Raw File
Tip revision: 8d2030d98fe1d6199f430828f1d8c67c1502ad56 authored by Frank Ong on 04 April 2023, 05:34:03 UTC
Bump version: 0.1.24 → 0.1.25
Tip revision: 8d2030d

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	:alt: Documentation Status
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`Source Code <>`_ | `Documentation <>`_ | `MRI Recon Tutorial <>`_ | `MRI Pulse Design Tutorial <>`_

SigPy is a package for signal processing, with emphasis on iterative methods. It is built to operate directly on NumPy arrays on CPU and CuPy arrays on GPU. SigPy also provides several domain-specific submodules: ``sigpy.plot`` for multi-dimensional array plotting, ``sigpy.mri`` for MRI reconstruction, and ``sigpy.mri.rf`` for MRI pulse design.


SigPy requires Python version >= 3.5. The core module depends on ``numba``, ``numpy``, ``PyWavelets``, ``scipy``, and ``tqdm``.

Additional features can be unlocked by installing the appropriate packages. To enable the plotting functions, you will need to install ``matplotlib``. To enable CUDA support, you will need to install ``cupy``. And to enable MPI support, you will need to install ``mpi4py``.

Via ``conda``

We recommend installing SigPy through ``conda``::

	conda install -c frankong sigpy
	# (optional for plot support) conda install matplotlib
	# (optional for CUDA support) conda install cupy
        # (optional for MPI support) conda install mpi4py

Via ``pip``

SigPy can also be installed through ``pip``::

	pip install sigpy
	# (optional for plot support) pip install matplotlib
	# (optional for CUDA support) pip install cupy
        # (optional for MPI support) pip install mpi4py
Installation for Developers

If you want to contribute to the SigPy source code, we recommend you install it with ``pip`` in editable mode::

	cd /path/to/sigpy
	pip install -e .
To run tests and contribute, we recommend installing the following packages::

	pip install coverage flake8 sphinx

and run the script ````.


CPU/GPU Signal Processing Functions
SigPy provides signal processing functions with a unified CPU/GPU interface. For example, the same code can perform a CPU or GPU convolution on the input array device:

.. code:: python

	  # CPU convolve
	  x = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
	  y = numpy.array([1, 1, 1])
	  z = sigpy.convolve(x, y)

	  # GPU convolve
	  x = cupy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
	  y = cupy.array([1, 1, 1])
	  z = sigpy.convolve(x, y)

Iterative Algorithms
SigPy also provides convenient abstractions and classes for iterative algorithms. A compressed sensing experiment can be implemented in four lines using SigPy:

.. code:: python

	  # Given some observation vector y, and measurement matrix mat
	  A = sigpy.linop.MatMul([n, 1], mat)  # define forward linear operator
	  proxg = sigpy.prox.L1Reg([n, 1], lamda=0.001)  # define proximal operator
	  x_hat =, y, proxg=proxg).run()  # run iterative algorithm

PyTorch Interoperability
Want to do machine learning without giving up signal processing? SigPy has convenient functions to convert arrays and linear operators into PyTorch Tensors and Functions. For example, given a cupy array ``x``, and a ``Linop`` ``A``, we can convert them to Pytorch:

.. code:: python

	  x_torch = sigpy.to_pytorch(x)
	  A_torch = sigpy.to_pytorch_function(A)

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