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Tip revision: 36c6cb6ccb7e308f9349ec26294d408c35be1ed7 authored by Ko Sugawara on 23 February 2021, 14:06:13 UTC
align-slices3d v1.0.0
Tip revision: 36c6cb6
# Align Slices 3D+t extension

This ImageJ plugin is for applying [2D slice alignment]( to all slices in a 3D+t hyperstack.

## Prerequisites

ImageJ/Fiji and [Template Matching and Slice Alignment --- ImageJ Plugins](

## Install

Copy a plugin file `align_slices3d-1.0.0.jar` to the `plugins/` directory of your ImageJ/Fiji.

## Usage

### 1. Run Align slices

First, prepare a 2D+t stack from your 3D+t hyperstack (e.g. maximum projection, specifying a Z level).

Run Plugins>Template Matching>Align slices in stack... as instructed [here]( with the "show align coordinates in results tabl" option.

### 2. Run Align slices

Open the 3D+t hyperstack and run Plugins>Hyperstack Slice Alignment.
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