Raw File
Tip revision: cdc0ed12fbe2d7633b8fa47534ab2c2547f66b84 authored by Nils Homer on 20 October 2023, 10:12:28 UTC
Add missing header tags as per the spec (PR #1238)
Tip revision: cdc0ed1
name = "pysam"
description = "Package for reading, manipulating, and writing genomic data"
license = { text = "MIT License" }
authors = [
 { name = "Andreas Heger", email = ""}
requires-python = ">=3.6"

dynamic = [

"Documentation" = ""
"Release notes" = ""

requires = ["setuptools>=59.0", "Cython>=0.29.12,<4"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__"

before-all = "{project}/devtools/"
# Necessary until we build libhts.a out-of-tree from within build_temp
before-build = "make -C {project}/htslib distclean"

test-requires = ["pytest"]
test-command = "REF_PATH=: pytest {project}/tests"

legacy_tox_ini = """
    envlist = py36, py311

    deps = pytest
    setenv = REF_PATH=:
    commands = pytest tests
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