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Tip revision: e5f25487cf1d55ccd5a25aff871bcc0731bce05d authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 30 January 2023, 08:24:39 UTC
Activate warning "unused unfolds" by default
Tip revision: e5f2548
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
require import Bool Int Real.
require (*--*) Ring.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
instance ring with int
  op rzero =
  op rone  =
  op add   = CoreInt.add
  op opp   = CoreInt.opp
  op mul   = CoreInt.mul
  op expr  = Ring.IntID.exp

  proof oner_neq0 by smt()
  proof addr0     by smt()
  proof addrA     by smt()
  proof addrC     by smt()
  proof addrN     by smt()
  proof mulr1     by smt()
  proof mulrA     by smt()
  proof mulrC     by smt()
  proof mulrDl    by smt()
  proof expr0     by smt(Ring.IntID.expr0)
  proof exprS     by smt(Ring.IntID.exprS).

op bid (b:bool) = b.

instance bring with bool
  op rzero = false
  op rone  = true
  op add   = Bool.( ^^ )
  op mul   = (/\)
  op opp   = bid

  proof oner_neq0 by smt()
  proof addr0     by smt()
  proof addrA     by smt()
  proof addrC     by smt()
  proof addrK     by smt()
  proof mulr1     by smt()
  proof mulrA     by smt()
  proof mulrC     by smt()
  proof mulrDl    by smt()
  proof mulrK     by smt()
  proof oppr_id   by smt().
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