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Tip revision: 888006b53d0c40cee6849549acdf454417036d1e authored by Andy Ferris on 20 May 2020, 01:12:42 UTC
Define `length(::SkipMissing)`
Tip revision: 888006b
Julia v1.6 Release Notes

New language features

* Types written with `where` syntax can now be used to define constructors, e.g.
  `(Foo{T} where T)(x) = ...`.

Language changes

Compiler/Runtime improvements

* All platforms can now use `@executable_path` within `jl_load_dynamic_library()`.
  This allows executable-relative paths to be embedded within executables on all
  platforms, not just MacOS, which the syntax is borrowed from. ([#35627])

Command-line option changes

Multi-threading changes

Build system changes

New library functions
* New function `Base.kron!` and corresponding overloads for various matrix types for performing Kronecker product in-place. ([#31069]).

New library features

Standard library changes
* The `nextprod` function now accepts tuples and other array types for its first argument ([#35791]).
* The function `isapprox(x,y)` now accepts the `norm` keyword argument also for numeric (i.e., non-array) arguments `x` and `y` ([#35883]).
* `length` now supports `SkipMissing`-wrapped containers ([#35946]).

#### LinearAlgebra

#### Markdown

#### Random

#### REPL

#### SparseArrays

#### Dates

#### Statistics

#### Sockets

#### Distributed

Deprecated or removed

External dependencies

Tooling Improvements

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