar_HOMER_sub` folder.


R script that characterizes changes accessibility associated with
injury-responsive transcription factor binding motifs induced by
treatment with the TCF/beta-catenin inhibitor iCRT14. This script
requires the `chromVar_iCounts.RData` file produced by the
`ChromVar_Counts.R` script. This script outputs the relative
accessibility associated with transcription factor binding motifs for
each sample in the `Analysis_Output/ATAC/full_deviations.csv` file and
it generates plots for average motif accessibility during regeneration
(chromVar_[TFBM]_accessibility_HOMER.pdf)that are written to the
`plots/ATAC/HOMER_motifs_icrt` folder.


R script that uses edgeR to identify significant differentials in
transcript abundance in untreated RNA-seq samples. This script requires
the `RNA.counts.matrix` file produced by the ``
script. The script outputs the file `Analysis_Output/RNA/RNA_DGE.RData`
that contains the edgeR DGEList used to perform the pairwise DGE
comparisons, a data frame of gene model annotations, a data frame
containing normalized read counts (CPM) per gene per sample, and data
frames containing the results of all pairwise comparisons performed as
part of the DGE. It also outputs all results tables as csv files in the
`Analysis_Output/RNA/` folder.


R script that uses edgeR to identify significant differentials in
transcript abundance in all RNA-seq samples. This script requires the
`RNA.counts.matrix` file produced by the ``
script. The script outputs the file
`Analysis_Output/RNA/icrt_RNA_DGE.RData` that contains the edgeR DGEList
used to perform the pairwise DGE comparisons, a data frame of gene model
annotations, a data frame containing normalized read counts (CPM) per
gene per sample, and data frames containing the results of all pairwise
comparisons performed as part of the DGE. It also outputs all results
tables as csv files in the `Analysis_Output/RNA/` folder.


R script that uses edgeR to identify significant differentials in
transcript abundance in RNA-seq samples from Wenger et al. (2019). This
script requires the `wRNA.counts.matrix` file produced by the
`` script. The script outputs the file
`Analysis_Output/RNA/wRNA_DGE.RData` that contains the edgeR DGEList
used to perform the pairwise DGE comparisons, a data frame containing
normalized read counts (CPM) per gene per sample, and data frames
containing the results of all pairwise comparisons performed as part of
the DGE. It also outputs all results tables as csv files in the
`Analysis_Output/RNA/` folder.


R script that generates plots visualizing changes in transcript
abundance and checks for correspondence with results from Wenger et al.
and ATAC-seq results. This script requires the file `RNA_DGE.RData` from
the `RNAseq_DGE.R` script, the file `icrt_RNA_DGE.RData` generated by
the `iCRT_RNA_DGE.R` script, the file `wRNA_DGE.RData` generated by the
`Wenger_RNAseq_DGE.R` script, and the file `ATAC_DGE.RData` from the
`ATAC_DGE.R` script. This script outputs plots in the `plots/RNA/`
directory. These files include: plots comparing changes in gene
expression during head and foot regeneration, plots comparing structural
enrichment during regeneration with structural enrichment in uninjured
animals, RNA expression plots of individual genes of interest (in the
`plots/RNA/Noteworthy_Genes` folder), a plot comparing structural
enrichment at 12 hpa with average expression at 3 hpa, and plots showing
the effect of iCRT14 treatment on changes in transcript abundance.


R script that outputs boxplots depicting the number of ectopic tentacles
formed under various impalement conditions in the `plots` folder. Also
generates plots used to assess the inhibition of head and foot regeneration
by iCRT14.

Shell script that uses the HOMER function `` to
generate a bed file of predicted instances of CRE-like transcription
factor binding motifs in the Hydra 2.0 genome. Outputs the file


Files in the `local/resources` directory:


Bed file containing the consensus peaks identified using an IDR cutoff
of 0.1 for untreated ATAC-seq samples. Generated by the
`` script.


Bed file containing the consensus peaks identified using an IDR cutoff
of 0.1 for untreated ATAC-seq samples. This file is generated by the
`ChromVar_Counts.R` script. This peakset is identical to
`untreated_consensus.bed` peakset, but the peaks have been given new IDs
by the DiffBind package. The peak IDs from this file are the ones used
in the final results tables generated by the `ATAC_DGE.R` script.


Bed file containing the consensus peaks identified using an IDR cutoff
of 0.1 for all ATAC-seq samples. Generated by the
`` script.


File that specifies the parameters used by uropa to identify the genes
nearest to the peaks in the `full_consensus.bed` peakset.


Bed file containing the consensus peaks identified using an IDR cutoff
of 0.1 for all ATAC-seq samples. This file is generated by the
`ChromVar_Counts.R` script. This peakset is identical to
`full_consensus.bed` peakset, but the peaks have been given new IDs by
the DiffBind package. The peak IDs from this file are the ones used in
the final results tables generated by the `iCRT_ATAC_DGE.R` script.


