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Add many Rouson suggestions
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# FLAP [![GitHub tag](]()


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### FLAP, Fortran command Line Arguments Parser for poor people
A KISS pure Fortran Library for building powerful, easy-to-use, elegant command line interfaces

+ FLAP is a pure Fortran (KISS) library for building easily nice Command Line Interfaces (CLI) for modern Fortran projects;
+ FLAP is Fortran 2003+ standard compliant;
+ FLAP is OOP designed;
+ FLAP is a Free, Open Source Project.

#### Issues
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#### Compiler Support






## What is FLAP?

Modern Fortran standards (2003+) have introduced support for Command Line Arguments (CLA), thus it is possible to construct nice and effective Command Line Interfaces (CLI). FLAP is a small library designed to simplify the (repetitive) construction of complicated CLI in pure Fortran (standard 2003+). FLAP has been inspired by the python module _argparse_ trying to mimic it. Once you have defined the arguments that are required by means of a user-friendly method of the CLI, FLAP will parse the CLAs for you. It is worthy of note that FLAP, as _argparse_, also automatically generates help and usage messages and issues errors when users give the program invalid arguments.

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## Main features

FLAP is inspired by the python great module _argparse_, thus many features are taken from it. Here the main features are listed.

* [x] User-friendly methods for building flexible and effective Command Line Interfaces (CLI);
* [x] comprehensive Command Line Arguments (CLA) support:
    * [x] support optional and non optional CLA;
    * [x] support boolean CLA;
    * [x] support positional CLA;
    * [x] support list of allowable values for defined CLA with automatic consistency check;
    * [x] support multiple valued (list of values) CLA;
    * [x] self-consistency-check of CLA definition;
* [x] automatic generation of help and usage messages;
* [x] consistency-check of whole CLI definition;
* [x] errors trapping for invalid CLI usage;
* [ ] support nested subcommands;
* [ ] support environment variables;
* [x] POSIX style compliant;
* [ ] replicate all the useful features of _argparse_;
* [ ] implement [docopt]( features.
* [ ] implement [click]( features.

Any feature request is welcome.

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## Copyrights

FLAP is an open source project, it is distributed under a dual licensing system: the [GPL v3]( and the [MIT]( licenses. Anyone is interest to use, to develop or to contribute to FLAP is welcome: you are free to select the GPL license for FOSS projects or the MIT one for commercial softwares.

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## Documentation

Besides this README file the FLAP documentation is contained into its own [wiki]( Detailed documentation of the API is contained into the [GitHub Pages]( that can also be created locally by means of [ford tool](

### A Taste of FLAP

Running the provided test program, `Test_Driver -h`, a taste of FLAP is served:
usage:  Test_Driver  [value] --string value [--integer value] [--real value] [--boolean] [--boolean_val value] [--integer_list value#1 value#2 value#3] [--help] [--version]

 Required options:
   --string value, -s value
       String input; required

 Optional options:
       Positional real input; 1-th positional CLA; optional, default value 1.0
   --integer value, -i value, value in: (1,3,5)
       Integer input with fixed range; optional, default value 1
   --real value, -r value
       Real input; optional, default value 1.0
   --boolean, -b
       Boolean input; optional, default value .false.
   --boolean_val value, -bv value
       Valued boolean input; optional, default value .true.
   --integer_list value#1 value#2 value#3, -il value#1 value#2 value#3
       Integer list input; optional, default value 1 8 32
   --help, -h
       Print this help message; optional
   --version, -v
       Print version; optional

   -) Test_Driver -s 'Hello FLAP'
   -) Test_Driver -s 'Hello FLAP' -i -2 # printing error...
   -) Test_Driver -s 'Hello FLAP' -i 3 -r 33.d0
   -) Test_Driver -s 'Hello FLAP' --integer_list 10 -3 87
   -) Test_Driver 33.0 -s 'Hello FLAP' -i 5
   -) Test_Driver --string 'Hello FLAP' --boolean
Not so bad for just a very few statements as the following:
! initializing CLI
call cli%init(progname='Test_Driver',                                           &
              version ='v0.0.5',                                                &
              examples=["Test_Driver -s 'Hello FLAP'                          ",&
                        "Test_Driver -s 'Hello FLAP' -i -2 # printing error...",&
                        "Test_Driver -s 'Hello FLAP' -i 3 -r 33.d0            ",&
                        "Test_Driver -s 'Hello FLAP' --integer_list 10 -3 87  ",&
                        "Test_Driver 33.0 -s 'Hello FLAP' -i 5                ",&
                        "Test_Driver --string 'Hello FLAP' --boolean          "])
! setting CLAs
call cli%add(switch='--string',switch_ab='-s',help='String input',required=.true.,act='store',error=error)
call cli%add(switch='--integer',switch_ab='-i',help='Integer input with fixed range',required=.false.,act='store',&
call cli%add(switch='--real',switch_ab='-r',help='Real input',required=.false.,act='store',def='1.0',error=error)
call cli%add(switch='--boolean',switch_ab='-b',help='Boolean input',required=.false.,act='store_true',def='.false.',&
call cli%add(switch='--boolean_val',switch_ab='-bv',help='Valued boolean input',required=.false., act='store',&
call cli%add(switch='--integer_list',switch_ab='-il',help='Integer list input',required=.false.,act='store',&
             nargs='3',def='1 8 32',error=error)
call cli%add(positional=.true.,position=1,help='Positional real input',required=.false.,def='1.0',error=error)
! parsing CLI
call cli%parse(error=error)
For a practical example of FLAP usage see [POG]( source file at line `85`.

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