Raw data assessing foot regeneration in iCRT14-treated animals at 36
hpa as compared to DMSO-treated controls. Used by 


Raw data assessing head regeneration in iCRT14-treated animals at 60
hpa as compared to DMSO-treated controls. Used by 


Raw data comparing ectopic head formation at aboral-facing injuries
when head regenerating tissue was re-amputated to when no re-
amputation was performed. Used by `ectopic_tentacle_plot.R`.


Raw data comparing ectopic head formation after 12 hours of transverse
impalement in the presence of iCRT14 or DMSO. Used by 


Raw data quantifying ectopic tentacle formation following transverse
impalement across different strains and in the presence or absence
of pre-existing organizers. Used by `ectopic_tentacle_plot.R`.


File containing HOMER-formatted position weight matrices of CRE-like
binding motifs. Used by the `` script.


File containing the settings used by uropa to annotate the untreated
consensus peakset (from the `untreated_consensus.bed` file) based on the
nearest gene model in the Hydra 2.0 genome. Used by the
`` script.


File containing the settings used by uropa to annotate the full
consensus peakset (from the `full_consensus.bed` file) based on the
nearest gene model in the Hydra 2.0 genome. Used by the
`` script.


Read count matrix for RNA-seq data from Wenger et al. mapped to the
Hydra 2.0 genome gene models. Generated by the ``
script. Used by the `Wenger_RNAseq_DGE.R` script.


Read count matrix for RNA-seq data generated by this study mapped to the
Hydra 2.0 genome gene models. Generated by the ``
script. Used by the `ATAC_DGE.R` script.


File containing the list of HOMER-formatted position weight matrices
included in the chromVAR package. Used by the `motif_clustering.R`


File containing the lengths of all contigs in the Hydra 2.0 genome. Used
by the `ChromVar_Counts.R` script.


Files in the `local/Wnt_Survey` directory:

Shell script called by the `crossReferenceIDs.R` script. Performs
reciprocal blastn searches for the AEP LRv2 and Hydra 2.0 genome gene
model references. Outputs the files `lrToDv.txt` and `dvToLr.txt` to the
`Wnt_Survey` folder.


R script that uses KEGG gene annotations to identify canonical Wnt
signaling components in the Hydra 2.0 genome gene models and generates
heatmaps of Wnt gene expression during the first 12 hours of head and 
foot regeneration. The heatmap plot is written to the `Wnt_Survey` folder.

Shell script called by the `wntGenes.R` script. Performs blasp searches
using genes that were identified as Wnt signaling genes by KEGG in the
original Hydra genome, the Exaiptasia pallida genome, the Nematostella
vectensis genome, and the human genome as queries against the Hydra 2.0
genome protein models. Requires the files `hsaWntGenes.fasta`,
`hmgWntGenes.fasta`, `nveWntGenes.fasta`, and `epaWntGenes.fasta`
generated by the `wntGenes.R` script. Outputs the files `hsToHv.tx`,
`hmToHv.tx`, `nvToHv.tx`, and `epToHv.txt` to the `Wnt_Survey` folder.

Shell script called by the `wntGenes.R` script that uses pyfasta to
extract sequences from the `hydra.augustus.fastp` file using the gene
IDs listed in the `hvCandidates.txt` file generated by the `wntGenes.R`
script. Outputs the file `hvCandidates.fa` in the `Wnt_Survey` folder.

Shell script called by the `wntGenes.R` script. Performs blasp searches
using candidate Wnt signaling genes from the Hydra 2.0 geneome gene
models as a query against Nematostella vectensis, Exaiptasia pallida,
and Human references. Requires the file `hvCandidates.fa` generated by
the `` script. Outputs the files `hvToEpa.txt`,
`hvToNve.txt`, and `hvToHs.txt` to the `Wnt_Survey` folder.


Files in the `local/resources/chromVar_HOMER_sub` directory:

Shell script that splits the `resources/chromVar_HOMER.motifs`
into separate motif files and places them in the 
`local/resources/chromVar_HOMER_sub` directory. Called 
within the `chromVar_Untreated_Analysis.R` script.

Shell script that generates the `earlyI.hits.peaks.bed` file,
which delineates peaks that contain predicted instances of 
injury-responsive transcription factor binding motifs. Called
by the `chromVar_Untreated_Analysis.R` script.


Files in the `cluster/resources` directory:

Shell script that prepares indexed bowtie2 references for the Hydra 2.0
genome and the Hydra mitochondrial genome. It also prepares a
rsem/bowtie2 reference for the Hydra 2.0 genome gene model coding
sequences. This script is called by ``.


File that maps gene IDs to transcript IDs for the Hydra 2.0 genome gene
models. Used by the `` script

Shell script that executes the `` script using the
slurm task manager.

Shell script that processes RNA-seq fastq files. The script removes low
quality basecalls and adapter sequences using trimmomatic, then maps
reads and quantifies read counts per transcript using rsem. The script
outputs a filtered fastq file, a `[prefix].genes.results` file that
countains read counts per transcript, and fastqc reports of unfiltered
and filtered libraries. This script is called by

Shell script that calls the `` script on all
RNA-seq fastq files using a slurm array.

Shell script that generates a read count matrix for RNA-seq samples
generated in this study and a separate matrix for counts from the Wenger
et al. data. Requires the `[prefix].genes.results` files generated by
the `` script.

Shell script that executes the `` script using the
slurm task manager.

Shell script that processes ATAC-seq fastq files. The script removes low
quality basecalls and adapter sequences using trimmomatic, maps filtered
reads to both the entire genome reference and the mitochondrial genome
reference using bowtie2, removes mitochondrial reads from the
genome-mapped BAM file using picard tools, sorts the mapped reads using
samtools, and tags and removes duplicated reads using picard tools and
samtools. This script outputs fastqc reports of unfiltered and filtered
reads (`[prefix]_ATAC_R#_fastqc.html` and
`[prefix]_ATAC_R#_trim_fastqc.html`), a text file containing PCR
bottlenecking metrics (`[prefix]_PBC.txt`), a filtered fastq file
([prefix]_ATAC_R#_trim.fastq.gz`), and a bam file containing the final
set of reads to be used for peak calling(`[prefix]_final.bam`). This
script is called by ``.

Shell script that calls the `` script on all
ATAC-seq fastq files using a slurm array.

Shell script that calls peaks on aligned ATAC-seq reads for a set of
biological replicates. This script requires the `[prefix]_final.bam`
generated by the `` script. The script shifts
reads using deeptools to have reads align with the center of the Tn5
binding site; creates a pooled bam file of all biological replicates;
generates pseudo-replicates by splitting the pooled BAM file into the
same number of files as the number of input replicates; it generates
self-pseudo-replicates by splitting individual biological replicates
into two bam files; calls peaks on all biological replicates,
pseudo-replicates, and self-pseudo-replicates using MACS2; performs
pairwise comparisons using IDR on all biological replicates,
pseudo-replicates, and self-pseudoreplicates; calculates TSS enrichment
statistics using R and deeptools; and generates bigwig tracks of
ATAC-seq read coverage of the Hydra 2.0 genome. The script outputs IDR
statistics in the file `[prefix]_IDR_Stats.txt`, a list of consensus
peaks for true biological replicates in the file
`[prefix]_bioReps.consensus.bed`, a list of consensus peaks for
psuedoreplicates in the file `[prefix]_psReps.consensus.bed`, files
containing plots depicting the TSS enrichment statistics for all
biological replicates in the file `[prefix]_TSS.pdf`, and bigwig files
of ATAC-seq read coverage for individual biological replicates in the
file `[prefix]` and a pooled bigwig in the
`[prefix]` file.

Shell script that calls the `` script on all sets
of ATAC-seq biological replicates using a slurm array.

Shell script that pools all consensus peaks from both untreated
treatment groups and all ATAC-seq samples to generate a finalized
consensus peakset. Requires the `[prefix]_bioReps.consensus.bed` files
generated by the `` script. Outputs an untreated
consensus peak set (`untreated_consensus.bed`) and a full consensus peak
set (`full_consensus.bed`).

Shell script that executes the `` script using the
slurm task manager.


Fasta file containing adapter sequences to be trimmed using trimmomatic.
Used in the `` script.


Fasta file containing adapter sequences to be trimmed using trimmomatic.
Used in the `` script.


R script called from within the `` script that
calculates the fold enrichment of ATAC-seq signal near TSS and generates
summary plots (`[prefix]_TSS.pdf`) of the TSS enrichment results.


List of SRA accession numbers for the data files needed from the Wenger
et al. study.


R script called from within the `` script that
generates values needed for the samtools-based approach for generating


R script called from within the `` script that uses
the DiffBind package to identify peaks that passed an IDR threshold of
0.1 in at least three pairwise comparisons for either true biological
replicates or for pseudoreplicates.


File containing the genomic coordinates for the 2000 most highly
expressed genes in the Hydra single cell RNA-seq atlas. Used to identify
TSS in the `` script.


The Hydra mitochondrial genome sequence. Used by the
`` and `` scripts.


File listing all python required to create a Python virtual environment
in which to execute the analyses in the `local` directory of this


File containing the lengths of all contigs in the Hydra 2.0 genome. Used
by the `` script.
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